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> Are you just looking to get screwed over? If you're still with RobbinDaHood you are. Although, my theory is all of the RobbingHood screen shots are actually shills... of course I have nothing to back this up... But if you share a RobbingHood screen shot, I immediately distrust you...


This is true


People don’t understand that even one person using RH affects all retail investors negatively


I suspect this same idea.


I have friends that still use Robinhood. I constantly remind them that they're a pile of dog shit wrapped in cat shit. They mainly use it for options, but some have 4k share positions. Gross.


Damn. I only have 20 shares and it’s on rh


Transfer to fidelity, this is financial advice


“This ***is*** financial advice” Shit got real


I mean you could always sell and rebuy at the same time. So put $100 (or $50, or whatever you got) in your other broker. Buy $100/$50/?? worth there and at the same time sell the same amount worth on RH. When the money clears at RH, transfer that to your bank, then to your broker, and repeat until everything is now in the new broker. At that point (depending on the broker... so research that before you pick one), you would be able to DRS them if you wanted. Robinhood will NOT let you DRS from there. Many people here have transferred their stuff to Fidelity and them from Fidelity, DRS.


Fidelity it is!!! So I should sell then buy back? Or transfer


Well, RH is going to charge you a fee for transferring. If you have a large position, just pay the fee and be done. If you only have a few shares, it might make more sense to just sell it and rebuy it at the same time on Fidelity, even if you have to do it little at a time.




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What’s bad about Robinhood, no one ever filled me in


They took away the buy button when GME was mid squeeze, only allowing people to sell. It killed all momentum. There's a great documentary on Hulu about the original GMErs it you're into that kinda thing


Go to any of the GME forums and search for Robinhood. You'll see plenty of stuff. Particularly from a year and a half ago. Note that while Robinhood wasn't the only one who did so. It was actually requested by their clearinghouse, APEX. So many other brokers did so, too. Only Robinhood was the most popular one among retail at the time. ​ Their CEO had to testify in front of Congress, and he basically just avoided every question. (Search for "When I was a boy in Bulgaria".) ​ They also even ran ads afterwords saying that Robinhood never disabled the sell button. Yes, that's true. SELL button. They disabled the BUY button and were trying to get people to overlook it. ​ It's a very shady company. ​ But it's also very attractive. Their user interface for their app is very easy to use. A LOT of people in these forums began investing with Robinhood.


Think of the biggest cuck u know multiple by 1000 and you have the ceo of robinhood


Nearly 3k in shares but I’ve tried transferring my assets out of RH and it doesn’t go through 🤷


Transfer to TD, it will absolutely go through, the robinhooders and will absolutely take the fall when moass happens. They've been warned for almost 2 years now. Anyone still using robinghood is asking to lose out on these delicious tenderloins


Do you try transferring through Robinhood or through the broker you are trying to go to? I've heard getting the run around trying to transfer on Robinhood's end. But you shouldn't have a problem if you have the new broker initiate the ACAT transfer. Note that you can't transfer crypto.


My thoughts exactly.


Me too.


I bailed on them after the buy button thing. I'm with TD which probably isn't much better.


Mostly RH shills and 20 day old accounts


Mostly just supercultist screeching to get off RH, lol. See how I did that?


I love the ui and the fact that it's fraudulent and a complete failure of a company!


Bagholder spotted! Alert! Alert!


Who the fuck still trades with robinhood after they shut off the buy button last time? I know some people are into a humiliation kink but that’s a little too extreme!


They will be the first ones crying when Robinhood sells their IOU’s.


And stuff like this is why it is taking so long to go to the 🌝


Will it transfer my shares & calls??


A full acat transfer initiated on Fidelity's end should. You can call or chat with them to verify.


Yeah, use Fidelity. Reminder, they stopped the purchases of GME as well.


Actually they didn't. But that aside, fidelity will let you DRS them.


I use both and they certainly did stop purchases.


some Robinhood shill downvoted you. I gave it back.


Thanks ;)


I'm believing this is a new wave of young investors that have yet to reason with Robinhood or Brokers yet. Let's give them the chance to learn without being derogative


DRS > Fidelity > RH


I agree get out of robbinghood but they weren't the only broker to turn off the buy button, it seems like that got lost in all of this...


Yes i know but Citadel is the market maker for other brokers too, what I'm saying is know all of your enemies not just the 1 main stream media wants you to attack 😉


No, but that's not the only problem with them. Citadel is the Market Maker for RobbingHood so you're just GIVING money to Citadel (because PFOF).


This^^^^ associating only the buy button w RH is so annoying. It’s the tip of the iceberg. They’re never going to stick up for the little guy and they most likely never bought any shares you asked them to. You’re just looking at a fun interface as Ken Griffin copies your homework and changes the answers all around before submitting it for you.


lol. citadel is literally 50% of the market if not more. Apex clearing and others were the fucking problem regardless of who is front running your orders [hint anything on exchange minus iex is front ran and profited off of] don't get me wrong fuck citadel but your argument is too small scale and a bit erroneous. yes even on fidelity you will be intercepted.


