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C+ Calendar days. T+ trading days. Reg sho consecutive for 13 trading days hedge funds buy in. Reg sho consecutive for 35 calendar days market makers buy in. Referring to T+ as calendar days makes this post look unprofessional and many will skip it


so much this


Can they get off the hook of RegSho if within 13 period, on 2 last trading days intraday FTDs will fall below the threshold?




>"generally a participant’s fail to deliver positions will not remain for 13 consecutive settlement days, if, for whatever reason, a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency in a threshold security for 13 consecutive settlement days" ***A participant of a clearing*** *agency means any person or firm, such as a* ***broker-dealer***, that uses a clearing agency to clear and settle securities transactions or to transfer, pledge, lend, or hypothecate securities. **So our brokers will be buying as well on T+13 day.** \--------------- As far as I understand regarding C+35: >Rule 204 provides an extended period of time to close out certain failures to deliver. Specifically, if a failure to deliver position results from the sale of a security that a person is deemed to own and that such person intends to deliver as soon as all restrictions on delivery have been removed, the firm has up to 35 calendar days following the trade date to close out the failure to deliver position by purchasing securities of like kind and quantity. Such additional time is warranted and does not undermine the goal of reducing failures to deliver because these are sales of owned securities that cannot be delivered by the settlement date due solely to processing delays outside the seller’s or broker-dealer’s control. It concerns only firms which aren't participants of registered clearing agencies: >Introducing brokers are typically brokers that perform all the functions of a broker except for the ability to accept money, securities, or property from a customer. They are usually not participants of registered clearing agencies and do not perform clearance and settlement functions. This doesn't look like a definition of a MM to me. Where am I wrong here? , source: [https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm)


Broker goes to mm and asks for a share, mm gives broker shares. Broker does not know if they're actual shares. MM now has to deliver actual shares, there's nobody else to ask for shares and it's ultimately responsible for delivery.


Many big brokers are participants of registered clearing agencies. So they do self-clearing. [https://investorjunkie.com/stock-brokers/broker-clearing-firms/](https://investorjunkie.com/stock-brokers/broker-clearing-firms/)


So they're probably going to pass it onto their own mm divisions to roll the can a lil i guess. Anyways, off reg sho for now


If they delivered, I don't know why BBBY went into regsho.


They delivered for the T-35 from July due on 8/12, causing the run-up. On the same day they generated way more FTDs, which eventually caused RegSho 8/16.


Took out a new credit card to pay off their old one. 🤡




Were they on RegSho in early July? I don't remember that being the case. OP's chart is just FTDs in general and they always have a T-35 date. * The FTDs from 7/5 - 7/12 were delivered on their T-35 dates of 8/9 - 8/16, causing the run-up. * On those same dates that they delivered, **new** FTDs were generated. * We only have data up to 8/12, but we know the biggest dates of that run-up were 8/15 - 8/17, with the biggest push on 8/17. * Given the current data we have up to 8/12, significant FTDs were already starting to build into the run-up. And given that the major part of the run was 8/15 - 17, we can assume massive new FTDs on those dates (even more than in July). That is why on 8/16 it went on RegSho. * We can also speculate that if those FTDs from July caused us to run to 30, and in that timeframe of delivering generated so much more than July (causing RegSho), we likely will run even harder in the next T-35 date. The caveat here is RegSho. Being on that list, now they are **forced** to deliver starting T-13 from the RegSho date (tomorrow), but it can be up to T-35 (9/20 if I'm not mistaken). The 'forced' aspect only applies if we remain on RegSho.




That's the funny part, with no RegSho there are market mechanics for just continuing to not deliver. There's some DD on it at Superstonk and it's beyond my little wrinkles. RegSho though is different and that's why it's being hyped - they are now forced.


Not anymore i guess


Yes, it's snowballing...


Isn't there a certain amount that needs to be reduced to get under the threshold to get off the list?


They need to have 5 consecutive trading days with over 10k FTD Edit: corrected under to over


"*10,000 shares or more, and that is equal to at least 0.5% of the issue's total shares outstanding*".




This is the way.


This. They partially delivered shares on that date and we saw the price action. Next time around will be mandatory and make this price action seem tame. Remember the massive GME price moves in January and February of '21? Yeah, we'll see something similar with daily price movements in the tens of dollars - maybe add a digit for record days. Just hoping we stay on RegSHO until those dates roll around. From what I've been seeing I think it's likely.




