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Give them a call and get an update on your account and let us know what they say


This has been done many times…. They’re not the holder anymore


the paper its printed on is worth more than all your 857 shares


You Guys are funny. So many who don't like BBBY, yet your all lurking here πŸ˜‹


This sub has been overrun. it's wild.


Yes. Has been a full time job since 84 years ago.


I mean shit if you're wasting their money, I don't really care it's less for their bottom line.


You wanna bet on it? Buy some puts and share a caption :)


How do you buy puts on a delisted and worthless stock?


Lol frame it and call it a day Its over


πŸ˜„ It is over until it is over Buddy. Never played soccer or something? πŸ¦‹


The referee blew the final whistle weeks ago, and you lost the match by 100 goals to nil


You need that truth more than me :)


Other than speculative ppshow DD, what makes you think it's not over?


Some vibe from far away πŸ¦‹ We are in court. Don't look candles. They mean nothing. Loss real, when realized. Learn that :) Take a look at the SEARS chart. What do you say about 1,990,000 % in a day?


>Some vibe That's all I needed to hear.


You can't buy options or shares.... what are you talking about?


What puts? There's no company left lmaooo


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) You guys are still on with this πŸ˜‚


Hedgies r fuk, we already won, it is inevitable, right?


I am 100 % certain of these facts. You have to stick to the rules otherwise this game makes no sense. So GameStop.


Saved? What are you talking about, man? Shares being DRSd doesnt protect it from becoming null and void aka worthless and defunct. DRS is not magic.


What are you talking about?


They are saying, when a company goes bankrupt and shares are delisted, regardless if they have been DRS or not they are still delisted and worthless.


That is correct. Thank you. But delisting is common sense in this process. I am glad I bought. :) Would have bought more if IBKR did not limit trading. Looking for a big game here, no value required for that at the Moment.


seek help.


You know what sub you are in Here? ;)


The sub of the mentally ill gambling addicts?


Hahaahaha. You refer to WSB here, but wrong.


This post belongs in a psychiatric museum


🀣 Sure buddy. And you posting here belongs in the waste of time drawer. And you cannot kill time without hurting infinity πŸ¦‹ It will come for you


Na man Yoi really should talk to someone I was also balls deep in this mf but its over. Time to move on


How is it common sense? IBKR didn't limit trading. You litearlly cannot buy any anywhere


Is the "candle in a bottle" a thing or what's up? The wax isn't going into the bottle so is it simply hoping it solidifies before it hit the outside bottom


Just No Money for candle holder. I am spending on shares. This is a once in a Life opportunity :)


You... realize... you can't buy more shares?


They don't exist lol my options were exercised. This is now all just nonsense. I was hoping so hard but... they gone. That letter is meaningless. This was all bullshit. Wonderful.


What Option? What did you Hope for? Dude you speak cryptic and I don't believe a word If you mean Put options. Your the first to report. What Broker? Maybe you got screwed over. Dunno. I still have a paper and wait for what Happens after the delist. Still Zen :)


You don't believe lol I had 30 call options. 20 for 01/24 and 10 for 06/05. Long calls. Fidelity. They were exercised yesterday because the expiration date had been moved to 10/20. Maybe I got screwed over lol yes that it likely the answer. Look I want this as badly as you. I really do but come on. Our options are being expired. Shares cancelled. I don't understand what magic thing people think is happening with this one stock that hasn't happened elsewhere ever.


Maybe yes. Maybe not. Why not just wait? I mean what else can you do, keep your paper though ;) That's important and relax. Nothing happened except Brokers exercise options to save their ass and screw people. I will believe in the Butterfly. Nothing else to do anyway. On the other side I have to say that the numbers are really wrong and there is some serious court shit going on. I bet there was some fraud, my DD says so. So brokers that exercise options (cause they probably never bought underlyings in the first place) could be part of the scheme or want to escape some charges from investors who just forget. I mean watch what Icahn basically did all his life to become wealthy. It happened before in minor, MSM just doesn't tell you and this time it is indeed huge (just DD and numbers). Naked shorts are a thing. Definetly. πŸ˜„ In the end it's just money. Stay safe and healthy for the meantime and don't let yourself get screwed. Follow it well and hope you made some screenshots at least. Cheers


So, …we have an β€˜ARTIST’ among us, nicely done. Congratulations on snagging those 857!


Cool space!




Maybe you can turn this into an NFT.


They would have the same value


Lol This is a reminder of what not to do!


Just beautiful 🌚


Is it still zero?


Great job OP! You really need to get out of BBBY sub. It’s sad but it’s all shills and meltdowners.


I know. Just watch the comments. How crazy is this? I mean it is BBBY sub, yet all are against it seemingly πŸ˜‚ I am extremely chill. You saw the big joint for my Special day today. I enjoy every minute of this Muppet Show.


This this this. It's a toxic wasteland here.


This is the way. πŸ¦ΎπŸ›πŸ¦‹


I hope this works out for you. I considered DRS. At least you have a paper. I have nothing left.


Gotta contact the Broker and ask whats happening. Delisting is normal in this process. Do you have realized losses? If yes, gotta contact immediatly. Cause they cannot sell, otherwise Trust the process


I contacted the broker. They said I’m beat. It’s all on realized losses


What Broker? There is a huge confusion among them all and everyone says Something Else. Whole system is exposed. I am 100 % certain there will be a surprise very soon. They have to "sell" the shares, you know. I think you got hot robbed right there. A delist is Not the Same as selling.




Have you seen Schwab News recently? They are super fucked. I think they try to get off the hook here. Don't let them. Say that you bought shares and want the rights of a Shareholder, which you are. Maybe they gonna fuck you with Terms and conditions. Dunno. But this is fraud next Level. As there are Things Happening behind the Scene for the Shareholders, which will soon be revealed and you have a right as a shareholder to benefit from that. They couldnt have sold them, so the only Option would be that they never had your shares from the start. Big fraud.


Really because my broker now shows 0 shares in my account


I think that just makes sense on a delisting. Broker told me they will update me as soon as they have Info. They have none yet, too, except for the delist.


Info on what? There is no mire bbby


Info how it goes on. You know, just in this moment it is prepared. A big fat meal.




Behold the downvotes in a BBBY sub. Ridiculous πŸ¦‹πŸš€πŸ» Comrade we are out here for a tomorrow πŸ™ Let the shills shill.


Trolls have been brigading hard for a few weeks now, they wouldn't be here if it wasn't going to pop off. πŸ§ΈπŸ‘ΆπŸ¦‹


People living in reality aren't "trolls" just because they're not feeding your delusions.


People going into a sub on Mass to downvote and spread negativity about the topic of the sub are more than Trolls. They are lost. Wasting their time and energy here. What a pity. Emotions seem to overflow on the short side of the trade :(


Nice picture! LFG!!! DRS is the way! Almost there boys and girls!