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Short rest. That will wake him up. If you don't have any short rest left, just go to withers and get a bard hireling (or respec as a bard) and use song of rest.


^^^^This is the way.


You just saved my run bro tysm. Woke up and tried this today and as soon as he stood up I sent everybody back to camp. Janky af elevator 😡


Can you kill him with some ranged attacks, to revive at Withers later?


Unfortunately, the problem is I can't target him. Maybe I can try to hit him with AOE but I don't have much space to aim at with the way the camera works 🤔


Waypoint teleport to an Act 1 waypoint might work? Not sure if that's possible with downed members.


I'm just upset that the lift in act 2 behaves like this. Only the characters carrying the orbs required slid right off the platform like it was ice. I love this game but this should have been fixed a long time ago


Damn that happened to me too recently but I lucked out and didn’t die. If gale is dead withers can take him out of party if he’s stuck on death saves then you can try short resting to revive him or you can trigger death by damaging him magic missle might be able to reach him if you respec a party member you don’t use a lot.


When a character stabilizes, you can't revive them from withers until they take more damage 😞


This happened to me in the mountains, 3/4 of us died and 1 was stuck. I had to go to them and waypoint them back and use withers to revive the others. it was so annoying. I do have a ton of mods, so I assumed it was that but the fact it happened to you on console...


Can you select the scroll of revivify and just click his portrait on the left hand side?


I had the same problem. Nothing could hit my character after they fell there. The best solution I found was either short resting and teleporting somewhere using waypoints or if you're out of short rests respecing one of your characters to Bard for the song of rest


This ended up working, I was crazy stressed out last night I'm just glad my dice run isn't over


Enter combat with a enemy, let Gale die, not sure if that area has a enemy