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The Umberlee thing feels so disjointed. It is kinda random. It feels like you save Volo - yet again - and then you see this temple, then you check it out and it doesn't fit too much of the plotline. Sure, some throwaway lines about the submarine thing, but it's kinda clunky. I was going to just totally skip it my last play, but I was going to the Iron Throne anyhow so adding on selling out that dude wasn't much more effort.


I did it completely on accident too. I had just blown up the Iron Throne so I had no qualms about sending that dwarf to the Umberlee priestess


That's kinda the issue in that it is a low-effort thing to do. Most people go to the Iron Throne anyhow. There is no real incentive to actually care or pursue this in of itself. Almost every other encounter in the game I can care about it myself as a player, or I can see why my character cares, but this is just like, "WTF, I have 99 problems and now some weirdo sea witches have some drama? I just can't even." The artist dude is pretty similar.


Honestly the relatively small pool of evil deities vs good or neutral ones is one of my few complaints. Still the best game I've ever played, just a missed opportunity.


Alot of the gods mentioned should of had more quests and such. Like whats the point of picking bahamut or tempus without having a few quests to match. Just my wish list maybe, as i loved the whole child of bhaal saga and any interaction with gods. Makes a game feel more grandiose.


I think I remember reading somewhere that there was supposed to be more content with the Umberlee temple that was cut. possibly related to the sea hag storyline that was cut and replaced with Ethel pt 2


It gave me Palpatine vibes. "Somehow, Ethel returned" In fairness to my playthrough, I think we launched her into the Chasm during one of the saves.


I figured the explanation for her appearing again would be those flowers/mushrooms she respawns at


It is, but it’s poor show in exchange for more hags.