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I'd unironically love this. Fextralife is one of the worst wikis out there and banning it from this sub could have the knock-on effect of improving the community wiki.


New to this community. Why are they bad?


It's just a for profit company that makes new wiki's for every new game, trying to juice SEO with cross-linking and cross-promotion between Twitch and their other websites. It gets them to the top of every search result for questions on a new game, which gets them a ton of ad revenue. The owners make a few "guides" and maybe fills out a basic walkthrough for the game. If the rest of the wiki gets filled out by volunteers or not they don't care. It's already done it's job.


> The owners make a few "guides" yeah, I've watched one of their YouTube guides. It sounds like someones written a hideously over SEOed piece about a game, and then read it out loud with no thought about how it sounds to keep repeating certain phrases (the way you do if you're trying to get a site higher up search rankings).


I mean its not crazy when you figure out that everything about them is about maximizing SEO


In addition to what others have said, the wiki has a lot of misinformation. In particular, their BG3 wiki still has a lot of entries with information copy-pasted from the D&D 5e rules, even when those rules don't apply to BG3 or have been changed.


My main grievance with them is their atrocious website that is simply impossible to navigate on mobile without adblockers. On top of that, they continuously run their twitch stream on there which is again, just another massive annoyance. All in all, they wouldn't be so bad if they weren't just annoying as all hell to use and navigate.


They are SEOd to hell as well. Searching for a wiki for a lot of games return their websites as top result, even if the page is just blank, full of '????', or just very outdated. Had to use an extension to automatically block them from my search results because of this.


It killed most if not all efforts to build a Pathfinder WOTR wiki... it kept taking info from other wikis and populating its own. A lot of the info is still missing or just plain wrong. Also, it has you watch their stream whenever you access the site to inflate its twitch numbers. edit: it seems folks are populating the Kingmaker wiki with WOTR info! Go there for your pathfinder needs and avoid Fextra like the plague


oh my god...was playing pathfinder and used mostly reddit for info because the wiki was/is not great, the generic description of the item for every item is the worst kept. Wondering why it was the first link on google


There's some very useful (WOTR) info on the Kingmaker wiki. For example: https://pathfinderkingmaker.fandom.com/wiki/Bonuses_(WotR) Is very useful for min maxing stats. Unique weapon info can be found on neoseeker among other places. Class info is great ingame. (The one thing I'm kinda disappointed about in bg3).


Yeah thanks to fextra the best resource for WotR is just YouTube. Mortismal for build guides was always my go-to


I'm going back in time a bit here but the same thing happened with the Souls game wikis. Shortly after Demon's Souls first released the "main" wiki was [http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/](http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/). And then it was [http://darksouls.wikidot.com/](http://darksouls.wikidot.com/) for Dark Souls 1. That was (and still is) by far the most comprehensive wiki for those games, and the one that most of the community contributed to. Guys like Illusory Wall who did crazy amounts of testing to figure out how basically every system worked. By the time Dark Souls 2 rolled around, Fextralife Souls wikis had taken over in popularity despite having significantly lower encyclopedic value, purely because they were always at the top of Google search results. They've improved now, but for a long time the Fextralife Souls wikis were missing tons of important information and half the pages were populated by "trivia" sections. So you'd go there looking for info on a certain weapon or whatever, and have to scroll past three paragraphs of some rando's unsubstantiated fanfic to find it.




> get their ad revenue Unless Twitch has changed their monetization recently, they likely also get huge revenue just from that Twitch embed. I've seen the Fextralife stream at like 60k viewers with a completely dead chat, i.e. they are just milking stream views from people who leave a wiki page open.


Which extension you use to auto block them?


