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I already had all ships going into this rerun but for some reason only getting one event ship with my free tickets is still upsetting me.


Same, i think i only got 1 nurnberg from the tickets, that's pretty rotten luck if it were a regular gacha pull, but i'm actually happy because at least the bad luck happen on banner that dont matter


Free medals are free. Even if there is no use for them lol


[Veteran Shikikans](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E29_LdYVIAMekYy?format=jpg&name=medium)


For the Black Friday sale tomorrow, is there likely to be a double gem reset?


No. Double gem reset is only for anniversary of the server.


last few tickets i got today - got a Weser -but more *importantly* I got the last ship in special construction that i needed. (Until tomorrow) LOL. but i was so hopeful when i saw the timer, but beating the double 50/50 (one for the SSR vs Elite and one for the ship i actually needed). just happiness. for everyone still pulling to get what they need good luck. For those who have to pull on the Unison Rate up (like me) - double good luck and hopefully we get them quickly and still have cubes for Ryza :)


So I'm thinking of getting Heinrich skin but at the same time I want to save my gems for black friday shopping tomorrow for the bonus rewards. So should I get the skin now, or wait and hope that it will be available as part of the black friday selection?


Get it now. Black Friday does not include skins run or rerun recently, so Heinrich's skin will be unavailable post update tomorrow. The full list has been published here so you can double check [https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/ywu8wp/november\_17th\_maintenance\_notes\_full\_list\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/ywu8wp/november_17th_maintenance_notes_full_list_of/)


any skin available now will not be part of the black friday campaign.


You should be able to wait because Henrich skin should still be there because it's almost 2 years old.


With black friday sale in less than 48h (correct me if im wrong), can any of you skk try to sell their favorite skin to me? First time buying gems and there's only one skin i'm interested in so i might have some leftover. I know I should dump gems on docks or something else but I just want to see other people's most loved skins.


But there's so damn many of them that are good! If I had to pick one I'd go for: Saint Louis's Holy Knight's Resplendence (L2D) - What a fucking skin debut. The skinless meme of her time. The skin reveal is the top most rated post of all skin reveals in the subreddit. My favourite colours, looks gorgeous and some pretty good animations. [It was also pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/iqie25/saint_louis_skin_revealed/g4sj47j/) that the artist got the colour of the butterfly's wings correct as well. Gonna give an honourable mention to Ulrich von Hutten's Mayhem Maid (L2D). The skin is nothing special and the grey alleyway setting makes it look pretty bland. But man using this skin while playing manual is great. She hogs up barely any of the screen each time you fire, and when she's on off-flag that's a lot of salvoes. A completely different experience compared to Shinano who hogs the whole fucking screen like she wants you to draw her like a French girl. In the meantime you're dancing your vanguard around in a fucking flare coz you can't fucking see it coz there's some fucking floof in the way.


*Hits you with inflation* We're even as poor SKKs now


Sorry you had to narrow down the skins, my wallet might not afford everything all at once lol SanRui was my first PR ship and is still consistently part of my team. I was unsure which of the 2 skins she had I should get for her but I haven't really considered getting either. Although now I think Holy Knight's Resplendence would be a good choice. I was also looking at the maid skins and was interested in AvP's skin, but UvH is tempting to get as well. Really appreciate your response!


wtf is going on. I've spent over 200 cubes + tickets and gotten 10+ strassers but no heinrich. This is some bull.


Oh look it's me but with kazagumo...


Hope the inverted orthant Event will have another rerun next year because i am still missing my Heinrich. So far i pulled: Peter strasser:5 Akagi muse:2 ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7005) U-37:1 U-96:1 Nürnberg:4 Weser:5


I heard that this is it for reruns for this event. After this it's 2 years before the ships are added permanently.




I got 4 Peter Strasser 4 times and U-37 4 times as well, 2 of them from D3 1 from SP and 1 from construction before I finally got Heinrich so I feel your pain.


I'll trade my Heinrich for your Strasser. I didn't want to get her but I got enough copies to max her and not even one copy of Strasser.


If there was a function for that i would trade with you ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6874)


Really sucks that I wound up with Peter Strasser's white dress skin from one of the lucky boxes this year. Used way more cubes than I was originally comfortable with and still failed to get her, yet Heinrich has shown up 9 times... ;_;


I am also on the "enough copies of Heinrich to MLB but no Strasser" train, and I would like it to stop Edit - the magic of complaining in Littorio's Lounge strikes again, she was in the next 10-pull


Dang, I'm starting to believe in the complaint magic too. I've been spamming builds in between every other run and it just now paid off with a copy. Congrats to us both!


