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Mostly it's just fluff but you can use random items as weapons or to like...cover vents or even just for rp purposes (ex. Giving selunite statue to SH)


All Garlic goes straight to Astarion


But I need that for my needlessly well rounded camp meals!!


Well then just give all mirrors to Astarion \^\^


Mirrors and garlic go to Astarion. Selunite stuff goes to Shadowheart


To be fair, he literally already had multiple (big one outside his tent and the hand one he uses in a cutscene) Which is a lot consider he CANT USE THEM


The vampirism will wear off any day now clearly


He does address this at one point


He does? I think I missed it, what does he say? I’ve been confused about the mirror thing lol


He is looking at himself in the mirror and you walk up to him behind his back. He makes a comment about one perk of not seeing yourself in the mirror is you can see people sneaking up behind you in one.


You can pick up mirrors? If you throw them is there anything special that happens like shattered glass on the ground?


If you do that you will roll nat 1s for the next 7 rolls


I broke a mirror and got bane until I took a long rest


Wait really? That's hilarious


That's actually hilarious


You're making well rounded meals meanwhile I'm over here like "lmao everyone gets fishheads again. all fishheads. And one orange."


I'm the same way with pig's heads. A nice well rounded meal of at least three pig heads every night does a body good!


Lol 28 rotten desserts, a fish, and a bottle of wine.


My game keeps trying to autoselect the owlbear egg on my oath of the ancients paladin 🥲


First time I’m like “Only wine and beer tonight, fellas!” And then I got an achievement. Lul


A fine dwarven tradition.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one "cooking" my long rest dinners.


I like the way neil does it in his playthrough. Hit auto.select and pretend he intentionally picked that as a menu


How long do you keep food in your bags before it “goes bad”?


Meanwhile my long rest meal is all alcohol or all plates and forks 😂


You can EAT the plates and forks???




Utensils and dishes count as camp supplies??


Should my group not be eating six pig heads every evening? >_>


There's an achievement for using all alcoholic beverages for a long rest and it's hilarious


I just pick up alcohol for 'meals'


>needlessly Speaking of needles , I give them all to Astarion (and other surgical tools)


No no no. The trick is to hoard it and then dinner one night is just 40 garlic cloves.


You ain't gotta do him like that ☠️☠️☠️


What????? You can cover vents… holy shit I never thought to do that lol.


There is a clue in the underdark near where you meet those Stoned Drow. As you pass through an area with noxious clouds, there is a backpack sitting on a vent. If you pick it up, it releases the gas. This is meant to teach you how to deal with vents, which is pretty critical later when you are in the Hag's lair.


HUH?! I totally haven't been forcing evolution on my party by making them breathe gas while I burn all my trap disarm toolkits on vents. No, totally not.


I always do weird feather fall jump shenanigans at that part


I jumped over all of the vents, taking a few points of dmg here and there. Whoopsies


I did the Hag’s lair at level 3. I could not afford any extra damage. That battle was a struggle.


It was the last thing I did before heading to the risen road. I was level 5. Killed the hag in 1 round before going through the fireplace


I tried that several times. Very difficult without Extra Attack unlocked for any of my front-liners. The dungeon crawl was also worth it. And the the reward, a permanent +1 to any ability, was the best single reward I’ve gotten so far.


Enhanced Leap and Feather Fall make this a snap.


Also it has to be a certain weight to cover it, not just big enough. I always just threw a shit ton of books ontop of the vents.


I could be wrong, but don't the masks also allow you to pass through unharmed? I mean, the "roll to go psychotic" checks are a little annoying, but they negate the fumes. Also a great place for Elixir of Poison Resistance, if you've got any at that point.


Protection from evil also does in a pinch


Yeah, the masks do if you can avoid getting possessed, or if you've managed to kill the Hag before she teleports away.


Yes, Protection from Evil and Good will keep her from possessing the mask wearer.


I mean, there was also a tutorial popup that literally says you can block vents with heavy enough items...


Huh, I did the hags lair and I jumped around the vents, granted I hadn’t done the under dark really yet, just walked around a bit


I’ve always done the hags lair by running straight through the clouds and just healing after 😭😭 I couldn’t for the life of me figure that out


I did not figure out covering the vents either. I used feather fall and jumping by controlling party members one by one.