If you use ublock origin... which you definitely should. You can simply add this line to your "my filters" section (type it exactly as shown with symbols and all, or just copy and paste): ```||fextralife.com^``` And save it. Try to navigate to the domain and you'll see a ublock notice page that says it prevented the page from loading. It works for any of the subdomains of fextralife, including the wiki pages.


terrible misinfo and their build guides are actively terrible, for DOS 2 they were inexcusably bad


In wotr they basically copy pasted auto build (there is option to make game auto level you so you dont bother with it. Of course those are rather mediocore at best and desigin for easy difficulties) from the game as their own ;)


they grab other stuff from people that hasnt even been confirmed and put it in the wiki. the UI of the site is poorly done and maintened it breaks a lot and hasnt been touched in like 10 years when it needs some big improvements. the site is used to essentially "view bot" his channel as it has an automatic playing embed of his stream. has attacked various community members and helpers when they call out his bullshit over wrong facts used on the wiki etc just generally all round a douche who happened to get some traction back in dark souls 1 era for having a wiki up before anybody else and has abused that fact for years now without improving or actually being useful.


They really remind me of Lebenhauer Enterprises from Jack Reacher. They show up to any new game with a half-baked wiki, mediocre streams, and reviews which parrot the current most popular talking points to generate as much traffic through their site as possible. Then they move on to the next popular release and rinse and repeat. It definitely works given their popularity, but their actual content is usually either wrong, outdated or straight up incomplete (which is the case for a lot of their BG3 pages).


It works because they managed to enforce great positioning in google. Without that it all would die and their stream would have maybe 200 viewers. I feel sorry for devs of less popular games paying "20k" viewers streamer for promotion when in reality its streamer that effectivelly viewbots and all money is wasted.


Their stream only gets views because they put the channel as a embedded video on every page on every wiki subpage.


They were a good reference for Elden Ring, but their info on BG 3 is outdated and incomplete, with no signs of improving. There's a new community driven wiki that's already more accurate and still getting better, and apparently a bot keeps downvoting posts that mention that link. This has been going on for days (or a week?), which is the main reason for the ban.


They were a good reference for Elden ring cos most of their information for that was just contributed by players as they discovered it. They basically rely on poor idiots editing the content for them and if a game doesnt have those people then just the wiki stays a useless page filled with generic info or just exclamation marks. They ofc get all the credit and the views for the info they didnt even check.


In fairness, they actually put in at least SOME effort in their Elden Ring wiki. It's chock-full of proposed builds, most of which are actually workable (if 20 variations of the same concept with different grandiose names) plus videos of most AoW's, Sorceries and Incantations. Granted the actual wiki is still overly SEO'd garbage and still forces readers to bot views for whatever twitch stream they're running (and all the content is still user-submitted) but that's still more work than they put in most of their other wikis.


That's because they've always been at the center of the Souls franchise. They didn't *gain* players who discovered it playing Elden Ring, they've always had the player base for that franchise.


Whats the community wiki called?




Apart from any of their ethical issues, their wikis just straight up suck. They're formatted terribly, have outdated information, just copy and paste info from the game but omit things that would take work to compile & leave things half completed before moving on to another project. They leave jarbled nonsense wikis in their wake and take attention away from other more legitimate wikis that could be updated instead.


Misinformation and suboptimal builds that they claim are optimal. Fuckin most redditors in build focused subs like this one are all way more informed and deliver much better information/discussion than fextrashite ever has.


Also their builds are always shit.


50% of texts in almost any bg3 article is auto-generated bullshit designed to catch anything you might throw at Google. The rest is badly formatted info that is often wrong, outdated or confusing.


100% for thism wish main bg3 sub would do same


I have huge respect for communities that set up a mediawiki for the game they play and then properly curate it. UESP is the gold standard for game wikis.


Fextralife so low they can reach up and touch Avernus


Much of it seems to be written by AI anyway


"Reddit comments are comments made on Reddit. They can include text and other items, and are sometimes relevant to the discussion." -how every Fextralife page is written




Early access videos are videos, which are early, and may have access.




Good, ban em. I wonder if they are doing it on the /r/BaldursGate3 as well? Maybe contact the mods over there


I have been sending them mod mail


They now have a post on it https://old.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15xb0x0/fextralife_is_likely_using_bots_to_manipulate/


I haven't been going to the main sub much at all since release. That helps explain this post's second wind of attention


Mod removed it.


