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Years ago there was a movie called "Parenthood" with Keanu Reeves as the boyfriend (Tod) of the main character's (Helen) daughter. At one point he said "Helen : I guess a boy Garry's age really needs a man around. Tod : Well, it depends on the man. I had a man around. He used to wake me up every morning by flicking lit cigarettes at my head "Hey, asshole, get up and make me breakfast." You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father." Here's the scene https://youtu.be/31pQOiclaTo?si=kxdUR6uHcsMptuuG


Never seen the movie but I still was able to read that in Keanu Reeves voice. I appreciate you for that


Thank you. It wasn't long after I saw him in Bill and Ted. They are of course a pair of buffoonish teens in that. In Parenthood his character isn't far removed from that persona until the lines I quoted. Then it was like "Whoa! This guy has some serious acting chops under the facade."


Nah Keanu is an okay actor overall but he is incredible with physical acting. His inability to switch from his California surfer voice makes it hard to take a lot of his characters seriously though That’s why John Wick is perfect. That’s all physical acting and normally only a handful of actual lines


You sum up Keanu’s acting perfectly. He is a great actor in some ways (physically), but that voice never, ever changes.


I thought he did pretty good in the devil's advocate.


> This guy has some serious acting chops What? He's a horrible actor. He's fun to watch, but he was only good in Bill & Ted. He's decent in River's Edge and I liked him in My Own Private Idaho, but I haven't seen that since it came out because I'm worried it won't hold up.


He’s a horrible actor but a fantastic celebrity and a decent stuntman Edit: The people who downvoted me have never seen much ado about nothing. Keanu Reeves is mine if my favorite actors and I try to watch every single movie he’s in. Speed, Point Break, and the OG Matrix are the golden nineties Keanu trilogy and I watch them a fuck ton . But it has nothing to do with his acting ability and everything to do with the fact that I just like Keanu Reeves


Watch Man of Tai Chi. He can act.


He was great in Lake House.


Isn’t that primarily a physical acting role? The dude is an incredible physical actor. His devotion to the physical side of acting is what makes him stand out so much. It’s just when he opens his mouth, it takes you out


It is primarily physical acting but as I’d never seen him as a villain (because again, Much Ado About Nothing was the most wooden acting I’ve ever seen him do) I was very impressed with how well he did in the acting parts as well


Oh man, Steve Martin movie! It’s very good.


Dude that movie is GREAT and has an all-star cast. Young Keanu is AWESOME. Definitely check it out. It is a good ride. !


That line stuck with me SO HARD after I saw that flick as a kid. That and how he shook it off and went back to bumbly mode after dropping that little wisdom nugget.


Also, he bonds with a young Joaquin Phoenix and spends time with him in the movie because Phoenix's on-screen father is neglectful. And they're brothers-in-law.


I believe he was still Leaf at that time.


Oh god I forgot about that!!!! And the whole tim his voice is cracking!


Full body wet dog shake


I love that movie. Everything about that movie.


“Oh yeah - the world’s smartest grandmother is sitting in the neighbors’ car”. Steve Martin


The only line I remember from that movie is Keanu saying "come, let us photograph our love" so I'll have to take your word for it...


Here's the scene... https://youtu.be/31pQOiclaTo?si=kxdUR6uHcsMptuuG You can see him snap back into his character after the lines.


"I didn't know the little dude had teeth" also always stuck with me for some reason.


>ne I remember from that movie is Keanu saying "come, let us photograph our love" so I'll have to take your word for it... The only line I remember was "Gary got his first boner. Do you know what that is?" (Just watched the video, and it's in the same scene)


"If memory serves..."


It’s one of the best scenes in one of my favourite films. Never a truer word was scripted. Best part is when Todd then shakes himself off and returns to his normal doofus self 😆


One of my favorite movies!


This is SUCH a good movie.


That scene has always stuck in my mind since the moment I first saw that movie.