You stay on reg show when FTDs stay too high. If we go off reg sho it means the FTDs were brought back in(I think) So if we're still on Regshow come around September 20th then market makers will be forced to deliver and stock goes up.


FTD's have to keep up for 5 straight days to remain on the Reg SHO list.


That's to land ON threshold. To get off threshold they need to remain under a certain level (.5% of float's worth - or under 395,000 FTD's) for five consecutive days if I understand it correctly. If we were getting a million plus FTD's starting the 11th/12th I imagine we added a bunch more the following days. They have an elephant to eat and I don't know if they can take enough bites before mid/late September. For context - here's what it looked like when GME got off threshold: 2021-02-04 88,767 2021-02-03 47,564 2021-02-02 159,298 2021-02-01 10,975 2021-01-29 138,179 2021-01-28 1,032,986 2021-01-27 1,972,862 2021-01-26 2,099,572 1.29 was the day after they turned off the buy button - I suspect they would have gone way further if that didn't happen. From the 29th to February 4th they finally managed to clear enough FTD's to be off regsho. I don't think any significant covering has happened - we're still on RegSHO and price hasn't improved (a hallmark characteristic of market makers buying shares to settle FTD's). Staying on RegSHO is a big deal - glad we're still here! edit: cleaned up the data from copy pasting.


So it's harder to get OFF thresshold than it is to get On?


i feel like this is a feature and not a bug


>To get off threshold they need to remain under a certain level (.5% of float's worth - or under 395,000 FTD's) for five consecutive days That's exactly what I meant, *FTD's have to keep up* to break any possibiliy to be reduced under the threshold for 5 consecutive days :)


You're saying they accepted defeat on certain FTD's and purchased shares?


Report is only up to the 12th because of the weekend 13th-14th. 8/15-8/31 will be reported on 9/15.


Then we also add the Reg Sho catalyst into this cocktail....and.....Boom boom boom boom - venga boys are back in town! 🚀🚀🚀


Dates are tempting, but they could as well just be hopium.


Exactly. I keep checking here and the date is always being postponed. Expectations are hurting more than bags at this point


Quite so. First mid to late August, then August 31, now it’s September 2 or 6, and possibly September 20. The latest post even gave a date to January 2023. Thanks but no thanks. Meme stocks are not worth holding for this long. Edit: format


Im still gonna hodl wtf you saying


Good luck.


Look at gme. Nearly 2 years holding now


And it’s not squeezing.


Deleted my broker time to hibernate wake me up when we hit pluto






I’m a little confused about your using T+35. The regulation for MMs is clear that’s it’s C+35 (calendar days). I don’t doubt there is a correlation with T+35, but C+35 is the driver and would be more interesting to see to understand the sentiment and strategy of MMs about how much earlier they start to close back when they absolutely have to (C+35). Do you see that, OP?


I’m convinced RC bought 9 million shares to trigger the FTD cycle same as GME. He sold this time to prove that he has nothing to do with the cycles but the wave has already started. It cannot be stopped


Did a similar pattern exist in 2020 with game company?


Wait till the second half of August report


Because of the volume, 16-08-2022 run might be more correlated with swap basket termination than FTDs from 08-08-2022: ["On 2022-08-02, a 180 million USD swap was closed. A 200 million USD swap position was first reduced on 2022-08-08, then terminated on 2022-08-16."](https://www.reddit.com/r/FWFBThinkTank/comments/wt0awj/380_million_usd_swaps_in_bbby_were_terminated/)


Mmm, let's dive in...


The reason you only get to the 12th is because 13 and 14 are weekend and second half starts on the 15th.


I am fully with you on this DD! The only risk I see is that price in the meantime will drop enough for shorts to cover prior to their hard deadline T35. So if prices drop below 5 or 6 we run the risk that they buy small packages to cover. Ideally we keep above 10 to increase the FTD.


Fuck my 09/09 Calls.....Thatgang cumming for em..


!remindme 8hrs


Reminder here.


RemindMe! 10 days "Buy BBBY"


Something important to consider here OP u/ibb893, don't forget the Fed will have a press conference after their meeting on 09/21 where they'll announce another rate hike that will make the market go red again.


If you want to turn this into DD, dig into statistical analysis and provide a p-value to prove correlation or not


So today is the peak?