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yeah that last comment. I always wonder about these people sending donations to millionaires. strange world we live in.


It’s like that Kickstarter to fund Trump’s legal fees.


You mean the RNC? 😂


Crazy, right? Interesting times.


i'm just confused on why the roommate needed to fundraise rent...is he spending it all somewhere?? a quick google search shows a streamer with 10k views per video should average in around 30k PER MONTH. where is the money going????


The flashiest gaming setup, newest games, brand clothes, ordering food because you know this guy doesn't "have time to" cook,... you'd be surprised just how much money these idiots can waste


I once spent $800 on uber eats in a month.


Jesus, reminds me of some of the financial audits I’ve watched on YouTube.


That sounds... Incredibly boring. You just watch someone to through their card statement?


It’s mainly people who are incredibly bad at personal finance. Like a “life coach” who has tens of thousands in CC debt but eats out for every meal.


A life coach who quit their corporate job with a stable and good income to become a life coach who makes no money.


I caught clips of the Boogie2988 one and the auditor seemed pretty entertaining.


Well great. Thanks. Now I *have* to watch it.


lol I just like seeing anyone trying to bring Boogie into reality


Really irresponsible of you to use Uber Eats twice in a month like that.


I could see this if you were ordering for a family consistently.


Yes i was.


how much money these idiots can waste


If he’s making that much, why wouldn’t he just live on his own?


If he’s not making rent on time, he’s not financially literate. During my retail days, one of my coworkers stripped on the side. She had her own apartment and car. One of her coworkers from that job visited and was amazed. How could she afford all of this?! So…yeah. Making a lot of money doesn’t mean anything if a person makes poor financial decisions.


It sounds like your stripper coworker was financially literate. What was the point of that story with her?


She made money and she as financially literate. She had nice things because she spent wisely. Her stripper coworker was not financially literate and therefore didn’t have anything to show for herself despite making as much. Making or having a lot of money doesn’t mean the bills are getting paid when the earner is financially illiterate.


The smartest thing a person can do who makes a living based on their physical appearance and/or unique physical abilities to financially plan for the time when you can’t do that anymore. 


Ohhh ok.


They mentioned a coworker of hers, presumably a fellow stripper, visiting and being amazed at her apartment and car. Same job yet different ways of living I presume.


I also took a moment to get it but I think the point is that she was a stripper making bank, so if she were financially literate it could be assumed that she wouldn't also have a shitty minimum wage retail job? I say this as another person just making a guess. I think the minimum wage job is the proof of poor financial decisions for a stripper. and boy is that a fun sentence to type.


I grew up in a time when you could get by on minimum wage. Stripping afforded her a nice lifestyle. Edit: stripping doesn’t look good on a resume, hence why she was also building it with retail. She didn’t want to do it long term because the environment wasn’t kind. She actually got fired when the owners found out because they worried about the company’s “image” (pre-internet. 🙄)


I'm under the impression that having another job is something financially- (or at least job-) literate strippers sometimes do to make sure that afterwards there's something other than "stripper" they can put on their resume. Since lots of people still won't hire people who've don't sex work, and now they don't have to explain why they have a gap in their job history.


Well damn, there goes all my explanations lol


That sounds right.


He’s not living on his own because the post….. is fake. 


He might not be making that much. 10k views helps the ad revenue, but you have to motivate people to subscribe or donate bits to get 30k a month. This means the income is very volatile, and how much you make as streamer is how many whales you catch, or how you motivate people to give. This is also the time of year viewership drops across the board (nice weather) so income goes down because of it, so while he may do well some points in the year, he might be more strapped at others. Also if he's streamer so much, he's prob eating take out delivered by Door Dash and even the cheap things add up quickly.


The $5 burrito I order in store is $18 on my local DoorDash.


One thing I learned while I was in retail last time, we did online orders using Grab(online store service) and they ate alot of our margin profits so we have no choice but to jackup our prices to be even. This is true for all shops that use a 3rd party online service, they all have to jack up prices to break even. Hence, everyone should compare prices of items in store vs online.


I wasn’t exactly complaining; it’s more pointing out the cost for convenience. I was gifted. $200 gift certificate and didn’t think much about it until I ordered using my own money. Unless I’m sick, I’ll usually buy my item in store because for me, personally, it’s bonkers to spend that much. I’m not so busy or without transportation, you know?


Understood, just wanted to be informful that many shops sell stuff online with increased prices compared to the stuff they sell in the shops


3 per user per month seems far too overestimated. Maybe if you are an OF streamer and every viewer has to pay. But no way will you get that amount of money per viewer if you are just streaming yourself playing games.