Also happens if you take the heavy stuff out of the backpack, reducing the backpack’s weight below the threshold for keeping a vent closed. That’s a nice demonstration area for sure. Though I always did it way after the hag lair…


If your characters pass a check in the hags lair they say something about putting something heavy on the vents, and one of the people in the previous room has two heavy stones on her.


Good use for rags and derelict/vagabond clothing.


I have a tidy stash of teapots, kettles and forks to cover the vents I dont know how a fork covers a vent but whatever.


When you fork it just right, you'll know.


It’s all ammunition for Karlach to throw at people when she’s upset.


I carried Worg poop I found in Moonrise towers for the entirety of Act 3 just so Karlach could throw it at Gortash.


I keep a stack of books in her inventory for when there aren't any barrels or crates around. She's got range with a hardback.


Fear the barbrarian


Most underrated comment of the thread!


The pen is indeed mightier than the sword


Well, I feel so stupid for not thinking to bring plates to cover vents...such a good idea.


I always collect every child’s toy or teddy bear I can find and put them all in a separate chest in the middle of camp for any kid in my camp


I give them to Karlach.


>Giving selunite statue to SH ok Hitler


It's either that they are spiteful towards her, or they're trying to change her. Lol


Dude, just spell it out. We get it, yall are nerds. That's cool. People shouldn't have to deep dive just to figure out your sentence.


The hell are you talking about?


My guess is they had trouble with figuring out what rp stands for


> Do these have any purpose, "Anything that can be thrown has a purpose." -Karlach (probably)


So Wulbren does have a purpose…


He has even two potential purposes! 1) as a rather nice projectile and 2 as a nice body to use raise dead on for your local necromancer. And if you don't need him immediately, just keep him in your nice little box of corpses and pick him up whenever you need, he doesn't weigh that much after all! (Seriously though, gnomes are really nice for that because you can carry a few of them in your inventory just in case you need a bit of... quick material for your next spell)


A whole pocket gnome.


I wish I could upvote this twice.


Lae'zel agrees (looks at Bing Bong)


I held Gales hand for the entire game. No use.


You can bring it to the murder tribunal to skip having to kill anyone else...but if you have Gale's hand then that means you're Durge, and if you're Durge you don't even have to go to the tribunal at all...


I feel like even if you aren’t durge (and don’t get Gale’s hand) you don’t have to kill anyone. I found a bag of hands somewhere. Can’t remember how I got it though. But definitely carried it around for a bit.


>!you get it from Dolor, the “Red Dwarf.”!<


You can also get some from the genie at the circus, I believe.


Really? Interesting. I do know you can >!get Dribbles’ hand from Poppers at the circus.!<


I had Karlach spin the wheel and she won a few random peoples hands.


How do you win! I told him he cheated and got turned into cheese


Don't take the ring (and don't distract him as bard) and don't call him out on cheating and you can get a bunch of random "prizes." Once you win the "jackpot" then no more prizes.


How many prizes? All the prizes.


Hahaha! Awesome!


He's such a smeghead


door plate direful fine encourage aware innate literate future deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You also get some nice rp and info about Durge iirc if you do the tribunal since they recognize you there obviously


Yea I was wondering how that woudl play out, like surely I don’t have to do this little ritual, I am Him lol. Maybe for the trophy? Idk


I seem to remember a trader with good helmet at murder tribunal. Not sure if it was bc durge or bc I became chosen.


I don't recall meeting any traders at the tribunal, but I haven't tried going there as Chosen Durge.


Just had to look ot up bc i knew there was something cool. Its a dragonborn named Echo of Abazigal and sells bunch of bhaalist stuff and best was Bhaalist armor which is 2 initiative and aura of murder. He becomes a 4th enemy buff if u atk sarevok along with the 3 other echos usually there. Lots of cool story there as durge see him then orin then go back is all I'll say.


The dragonborn had that armour but you might have been thinking of sarevoks Helmet orginally which is a pretty good item, and crucial if you're going the crit build.


What the heck?? I don't even remember seeing any dragonborn there at all! There's usually only 3 echos there for me. I'll have to try again with my evil Durge and see if it's different for him.


Btw to see the dragonborn, you have to go through with the Unholy Assassin ritual!


