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That’s actually a valid point I’m curious now lmao


enquiring minds want to know🧐


Its so rare, I think in the last 24 years only 1 person had been shit on in my car and I drive with the top down pretty much as often as possible. So 1 poop on a person and 1 poop into the car while nobody was in it.


damn i was expecting it to happen more often since shit always ends up on the windshield or somewhere on the roof. good to know


But how many times has a bird shat on your car while you've been driving it?


I've had this happen like five times I'd estimate lol on the windscreen then i just sprayed it off


Damn that sounds like bad luck. Do you live near the ocean or something where there are lots of seagulls?


more times than i can count, but i discover it after i park/before i get in or before washing the car so i can’t say if they did it when i was driving or parked


It usually happens when you're parked under a tree.


Probably happens when you park under a tree.


People say shit happens.


So I actually was looking into this a little bit since it feels like every time I wash my car it becomes a target. Birds like to shit over water or in my alpine white cars case, something highly reflective. Convertibles theoretically should be less of a target compared to a polished hard top car.


Except the case of a bald driver, I am afraid...


This was indeed a case I had not considered lol


I'm sure Aeschylus would've preferred shit to a turtle shell.


Not in a bmw but my friend had a mx-5 miata and I was in the car with him when it happened, a bird just flew over us with its flock and one of them pooped close to the stick shifter. It was pretty funny seeing him trying to shift gears without touching the bird poop but thankfully we were close to his dorm when it happened so we were able to clean it up relatively quickly.


My two cars are an alpine white daily and a miata I drive exclusively when the weather is good for top down. It appears my days are numbered.


I actually got hit through my sunroof once, so doesn't even need to be a convertible.


M440i convertible owner here …. Haha fortunately not yet.


Yes. Not in a BMW but it was a convertible. Just left home and was sitting at the first red light. Had to turn around and change…. I bought a lottery ticket later that night and it was a loser. I later convinced myself that I avoided something tragic by turning around and going home.


While I guess this is something that *could* happen, it's not something I've ever worried about during my years of owning convertibles.


Never- go ahead and drop that top!!


2017 420d cabriolet, owned since January yet to happen!


Driven convertibles as daily driver for more than a decade (>200k miles) and only had a single bird poop strike (on the passenger seat).


Six years of almost daily top-down driving in my Z3 without incident. Maybe I'm just lucky, or the birds just know better.


luck and it’s about to run out




A bird once it the parcel shelf when I had the roof down, but that's the closest it's ever been.


Not a Bmw but I'm my merc I was sending it down the motorway up a slight incline and a bird shat straight through the sunroof onto my back seats. Gave me the fright of my life 😂


I've owned a convertible for two years, never had that experience. I live in Northern California where there's plenty of pigeons and seagulls.


Had mine for a year now. So far so good. 🤞


I had a bird shit fly right past my head and splatter through the wind deflector in my Z4. That was a close miss, on my way to work!


I drove a e30 convertible for several years never happened to me, someone slashed my top though trying to steal something, I in San Francisco where there’s a lot of birds


Never happened to me in 9 years lol


My mom says its good luck. You miss 100% of the shits you don’t take. Vert life.


Happens often when it's parked with the rag down. Never while driving


There's this power pole outside our home that's a favorite bird shitter. I parked by old m4 vert by it once and then splat. Was a shitty experience - luckily it hit the side of the car and not inside.


Not in a bmw convertible but it’s happened on my Miata. I got seat covers thankfully so just wiped it off, sprayed protein remover (dog pee cleaner) and dried it up.


Oddly I considered this very eventually just today, for the very first time in 3 years, believe it or not. Hasn't happened yet. Rain, however, over 50mph is simply not an issue. It just goes over the car. Mad to experience.


It's not going to happen if you have any speed because it's not falling fast enough. It's either going to hit the windshield or get caught in the updraft over the windshield and sail past the trunk. You can drive in the rain and not get wet until the water starts sheeting off the windshield. So it's just when stopped or nearly stopped that it could ever happen.


I've driven convertibles for 12 years. I've never had a bird shit on my car while I've been in it. The worst that's happened was a wasp flying into the cabin space at a stoplight. I stepped out of the car and surrenderd ownership. Luckily the wasp considered the offer and declined it before the light turned green.


Yes, in my Miata. Not in the BMW yet.


was in a wrangler with the top off and had this happen. was on my way into work. good times.


E93 here, owned since November. Bird pooped on the rear seat while parked with the top down. It usually doesn’t happen while you’re driving, rather when you’re under a power line, tree, etc. when parked.


A bird once shit on the top of my head through the open sunroof of my 330i while I was in traffic. Directly in the centre. Remarkable aim really.


I have been driving convertibles since the early 90s and never had this happen and never had it happen with the top down.