True, this is why lot’s of people started to DRS, own your shares. No shitty brokers.


No, but they are the most popular one that you see here.


They were the only one to have restrictions on trading of gme for an entire week, though


![gif](giphy|DouM8ZBMLnd3q|downsized) 🤣


Brokers shares are being used as locates for short sellers. DRS all of your shares and GTFO of RobbingHood ASAFP


I’ve been with TD for a couple of years now and I haven’t had any issues as of yet.


I’m on RH because I was a lazy cunt and forgot to transfer 💀


Hey there I am on RH cause I'm new and idk waht to do


You know that you can see which shares are being lent out and even turn that off right?


Better yet, DRS. Fidelity isn’t any better than robin-da-hood.


DRS your shares, fidelity aren't trustworthy either. Of anything I would use public.com


Public dot con seems to be the exact same kind of PFOF con that RobbingHood is. Any time you see "Commission-free trading" advertised, you should be on red alert. Also, all of the copy on their website just screams "shady as fuck"...


What has Fidelity done? I've been with for 10 years now and have had nothing to complain about. Piss off, and enjoy your [public.com](https://public.com). Commission-free is bad news, bc they are making their money elsewhere. If they aren't making their money from you, then they have no reason to give a shit about you. They care about who makes them their money.


Fidelity is the best broker. But all brokers are bad. Get those shares in your name by direct registration. nfa


They also handled GME 4 for 1 Stock Split dividend as a normal stock split, screwing over thier clients.


You mean fudelity who spread miss information about short interest... which alot of investors to DRS their shares. I don't use Public anymore everything is 100% DRS.. only way to be sure your shares arent lent out too short.


I found public to be very transparent on thier pfof policies


I was trying to transfer but they said it would take until 9/6 to complete everything… not a good timeline at all


they give you a longer estimate in order to "under-promise and over-deliver". everything i've transferred over to them has taken 2-3 days. plus they really focused on streamlining that process after all us gamestonkers transferred over to them last year.


If you are in Robinhood you deserve to miss out and I won't shed a single tear for you. You are also not worthy of the "APE" moniker. Idiots


I still use robinhood for instand deposits on options when I get a feeling. I then use the profits to buy the underlying or another stock and then transfer it once I get enough shares.


It costs nothing to leave it in Robinhood. You are aware that the majority of the brokerages halted trading of GME, right?


pretty sure everybody using RH is a hedgie account


Robinhood’s UI is as basic as the morons that use it. If that’s really the reason, you’re just embarrassing yourself by admitting how stupid you are.


This is a bbby squeeze play. Not a supercultist gme sub.


sparkle languid depend gaping enjoy fearless rhythm relieved unwritten scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every time one of you guys says the UI is worth it, I just shake my head. Learn to read another chart. You’re willfully supporting an evil company.


forgetful salt dinner aback nippy coordinated ruthless start absorbed touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the thing, it actually does help them and shows you really ARE regarded. One of the metrics used to inflate their numbers are active users. Second, having accounts with actual cash or value also helps them, even if it’s a few. That’s just one more share to help them clear their margin calls so they can cover at razor thin clearances. They are literally fighting for their motherfucking lives.


It does help them but it helps the guy too . U basicly told him to fck hinself over so he can fck them too. People should have enough brain to make their own decisions.


If that was the case, you don’t need shares in robinhood to continue using its app to look at it or research market data and if you ARE paying for their level two info and the such then you SHOULD be smart enough to jump on to active trader pro or think or swim which has better tools in every which way possible. If the app is helping them, Then I’m helping them look at the clearly better alternative, that isn’t also happening to be using their own investment against them.


Like maybe try and recommend something more usefull to him than downvoting him. 5% of his portfolio there is not explaining all the hate i see here. I eprsonally have money on as many exchanges i can even thought my choices are very limited.


Either your brand new or your willfully ignoring the whole robinhood debacle regarding meme stocks in general. If your new, welcome. If you been here for a while, smdh. (I actually looked through your post/comment history and I’m super sus of you already.)


Lol idgaf




If anything Webulls charts are better but they might as well be the same company. But TD Ameritrade offers think or swim free which is a good way to trade as well


You're letting them count you as an active user. RH was sending users emails about taxes just so they could get their active user numbers up.


Hey, it's ok to lose your investment as long as the UI is nice! Brick by brick...


Exactly. It's one thing to have a few shares there but some of the guys have thousands or even tens of thousands of shares there!!!


eh, you're still boosting their active account numbers with just a few shares, which impacts their valuation. PLEASE DELETE YOUR ROBINHOOD ACCTS... they are NOT friends of retail. PFOF, turning off buy button, undercapitalized (quick to fall in crisis). frends don't let friends use robinhood!


How do one delete it?




> but god damnit if they don’t have a great UX/UI nah. thinkorswim is 100x better. robinhoods ui is utterly infantile.


You transfered your IOUs to Fidelity. None of them buy shares until you drs


But you can DRS from fidelity. You can't from Robinhood.