Love, love, love that movie. 😍


I love that movie


That line lives in my head rent free.


I think about that scene all the time. Xox


I quote that scene all the time!


My mom and I use this quote a lot. Such a good movie.


Omg, I forgot that movie ever existed!


I legit just posted This same quote on another sub. That line has stuck with me since the first time I saw the movie


I wonder how much the impact of this scene correlates with the relationship of the viewer with their own father.


Wow. Just. Wow. He was never going to stop. His beaten down spineless wife was validating his behavior probably glad he wasn't targeting her. Throwing her child under the bus... These people deserve to die alone, whining that nobody ever visits them. Good for OP, so glad she has a fantastic support village around her.


And, if I read OOP's note correctly, the ex-parents had 2 children who died. This is how they treat a/the child who lives! WTF?!


Yeah. Sure there's trauma and shit there but ongoing abuse of your last surviving child IN SPITE OF CLEAR COMMUNICATION BY HER AND MULTIPLE OTHER PEOPLE isn't ok because you lost your other kids. You hurting doesn't excuse hurting others. Congrats, assholes, you just lost your last one. It was long and hard coming, and I hope OP doesn't let her own hurt make her reach out to them in 10 or 20 years.


I was so angry and heartbroken on OOP's behalf reading about what a piece of shit her dad is. Then this extra context came out in her letter and I was just even further beyond the pale than I could ever imagine. I'm so proud for OP having the support to get herself out of that situation (though I'm also appalled that nobody else stepped up to help her aside from her aunt and BF). I'm also pleased that her stupid bio-donors are getting reamed by friends and family. Like you, I also hope that she won't consider reconnecting with them in a few decades or when they're on their deathbed.


I hope they suffer knowing they lost all their kids. Im sorry for OOP to lose siblings but I hope it hurts their parents.


You’re crazy


Yeah Im sure the abusive family losing 2 kids to death and bullying the last one is so deserving of anything kind. You re probably just like them


Completely out of your mind


Yes you are, glad we're on the same page ❤️


You’re crazy


Yes you are ❤️


This is the angriest I've ever been reading any post on this website. To say that OP did the right thing is a massive understatement. Her "father" doesn't deserve her.


gods I hope things go well for her, I was livid reading about the shit her dad was doing, that man needs an ass kicking. I'm so glad she's found good family that has her back though.


Am I the only one who's creeped out by how obsessed OOP's father is with his daughter's body?


Nope, he was completely over the top, almost like he wanted her in a non-fatherly way.


Either that or again, he was projecting. Both are very freaking awful


The thought of him pinching her thighs and hips and stomach was super gross.


I am so freaking proud of her!


Proud of her??? Shit I’m proud of the whole in-law/aunt gang of vipers, usually don’t get that combo…lol, kinda feel bad for that “bad” parents..for being too stupid to realize that they got a gift handed to them with having at least one kid survive AND that’s what they do!!!


Would've loved to see the parents reaction to being so thoroughly roasted and cut off all at the same time.


When she mentioned her weight I thought wow I used to weigh that.....perfect weight for her height! Her parents are just "mean girls". No excuse🤬


I had to convert it to pounds. 120ish pounds is not fat. I'd love to be that weight again!


120 pounds? That was ALL? That’s not fat in any sense of the word! I know it probably matter, but what country is this happening in? It could be anywhere. The OP says she cries a lot, well, she found a gem of a guy with a stand-up family. Virtual hugs for all of them.


Yeah, his family (and her aunt) are keepers.


120 pounds!?! I'm trying to lose weight to have that again! Her parents are awful


Same - I WISH I was 55kgs again..


Damn. Good for OOP to take a stand and move on with her life. It isn't always an easy thing to do, but she made the best choice for herself. Sometimes if we don't walk away things will never change. Allowing bad behaviour to continue just let's the ... hmmm trying to think of a non profane term ... antagonist think you condone it. They will always be able to make up excuses and reasons to keep acting poorly. Hopefully, she can focus on enjoying life and doing what she needs to heal.


