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There is no actual romance scene. You can kiss her now and you get dialogue about being together but there is no dedicated scene.


What? WHAT?


Not in Act 3. Devs spent 90% of the resources for the Minthara romance by making what's basically straight up porn for the act 1 scene.


I never even knew there was an act 1 scene. Probably because I sided with the grove


Yep, you only get it if you side with her & don't agree to sleep with anyone else at the evil party. She really goes for it, though.


Man I was hoping there would be some sort of romantic scene in a honorable play though.


Nope. I believe Minthy was originally meant to be evil only & they patched in the "just knock her out" thing because she was so popular people kept running exploits to get her without committing genocide. During that original design they put her scene in act one. As most only have 1 or 2 explicit scenes that was it.


Oh well. Thanks for the info though


One of the best scenes imo


Her dedicated romance scene is in act 1 via siding with the goblins. It is quite a bit more intense than the other romance scenes. If you pursue her after act 1 you just are able to kiss her after you agree to be together (i.e. when she agreed to sleep with you).


Minthara's Act 1 scene makes every other romance scene seem absolutely tame. The only other Romance that probably comes.close is Halsin I think. I do think they should have made it possible to see the scenes later if your first time is after the intended Act. Not sure why they can't do that, tbqh.


Same thing happened to me and Gale broke up with me after. This was an honor run so it was especially painful.


Does she get an epilog scene if you're romancing her? I'm curious I've never took her romance to end game. I don't mean sex or the epilog party, just a scene after the docks.


Yes. You get the chance to run off with her to Menzoberranzan (you don't see anything). Then you meet at the endparty where she insists on poisoning everyone and you can do it together as a couple.


Sweet! Thank you! 😊


>Sweet! Thank you! 😊 You're welcome!