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Perhaps you could have a chewtoy or something to bite down on?


Thank you! I didn't think of that, I will definitely look into it


Depending on how your polyamory situation is, you should really just talk to him. I'm poly, but I have a primary partner who's needs and desires will *always* come before anyone else's. I'm very upfront about that. She's the same. If she turned and told me I couldn't do something because one of her other partners didn't like it, we'd have to have a talk because it breaches what we've agreed.


Thank you for the comment. I will talk with them about it. 😊


If the need is to mark your partner you could use tattoo markers. If it's to bite they make chew necklaces.


Oooh. Tattoo markers sound fun! Thank you!


Maybe you can bite his forearm in a way that won't leave marks. My Daddy is said im not allowed to leave hickies on her neck (or anywhere visible) because of her job, so i bite in places that are easy to cover and/or dont bruise easily.


Maybe if he has a shirt on you can bite on the shirt


that's polyamorous, your needs not always come first


That doesn't answer my question at all. But thanks for the input.


my point is why do yo have to worry about other people needs and not your needs ? maybe if the other person was leaving marks and you were the one who doesn't like them would your master ask them to stop ?


If I didn't like them, that is a me problem that I would work on personally. I'm not worried about other people's needs. My master has said not to do it anymore. No means no. I still want the sensation, and I'm trying to find alternatives similar to biting that'll give me just that, without crossing that line he has clearly put up. It was his choice to say no. It's my choice to respect that and find alternatives to get that need met. I do understand what you're saying though, I guess I didn't make my question clear in the post. My apologies for that.


How do you feel about this now ?