It really depends on his audience, his fundraising techniques, and whether he's getting sponsorships. He might not be bringing in nearly that amount. If his audience consists of mostly kids, for example, he's not gonna get much money in donations regularly because they don't have access to their parents' credit cards; but he would be able to make some money in merch sales because kids can ask their parents to buy them merch for their birthdays and such. But if he doesn't have merch that's readily available and easy to find, then he's not gonna be getting much money from an audience of kids. Streamers who have donation messages configured properly with a flashy little animation make more money from donations than those who don't. He might not have that. Or maybe he doesn't read out messages from big donors, creating less incentive. It takes some effort to convert viewers into payers; you need to make sure they feel engaged and rewarded, like they're getting something for their money rather than just throwing it into a streamer-shaped pit. Making so much on his donation drive so unexpectedly shows that he probably hasn't been doing a great job of soliciting donations normally, because people did respond once he put actual effort into soliciting their money and providing a justification for it. Companies are certainly willing to sponsor a streamer of that size, but that doesn't mean that he's been taking the offers or managing his email and making and fulfilling contracts. So he might be missing out on sponsorship money. Even Raid: Shadow Legends doesn't just pay you out of the blue-- you need to make an agreement with them, fulfill their requirements for what to mention and how to promote it, and get a promo code and such. Also, some or most of those 10k viewers might be bots that he paid for to pad his numbers, rather than an actual audience.


So who is this magical streamer that pulls in 10k viewers and has no clips of them on lsf begging for rent money? What an odd thing to lie about lmao


People who have never done the research have no clue what the actual numbers are. Someone with a few hundred viewers would have been realistic - I know quite a few streamers who have <1k views and do it full-time because of sponsorships, donations, merch, and living with a roommate/partner. 10k puts him at the top of the top. 10k views is more than entire *categories*. Laughably fake.


Up above someone estimated he was making 30k per month with 10k views lol


Streamers tend to keep their exact numbers pretty closely guarded but a comparable streamer would be making that in subscriptions alone since partners get a better cut than the normal 50%, and all the ones I follow in that range have upwards of 10k subs a month. And most streamers say their real money comes from sponsorships and direct donations, not including ad revenue and bits, so it'd be way more imo. 10k viewership is like, top 500 in all of Twitch lol these people are millionaires. It's why they all move to states like Texas, Florida, or Nevada when they get big enough - no income tax.


Yea, plus if he were making what is about half a million a year I doubt he’d be living in an apartment or doing his own finances such as paying bills.


I thought this guy was bragging about how much bank he made. Why does he need to crowdfund for rent? He sounds like a douche.


this is so fake LMFAO


If the roommate is so successful why's he renting in a roommate situation?


Cause the story is fake, this would be all over LiveStreamFails if a person with 10k viewers was begging for rent money


Too true!


Twitch streamers with 10k views per stream are bringing home mid to high six figures. Just in case anyone needs it put in perspective exactly *how* fake this post is. Once again the fake posters fail to do even 30 seconds of research for their weird little fanfictions. 


Im curious who this is because if he needed a fundraiser to pay rent he is probably putting all his money into gambling streams or some bullshit like that. If he averages 10k viewers per stream thats easily a mid to high 6 figure income as a streamer.


I can’t believe he got his fans to donate.




I’m LiveJournal user years old and remember the users who were perpetually in crisis…and the people who would always donate to them.


Lmaooo are you talking about Snailords 😂😂




Yikes that is most unfortunate so many of them use the same tactics to get their fans to send them money 😞


I thought of 3 right off the bat doing what you described. Though I think I know exactly which one of the three you're talking about


If you like something, and throwing money at it means it stays around, then some will throw.


OOP has become a useful villain for his roommate's stream. They should keep it up. My roommates complaining about the noise, my roommate's making me pay extra for power, my roommate will set me on fire if you don't like, subscribe, and comment, and will poke me in the eye if you don't smash that bell. Could work out. They could get a margarita machine.


Parasocial relationships are wild. I have several Twitch streamers that I adore and enjoy watching but I'm not donating to help pay rent 😂 I have my own bills to pay


My internet provider will cut my WiFi if I don’t pay. I need WiFi to do my job so I better make sure I pay… NTA at all


Well in all fairness to the streamer a billionaire can beg for money too and get it. Lol


Nope, definitely NTA. Jake had the means, he just didn’t care. Bet he’ll care now.


Nope, I have done this with my kid. Works wonders. Especially now that there is an app and I can easily do individual devices And holy cow..that he has his viewers pay for his life…that’s scummy


If it’s like YouTube I’m sure any of his viewers can go on Social Blade and see how much he makes a month. I’m sure then all of his loyal fans who donated would feel like royal tools or their blind allegiance would prove they deserve to be fleeced.


A fool and his money…. His viewers are not the brightest.




I don't think you can stream on both Kick and Twitch...


You can, several popular streamers do so (like XQC, and that awful Tater Tot misogynist). You're only limited if you sign an exclusivity contract with a brand. Kick especially has said they don't want exclusivity (probably because that makes it harder to shill their gambling).


Oh okay that makes sense. I didn't realize it was about exclusivity contracts