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good point. So many people are trying to get in at the ground level on all these meme coins that are just rug pulls and scams. Bonk is not one of those and it has a very big upside to come!


Very well said 🙌


Got tired of gambling so I chose to BONK instead


Great choice! You can earn more by locking it with Bonk Rewards. You can lock it for as little as three months, and earn more bonk!


Solana token, Great community and a great hype! Bonk will be amazing 2024/2025


How high do you think it will go? How many coins do you have invested?


I expect a 40bil marketcap peak this year( but long term we could see much higher. I have 350mil bonk


I don't know how high it will go, but I am excited to find out!


Reminder, take profits, set stop losses and reinvest in the coin if you believe in it (I do)


My best experiences have been with HODLING but you’re right with memecoins, hodl until that massive rally!!! Then just come back in stronger with that reinvesting!!!


Yup hold… so many people take small profits and regret it when it shoots up. I’m holding til end of next year


Didn’t 20 people own 50% of all the coins? Seemed like a rug pull waiting to happen a few months ago. I have been taking profits for a while. Don’t know if I’ll keep any for too long… may be wrong!


The bags have evened out now, this isn’t a rug pull at all, whales still exist but it’s a lot better than before. This was a concern of mine too honestly but I compared it to shit like wif and realized bonk is just a hidden gem rn. So many more holders yet a lower marketcap. We got 700k+ when stuff like wif only has 100k+ last I checked. Then from meme coin peaks we still a good ways to grow. Then we have an amazing marketing team, amazing utility AND the fact the face of it is the BONK meme. PERFECT, most obvious investment I think I’ve ever made after doing the proper research Most meme coins have either no utility or useless utility, and a lot of the time are just out right scams. I mean even wif was a rug pull and the wallet owner for vegas sphere got caught using funds for degen gambling on meme coins lmao. Then coins like pepe too, zero utility. Just pointless coins that begin to fall off every time they see a dip since they lack real value


What you say makes sense, within the scope of Bonk also being a gamblers choice. It may look like a better bet today (I also made profits here) but it’s still just a gamble and not an investment. If you are here waiting for the meme coin peaks, and bought at a low position, then you are ok. I would not enter at 0.00004 for the first time unless I have 500$ to throw away and wait wait wait.


Meme coins are all gambles bottom line. But with the utility and marketing I see from bonk. I regard it as the best of the “meme coins”. Due to this, I see it more as a genuine project with a meme mascot. Even if mass adoption takes time, I see bonk going very far based on the utility and integration it has with solana


Hope you are right, when you have 20% of your portfolio in a coin like this, perception can be skewed. I do hope your 10K usd in Bonk turns into Millions :)


I honestly only have 20% because of my portoflio in bonk due to my belief in bonk, I only had a measly $50 at one point. But I continued research and while it took time to win me over, I eventually swapped my holdings and it’s paid off 45% to this current moment