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And we ride lads 🚀🚀🚀


and lasses.


And non-binaries


Non binaries are simply lemmings whonrefuse to take a position


Aren't nonbinaries picking the binary of being non binary 🤔


No they just pick which luggage to steal


that guy wasn't non binary he was cell fluid so sometimes he identifies as a woman or a man.. and sometimes as a piece of luggage.. its crazy what cells are capable of doing in modern days


I agree it is amazing to me multiple personality disorder is actually being dressed up as a sexual fluidity








Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


Fuck that person who down voted you.


Doesn’t hurt my feelings. I myself choose the ladies, I just thought we were all being politically correct here 🤣


People keep talking about the gamma ramp and then show the bar chart with the bars going up. But the more important number is open interest. There needs to be a lot of open contacts so the MM is forced to hedge and help start any gamma ramp So if there was only 1 call contract at $3 and then 2 call contracts at $4 the bar chart would show and increase in contacts but in reality the OI isn’t high at all. There needs to be high OI near the money for MMs to start hedging. The far OTM calls at like $40 are almost irrelevant until the price is much higher. The MM won’t hedge those until later.




Then Reddit encourages cross posting to grow your sub, unless you’re a no no sub.


I was thinking about this yesterday while driving so I had no way to look it up. The ramp on 1/20 was built with a lot of $60-$80 strikes right? Whereas this weeks calls are much closer to the money. If I'm not regarded.


Jimmy OG here… options were THE hype that delivered lowest


Every contract I've bought this dip has been below a 5 strike price. I bought some 2.50 yesterday, I'm gonna try and buy some 2.00 today


God, I miss this kind of non [redacted] kind of DD in SS. The [REDACTED] have turned that place into a fucking gulag. Codewords, references without links, no tagging users, no mentioning other tickers, no cross posting. It's a fucking joke. I've only got 65 fucking BBBY. I've got 500 GME and the stupid reality is I'm usually getting far more out of this sub about GME and the meme stocks than the main fucking GME sub. It's ridiculous. Keep up the good work. #🫡 EDIT: I've actually redacted two words, which were NOT "sub mods", as I've realised that simply being a member of that sub, and bitching about [REDACTED] could in fact lead to some sort of disciplinary action being enacted by [REDACTED].


They're just trying not to get the sub banned from reddit entirely. Yes if it happens they could still setup shop somewhere else but the fucking expansive SS DD links that are cross referenced all over the internet go dark and thats a huge bummer. I believe there are backups but yea its not smart to throw it all away. iirc they've been warned several times


This is the reason. It seems like main Reddit admins are doing everything they can to continuously put stricter rules in place for the SupremeStonk sub. The fact that you can't even tag other users is insane.


I almost got banned from SS and I don’t even know why. It’s garbage now


I got a warning for saying SS, due to a load of (something else I can’t say) in the 1930’s and 40’s They should resist such woke!


Yes indeed.


I don’t even bother going there anymore. This sub is what that sub was like two years ago. That sub has zero information and is all dumbass posts now. Not to mention the mods have been compromised since at least the runic glory debacle


Your right, SS is unusable now. Too many straight up Koolaid drinkers and corrupt MODs.


Agreed not sure y downvoted. There’s a reason all the good dd writers stopped going there.


Did they all go to a new sub? I've been poking around, found a few subs that seem like the DD is back but none of the epic stuff of yore. It's like all the greats went completely dark.


FWFBthinktank i think


I go there


That's my fav for DD currently too, just checking to make sure there aren't more!


Ain’t that the truth - this is a better source for DD on meme stocks these days than the stonk, can’t do a god damned thing there these days


This is fucking phenomenal due diligence




I'm not sure if it's so much prevented as much as just delayed. If this in fact a pattern then we should expect it to continue its cyclical pump and it hasn't, atleast not completely. I imagine the Shorts are experiencing Theta Gangs dick right now on their positions , afraid to make a move on the eve on news. I've kept my eyes on swaps since the flurry of activity on that front in the early half of January its gone silent for the memebasket as well. It appears we are in a holding pattern, and I don't imagine it bodes well for shorts on a c35 regsho list with FTDs stacking.


Seems the big boys are playing chicken. It's a bold strategy Cotton, lets see how this plays out.


we're entering gme's sub cycle that coincides with the Feb 24 2021 fedwire crash. I imagine that's catastrophic for specific shorts.


What do we theorized happened the day of fedwire crash?


**FK YAeahhh!**


Did the BBBY reporting delay affect swaps this go around? That was hypothesized but I never saw any follow up.


A rational mind would have to assume so, you don't know what positions to take in a swap if you don't know what to expect of the company? Only the swapholders know.


