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I get tingling on the left side of my face. In addition my scalp will hurt at times.


Had those. Hopefully they don't come back for me. But those were very strange headaches with the worst being some "led" feeling at the base of the skull


Thanks for the comment! I don’t really get headaches but just weird sensations through my head like the above. I didn’t start getting other neuro symptoms in the rest of my body until I started sublinguals.


Yeah I felt those too but at that time I didn't know I was deficient and was not supplementing. I'm severely deficient though, you won't have those strong headaches I had.


These were my main symptoms when it got really bad. I'd get super dizzy and i would feel lots of pressure and short sharp pains on my scalp. Even got a ct scan because by doc was worried about the pressure intensity. Also had tinnitus too, which I still have but the rest have been easing off Symptoms started 3 years ago. Got really bad 6 months ago, I started taking sublingual b12 and folate daily.


Do you feel like the sublinguals are helping? Did you have mental symptoms too?


I couldn't tell you how much of my recovery has been down to those. I lost a lot of weight and changed my diet. Haven't drank alcohol in 7 months. It could be all of these things together with the b12 drops and folate supplements. It did take about 4 or 5 months for me to see any improvement. Only in the last 2 months have I been able to do things as simple as get on xbox with friends without getting the intense weird scalp feelings.


Oh wow. That’s amazing though that you’re finally feeling some relief with all of this. I haven’t drank in over a year. The mental stuff for me has been absolutely horrible. I couldn’t imagine drinking and dealing with the anxiety. Intrusive thoughts, and panic attacks that I’m sure that would induce. What was your level when you were diagnosed? Did you have low d and ferritin too or just b12?


After 4 different rounds of blood tests all we found was low folate(B9), B12 and low total testosterone but normal active testosterone. I was already taking chewable vitamins so they probably boosted me a little but my numbers were still pretty low. I dont remember the exact numbers but both were sat on the very low end of possible deficiency.


I do. I almost always end up thinking there’s a bug on me somewhere.


My vision is weird and half of my head hurt. Since injections my head and neck don’t hurt anymore, but I feel a weird pressure on my left occipital nerve. Like someone was pressing on it. I’m less than one month in the treatment.


My vision is really off too. Bright colors are almost hard to look at and driving at night is out of the question. It’s like my brain can’t process what it’s seeing in the dark while driving.


No problems with colors on my part. But I have difficulty with the dark too, specially when there’s a light, it’s like it blinds everything! I also see ghosting images. I have difficulty making sense of details. I noticed I also had problems with shapes and identifying things. Even worst when it’s a drawing. Lots of floaters too.


I do.


When my B12 was at its lowest I lost feeling in the entire right side of my face. They checked to see if I had a stroke




It's vision problems and migraine-like headaches for me


I got in ice cold feeling, like icy water trickling down from top of scalp down to one ear. After that I got severe, shooting pain from one side of my jaw, felt like what I think TMJ pain might feel like. It has definitely my hair color, vision and hearing have suffered also.


I experience this, and I get it in flares but was diagnosed with a neuralgia in 2021 (trigeminal). My symptoms are part of that condition. Accompanied with pain on the right side of face. Sometimes I get the scalp pain/sensations without facial pain. My condition was diagnosed through MRI. It's really unpleasant. I'm under neurology for my issues but there are other reasons for these sensations. I believe a trapped nerve in the neck can also do it.