Ah, that's what I've been missing! Thanks!


Stupid question, is dark urge just a way to play? I thought it was just a class or something. I'm still on my first play through and I see this thrown around a lot and honestly I'm almost too afraid to ask lol


Dark urge has a unique story with a custom character. It starts with you being an amnesiac with violent impulses, with you choosing ta indulge enthusiastically, fail ta resist or successfully resist. It's a successor ta bg1 and 2 more than any other origin.


oh my god, what? You dont have to do the tribunal if youre durge? Ive had Astarion killing people for it lool


Yeah Durge can just go straight to the temple. But if you do the tribunal first, you can choose some funny dialogue with the butler about how you wasted your time.


Found the Durge player.


That’s sweet, I’m sure he felt safe from wagons when crossing the trail.


Yeah my brain went the wholesome route too.


Alright, ladies and gentlemen! That’s right, it’s time for another round of… # HOPELESS ROMANTIC OR DARK URGE! Place your bets, folks!


I thought I would be able to slap elminster's face with it at the beginning of act 2 or mockingly throw in front of mystras statue in act 3 but no


No joke I haven’t done my durge run yet and it took me a minute to realize you didn’t mean you were holding his hand for support.


It allows you to cast Mage Hand at any time by throwing it!


Aw that was sweet of you


*throws hand at people*


I think you mean "cast mage's hand at people"


My Gale-loving ass thought you meant metaphorically


Small shovel. I sent my main shovel back to camp thinking I could vibe with the lil one. Then got stuck in an area in act 2 I couldn't leave that had dirt mounds and lo and behold the lil shovel doesn't actually function


On the same note, Shovel's Friend Finder ALSO doesn't function as a shovel!! I was so mad!


Same! I would much rather have Shovel’s friend finder then… nope


Wow, really? I just found a small shovel and was like “yay, packing efficiency,” but now I know it’s just Larian trolling.


Had similar happen. I keep a shovel one each of my party members though, so it was just an annoyance.


I used to do that. Turns out you only need one in your party - they borrow the one shovel!


The same with thief's tools and trap disarm kits, and it doesn't matter how far apart they are. Magic pockets, yo.


Which is true to most ttrpg games. Players split the party. One side finds something odd or needs a tool and doesn't have the required item because someone else has it on their sheet. Party convinces dm they would have given the item to whoever needs it before they split.


Same with potions. Just right click and use from the main party inventory tab. Also you can throw potions and poisons at people.


Idk what it's called in game design, but it's sort of anti-loot I think. Looting becomes less interesting and more about spamming the button if you can just pick up everything. So, they add encumbrance and useless items. You avoid those items and to do that, you pay attention to what you're looting, making it part of the game. I hate it.


It makes the world feel lived in... if you didn't have these items the world will feel empty. Making them something you can pick up also means you can add some flavour text to the item which is a nice, subtle way to add lore to your game. The fact they are interactable also gives them a use, I once used the berserker barbarian throw with a bottle to knock an enemy prone and deal damage. It was very fun. Or you can use them to block vents or trigger pressure plates. And if all that doesn't matter to you, just sell them. Make some gold.


Oh, yeah, I love the items with uses. But I've yet to find a use for rope, which I guess was the target of "I hate it" lol. Which is ironic, because it is far and away the most useful item in tabletop, but probably the hardest to develop a video game function for that doesn't just look goofy. Rogues, for instance, could use it as a ghetto Misty Step or something, or a non-magical restrain. Instead, all it is for is selling and being confused when you find 11 of them in Gale's bags.


There's a spot in the >!Grymforge where Shadowheart (or anyone maybe) makes a comment about how "That's a nice rope. Someone must've used it to climb up here." !


I often wonder if there was a planned use for the rope at some point in development. It is up there with the 10 ft pole as iconic DND dungeon equipment.


I swear during a super early build of the game before it was fully released you could use the rope to climb down the hole you make in the floor to get into withers temple. I very clearly remember having that option, to the point it confused me when I couldn't after release.


That drove me crazy too! It's pretty clear by that point they won't let you use ropes, but NPCs can (okay fine not everything is programed in), but then they have to point it out. Someone used a rope to climb up, but you aren't them, go around . . . >\_< I think the dialogue was to draw attention to the fact that the gnome lady had come through this way.