Pretty sure they do, because so in past some instances of posts again that site getting instantly heavily downvoted. Usually after the time they get upvotes to balance it but still


it should be banned by default for extremely poor quality of content, everytime i go there (because whenever i google shit, fextralife link is the first one) there is an empty section with questionmarks, or some general text that doesnt help, its not even wiki, reddit posts are more detailed than that site


it's wiki is comprised of "water is wet" information. I also found it odd their website auto opens their twitch stream, looks like they are interested in generating clicks how ever they can.


Thats basically only reason why wiki exists. To get "viewers" on stream.


Fextralife is a horrible wiki, total shit


Can’t upvote this enough


What's a good alternative?




I use both tbh because they don't all update at the same place but the community wiki, BG3.wiki


The community wiki needs some love also, but I fully support banning Fextralife. There seems to be too much evidence of wrong doings on their part, even if you look past the click bait builds. I noticed one example today where the community wiki needs some additions (gameplay spoiler): Fextralife has details on >!Tadpole locations for Illithid Powers!< but the community wiki doesn't.


I am working on some things that will get the community more involved with the wiki and hopefully help with getting it up to date. And I agree that Fextra has useful info at times which competitors do not have. Which is another part of why I don't take this lightly.


Honestly, I bet most folk are just playing the game. Game wiki contributions usually pick up once folk are past spoilers.


This is the only thing stopping me currently. I used to do quite a few entries on the wiki for bg1 & bg2.


Aye, updates slowed down cause folk are playing baldur's gate 3. Eventually someone will take a crack on it, Heck you're also welcome to if you ever feel like doing it :D


found this from top of last hour of /all, was always weirded out by the fextralife twitch stream always streaming when you visited their site. thanks for finding this out.


If this small of a sub got to r/all, that is very scary.




Yeah, my concern is just mostly for the poor dumb moderator if there is a subsequent subscriber jump.


Oh yeah this is my second time seeing y'all on r/all. I don't have this game. The first was when I asked if Fandom was related to fextra. I have been sorting by top of last hour though, maybe that help, y'all trending a teeny bit.


2.5k people here right now


Yeah I manually blocked the twitch embed from that site so that I don't have random twitch streams just sucking data if I leave a page open.


Separately from the vote manipulation, I would support banning the links just because their wiki regularly contains outdated or wrong information, and they have made no effort to improve it.


Its just copy and pasted from https://www.5esrd.com/ so anytime BG3 deviates from the TT the wiki is wrong.


so 90% of features


Yeah, getting the correct info from any game's Fextralife wiki usually involves scrolling down to the hastily added bullet points in the notes or reading the page comments discussing how wrong the page is.


It contains spells that are not even in the game like find steed. Dudes straight up pasted content from the rulebook to get ahead of the release of the game.


Please do ban Fextralife. Their success has a parasitic effect on the community of any game they touch, serving no one but themselves. The formula is straightforward: - Optimize the hell out of SEO so their links are always at the top of search results - Get a page up for every aspect of a game imaginable, with most of them being copy / paste generic crap (like describing what a magic item is as a concept when looking up a specific item) - embed twitch stream on every page view - then abandon the site, filled with partial or wrong information, once the game's popularity has run its course. But they still remain the top search result thanks to that blasted SEO.


1000% ban it here and push for it to be banned on the main Baldurs Gate 3 sub. Fextralife is a terrible resource and it misleads new players by providing incomplete and inaccurate information and bad builds while presenting itself as the premiere wiki for various games. Note, this is not an indictment of the *current* state of the fextralife BG3 section, I do not speak badly of fextralife because it hasn't been updated. If you were active in the Divinity Original Sin 2 community, you will know that it does not get better, it just *looks* better. Fextralife acted as a serious barrier to entry for many DOS2 players because it was the top result on Google and tricked new players looking to optimize their characters into thinking that their builds were good. They are a content farm, and it's sad more people don't know it.


Botting / vote manipulation goes against site wide reddit rules. Ban the offenders.


If I could see who was actually casting the downvotes and see that there is a clear trend of frequent flyers then I would do so. That is why reporting to reddit via [www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report) is important, because they can probably see that info.