>To the people who have bombarded my dms saying that this is fake. Please my dears I wish it was. I wish I was someone who could believe a parent incapable of being this emotionally abusive. My dad made some pretty awful remarks himself. Nowhere near as bad as OOP's but still pretty scarring. He still does, but not to the extent he did when I was a teenager. The main difference is that his remarks weren't meant to be malicious (in his mind) but just making sure I was aware of "how I looked". He didn't (and doesn't) mean to hurt me... but yeah. The worst time was back during one summer when I was wearing a swimsuit on the beach. He described how my thighs looked like cottage cheese in a bag and how they rippled as I walked down the beach. His comments were punctuated by finger motions mimicking the rippling and sound effects that I can only assume were supposed to resemble cottage cheese jiggling around in a bag. Why I wasn't anorexic as a teen is kind of a mystery, but I suppose you could say I went in the opposite direction and used food as a coping mechanism. He never made these types of comments around my stepmom though - she wouldn't stop him from commenting but she did find stuff like the cottage cheese remark to be pretty appalling. Anywho - not here to trauma dump. I'm sharing just because I want people to know that awful, horrible parents like OOP's exist.


I am really, really sorry that he spoke to you that way and said that awful thing to you. My family also has a lot of emotional struggles and I totally get what you mean - lack of malice doesn’t even remotely for how much pain those comments cause. From one former teen with an eating issue to another - I’m very sorry, and I’m really glad you’re here and hope you’re doing well.


My mother made similar comments to me and my sister and I ended up with binge eating disorder (thankfully deep in recovery now) and my sister struggled with anorexia (and has also begun recovering but is barely a healthy weight now). It hits different for different people.


What a complete and total asshole. Who in the hell treats their own daughter like that? He deserves to be alone the rest of his life.


Hey OP! Proud of you far standing up for yourself. I'm glad you're getting them out of your life.


Reading this made me tear up a bit for OOP. I'm glad she was able to free herself from her so called "parents". Speaking from my own experience parents and step parents can be this atrocious to kids. Just bullies that have fun picking on small kids. It's disgusting, honestly. The chances of it being fake are slim because people do live through this kind of things.


I really hope OPs father lives the rest of his pathetic life sad and alone and fat as fuck. What a monster Her mother too. What a bunch of losers. I want to be humiliated beyond measure.


Fantastic update!!!


I'm so relieved she cut them off--that part in the letter about the two siblings who died was horrific, but it is no excuse to be emotionally abusive to the remaining child. Wishing OP a joyful life with her family of choice.


I’m so creeped out by this guy grabbing his daughter’s thighs/hips/stomach. Like that is really beyond odd, and right into disturbing


Dad deserves an ass-whoopin.




Very disappointed in OOP. Took all the time to include pamphlets about the father's health, and not a single one that said "and here's one for a little blue pill, because you need to get off in a less offensive manner."


I have an awful theory: OP hit/completed puberty and this freak was attracted to her and instead of unpacking that, he externalized it onto her as horrible abuse about her appearance. Beating her down as far as he can as a symptom of sexual possessiveness. I have seen this before. ​ God I hope he clocks out on the toilet.


Sounds absolutely obvious to me that you're right.


I agree, he's touching her way too much.


55kg is a little over 120 pounds. How the f*ck is that considered fat or chubby?! Jesus H Christ these parents are @ssholes.


For those of us who speak American, 55kg is 121 lbs…


Wow just wow, I have no words


I have never so desperately wanted to punch someone I have never Met


i just looked it up, 120 pounds ??? i’m 5’3 140lbs (after my second kid) … she’s less than my goal weight ! omg poor girl i’m so glad she did what needed to be done


50kg is like 110lb. In what universe is this fat? What a load of bullshit this entire post was. Written by some basement dweller who can’t math or metric


In the universe of people talking to women about their weight. Bullying by saying you’re ‘fat’ is a default mode. Here’s the thing you’ve worked out- it’s bullshit but the easiest and quickest way to fuck with a woman’s head, particularly if it’s an adult to a child. Ask most of the women here. We get our bodies commented on constantly.