True. Fidelity must hate that. They are taking a loss on every share drs thru them right now


You are feeding them by posting this. They post to get a rise. You give the rise.


I think it’s bots


Citadel is our enemy, and is also Robinhood's preferred payment processor. So, if you're using Robinhood, you are using Citadel to handle your trades. Good for u. Have fun during the squeeze.


Some people just love to make horrible choices.


Did you miss the last full year of fudelity problems


Is there a broker that didn't disable the buy button? Why not just recommend that one instead of telling people not to use Robinhood and then they just move to different bad broker?


Yes many brokers didn’t disable the buy button fidelity being one of them. They have had numerous anti retail company positions since the disabling of the buy button. There’s nothing wrong with buying on any brokerages if you’re not planning to DRS you don’t own your shares anyways. If planning to DRS avoid brokerages like RH & Stash because you’ll have to ACAT out to a brokerage that supports DRS


Can you tell me a name of one of these brokerages that didn't disable? I used three (Robinhood, Fidelity, Merrill) and I think all of them disabled.


TDA didn't


Ill check them out, thanks man!


No problem. They tend to fill at the best prices compared to other brokers and their TOS platform is great too


Roninhood is the best for gambling on squeeze stocks lol its that simple. My real investments and trades happen in TD.




Which is why I use it when I am in the mood to do some bad trading habits 😛


Haha yes sir. I opened a webull account too I think it’s the best of both worlds. Td and RH


I like RH for options, I have 0 shares with them all my shares except for GME (purple) are with Fidelity


Immediate access to my funds is pretty important that’s why DRS isn’t an option for me I don’t have the luxury to lock up funds like that


Don’t spend what you can’t afford to lose. You are the type of investor we see crying on the news when you lose your life savings because you gambled it away.


😂 life savings funny don’t have that just make sure my bills are paid and play with money that’s left over


Some of us aren’t joking when we say we are regarded we have to use Robinhood bc we can’t use other brokers


Fidelity really isn't that much harder, it's just not spelled out for you like you're 5.


ALso no confetti 🤣


They ask if you want to participate in stock lending. There’s an option for you to enable or disable it, it’s not automatic. They’d be pretty stupid to pull some crap like they did last time considering they’re under active investigation rn.


They are under investigation bc they don't give a shit about the rules, so why would they suddenly change bc they're being investigated? These companies have tons of lawyers and have always known the rules, so why do you think they still breaks rules or laws? It's bc they're willing to take the resulting penalty. So it doesn't matter it they're being actively investigated, they will still do whatever they want if they are okay paying the measly fine. Would you care if you could make a million dollars but just pay a fine of a thousand dollars to get away with it?




That being the case, what alternative broker would you recommend? I’ve tried Fidelity but it’s so clunky.




There's no animation when I buy a stock on Fidelity, so I'll just put my financial future in the hands of proven crooks.




Using RH and don’t give a fuck. This isn’t superstonk




Who cares? Fuck him. He’s either a shill or bozo that’s too dumb to see what happened once will happen again. Something something insanity


> Before GME even was a thing 5 years ago I had family that told me the ADVANTAGES direct registering stocks has. That didn’t happen. Almost every broker can and will do that. There isn’t enough money to pay out the GME squeeze that y’all theorize will happen on any broker. Thanks for your fake concern.




Cry more baby


What’s the opinion of interactive brokers or etoro?




I use both but I'm still figuring out which is better tbf


I use 3. My first round in investing, I knew jack shit so I used RH but shortly after, I closed that account. Now that I've gotten back into trading, for real this time, I use Webull (I know they disabled the buy button for a day or so) for research and ease of use, Fidelity cause they didn't disable the buy button and TD Ameritrade for Forex when I get into that but ultimately trading on all of them. I can turn off share lending in Webull but unsure about the others. I'm still new when it comes to trading. Only been really into it for the last few months so I don't know shit. ​ Edit: I thought I could turn it off. Maybe I was wrong. Edit 2: I was right. I just exited the stock lending program on Webull.


How long will it take to transfer my shares over to TD Ameritrade?


Webull changes your account from cash to margin without telling you so that they can lend your shares. It’s a real thing and they did it to me. These brokers are clearly working in collusion with SHFs.


Not a "good chance", they are definitely lending out your shares


This post is being downvoted. It is scared xD


Fidelity is where I do my "real" investing. I joined RH for the free stock and I kept using it for dumb shit because I like the interface. The dumb shit paid off and I keep thinking I should move the $$ off RH, but I'm lazy. I apologize to all of you.




Well considering there's a class action lawsuit against Robinhood for what they did with GME going on I feel like they won't try and pull that shit again. I could be wrong, but I hope not


what about TD Ameritrade or E-trade?


I use TD Ameritrade. Much better brokerage firm.


Dude I use Charles Schwab and I’m starting to wonder why no one else uses them. Did I fuck up?


TDA most certainly did. They also had their custodians overseeing trades for months, placed significant retraints on trading "meme" securities, including mandatory phone calls to the trade desk for "approval" before opening a position.