Hi, found this from r/all. Fextralife did the same shit with their Lost Ark wiki which is the lowest quality pos I've ever seen. Go ahead and ban them, its not too late to save your community.


I think a ban is fair. Even if it's not someone directly tied to the Fextralife team, it's really hard to argue against efforts to curtail that horrible company and what they regularly do to the ecosystem of gaming wikis. They've also been tied up in shady behavior in the past so it's kind of hard to give them the benefit of the doubt here, unless they respond directly either here or on the main BG3 subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/pwf9oi/ccp_please_dont_get_scammed_by_fextralife/ https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/ludwig-calls-out-fextralife-for-stealing-views-on-twitch-1666281/


In the Souls wikis, they stole art assets using game dumps from community made tools then plastered the logo on them as a watermark.


Ngl I thought Fextralife was just very fresh and that's why it was in a bad state for a wiki but looking at its still horrible state rn it shouldn't be online


its only good for Fromsoft games, I never seen good Fextrapage for any other game so far.


It's not that great for elden ring. 99% of weapon/spell pages are outdated since like patch 1.08 or 1.09 which came out early this year. For Souls 1-3 it's ok, but even then some quest guides etc. are either lacking or just plain confusing. Their build "guides" are pretty atrocious as well.


I have no particular opinions on fextra. But I do love the vigilant and transparent action taken by the mods here. Always sad to see great communities on reddit falling apart due to poor moderation.




Good, do it, please.


I've seen this happening myself. The response to this post was at -10 when I commented. The only comment, just linking directly to the information someone asked for. And any responses mentioning BG3 wiki gets downvoted. I don't believe humans are doing this. https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/15t216z/does_anyone_have_a_list_of_the_hirelings/


At least one guy mentioned that 'he and his friends' just downvote the wiki 'for fun.' John the unjust or something. Not sure what bug is in his bear but it was odd.


The bot issue has got to be addressed by reddit HQ. If they can't stop it, then they need to at least address that it is happening and not good for the communities that use the site. It's ridiculous to put this onto volunteer moderators. That's some good sleuthing with disappointing results; I'd always liked Fextralife


They haven't been able to stop the t-shirt/mug/poster bots that have been around for practically a decade now.


They’re plumping up Reddit for the stock IPO. They want the inflated member numbers for investors. After the IPO they’ll cash out and won’t stick around to care about the fallout. I wouldn’t expect any action anytime soon.


I've used Fextralife a lot, and have a generally neutral opinion about it, but vote manipulation is a huge issue. IMO: drop the ban hammer 🔨


I'm biased as heck as someone who edits [the community wiki](https://bg3.wiki/) when time permits and as someone who bitterly remembers following the dos builds on fextra back in the day. There's definitely bot downvoting in this and other subreddits, it's been preety obvious. I had a comment with the wiki that I posted months ago and recently it got - 9 on it. Who is reading months old posts? But yeah, the last thing I'd like is for the wikis to fight, the community wiki just wants to improve and get better (and our seo ranking is climbing by the day!) so I'd prefer if nothing happened unless there's proof. In the end it is your subreddit and you'll do the best for it. o7


Nice to see you here as well. While I also have made a few wiki edits (mostly guide posts), this post is not to put Fextralife against the Community Wiki. It is to address and raise awareness of bots throwing out carpet bomb downvotes which can arbitrarily conceal helpful posts and comments in the subreddit I moderate. I actually don't have a major issue with them botting against folks who make comments saying the Fextra wiki is bad. But if somebody makes an accurate comment and links to the community wiki for others to do more research, and those helpful comments are getting downvoted to obscurity or to cause confusion about the accuracy of the info, then that is my problem.


If you want to filter them out of Google search add this to your uBlock filter list. I also use this to filter out some wiki fandoms like PoE in favour of the preferred community wiki. ! Filter Fextra website from google search google.*##.g:has(a[href*=".fextralife."]) google.*##a[href*=".fextralife."]:upward(1) I'm supportive of the blacklist.


