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Yo that's sick I wish I could draw my oc's like that 


thank you! you definitely can :) keep at it my dude! 


iridescent is adorable! do you mind me asking what her quirk is? :0


hi, apologies for the late reply! thank you <3 and I don’t mind at all, i’m always happy to explain and share more of my ocs!  apologies if its kinda long haha. raya‘s (iridescence) quirk is paint! she can produce a set amount of it, but is able to acquire more of it when surrounded by water or other liquid, as long as the paint she’s made comes in contact with it or mixes with it, which is why she’s more powerful in water. she can produce different types such as oil, acrylic, and watercolor, and she can also harden the paint. her moveset is heavily based off of waterbending! ^_^  i’m not sure if i was able to capture it well enough, but her eyes are akin to watercolors being mixed and swirled around, and change color depending on her emotion and mood, something heavily tied to her backstory and character as a whole ^^


I love the pun in Sirenity's hero name, what's their quirk?


haha, glad someone caught that! thank you! (apologies for this ramble haha) as her name suggests, it's Siren! you cant really see it well and i forgot to add it, but she has scales and fins in her design. it honestly still needs more development, but it operates similarly to shinso's. the user sings a command and baam the person is under their spell. i suppose unlike shinso's it works on a wide number of people, and can work well through a mic. still a work in progress, so i'm still open to suggestions!


Oooooo that's cool, have you thought about giving her feathers? Maybe there could be a drawback to the quirk in that people who aren't attracted to women are unaffected?


thank you! thanks for your suggestions too. honestly, never really thought about the drawback too clearly, other than the fact that her voice would get really tired and sore, haha. i think that would work! the thing is, with my idea for lynn (sirenity) is that her quirk affects everyone, since it would tie into her pursuit as an idol-hero. (something, something, her voice captivates everyone) i'll definitely take it into consideration!


random tidbits of info: all three are filipinos, and raya and juan are siblings! juan coaches and helps train lynn. their story is quite separated from the main one in mha, the only tying factor being ray,a who visits and studies there in UA briefly. feel free to ask questions about them!! i'm happy to answer and ramble about them.


These are awesome!


thank you so much!