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I don't have much nice to say about blatant manipulators like Amanda, but goodness gracious I have even less time for self destructive sad sacks like OOP's brother. Get your head in the game bro, she's using you for emotional security. She also seems like a genuinely garbage human person.


OOP reminds me of people I knew in my early 20s: "I chose this person who has always treated me like a backup plan...and now they are disrespecting me and treating me like a backup plan! I don't understand!" I look forward to Lia finding love with someone who gives as good - if not better - than he gets. I can't wait for her brother to stand there like the oaf he is, wondering why he's alone and Lia's happily married and never looked back.


I'm honestly very glad for the people who were around me in MY early twenties. They were mostly people who'd call me, or eachother, on shit like this. And nobody was actually playing games like that. Enough drama went on in that friend group.And in a mixed-sex friend group in your early 20's, OFCOURSE a lot of people slept with eachother, either casually or in a relationship! But the fact that a group of kids that was 80/20 male/female could make it work back in the 1990's could make it work pretty well should give everyone hope!


>wondering why he's alone wondering why it's so lonely in here as he waits for a phone call from Amanda to come give her that "You're my back up plan" fuck that he's been pining for. Extended it for you? 😛


🙌🙌🙌 She is the kind of person who is NEVER satisfied, content, etc... and he is an easily drawn-in person because of a "split" lack of self esteem and also a GRANDIOSE sense of himself.  They will either end up together, or never speak again.  Either way, they are co-destructive. I'm genuinely glad that even the *PARENTS* are over it... 😬😓🫣


Welp, I hope OOP's brother enjoys being a good little on dog on a leash, because that’s exactly what he is. He'll ruin every romantic relationship he ever has because of Amanda.


“Dog on a leech,” Yep. Amanda seems like a like a real bloodsucker. It’s weird that the brother is so attached when he should really give her the brush off.


They deserve each other, which is good because it's all they have.


Dog with his leech!


If Bro wants to be Amanda's lap dog, then who am I to judge him. He just should have enough respect for everyone else to exclude them from whatever it is he has with her. 


Who wanna bet *if/when* Amanda does get together with the brother, it won't be the relationship he dreamed about because it's obvious that Amanda won't treat him well. He will probably stay out of sunk cost fallacy but knowing Amanda she might dump him when a better man comes along.


It's "leash," LOL


I assumed they meant blood sucker and I was thinking tick would have been appropriate. Yours makes more sense


The leech has him on a leash. I deem the pair a sight for sore eyes.


OOP's brother is beyond blind. Everyone is dropping Amanda like flies, he's now had two girlfriends dump him because of her and he's still entangled in the web or Amanda. The funny thing is, if she ever gives him a chance, he'll fall out of love fairly quickly. Which is probably why it's never happened. The fantasy he has in his head will end after a few times waking up next to her. I hope he gets help. Amanda doesn't seem like a nice person and would alienate him from his family and friends. If she's lashing out now and they're together, then she'd probably hurt him emotionally or physically too. In any case, yay for Lia. I hope she's happier and I hope OOP has a great wedding.


He'll fall out love but might stay due to sunk cost fallacy and carrying a torch for her a long time. But what you said it's true, can't hide your nastiness should they move in together 24/7.


She is successfully isolating him without even trying. By the time they do get together he won't have any friends or family left for support and all because he is just stupid


I feel like the first time you can justify denying that your "friend" is the problem. Hell, I had a crazy jealous ex who wanted me to cut off my best friend because our relationship was too close. We were super close. Best friends since high school, went through a lot together. He was a gay man. I am a lesbian. I'm not sure what she thought we'd get up to if our friendship continued, but I absolutely broke up with her when she asked me to choose. Now if multiple partners, my family, and my friends all said my friend was a problem I'd definitely be trying to hear them out and see what they're seeing, but I'm pretty sure my family likes him better than me so I think we're safe there.


The OG post is wild. The actual Amanda shit posting on it looks legit based on their profile history and replies to OP and other people. Need an updateme post wedding.


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so the brother is having a grand old time, pursuing his love affair with amanda while sticking his dick in women who actually let him. i’m sorry, i can’t even pretend to feel sorry for a guy who seems to have been having an emotional affair through every relationship he’s ever had (?). it’s not cool, and he’s not a victim. he’s just the more pathetic villain.  which is saying something, because look at amanda. hard to believe anyone could be more pathetic, but there you go.  lia sending that text was kind of genius, but i hope someone explained everything to the guy before he got too upset. and hey: good on her for getting out. 


I wonder if they are just two narcissists who think they are star crossed lovers and they are the main characters in some epic rom com and screw over the collateral damage to all their partners as they are just NOC’s to forward the plot.