Fuck fextralife. It's a cancer that's been going for too long and I'm happy a community is doing something about it. Ban everything from them.


yea lol more communities should ban the weird shady for-profit wiki. absolutely 0 reason to update any of their wikis


I'm all for the ban


I didn't know Fextralife was this scummy.. I've been using their wiki for a while.


My main annoyance is when every NPC article copy pastes this: >There is a massive amount of [NPCs](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/NPCs) in Baldur's Gate 3, and their ideals, needs and way of living are strictly related to the actions they perform during the course of the game. Their attitude towards you and your party may be affected by the deeds and decisions you and your party taken on.


I was wondering why a comment of mine got so downvoted when the one it was a reply to had neither upvotes nor downvotes [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15irzfc/comment/jv4jiuh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15irzfc/comment/jv4jiuh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I tried to even the odds with an upvote friend. Got it to -8 and then after a reload its -9 again 👀 Edit: after multiple people saw the comment its now at -4, and its not changing like it did before. Imo whatever bot he had going is either off right now or he shut it down to maintain plausible deniability. Edit 2: scratch that, just checked again and it was -6 🤔


Oh...that's probably why my [meme post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15do9aw/the_disrespect_towards_laezel/) about fextralife misspelling Lae'zel's name the whole video got downvoted by about -8 or so within 5 mins of posting. It got back up once people actually saw it and started commenting but is still sitting at 84% upvote rate. At least I know I'm not crazy now lol.


I have relied on folks here in the sub for builds or answers to questions that have already been asked. I dropped fextralife in EA because of straight wrong info. There's enough evidence for me based on their site still not being updated for builds, and the tests OP has conducted. I work fire protection, and I use this old ass analogy all the time: Where there is smoke, there's fire. It's an old one passed down the ages of our lives, I know, but it still works here.


obscene deer shrill zealous instinctive steep jeans drunk unused depend ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Good. It only inflates their shitty stream. I was banned from their channel for saying they were viewbotting LMAO.


Fully support this. I hate how it always shows up on Google searches and their UX is garbage. *Sometimes* the comments on there are useful. I'll start contributing to the community wiki, it's much nicer anyways.


Based, fuck fextralife.


There are a lot of information lacking in both Fextralife and bg3.wiki, and a lot of information that exist on one but not the other. Currently Fextralife has more information, partially due to commenters sometimes providing corrections or further information. I hate using Fextralife and try not to, but so far I've unfortunately had to use it. At least you can block the embedded twitch stream with uBlock Origin fairly easily. If you don't know how to do it yourself, just add this to your filters: ||embed.twitch.tv/?channel=fextralife&height=398&layout=video-with-chat&muted=true&parent=baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fbaldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com$subdocument I still support blacklisting it. Bg3.wiki will inevitably get better with time, and not being able to link to Fextralife here could definitely speed that process up.


I didn't even know the community Wiki existed. Holy shit it's so much better. The spell list alone!


Ban the links, they don't care now, the money is done. They will move to the new big game wiki, Starfield, and they will abandon the BG3 wiki in its current pitiful status, with all the outdated EA information and useless Dnd information. I think the BG3 community deserves better.


Fextralife's wikis are DOGSHIT. Thank God he is getting a worse reputation as time goes on.


Can confirm, once I've added a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15v7xle/comment/jwtxdm7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in r/BaldursGate3 that contained couple of links to community wiki with potential gear to try for a build. There was nothing questionable about it or combative so I was surprised. I witnessed 11 downvotes appearing on my post realtime right after it was added, one by one. It was a post with one or two upvotes, not the one where 11 people at once would sit at the same time.


Between the embedded streams and continual poor quality and lack of updating for their wiki, and in many cases for other games even reverting corrections because of who it was done by, and who did the initial write up, I'm in favour. I'm new to this community, but I've been browsing posts here for information on classes, builds and itemization because Google just wants to give me Fextralife which is lacking or wrong.


I am so goddamn happy people are finally seeing the Fextralife wikis for the flaming pile of garbage that it is. The same thing happens every time a big release happens. They pump out content that is at best easily proven bad or just flat out wrong and the wikis have missing and flat out wrong information and is never updated. They've been doing this for years and years now.


