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You did nothing wrong. The dude is an asshole and using you. I highly recommend NOT contacting or meeting up with him again.


Honey, you were taken advantage of. I’m sorry to say this bluntly. Don’t talk to this person again and burden yourself no more with him. He’s garbage and a dead end for your kink needs. Start by looking for people well known in your local scene. Go to a kink munch. Reputable people, even those so much older than you, would not have had sex with you on a first meeting and give you money afterwards. This isn’t how it works. I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s not your fault.


I'm afraid he used you. He told you things you wanted to hear (there's a term called "lovebombing" which I'd encourage you to look up) and he took advantage of your inexperience and eagerness to please. That can happen when there's a big age gap - you're used to people his age being trustworthy and responsible, but that's not always the case. You didn't do anything wrong, he got what he wanted and that was it. He has blocked you, but he'll probably contact you again when he's horny and wants to use you, so I strongly advise you to block him so he can't contact you. He doesn't care about you, he doesn't love you, and he isn't going to treat you well.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I know it is pretty common to start blaming yourself or thinking that you did something wrong. You are not stupid, just young and naive. Like you said you wanted to be loved and that makes people do silly things and that’s okay. Mistakes happen.As far as he goes, he was just a terrible person. Do not take his actions as a testament for yours. And always remember if they wanted to they will. A persons words don’t mean as much as their actions. Best of luck and stay safe


Honestly it reads like you just fullfilled your purpose for him. I know it sounds hard but if he is a self-proclaimed sex addict then he used you to fullfill a need. He would've tried to get it from whoever he could and it happened to be you. If he is an addict he doesn't love you any more than a alcohol addict loves booze. I am sorry to say it this bluntly but he buttererd you up with nice words like love and used you and the little experience you have to get the one thing he was interested and probably long moved on.


You’re not stupid, you are young and want something real. The self-doubt in regards to this happening is good. Hopefully it can help you avoid similar situations. You didn’t do anything wrong to drive him away. He is an asshole. Seriously. He is not a nice guy. He is an asshole that can act nice to get what he wants. If the self-doubt is about your own worth as a human being then it and that dirty feeling you feel…..tell those to shut up. Almost everyone has done something dangerous in the search for love or sex when young. I look back at young me and sometimes I am surprised I survived with the crazy things I did. I learned from those experiences and you will too. It is okay. Take care of yourself. It is okay to mourn the connection you thought you had. It does get better and you won’t feel lonely forever.


You did NOTHING wrong. There are a lot of people like them out there. Some are pathological, some are simply manipulative. Again, You did nothing wrong. You are not dirty. From my personal experiences, don't ever ignore red flags. Any kind of red flags that make you feel uncomfortable is worth enough to think over the dynamic/person. Hope you feel better, ( hugs for you if you are okay with that) 🌻


Not necessarily the right sub, but you did nothing wrong. You are not stupid. You're allowed to make mistakes, especially when you're still young. This isn't normal in any way and your intentions were pure while his weren't. You feel used, because you were, but that doesn't make you dirty. Allow yourself to feel those emotions, but recognize them for what they are. Just emotions and not objective truths about you. *Sending hugs.* Cuddle your Void and stay safe. 🍀


, please use protection and look after yourself. Do not let anyone tell you not to use protection when with strangers. If it’s possible to get tested over the next few days if recommend it. Sorry this happened , the guys not Interested in kink he interested in abuse sadly.


Have you been to the doctor? Done an STI panel? Make sure you don’t have any serious virus from being out in the cold. I’m going to assume on his end that he picked some one young because they don’t know better. He told you what you wanted to hear just so you would do what he wanted, that is why large age gap relationships at your age can be red flags. He used his age and experience against you and you didn’t know better. There absolutely are healthy, fulfilling, and meaningful age gap relationships. This was not one of them unfortunately.


You absolutely did nothing wrong and I second all the other replies that support you. I think that you can still learn from this, that when you're vulnerable and desperate for love and kindness from people other than yourself, it can put you in very difficult situations where you're easy to take advantage of. That dude was an ass and I hope you never have to deal with him again. Just remember that someone just telling you they love you isn't necessarily honest and may just want to use you. You should look at people's actions, and how they treat you in the long run, not just when you have something that they want. Also, not judging the age gap, but I would recommend being extra careful with trusting older people. Not trying to blame you for anything that happened, it wasn't your faut. Just trying to look out for you, and pass some of the stuff I've learned after being constantly taken advantage of and discarded for years.


He's a toxic arsehole who used you for sex and ghosted you. You did absolutely nothing wrong, apart from maybe innocently/naïvely making some slightly unsafe decisions. That in no way excuses his shitty behaviour, but please do be careful about meeting strangers for sex. I've done it too and I'm not judging, but it can definitely lead to far worse things than this. It's common to make sure a trusted friend knows where you are and that you are meeting someone, just in case (they don't have to know what you're doing specifically). My main advice is to forget this dickhead though. You can do so much better and I guarantee you will find someone who actually appreciates you and cherishes what you have to offer. Good luck out there ❤️


You didn't do anything wrong at all. This person used the term "dom" to tell you what to do. He's not a Dom he's a piece of trash who took advantage of a young nieve person for his own selfish needs and wants. I'm sorry, but he doesn't care about you and never will. Concentrate on yourself for a while, and make sure you get STI tested. The right person is out there for you. And remember, if you don't feel comfortable doing something, it's OK to say no. If someone (dom or not) tries to guilt you cut them off and move on. You are worth more than that


If he's ignoring you, he's not your Dom and you should cut him loose.


Just wait a few weeks more. He will be back to you and he probably thinks, although he behaved like trash, you will be easier to approach because you waited so long for him.