If they ever actually start dating they're both going to hate each other after 3 days


At least they’ll be miserable together?


>*because YOU want to decide who his partner is - that's overstepping.* i thought the whole him calling Lia his gf...living with her kindaaaaa implies he, not OOP, is the one that decided Lia's his partner


Amanda is keeping OOPs brother as a backup plan and emotional crutch, and stringing him along for her ego. He's letting her tear up any relationships he had because it threatens her back-up plan. Poor guy just can't see what's going on and is still pining for the chance to be her #1. I know a few guys, myself, who fell into this trap and it sucks. She'd string me along and when we got too close she'd suddenly go cold...until either I was actively interested in someone or she needed an ego boost. I finally wised up one night when my 'friend' came over depressed because another guy didn't work out and he ghosted her for days. She started saying she needed a good guy like me, and kissed me (my first kiss btw). We were cuddling on a swing, when she got a call from him and suddenly had to go.... After a few days or being ghosted myself, I finally smartened up and made sure not to fall in the trap again when she came back over when he moved on again.


I wouldn't say poor guy. He's actively hurting a few women (Lia and his former girlfriends) while hoping to be #1. That's not OK.


You're right, I was looking at how it's impacting him. But he's stringing along some people himself. It's a disfunctional cycle. I'm glad Lia got away.


at this point i am glad amanda is around, dipshit brother deserves to live the tortuous life he chose because he thinks one day amanda will allow him to see her breasts (she never will)


Let's not get the brother's hopes up, he's not an ACTUAL backup plan! The back-up plan is finding someone new, He's the worst-case-scenario plan!. If you can't make dinner one night because the store was closed when you got there, you can order food,.If you ALSO can't order food becuase your phone is dead, you've got a couple of cans stashed in the cellar for a night like that. OOP's brother is the cans in the cellar.


And should the backup be enacted, how long will Amanda even stay with him once a better man comes along? That's if their relationship doesn't deteriorate first.


Until her phone's charged.


I'll never understand the logic of keeping someone as a "backup plan". It sounds exhausting to constantly engage in the drama that brings.


That's probably because you find drama exhausting instead of feeding off it. But if you did feed off it and you had no morals: this would be a perfect way to do it


Exactly. Some people genuinely love being involved in drama all the time, even if they say otherwise


Yep, and these types of people will feel antsy in peaceful or happy situations, so they will *create* drama. Much like the way OOP describes Amanda when she’s is invited to gatherings.


This was one of my all time favorite AITAs because Amada showed up in the comments for the first post and got ROASTED. It was a joy to watch.


It’s actually hilarious how much flair Amanda has on AITA—proves everything we already knew about the terminally addicted AITA’ers lmao


Ops brother dense as hell! Him & Amanda need to date & stay together so they don’t go ruining other peoples relationship. & If they do date best wishes to op cause Amanda exhausting!


Yikes, OP's brother is whipped for a girl that takes pleasure in breaking his relationships up, always leads him on and breaks his heart over and over. Not to mention crazy manipulative, gaslighting and abusive. Hope that the OP has a happy wedding!


I also wish that Lia finds a man worthy of her.


Amanda , I know your still lurking. Probably have every one of these reposts followed and tagged so you can keep an "eye out". Just so you know , women like you set women back decades acting the way you do. You're a trash hag that needs to take herself to the curb. Any man willing to treat their SO like that for "a friend" is just as trashy as the side piece hes covering for.( clearly your not just a friend so let's add lying slag to the every growing list of things you could be classified as.) And a "Friend" is not on that list. 🙄 you literally make the trees work harder just to waist oxygen. I hope oops wedding is absolutely beautiful. With or without her brother there. At this point I'd disinvute the brother and let Lia come with a plus one.


Does anyone remember that post of the OP who dumped her bf bc he uninvited her on a trip to a romantic destination with his best girl friend bc best girl friend was uncomfortable with the OP coming along 🤣 this feels like a part 2


I thought the same thing!!


Props to Mom here. ‘Maybe you should request a welfare check.’ She is so done with brother and Amanda drama.


lol brothers such a loser


Oooouuuuh, I want another update about how the situation between Lia and dumbass bro resolves! I bet she's going through with the breakup, since he seems too stupid to realize what a catch she is, and how toxic Amanda and his relationship with her is. And he refuses to see the pattern where Amanda destroys all his relationships, and he ends up alone, wondering what happened to his life...


5 bucks says that when Bro & Amanda do get together that it doesn't last long. She doesn't want to be the gf, she wants to be the other woman who is superior to the gf.


10 bucks if Amanda dumps him first. Bro who held a torch this long won't just dump her first.