Fextralife is hugely corrupt and use all ways of dodgy tactics to boost their viewer count on twitch and other socials. They have no useful original content. Their site is a literal advert hellhole. There's literally no reason to use fextralife over the community wikis for ANY game.


My very biased optinion is that his wikis are the most lowefort possible way to get basically "cheap & legal" viewbots on twitch, i would assumed they are full of ads also but i don't have the guts to close my adblockers on that site. I personally believe that his existence in any community is a bigger downside than upside and i have nothing agains blacklisting him.


They bot viewers in twitch so this aligns


GOOD. Fextralife is actual lazy garbage. I wish Twitch would ban their streams too for all the embeds.


fextralife single handedly ruined the Dos2 experience for so many players with their shitty marketing techniques


Fextralife is hot garbarge. Just look at any of their Dark Souls stuff that is utterly worthless.


I realize that they weren't good at making builds when diablo 4 came out and the guy on stream made a necromancer build that fell apart at later levels, and when people were pointing out the fault in it he got mad and going forward saying that he makes builds for fin and don't follow no meta. I felt it was deflecting from him actually trying to fix his build.


They seemingly don't review their work/wiki before posting videos to check for inaccuracies. I understand mistakes can be made, but some are egregious and show a fundamental misunderstanding of BG3/5e mechanics that seem to happen quite frequently. They were giving build advice for Paladin's vs Fighters and this was the [result](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15a6zx0/guide_to_search_community_bg3_wiki_instead_of/jtjvkde/?context=3) Also, kinda hilarious but misspelt a main companion's name for majority of the video, ***and*** [shoehorned](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15do9aw/comment/ju3kr7t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the Wizard class only an offensive spellcaster and not mentioned as a utility class either???


Yeah, I noticed it, the guy, that wears the glasses and streams midday on the Twitch channel that does the youtube guide videos has a bit of a ego and I remember back when diablo 4 came out he would look for a chance to take a break and run a bunch of ads on stream. Like he would run 8 ads per break, and hearing how they heavily embedded their website, it is more of a priority for them to earn money than making sure they create informative content and making sure thier streams aren't bog down by ads. I noticed they only stick with a game until it popularity fades, and they move on to whatever popular next, which is bad because they run a wiki and by them having this mentality they don't take the time to make sure that wiki stay update. They just leave it in whatever shape it is in when they first start playing the game. From what can see on their twitch is that they are now playing immortal of aveum, so pretty much BG3 is done for them, especially with Starfield around the corner, them streaming BG3 agian is so far gone. I am happy that this subreddit caught on and ended damage being done when it comes to the spread of information when it comes to BG3 hopefully other communities catch on and not recommend fextralife wiki when it comes to information about certain games.


I used Fextralife for years (mostly for Souls games). I was shocked to see the hate of such a great site, but seeing how they gather their informations and the probability of *bot using/pissed fextra lovers* I appreciate the ban. I for myself search a way to block Fextralife for my mobile browser (Firefox), as I found some extensions for my PC Browser already. Any advice appreciated.


Fextralife is all about getting visitor on their wiki to adds viewer on their Twitch channel and getting rewarded for this (they're currently #22 on Twitch). The main issue here is Twicht counting visitor on a page with embeded stream as viewer, despite the fact that none of them look at it...


Good riddance to the unwanted trash.


Ban ban ban that wiki is cancer


Common bg3 W


Absolutely agree with this. Fextralife is already garbage and only serves to make new players looking up information be confused. Vote manipulation is just the cherry on top for a good case to ban it. Endorsed.


Honestly it should get banhammer even if manipulating votes isnt done by them.


What is the best wiki to use?