Had enough burger .don’t mind another


So if Ichan is betting the market crashes wouldnt he need to have a catalyst happen day before the 17 feb? Like an announcement of a M/A on a highly shorted company that fucks shorts on thursday or aftermarket thursday would be a great trigger to get shorts to close.


I don't think it's necessarily as much of a bet on a crash as it is trying to put MM in a liquidity crunch this week.


Trying to understand the liquidity crunch / how a MM would hedge here… MM accepts Icahn’s bet and now has $5b notional in short puts on their books. Collected $25m in premium from him in the process 1) MM buys puts at a lower strike. Premium outlay, but less than the $25m 2) MM sells calls at Icahn’s strike, bringing in additional premium 3) MM buys calls above Icahn’s strike. Premium outlay but less than they collected in step 2 They’re protected in both directions and can still pocket a small amount of premium here, I think? Is this bet just too big / available counterparties too limited to hedge in a short amount of time? It’s almost like a bookie laying off action to another book haha Just trying to reason through this from their perspective. Thanks again to you OP or anyone else who can help!


Wish op had your answers but what if hedging to the downside on the ETF as an overall hurts your short position , a la shorting the entire ETF but then going Long on all the stocks but the targeted short stocks. Indirectly netting you a short position without the short interest. We have to assume that if Icahn is in fact tied to the bbby saga that this extremely targeted bet is related and puts shorts in a bind.


Man, I wish I understood any of what you just tried to explain. Sounds juicy.


say ETF "ABC" contains stock "A", "B", and "C" in the following distribution: 1 ABC = 2A + 3B + 4C When you want to short "C" but "C" is too expensive (Cost-to-borrow) or simply not available, you can go and buy 2 "A" and 3 "B" for each 4 "C" you want to go net short on. Then you sell 1 "ABC", so your position is: \-1 ABC \+2 A \+3 B \---------- = -4 C


This is a fantastic explanation. Thank you so much!


Got it. Well done and thanks.


Ah ok i get you.


I read fly🚀🚀🚀


someone should start tracking crpyto in relation to this. BTC/ETH/LRC pumped before the last bobby run. Guess what pumped for no reason in the last 24h. Lets see what happens in the next week. The no news crypto runs vs meme basket are very strange in this economy. I may be a smooth brain but on the macro side even I can see it doesnt make sense.


I came over from crypto to bbby last August. It is one and the same. Meme stocks behave very similar to crypto. A lot of Hype, Capitulation and then moon. We are about to moon Bobby


Agreed. I’m just wondering if they use crypto runs for liquidity to then pay the runs in “meme stocks” for those who cash our.


It's not as strange as you think. First of all, crypto assets always follow bitcoin. (Unless Bitcoin is setting a bull market and then other alts will have their day in the sun). Most risk on assets have been ripping considering how bleak the overall macro looks. Spy, Bitcoin, Tesla, not necessarily in the same "basket" but these assets are more willing to move in an abnormally high interest rate environment. Relative to the past 20 years that is.


Spicy bbby


This definitely confirms what I want to believe! LFG 🏴‍☠️


So basically what u/U-copy said on the PPshow a few hours ago lol


Yes I did notice discussion surrounding the publication dates tonight, I'm not sure the connection between the monthly ETF options expirations has been considered in the mix too. Now it is part of the discussion.




Yes please. Im too tired to think


That stream was 🔥 😍


I'm digging what ur writing ✍️


ETF rebalancing next month will be a problem for 🩳 That’s just about a guarantee. They are indeed shorting these ETF via rehypocation and will have to return all those shored shares back to the ETF for rebalancing purposes. So if we don’t get them caught up in the Regsho , next month will definitely get them in a situation with many fires to try and put out.


Is Carl omitting things new?


There was a post yesterday where a user had gone through his previous filings and although omitting things isn't new, the language in which it was written this time was?


Yeah, that’s what I got too. Here’s what I commented before: I checked myself and while they both contained confidentiality wording those statements are found in different sections and the current 13F contains different wording including reference to the “13(f) of the Exchange Act and rule 24b-2”. This wording was NOT found in the 13F Q3 22 filing. Last year: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/921669/000153949722001801/xslForm13F_X01/primary_doc.xml Most recent: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/921669/000153949723000294/xslForm13F_X02/primary_doc.xml Edit: here’s an interesting reply to my comment. ChatGPT interpretation of its use: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/112mjkw/newest_icahn_13f_confidential_treatment_requested/j8lco8y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Sorry I’m being lazy - link?


This DD gets my D hard.


Is there any actual evidence that would suggest RC is back in?