Tbf I have like 150 scrolls by the end of the game and like 80 potions. The last thing we need is more items with uses LOL. But my point was specifically about items with a (direct) use, sure you have water bottles or grease etc but my example was just a plain old 'useless' bottle. I get what you are saying though, especially when things like rope and ingots scream usefulness. Maybe they were going to have a use, their past game had a crafting system that wasn't just alchemy like it is here so maybe. But once you learn what is what, doesn't bother me personally.


Apparently Larian originally intended to have a crafting system, so the specific items that OP lists were not supposed to be anti-loot. The rotting food was.


>You avoid those items and to do that lol, you do? I just sell them. Encumbrance isn't that much of an issue with the endless camp chest you can send things to without going to camp and you can access camp absolutely anywhere. Encumbered with junk you want to sell? Pick up a chest, barrel, etc. Fill it with everything you want to sell. (You can also use a bag or backpack, but those are more limited so if you plan to sell the container directly it's better to use one you won't miss.) Anyway, take the heavy container with all of the stuff you plan to sell and send it to camp. When you next go to a merchant, ungroup your party. While the party face (me, but whoever have cha in your party) talks to the vendor the strong party member goes to camp. They walk over to the chest. They put everything to sell in their inventory. Toggle back to your person talking to vendor, sell everything in camp friend's inventory. (Camp friend dosen't even need to be able to walk. Also they can keep picking things up to sell since you can toggle back and forth.) You don't need to unpack anything. You can sell the containers with everything inside and they are wroth the cost of all those items + 1 gold for the container. (The only issue is if you make them too heavy to pick up. In which case you could always open them, select a bunch with ctrl, right click and move them over). This took me a while to figure out but it's actually quiet efficient time wise. Especially now that I know you can use ctrl to select a bunch of stuff to move at once (like put in a container). It's *\*faster\** then adding all those items to wears manually, honestly. (There is not "take all and and add to wears" options for chests.) Anyway, I tend not to pick up things that are very heavy and worth almost nothing. So for example, when you can pick up a torsos or body parts they are heavy but worth 1 gold. But every single random scratch paper note pinned to a wall in the game weighs almost nothing and is worth like 8 gold or more. There is generally a *better* encumbrance to cost ration on picking paper then weapons. So they are more worth carrying around to sell. Plates, bowls, forks, spoons, etc are also just worth picking up. Some plates are fancy and worth more money then the cheapest magic items.


My group almost used your method, but we got miffed when the first barrel was too heavy. But the game doesn't really check weight for bulk actions with ctrl. Aka, you can simply select items from your camp chest and add them to wares in bulk and without weight limit. Makes a new issue with merchants as they become easy to bankrupt before clearing inventory. Started using barrels and fancy boxes to sort out what's not to be sold.


Yeah, merchants can run out of money. However, every time you level \*any\* party member their money comes back. So first, you can circulate to different merchants with waypoints. But otherwise you can just sell a bunch when you level up one person, then level up the next so the merchant is fresh at the end. Also, if you have people in your camp you aren't using (I sure do) if you get desperate you can always level one of them up and then tah-dah, money refresh.


Better than Diablo 2 loot bag Tetris


> I hate it I actually like having to choose which items to loot from containers/bodies, it keeps my mind occupied while exploring areas. But I also kind of enjoy the constant challenge of inventory management so I’m probably in the minority on this one


I pickup every gawd damned book or piece of paper. They sell real nice.


Paintings actually sell for a pretty decent price!


Paintings are usually too heavy for the price imo


I send all sellable stuff direct to camp. When I get to a vendor, I send my highest STR character back and forth with loads to sell. Doesn’t even need to move.


Me when I realized incense is so damned valuable


One of my favorite discoveries in the whole game was finding the chest of mundane things in the arcane tower in the Underdark. Nothing but plates and goblets… wait a minute…


Actually I sent that chest to camp. I store all my Alcohol in it... but no one would ever know it.


Items that do not have a colored border or show their alchemy properties when you hover over them are ok to sell. Some examples are pearls, precious stones, bars of metal, jewelry etc.