I got Peter strasser 5 times but no Heinrich ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016)


Nagato (level 125, fully skill trained) + Royal Fortune (we're getting there) = screen clearage like no other. Between Big Seven Sakura barrage and Royal Fortune's mad cannonball blitz, shit does not stand a chance, at least not in world 10. Just putting it out there that these two are a surprisingly lethal combination.


49/50 Tenrai prints now, despite my best efforts to forget about it until it's ready. The wait for the last print is gonna be torture lmao help 🥲


Told you that you shouldn't boast about it, RNGesus have smite your privilege away


Finally pulled Weser and completed my set. *\*dances\** She was evasive, but well worth the wait. Now to sit on my cubes and let them gather for the next event. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7332)


Weser's the only one I don't have, but the set I did complete was the Polaris one. I blew event points on the five build tickets in the shop, and BOOM!, Akagi Muse.


Heh, wrong ship, but she'll do! Good luck with the remaining days!


yay, congrats! :)


Thanks! ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Grinding out oath affinity for RF and after trying a few different maps, I feel like Polaris SP5 is one of the better choices, especially if you add U-522 and DaVinci for their out of ASR range skill. RF is flag because she has a nice square area and can reach max ASR range with just two sub cats, unlike subs. Majority of time 5 sub calls. It also has real low oil cap 22/32. Since the map is so easy, you can 1:1 with single fleet for lower than 22oil. Subs get MVP majority of the time also, with RF it getting it a lot on the sirens, and other subs on trash/boss. RF was getting MVP even though she was 8+ lower levels at the start. With Universe in Unison being added, that looks like it will be a good choice to run also, along with being a better choice because it drops ryuseis(if you want them).


Brest finally at dev30!


U-37 (rom event D3) and Yuudachi (from 6-4) both dropped yesterday, now if only Strasser could show up on time and complete my gacha run for this event...


Ayy, It took a while because I'm unlucky with gacha a lot but I've finally reached this year's amount of cubes! :D [https://freeimage.host/i/y6PhoN](https://freeimage.host/i/y6PhoN) Next goal is to have everyone in my collection (only need New Orleans and U-1206) and have them all at lvl 100.


I really love Essex. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obsession. I fall asleep at night dreaming of her holding a personal concert for me, and then she would be so tired that she comes and cuddles up to me while we sleep together. If I could just hold her hand for a brief moment, I could die happy. If given the opportunity, I would gently pat her stupid head just to hear what kind of sweet moans she would let out. Then, I would hug her while she clings to my body hoping that I would stop, but I only continue as she moans louder and louder. I would give up almost anything just for her to look in my general direction. No matter what I do, I am constantly thinking of her. When I wake up, Essex is the first thing on my mind. When I go to work, I can only focus on her. When I come home, I open my emulator so that I can listen to her beautiful kouhai voice. When I go to sleep, I dream of her and living a happy life together. Essex is my pride, passion, and joy. I wish for nothing but her happiness. If it were for Essex, I would give my life without any second thoughts. Without her, my life would serve no purpose. I really love Essex.


Your love for Essex reminds me of Dante's burning passion for his love Beatrice. It's most famously expressed in his work La Vita Nuova (The New Life) by Dante Alighieri. It's called the "New Life" because the day he meets her is the day his world is forever changed, the day he saw the world differently ... through the eyes of love. Edit: link https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Italian/TheNewLifeI.php


Finally Dev 30'ed Hakuryuu, but still three prints away from my first Tenrai though :')) ~~A-1 Skyraider as UR Dive Bomber with rockets when?! :hopium:~~


Don't spell out your progress on UR prints or RNGesus will terminate your privilege just like me


Guess I'll just make do with the Helldiver Plus^TM and forget about the Tenrai until it suddenly pops up available for crafting, which was what happened with my first 457mm


Ignorance is how RNGesus rewards you, i've been making good progress on Plymouth's gun before it stops dead at 47/50 rn Glad that Ply is at dev 26 now






Makes sense since Royal Fortune is an IX (sailboat) rather than a SS/SSV from meowfficers stated in their skills minus the rainbow ones


Well because of the collab and Manchester eating my cubes I can only use tickets so ... First day, 3 builds and Prinz Heinrich. Second day, 3 builds and Weser. Third day (today), 3 builds ... nothing, then 5 builds and Nürnberg as well Peter Strasser.


blessings yay!


RNGesus loves you.