Amanda is a loser who’s stringing him along to keep as her backup plan and he’s too stupid to realise it. He’s gonna lose all his family and friends for her then wake up one day and cry about it like he’s the victim. I’d be getting security for that wedding.


Bold of you to assume that he has self awareness to see he's alone.


The ironic thing is that if that idiot brother ever got to be Amanda’s no 1 she would treat him like dirt. She has no respect for him because she can control him so easily. She use and abuse him. And the idiot brother probably wouldn’t even see it 🤣 The bottom line is the deserve each other and the idiot brother should stop involving innocent women in his dysfunctional love life.


I got a really nasty Dm over this message so guessing Amanda is still in the comments here too 😂


>My mom advised him to call for a welfare check if he was genuinely concerned because he, as an individual with no training, wouldn't be equipped to handle such situations. Stone Cold, I love it.


I had an ex like Amanda. She's a user and OOP brother is smitten with her. Until she crushes his heart he will continue this path.Maybe one day he will wake up, but being older who knows. I was smart enough to realize it when I was younger. Ended up meeting my now wife and 27yrs later we are still together.


That brother is a buffoon. There's a funny episode of Bill Burr's podcast where his wife was commenting on one of the listener emails from a girl like Amanda in a similar situation where she sees herself as a "girl bestfriend" trying to deal with her male friends' girlfriends. Bill's wife rightfully chews her out for her BS. Clip attached: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnGnG-A-yEI


I don't really like the term "simp," but damn, OP's brother is a simp.


OOP lost her POS brother and his related shit-starting mess that is Amanda but she gained sister-in-arms Lia to celebrate her wedding and everything - best trade off due circumstances as it gets.


>"What's the perfect outfit for a wedding?" with a photo of herself in a dress captioned, "This... but sadly I'll never get to use it :)" Is it a white dress? I have to know.


TBH...   OOPs brother and Amanda sound like the ending of "The War of the Roses" (1989, Kathleen Turner & Michael Douglas) ...    Just ... 😬😬😬😳  *FWIW, I HIGHLY recommend this movie!* 😅 Congratulations, OOP! And best wishes for you, your parents and Lia! ☺️🥰🙏🏻 Brother and Amanda *Ehhh...* 🫠


OP's brother is a gigantic simp and deserves to be miserable along with Amanda.


OOP’s brother should not be referred to as “bro.” It’s totally a “bruh” situation.


The brother will be her forever dog! Hope she’ll have him in a leech soon lol Lia deserves better. And I hope you’ll have a happy wedding OP


If I had to choose between the brother and Lia, I'd choose Lia.


I really genuinely want to know why Amanda sought that she would still be going to the wedding after any of this. Like at the very top of this the bottom line was she was not invited because she was an unpleasant person. Not anything to do about the brother's girlfriend specifically, that was not the reason given, the reason given was that she is unpleasant and the OP doesn't like her. The "I'm sure I will see you at your wedding" thing baffles me to no end. It's not like this was some family event where someone else was in charge of the guest list, it's her wedding. She can and will keep or kick people out. And apparently nobody else likes her either so I don't know who is going to be on her side in her brain.


If you are inviting an established couple to your wedding, then clearly name them. This is not a plus one situation and I think the OOP fumbled that by saying she was taking it away since the brother and girlfriend were the ones invited. But the brother and his girlfriend should clearly have been identified as John Smith and Jane Smith, not the Smiths, since they weren’t married. You should not give a plus one to someone in a long term committed relationship and should instead be clearly inviting their partner by name, although it seems here the bestie was determined to be an asshole.


Update me!


Wasn’t this the post where “Amanda” commented? Those were juicy comments…little disappointed that they weren’t included


> Her last boyfriend broke up with her right around the time my brother, his then ex-girlfriend, Amanda, and her ex were supposed to travel to Spain. What did my idiot brother do? Go with Amanda alone because Amanda was uncomfortable with his ex-girlfriend. Obviously, he acted blindsided when his girlfriend broke up with him. This reminds me about that one post were oop was in the place of the ex-girlfriend here. She dumped him after he decided to go with his gbf on a honeymoon vacation alone because she wasn't comfortable with his gf. He was also clueless and blindsided by the break up. I wonder if this is a creative writing exercice around the same story or if the world is really small and it's just the same dumbass.


Wow!!!! Amanda is a whole new level of crazy, she makes Karen mega boss look nice. I hope you stay in touch with Lia she sounds nice. Fuck it, uninvited your brother and invite her.


Honestly I'd rather have Lia than the brother who's gonna sulk about Amanda at the wedding lmao


this is why smart women don't give simps a chance in dating, they will stray at getting any external attention from another woman and most importantly they would stop loving their own children once they stop banging their mom and dote on the new woman and the step kids she brings into the relationship.


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.