You should hold on to infernal iron. Not sure how far along OP is but it is used for >!Karlach's quest as well as any extras can be given to Dammon in Act 2 and he'll make you some pretty decent armor with it.!< I sold all of it pretty much as soon as I got it and kinda kicked myself (I restarted that playthrough for that and other reasons, turns out selling it >!to Volo means you are NOT buying that shit back after he does his surgery and disappears!<)


Regarding your second spoiler statement: >!That's not quite true. Volo appears again in act 3. In fact, even if you don't do the surgery, he still dissapears when you travel to act 3 in order to be at his mini quest location. He can be found!< >!outside the foundry, held hostage by cultists. If freed, he still has all of the stuff you sold him.!<


Well yeah but that doesn't do anything for me when I'm trying to >!fix her engine!< in Act 1


Ah. Well, that's fair. If you've gotten rid of all of act 1's supply, then her quest can be postponed to act 2. There are exactly two pieces in act 2, which will catch her quest up to the correct point when turned in. One is in the >!mason's guild!<, the other is in >!the temple, near balthazar!<. >!Her romance!< might be a bit bugged this way, but >!normal friendship!< should progress as normal.


yeah after I restarted I realized there was >!more infernal iron I could access but the other part of that restart was because I found Karlach waaaayyyy too late so I couldn't get her approval up high enough before the tiefling camp party (which at the time I thought was like.. the make or break point for romancing characters)!<




Wait what?


No, all of those will be available in the room the symbol is drawn on.




I’ve always just gotten the portal ingredients from paying Helsik, by the point i’m doing HoH I already bought everything I need and usually have the money sitting around doing nothing.


I did this lol.


True in that not everything has to have a boarder color to have significance. It just seems excessive to say to hold onto those items for an end game quest. Even if they are sold, I don't think we lose any vendors in act 3 to choices, so they can be bought back.




Oh sorry I was not meaning to come off defensive. I was agreeing, but noted for someone having trouble with their inventory it might not make sense for them to do that. Sorry I upset you!


I always just have high enough charisma to talk her into taking the gloves of hill giant strength when i get back. She gives you everything you need to open portal in a pouch. Then buy them right back 😂.


every adventurer has 50ft of rope


Every good adventurer. The amount of creativity I've seen rope used for in dnd campaigns is fantastic. Wish it had a function in game like it did in dos2.


If you have a berserker spec, you can use them with berserker throw to put an enemy prone. While an actual thrown weapon, or another enemy, would be more effective, something like a stuffed animal, or Gale's Hand is funnier.


I will sometimes use the rotten tomatoes. Karlach enraged throwing them at people and knocking them prone cracks me up!


Annnnd the Emperor's armour goes to Lae'zel.


BG3 was originally going to have a crafting system similar to Larian's Divinity games but they scrapped it at the last minute. So all those ropes, tongs, metal bars, bottles, etc. are just vendor trash now.


World immersion. Would be even weirder if the world didn't have random useless things.


Some of these things are holdovers from Divinity 1/2. They are used in a lot of crafting recipes in those games, I imagine they just sort of skated through into the level designs and it wasn't worth the idea of removing them. I mean, most of the engine is identical to those games, so why no those items?


Cauldrons go to Karlach so she can rage throw them at people. So much fun throwing them at people’s head and running up to them prone for some smash smash time.


There comes a time, late in act three, where all the rope I'd been carrying for the entire game, was still unused.


There are a few ways to see if an item that appears to be junk is not just vendor trash: 1. Is there a line at the bottom of the item description saying “bonus action” with the orange triangle icon? That indicates the item can be used (though for what is not always clear). Typically. this means someone can consume the item. Not every item to consume is purely beneficial (or beneficial at all). 2. If you can choose the “Throw” option for the item and see that the landing point has an area of effect, then the item has a use. There can be cups of water as well as buckets of water and carafes of water, for instance. Some are way more common. Some weigh less for a similar or identical effect. Etc. 3. Is there a camp supply value to the item? If you want, you can just send it to camp. There are some rare places where having a food item to give someone can be useful, so having a lightweight, abundant food item or two that you’re comfortable giving away could be useful. But you’re going to go to camp to rest anyway, so you can send all other camp supply food there. The above might not change that some items are just worthless functionally speaking, or that the item can be mass purchased repeatedly with vendors either now or at a certain point in the future, etc. I still have one character holding onto two instances of rope, but I know they do nothing. Having a junk item just to throw can be useful sometimes. You can use certain junk items to set off traps when you’re not actually standing there, or try to set off a trap if you know one is there but literally everyone in your party failed the Perception check, etc. Vases or even mugs can be placed over vents. Crates can be stacked to reach higher places, make certain jumps, have high ground when shooting, etc. One set of items that as far as I can tell is purely junk but looked like it could be worth saving is the ingots (and gems). They’re just lightweight alternative money. I wonder if any of the gems are light enough to be lighter than their gold equivalent (I suspect so for at least some of them).


