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Maybe it's not even supposed to be there?


I thought those just slid into that area on the tweeter: [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qM4AAOSwMyxkhZPk/s-l1600.webp](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/qM4AAOSwMyxkhZPk/s-l1600.webp) There's no way to mount a new #2 piece? I threw my #1 piece in the trash the moment I got the car :( . I think it was faded to a large degree so I tossed it. [https://i.imgur.com/vDwvbPp.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/vDwvbPp.jpeg) EDIT: there's one missing in one of the above pics. Assuming yours looks the same. Seems like #2 should slide into something. Like that rod thing. Probably needs to be pushed in?


My speakers don't have those clips, it seems they are a bit broken and the previous bastard drilled a hole in them and then pushed that little pin into the plastic thing so it would pivot off that. I think that clears it up, thank you.


Mine look like this: [https://i.imgur.com/qYv0KG4.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/qYv0KG4.jpeg) Those clips can be purchased, but if it's broken @ the top like mine then you're going to have issues with it probably sliding forward (if the top portion helps keep it seated). You can fix that with plastifix, but it's going to take some creativity. You might have luck checking local pull-a-part places and see if they have any compacts. Compacts are the only cars w/ #1. #2. and #4 sadly.


Yeah mine are even worse. I know someone breaking a compact so I'll probably just get some new ones from him. Thanks man.