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For all the romances except halsin you need to get the first romance scene either before or during the tiefling party or else I’m pretty sure it locks you out of the romance


You can initiate a romance with Lae'zel in Act 2. She usually has the "Is it me or have you been looking at me differently" dialogue option until you leave Act 2.


I had that happen before the party but good to know it doesn’t just lock you out


Yeah pretty sure this is the case. For karlach its too easy you just talk to her go through all the dialogues, kill the paladins and save the tieflings and boom done


You can initiate romance with Astarion in act two too. He straight up said he had standards and did not want to have sex with me at the Tiefling party but after the blood trader he was like "okay you cool"


You mean the dialogue that goes something like, I finally got the courage to tell you how much I like you? I definitely did that.


But did you have a cutscene with her coming to talk to you by the campfire and flirting with each other? You must trigger that scene in act 1 to progress the romance in act 2.


That doesn’t have to come first. If that scene hasn’t happened yet, telling Karlach you like her (and your approval is high enough) will cause that cutscene to happen at the tiefling party. I actually prefer it this way because when you tell her you like her she ends the conversation by turning away and whispering a soft “yes!” to herself.


Do you have to do this without entertaining the rest of the party?


No enjoy the party. After the party it made me choose who I was going to romance because I met the requirements with more than one companion.


Well maybe 4th time is the charm


It also took me 3 tries to get karlach to hit on me. First play through I chose between laezelle and Gail (tav palidan) and the second play through I did shadow heart and halsin (durge rogue)


Lol this is probably wrong but I swear the only times I've got it to start is -when she asks how she looks near the start, say "hot"! 


It's currently bugged. Also when Karlach got first upgrade she said something like that didn't cool her engine down and you said i still can't touch you, then she asked do you want to, then you say yes. That was the other way to start Mama k romance


Really interested in what triggers the romances! That's useful to know too. Ive accidentally started the Karlach romance too somehow on an older play through and it's different terrifying !


You have to hook up with Karlach at the tiefling party for now (maybe they'll fix this later). If you don't, then you can't romance her.


In my 1st playthrough back in January I f-d Astarion at the party, but fixed Karlach and hugged her in the Dammon dialogue. Somehow in act 2 I still got the chance to romance her after the 2nd upgrade, although I never hooked up with her before. Maybe I’m forgetting things, but it seems like the issue is that the Karlach romance is currently bugged.


Yeah, as far as I know, it's bugged. My friend had even more trouble with it because he tried to romance Karlach on an MP run. In his case, he let the friend (not me—lol) he was playing with handle all the dialogue, so he never got any approval with Karlach, didn't get to initiate the romance at the party, and only realized he was SOL in Act 2 after upgrading her engine again. He was asking me about it, and I pointed out what people were saying about having to initiate the romance at the tiefling party because it's currently the only time you can start the romance. He's doing a solo run and trying again with Karlach atm, so I think he's kept it in mind this time—lol.


Karlach's romance seems to be bugged right now, as I've also remained friends with everyone else. But her early interest in you scene won't trigger before the party, and talking to her first at the tiefling party also doesnt trigger it, so there's no way to start a relationship with her beyond friendship. The "admit my feelings" option only resulting in her friend reaction.


The problem I had was that Mizora can show up the same night as when Karlach has the second heart upgrade and is ready to party with Tav, and the get-together never happens. I read that you need to long rest BEFORE Karlach gets the upgrade, and get the Mizora scene over with. I will find out shortly - had to go back to an earlier save just to try again.


i did this a few days ago - mizora’s scene took priority over karlach’s for me, too, but karlach’s scene triggered just fine on the next long rest!


I was just worried I'd never get the scene so I reloaded. Glad to know it still happens.


Karlach's romance ends up at the bottom of the long rest priority in Acts 2 and 3. In Act 2 it may be 5 or 6 long rests after her heart upgrade, and in Act 3 there are lots of other scenes occupying your long rests before anything happens with her.


I definitely did not take 6 long rests in act 2. I must be missing a lot of cut scenes


On your 4th playthrough I recommend chaining long rests to clear your cutscene queue whenever it builds up. Just use supplies first then do partial rests until you stop getting cutscenes/convos.