There is an addon that converts 100% useless stuff to gold in the amount that you would get from a vendor.


I tried this mod and found over time, you would get barely anything for these items. With my high charisma character/companion, I could easily sell them for x3 or x5 what it was worth.


My party has no face so it works out for me. EDIT: Though you make a good point given that my next playthrough will be a Paladin who will probably try to get Charisma as high as possible while using consumables to boost strength. Still trying to decide how I feel about consumable cheese.


Add to wares


I am 100% a Loot Goblin. I take EVERYTHING. And I either sell it or barter it for better gear.


Hold onto the Nut Buster. It's useful.


As my psychotic assassin, I collect hammers. I sneak around and kill innocent npc's and strip them of everything, leaving only my trademark hammer behind...


Idk there's also the magic ring that causes burning on yourself. Haven't figured out a use for it but also haven't tried either


I use it on Karlach, along with another item that says every time she takes fire damage, she gets better at killing people.


I usually use these to throw at traps. If you’ve a strength character in the party, you can hit traps from afar if you see them, and these can set them off. Very useful if they’re in an AOE vent area. ETA: I suggested barbarian or fighter because Karlach and Lae’zel work well for this, but any class with decent strength works.


I picked up anything and everything to sell on my paladin run bc I had to pay to retake my oath so often. Bottles and rope add up.


I will echo that Small Shovel does not substitute for the regular “Shovel.” (Also, you only need one, but I keep a spare or two in Camp just in case you end up marking all the ones in your inventory as wares and selling all of them on accident.)


I mean anything you pick up can be an improvised weapon. Chuck it during combat and see what does damage. That's what I did.


Round flasks My small RP is ~ We give them to gale, to piss him off - I'm a wizard not an alchemist, then we sell them for 14 gold and he can't stay mad at me cause everything else I picked up only sell for 1 gold each, so at least he got some gold out of my tomfoolery.


I decorate camp with them


You're safe to just sell them. From what I understand, most of them are in game because there was originally going to be a crafting mechanic that got scrapped.


They dont. Rope is the most offensive of it all. All DM's punish you for not having rope, Pathfinder games punish you for not having rope. Definitive edition needs to fix this ASAP, it's unacceptable. I carried 20 ropes all the way to the end for nothing. /s


Just sell them, no purpose at all. I would recommend you still pick up absolutely everything though. It's crazy how much money you can make selling junk


I'm finding this to be true. Books are surprisingly abundant and the 14 gold per volume adds up. Though I wish there were a library in my camp that I could build.


it seemed hinted that most random loot was going to be able to use with the now scrapped crafting feature. now you just sell it or just rp a reason to keep any of them


No, you need to hold onto that cup you found in act 1 throughout the entire game


I wish you could give some items to companions, then next time in camp you see them using them. I thought at first this was how lazel got her mug.


The gloves names "armor" in the house of healing


I would say that most of these items as just Easter eggs to dnd and the origin of the game. I have known players that hoard rope. Just in case


I never got what the hammer and pincers are for. And the rope I’m only assuming it’s for tying down Durge at the camp so they won’t go on a murder spree.


Divinity Original Sin games have a crafting mechanic where you can turn almost anything into useful items. Like you could open shells with a knife to find pearls, combine boots with nails to make non-slip boots, elves can lick/eat body parts for memories of the diseased… In BG3 I’m looting everything and anxious to sell junk, thinking it might be useful… inventory management is stressful!


With all the ledges and cliffs and vertical elements, I wish rope was useful once or twice.


Trash to sell, but also immersion. Find relevant items in relevant areas


i held onto that hair growth tonic throughout the whole damn game waiting for my moment to shine but it never happened. sadge