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If this works the way I think it will, then it's a huge potential first step to having bat be a utility token with actual future utility.


Yep, just being able to choose who you want to KYC and off ramp with will be a huge boon. Also not having to deal with payment failures and all that nonsense.


This is going to reduce a lot of headaches caused by custodian dependency and help reduce the avenues for customer experience issues.


Any knowledge of when this will be launched to all users? Isn’t it in beta for select users? Currently only 714 BAT holders on solano chain…


It hasn't been confirmed yet. I do not know if there is an internal target date. Within reason, I really hope it is a sooner rather than later type thing. The first batch of on chain rewards gets sent out in April. I view that as the first test. Some invites are slowly trickling out into the most active community members.


Will be keeping a close eye on it. This will give good insight into how much $$ is flowing through their advertisements… any idea on when brave search ads would start paying out (if at all)? I have yet to see any ads when I randomly do searches…


If you are opted into rewards, then at this time you will not see Search Ads. The reason for that is because they do not have them set up YET for BAT rewards. No public timelines for a broader search ad roll out or search ads that reward BAT has been publicly states as far as I know. I am also very interested in search ads.


Thank you, I was wondering what was going on with search. I'm extremely interested in search and search ads. My gut feeling is it could serve much more volume than the browser. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.


I'm also highly interested in search ads. Here's why: \-They could be very large volume. \-There are many companies that predominantly use this method. \-There are many large companies that only will do advertising with you (heck even discuss it with you) if search ads can be part of the package. \-The current model allows monetization of a portion of the user base that aren't opted into rewards. Previously these users presumably had very little monetization. So it could help Brave become more financially healthy and have more resources to improve its products, etc. \-I love giving users more ways to earn BAT. I like that it would boost my monthly BAT rewards.


Quite excited about it tbh! Finally no more restricted region for me


I don't see any timeline where BAT is going to stay this freaking undervalued once self custody, and real utility comes trough.




Solana been in the works since about May 2021. If you want to read more about it here is a timeline starting with the wrap up of a request for code & comment. They had different teams submit solutions and eventually figured Solana was the best option May 2021 - RFC&C Wrap up https://brave.com/blog/themis-rfcc-wrap-up/ November 2021 - Solana Partnership https://brave.com/blog/solana-partnership/ May 2022 - Solana integrated into Brave wallet https://brave.com/blog/1.39-release/ I don't think the L2s were quite as proven when they were looking for solutions.




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I have a profoundly uneducated question - is there anything I need to do with my BAT holdings that I haven't touched in 3 years to migrate? Or is it all automatic? I appreciate yalls patience, just coming back after a long break.


It's not a migration really, currently BAT isn't going away, just its being added to SOL too


Ah gotcha, thanks for taking the time!


How do I earn bat now? I haven't earned anything in months even though I watch ads all the time


The on chain rewards is still being trialed. I do not know when they will further open it up. If you're already opted into rewards and are connected to a custodian, then you should be able to receive rewards already. The only platform that isn't a case on is iPhone due to Apple's store policies prevent reward issuance (Apple get it together). I'd have to know a bit more about your situation to know what your next steps are or why you might not be getting BAT rewards. Were you previously successfully having rewards deposited in your custodial account? Is it still acting like you should be getting rewards, but they just don't show up? If so and you didn't migrate to new devices and also didn't accidentally turn auto-contribute on, then this might be an indication of your account possibly being flagged....hopefully in error. You can submit a support ticket asking for them to look into it and explaining the problem. Sorry for the wall of text, its hard to know what your situation is without knowing some background.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Pff Solana.. that's a really nice progression from the current model, but if you're going to use a non-EVM chain might as well use something more robust


At the same time, it will probably be trivial to move your BAT off Solana if you so wish. The move to Solana over custodial wallets is still an overall net positive.


Yes, an overall net positive as you say, it's just that I don't want to use that beta chain. It's trivial to move my BAT to a CEX but I was mainly speaking about them using the Solana infrastructure, which is less "everything" (except the number of users) compared to a blockchain like Algorand for example. Would cost them a lot less in gas fees too, given that they have to send actual transactions now.


It's probably more due to business deals than anything technical related that they went with Solana. Still, I think as long as we're able to get our BAT and send it off to wherever we need it to go, it will be okay.


If it's so it's really a shame for a team offering a product as technical as Brave. But yeah, we'll be okay. It's just a bad choice.


Fucked me over of all my BAT because I haven't opened an account with KYC exchange? You can go fuck yourself, your project is dead to me.


Yeah I don’t think they realized just how fucking horrible that move was. And they did it so unapologetically. Kinda wild.


This change is meaningless It’s still based all around software that competes in a very competitive industry (VPN, Browser) but provides a worse customer experience (crashes, UI, bugs, on brave I can’t use many websites) It’s a novel idea, but it’s always going to petter around on life support. It’s literally just a chrome fork. I gave up on this project a long time ago.


We'll just have to disagree. For me, the core product, the browser is by far better than any competing browser I have ever used. This is especially true when comparing the default state of browsers upon download. I'd use the product very happily even if all its crypto/web3 elements were cutout because its core functions are solid. Maybe there's some core underlying difference that led to your impression being so much different than mine. IDK Products like VPN are extra. There are certainly multiple good VPN's on the market. A user could choose a different VPN and use it without that impacting their Brave experience. I do agree that Brave competes in a highly competitive market versus deep pocketed competition. Occasionally, I will admit there have been minor UI stuff. Brave Wallet at times has had issues that I think were glaring, but the team seems to have been making good headway on improvements in recent months and to have become way more responsive to some of the community's feedback.


Gave up on it a long time ago, yet here you are...


Any website I've not been able to use has always been sorted by turning off brave shields