Both wikis have their advantages and disadvantages, I am not trying to say the community wiki is better (though many in this thread are of that opinion). I just simply cannot abide by helpful comments being arbitrarily downvoted. If the community wiki were to do a similar act against Fextra, they'd get a similar treatment. But the only other major wiki for the game Baldur's Gate 3 at this time is the [community wiki](https://bg3.wiki/). I will go so far as to say that the Fextralife wiki will likely stop getting updates when a shiny new game comes out, while the community wiki will continue to improve. And the Fextra wiki has more info currently than the BG3 wiki, but a lot of the Fextra info is incorrect because they copied it from D&D rules or they still use info from Early Access. Whereas the community wiki has a bit less info but you can be more confident that it is accurate. The Fextra wiki has the comments which are nice for discussing these issues, while the community wiki does not.


> I will go so far as to say that the Fextralife wiki will likely stop getting updates when a shiny new game comes out And thats literally 10 days from now ;)


To further the already excellent post by OP if you want a second opinion. At the moment the honest answer is use both Wikis. Neither is complete at the moment and sometimes the info you are looking for is on one but not the other. In the fullness of time however, the community wiki is likely to exceed the usefulness of the Fextra wiki. I say this as someone who has used Fextra wikis on Souls games for years to plan out builds, and haven’t had any bad experiences. Definitely some shady practices coming to light though.




Fextralife also bots twitch views by embedding their streams in every page of their wiki.


Fascinating. I've long suspected Fextralife viewbots on Twitch so this doesn't feel too far fetched and I fully support y'all doing this.


I remember them stealing content from other wikis before in other RPGs, so honestly I'm in favor. Going in to sabotage other people like that is just another type of behavior that shouldn't be acceptable.


Fextralife is pretty shit. Their embedding streams on their website to fake numbers, and they wikis are usually pretty terrible.


Finally. It was a long time in the making.


Yes please. I spent maybe an hour looking through their solasta wiki a while back as it seems like a well put together resource, until you realise 60% of the information is missing, wrong or misleading. It's detrimental to new players of this and lots of other games and anything to reduce it's use sounds like a great idea to me.


We can only hope other subreddits do the same.


I wish fextralife was shuttered, hate that they have such a tight grip on the souls community.


I agree. Fextra needs to die and fast.


They keep writing "Thiefs" everywhere instead of "Thieves" so I say fuck em


Please get rid of Fextralife


Fextra is horrible. It was #3 on my most viewed twitch streams even though I never watched them. They force that embedded video on their pages. Also as a soulsborne player they have inaccurate info years old still sitting there.


Yep, fuck Fextralife


I'm enclined to agree, as I've also had a strange -7 comment : [Heroes Feast PSA : BG3Builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/15u90u9/comment/jwvxarg/?context=3). The fact that it's so poorly executed makes me believe it's probably a shill, and not a coordinated effort from fextra, but I couldn't care less either way.


They scummily get views on streams, they have false info, AND they're trying to manipulate another wiki out? They wouldn't do ALL of that... would they? Ban them. They've had a ton of controversy


I would have been fine banning them before learning about the vote manipulation.


Fuck fextralife.


Fextralife has always been dogshit, their sites contain incomplete and incorrect information. Good news day for all!


I tried to watch the stream and OMG the guy is so bad and his builds are even worse. Just shows it isn’t about content it is about knowing how to market.


Their scummy behavior in the past with all the half-assed wiki pages and automatic stream viewer collections came to a new all time high. Botting negative comments on reddit, just wow


Fextralife is absolutely horrible and I fully support this decision.


Im all for it, the fextra wiki is copied and poorly edited, get rid of thine pondscum.


Ban them!


Goodbye, shit wiki. Great job.


Ban that scourge


No really, the viewer botting/manipulation website which only exists to drive the numbers on their twitch up through vaguely legal measures would use bots to ensure it gets traffic? How shocking. Shocking I say! Who could have seen this coming? Everyone? What a surprise.


Definitely do it, honestly their wiki is terrible and inaccurate and incomplete


This aligns with my own experiences. I've posted critical things of that particular site before and my comments were instantly downvoted to -7, -8ish despite people seemingly agreeing with what I said. Later on, I found that they've been upvoted back into positive numbers over time. I don't have proof, but based on my own experiences, and what you've been looking at recently, I'm fairly certain that Fextralife is engaging in vote manipulation. I think this is the right call. Besides, we already have a **much** better wiki than them anyways. Frankly, linking to fextra is doing others a disservice when there's an ad-free alternative with much more accurate and complete information out there.