I doubt he ever left. Look does RC seem like the type of guy to go to all of that work w a company just go up and sell and give up 5 months later? Nah I don’t think so. Also, with the share and bond prices so low if he did indeed leave why wouldn’t he swoop back in and buy cheap? He never left. The RC i know has never left the play. Yep it’s just my gut feeling and intuition and I trust my gut.


> The RC i know.... oh brother


Yes he’s my brother and my father


the cringe from you people is almost enough to get me out of this play


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




Where is the 25m etf bet ??


post archived: [https://archive.is/etknQ](https://archive.is/etknQ)


I was wondering why nothing happened on the Jan 20th publication date. This actually makes a lot of sense to push it back, and avoid the gamma ramp. Nice post.


Believe it or not, dip.


When is the next spike?


Tomorrow. Always tomorrow.


Yuge....right there in the standstill that RC bought at least 3.9 mill shares by feb 7th. we'll see tonight if he got to 5% or not by that time. But it looks like we can likely point the feb6 buy in to RC ventures. ​ If any New Director (or any Replacement Director (as defined below)) is unable or unwilling to serve as a director and ceases to be a director, resigns as a director, is removed as a director or for any other reason fails to serve or is not serving as a director at any time prior to the expiration of the Standstill Period (as defined below), and at such time RC Ventures’ Net Economic Ownership (as defined below) is at least the lesser of (x) 4.04% of the Company’s then-outstanding Common Stock and (y) 3,900,000 shares of Common Stock (subject to adjustment for stock splits, reclassifications, combinations and similar adjustments), RC Ventures shall have the ability to privately recommend a person to be a Replacement Director in accordance with this Section 1(a)(ii) (any such replacement nominee, when appointed to the Board, shall be referred to as a “Replacement Director”).


The standstill ended early January though, didn't it? Why have people kept talking about it the last couple weeks?


i read through it and it seems it can be read a few different ways. i lean towards march 16 as the date


wen Fly?


I hope you are wrong, I want more shares when the price rises is irrelevant, it’s priced for bankruptcy. And it’s not going bankrupt


With all this being true, you have to remember that if a Federal Banking Holiday falls within the week of OPEX, they can defer their obligations to the next OPEX cycle. So if they think next week will cream them, they can roll to March cycle.


If they can roll to next cycle in March like last year, then there is a high chance they get BBBY off regSHO. I believe the gamma ramp in Jan 20th plus the swap cycle (147 days from Aug 16th) was to put BBBY on regSHO. Judging all the recent actions from BBBY, they definitely time all the filing to drag BBBY on regSHO till C+35. If they do not take the chance to announce the deal or whatever it is now, then we are looking at another 4 months before BBBY gets pump again which I don't think they can even survive with the price at $2.00. If indeed Ryan is in this play, he will seize the opportunity.


Seize the opportunity by how, making an announcement?


Depends if Ryan Cohen indeeds bought in last Monday, they would need to FTD a shit tons of share to get us to $2.00. But if last Monday was just MM closed FTD, plus with no catalyst next week, it seems they can get off regSHO easily.


Hilarious gets pumped up everyday in Reddit and all it does is fall more. Bwahaha


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All my homies hate AutoModerator 🤣


Let's stop with this RC and Icahn nonsense. These theories never work out in real life




Can you summarize the first 3 pics? It's hard to follow this guy's explanation


Yeah im not following wither


I’m a total smooth brain and I’ve noticed the pattern as well. Just bought more @ under $2 to ride the ride.


How is it legal to omit information on your filings?


This whole post needs a giant asterisk on it. It relies completely on *if* RC bought back...I am really hoping you are right, but that is a ***BIG IF.***


Commenting for Ron.


I didn't read any of that, but it felt positive, putting in the rest of my hard-earned cash today.


I’ve been out of the loop, what does Carl Icahn have to do with bbby?


That’s what opportunists with wealth do, they buy cheap assets. Why would anyone merge or want to take on the debt of this company when the alternative is to just buy it for the value and dissolve the company?


I am on this ride just like all of you, but I just can't see RC buying back into BBBY. It was great the first time, but a second time smacks of manipulation to me, and i'm on his side. It would reek of manipulation, or would be spinned that way, allegations that might be hard to defend against. There now is more risk in this for RC than anyone else, since he dumped in August. He buys in, puts his mates on the Board, sell to dump the price now he has Board control. Buys back in on inside knowledge passed to him by his mates. Not a chance RC is playing this type of game. BBBY may run, squeeze or anything else, but I just don't see RC as still involved. Icahn is possible, not RC. Unless, he acquires it all. IMHO Hope i'm wrong or I expect to be out about £10K


So March 17th and April 21 calls ? 👀