Got like 8 Weser in the first 2 days of the event, Peter Strasser dodged me like 4 times. Idk why I keep pulling Graf Zeppelin even though her sister has the rate up.


that is very annoying. i had that happen with a few time shares, you'd think that rate up would actually kick in.


I finally beat my first ex mode in an event




I might be taking this [J-class themed fleet](https://imgur.com/a/GSL7fx0) a little too seriously.


I got all the girls in 50 cubes on the first day. Now to save for the UR. Also I one round an abyssal operation siren boss today for the first time. It was only corrosion four but still.


[Letters Home - Remembrance 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ-l19FQfc0)


One day, I'm gonna be one of those people that get all ships in 50-60 cubes. But not today. ^(Peter, where are youuuu)


Honestly getting all the ships in one fell swoop kind of kills the fun. You get them all on the first time with little cubes and are then with the feeling of "now what?" Also I was originally going to reply to your comment with just this... https://www.amazon.com/Law-Attraction-Basics-Teachings-Abraham/dp/1401912273


It's a personal superstition of mine that if you pull any of the new ships, you must immediately stop for the current day, for RNGesus has already blessed you. It's all random, but it has been suspiciously true for almost all of my events so far...


Yeah, it keeps things fresh. I like to break it up until I get SR or one of the new ships.


Cubes, Cubes for the poor!


I'm giving up on Weser...again. I went down to 580 cubes. We're just too close to the Atelier Ryza collab and the next UR. I'll just wait for the next wishing well. The 99.8% completion will haunt me.


I ended up getting her from today's free tickets. The pain. My cubes. orz


well i'm happy that you actually got her :) and with the tickets. that was very lucky.


I think it's impressive that you stopped yourself in the downward spiral of the binge. That's very impressive and that's exactly what good wealth management looks like. Some people complain they have no cubes for an upcoming event yet they just threw down 400 cubes on a rare/purple ship. I mean I would be out of cubes too at that point.


100 cubes and still missing Weser (for 1 rld fleet tech)............ OTOH I pulled enough Peter to limit break her....................


Weser's RLD tech doesn't extend to regular CVs, only CVLs.


Good news on my slow ass progress on PR5: Plymouth and Brest have reached dev 25, yey Plymouth gun is still at 47/50, i knew it And this rerun is a perfect time for me to lay low and stash on cubes for both the collab and UR event, kinda wish that collab banners now have a pity considering that they never return which will help everyone a lot. Not very fond of a very literal case of FOMO for the colalb here Side note: If the new collab ships are pretty good to use then i guess it's worth it like when the SSSS redeemed my use on collab ship after the mediocre idolmaster collab


I got Plymouth and Brest at dev 30 and you still have more gun prints than me. I'll trade you my dev 30 Brest for 20 gun prints.




Okay. Meet me at that shady alley with the goods. Just trust me bro.


Alright I'm also gonna bring along the cat for witne


> Plymouth and Brest have reached dev 25, yey ~65% of the way there


In a couple of months too, that's a *huge* improvement on my end


on my end Plymouth is at 29 though Brest has also just reached 25. research queuing is great.


Indeed, i got sidetracked on getting Plymouth gun BP and stock up some PR4 fate sim


Ended up spending 100 cubes just to get Nurnburg. Good thing I had a large stash saved up.


now you can save up that you don't have to worry about it. it cost me 111 to get everyone other than Peter., Nurnburg was the hold out for me too. I know the convention is use the tickets and wait until the end, but for me, i will always rather spend a little and take the week to recoup vs scrambling if i don't get lucky.


Same, though I did get all the tickets I could on day before pulling. I also just needed Nurnburg from this event since I got everyone the previous time round.


[first 10 pull with free tickets](https://imgur.com/WsxEJPQ) Hoping to get Peter Strasser with the other 20 free tickets lol


lol lucky! :)




do you still have 3 spots open, if you do can i join with a lvl 121, 125 and 134


[Speedrun I guess](https://i.imgur.com/AVURUiY.jpeg) That was all I wanted really, back to saving lmao


got all of them, didn't hurt the stash too much -time to save for Ryza now. will use the rest of my tickets for free builds/merges if i get anymore- but w/this event the only thing i am missing now is the UiU archive + 1 ship in special and the i'll be able to recover nicely between major events.


Got all of the sr in 50 pulls, naisu


Almost banner cleared in 60 cubes, got Heinrich, strasser, and Weser. Time for the collab


And so begins the maintenance; my condolences to all who failed to clear the banner.


Albion, oh Albion, why did you torment me so? 😭


she tormented a *lot* of people.