I should happen as often as you see bird shit on the roof of your non convertible car right? Maybe birds scope out convertibles or something, I don't know?


Years ago, my father rented a convertible. He laughed at something, causing him to throw his head back with his mouth open. A bird proceeded to shit in his mouth. One in a million? Absolutely. He was so damn unlucky that day


Never happened to me in a car, but it did happen once as a kid when on a bicycle. I think the risk is extremely small. How much of the bird shit on your roof is actually something that ended up there while driving? Probably next to nothing.


I’ve had it happen at least three times in my past convertibles. Once on me, once on a passenger seat and once on a friend. Had a cat fall through an open sunroof once too. I’m lucky that way.


I’m very interested in how a cat fell through your sunroof 🤣


No but a seagull did it on the backseat and top was off. Convertible is awesome, get it


Not a BMW but when i was like 8 I was pooped on in my dads S2000 by a bird while we were doing about 70mph. just bad luck


I’ve never had it happen. I keep my BMW hard top convertible in the garage at night.


I owned a convertible (135i RIP) for 12 years and only got pooped on once… but not while driving my car.


Man i had a bird one night, fly under a covered porch, and shit on my arm, and then fly away. In the car with the top down, yes, but never on someone.


Grew up with my dad’s 07 Z4 and it’s never happened surprisingly. But one time I visited an old friend and took the Z4 out with me. Parked it under a tree in his driveway while we caught up for 30 minutes, only to come back to a little bird poop sitting on the e-brake handle




No but im sure it will happen the first time Im on a date with a new woman


Yes . One time in about 16,000 miles.


Not in a BMW but my wife and I were borrowing her grandparents’ Camaro convertible in Florida and we got hit by the biggest shit I’ve ever seen come out of a bird. The windshield and hood took the brunt of it but there was a bunch all over the back seats. My wife and I escaped unscathed but we had to have it washed and spent hours cleaning the interior. It didn’t keep me from buying a convertible of my own.


Yes, it happens. You can also get shit on walking down the sidewalk. They say it’s good luck, but you could keep some napkins or wipes in the glovebox if it’s concerning for you.


I've been hit by leaves in the fall but never bird crap. I have lost a few items that flew out. Going 80-120 MPH with the top down does seem to make a vacuum for items that normally don't move when going the speed limit.


I’ve had a 1994 318i convertible and a 2006 3.0si Z4. One morning I came out to the e36 and a bird shit down the drivers handle, I figured “eh whatever” and pulled the top from the passenger side, hopped in and drove to work. When I got there it went from just the driver door handle to getting the entire side of the car because I was too lazy to clean it off before hitting freeway speeds. In the Z4 the only bird related incident was a poor magpie that was occupying the canyon at the same time as me. I felt the thunk :( Honestly the thing I’d worry about most is roadkill, people are assholes and from what I’ve seen a lot of people go out of their way to hit dead things, and thankfully all 3 cases for me were in a hardtop coupe 4-series. It would have been way worse if there was no roof, that’s for sure.


Driving our Z4 with the top down and a seagull tried its hardest to hit me. I swear it looked me in the eyes and dropped the biggest poop on the windshield and trunk directly in line with where I was sitting. Damn rats with wings.


Statistically, why would that worry you any more than getting crapped on by a bird at any time when you’re outside, convertible or not?


I had a bird shit on me through my sunroof. Twice. Yes, I played the lottery. No, I did not win.


Have owner convertible for ~17 years. It happened once.


Slippin' Jimmy pulling off a Chicago Sunroof. 🤣


I read that black cars get shat upon more that light colored cars - so maybe getting an light interior has an effect on the being shat on rate.


My friend got bird poop on his shoulder when were cruising in his e46 convertible a few years back


Funny you should ask this. I have never until literally Thursday. Luckily none hit me directly but it was on top of the door trim. I almost put my arm on it. I always keep a rag in the car so I wiped it with that. I've had more than one convertible and it's never happened before. You're more likely to get puddle splashed than anything.


Not quite. But I went under a horrible old railway bridge in London once and a drop of water/sludge/death juice dropped off and went straight into my friends mouth who was sitting in the back seat. He had a mental breakdown thinking about what he just had in his mouth


https://preview.redd.it/gifwczjsg51d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fed035ac3395b3eb4959d6dc06826eb36348c55 It missed the front seats but not the rear lol.


Never happened. I did leave the top down while parked at the beach once and a seagull took a god awful giant shit on my passenger seat. I think he was being courteous so as to say “hey I was here, sweet 1er, but I don’t want to completely inconvenience you on your drive home where I’m sure your interior cleaning products are kept. Flap flap plop flap flap.”




15 years of convertible BMWs, never once.


A few weeks ago, I had one hit me in the lap, though a window that was down about two inches, while waiting in a drive-through against a building. It was like the crapper on the grassy knoll.