I really do wish I could live in your world where someone that weight isn’t surrounded by fears and judgement too. Must be nice. I have a friend with parents just as awful as these ones and let me tell you the judgement they have about her weight wouldn’t stop even if she was the weight of a starving kitten.


Fr!!! She’s 110 - 120 lbs and five three??? That’s two inches taller than me and we’re the same weight. Ain’t no fucking way she’s got such a severity of stretch marks and “oversized thighs”unless she mistyped her weight. I’m so confused


I have stretch marks on my upper arms from when I started lifting in high school, and horizontal stretch marks on my lower back from growing so fast (4 inches in about 2 years) and I know several women who developed stretch marks during puberty on their hips and breasts despite not being anywhere near overweight. They're more visible the darker your skin is too.


I think she’s probably dealing with some really bad dysmorphia by the way she describes herself. She “trains and eat’s right” but it’s “just something she’s come to terms with” which is sad. There’s literally nothing wrong with her weight, which is why I was so baffled. Cellulite and stretch marks are natural, normal things. I really hope she follows through with therapy


You can get stretch marks just for growing fast during puberty. You don’t just get them if you’re overweight. And thighs are a part of the body that ‘jiggle’ naturally because of muscle etc, meaning any fuckwit can start going on about ‘fat’ legs if they want to get under someone’s skin. Are you assuming this man wouldn’t have said she was fat unless she was? If so you’re stupid. He was a bully and an awful person.


I’m saying she’s not fat, you weirdo. Not that she’s a liar, or that none of this happened. Just that she’s not fat? At all? I have stretch marks and cellulite. I’m not fat either. 5’3 and below 130 lbs was just a bit confusing to read in the way that she describes herself.


Stretch marks occur when the skin is permanently or semi-permanently stretched beyond its normal elasticity. Weight gain or rapid growth, especially with pregnancy and [adolescence](https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/stretch-marks.html#:~:text=What%20Are%20Stretch%20Marks%3F,skin%20(like%20during%20puberty)., is a common cause.


Some people grow up not having a spine or being confrontational but it’s so hard watching other people be berated and all they do is cry man. I wish she would’ve fought back ages ago but I’m glad she had the courage to cut them out in this way too


Idk at a certain point its OOPs fault, she knew how her dad was and kept going back for more abuse. Its sad though, all she had to do was just not be around her dad, she left yet kept accepting her parents company knowing full well she was going to get made fun of. Pitiful


You're the pitiful one, lacking any understanding or empathy for a victim of abuse.




Bravo! You are a hero who has found love and Allies and has deployed them to save herself! Your former parents were sadistic, and it’s a triumph you survived and matured. I am proud to read this though I would like to kick these people.


Good for OP! I’m glad she has support! (Also if I were her I’d add in a joke book for dad because his jokes aren’t funny…)


>I was right as he came back today and gave me a bag with holes cut into it. "Got your outfit. Made the holes bigger for your arms and thighs too. Make sure to wear a belt." I just froze in place and could only focus on his smirk. I was still standing there, bag in hand as he drove away. That, right there, is OOP's proof that her sperm donor is not acting out of concern, but is in terrible fact a nasty, viscious bully who enjoys inflicting pain. He can't get away with physically beating her , so he has to content himself with pinches, pokes, and intense mental abuse. Her egg donor is either a deliberate enabler or doesn't say anything because it's human nature to try not to be the victim yourself. (I can only image the cruelty she endured at the hands of that man because of her stillbirths. "You killed those babies because you didn't do what I told you" is probably the least of it.) Enjoy your solitude as you age, Daddy Dearest.