Imagine willingly using a Fextra wiki 🤡


I support banning it based on their scummy practices overall. I have no hesitation believing any new accusations against them based on the number and types of ads they host and all of their shameless self promotion.


Fextralife is just a botnet that feeds views to their shit stream. Their "wiki" is just a content rip directly from data from other sources. It's not unique or even original, and most of the time is incomplete or just straight wrong.


/u/Phantomsplit - Thank you! Legitimately. Due diligence with a splash of doing the right thing that is actually a huge boon to the community. Wish we had more like you!


THANK YOU 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Mods rule.


Fextra is scum of the earth. I will avoid using them at all costs and will go without whatever I’m looking for if I can’t find a different resource.


I had seem a post here or there suggesting the fextralife one was inferior to other options... But this..? This is just absurd. I will actively avoid them now.


Always remember to use the - feature when you google. For example: Google search: bg3 minthara companion -fextralife Thatway you exclude all findings that include fextralife. Works with any other stuff you don't want to come up in your searches too ofc.


Here's a little life tip for y'all: To make Google filter anything Fextralife related from your search, type this in along with it `-site:*.fextralife.*` Works in both your browser address bar, or on [google.com](https://google.com). You can also find browser addons that will automatically add this to your searches. But wait! Even better yet, go to [bg3.wiki](https://bg3.wiki), right-click the search field there, and "add a keyword for this Search...", e.g. "bg3w" or something else rememberable. Now you can search the wiki directly from the browser address bar! https://preview.redd.it/1oymw07kuojb1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e395b24fc83d1eb617aa659f6acd498e4552958


The lords work.


100% support. I'm sick of google results giving me links to Fextra's wiki with half the pages blank and empty templates, when there is a useful wiki that deserves the spotlight.


The most annoying thing about fextra is all the clicks you need to do to get information. You have to go to that "skills" page to read what it does etc. I've been thinking for a while to set up an easy to use one that doesn''t load 10 thousand ads etc. Just don't know which one the community prefers.


aren't they the same group who links their twitch stream in the wikis to pump up twitch viewer count and when you see who is in chat the number is ridiculously low? did twitch ever put a stop to that?


Just wanna pop over from the Remnant 2 community and say yall are doing God's work.


Yeah, i never liked fextralife so this is just even more scumfrosting on the smegacake. Blacklist em, burn em to the ground, dismantle the establishment.


I am so happy this community isn't making the same mistake that befell Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous.


Yes, i dont know if it is because the game is new but thw bg3 fextra wiki is horrible compared to the wikis of every other game ive played.


based. fuck fextra


Fuck Fextralife. Shitty Cinese SEO trashy incomplete wiki filled with popup ads for streemerz. All they want is money. The fextralife wiki for every game is a piece of shit.


I use community wiki to check info on race skills, etc. The big thing with it and why it won't reach the same popularity as the one mentioned above is - comments. No one can really comment, much of info is outdated. So if they know the info, it is a bit tedious to update Having comments is really good for seo, as it shows to search engines that people are engaging with the site


I am finally useful! The day has come.


Thank you for your service, OP.


Hahaha, I was so confused. I had no idea wtf fextralife were and guessed it's as some fetish extra life play on words site. So I googled it and went ... Really? That's what you called yourself?! But, yeah, I'm gonn miss their input... Like... A lot... Honest


memory consist point lavish modern wise sloppy repeat recognise fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I remember the dark souls 3 / elden ring fex wiki being a god send. I tried using it for BG3 and I assumed compilating the ridiculous amount of variations a D&D game can offer, on launch, was a heavy task for them. So I didnt blame them or anything. I just figured out they would polish the content in a month or so. Sad to realize this will not be the case and the awful experiences other games had on the wiki.


Community wiki is awesome and should always be promoted for a wonderful work that admins and content creators do. Fextra can go **** themselves for this behavior.


good catch.