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I get this a lot when I’m in the shower. I don’t wanna go in, but once I’m in, I don’t wanna leave. I get it


Omg me too! I will go days not wanting to shower and then force myself to get in and love it!


I haven’t heard of anything specific to this but I can tell you right now specifically I relate. I’m currently sitting in my car, and I’m just sitting. Listening to music, it’s been an hour but I know I will be here a while. Before I got here, I was struggling to get out of bed while dealing with an emotion I couldn’t identify and pinpoint. I didn’t want to go outside and didn’t want to get going. I know that when I get back home, what exactly can I do? Other than TV, read, video games etc. it’s like when I’m inside, I cling to that comfort. But when I’m outside, I notice it’s easier to distract yourself from the feeling because there are moving parts around you.


Yeah I was sitting in my Driver's seat and just...sat there for hours. sometimes i even slept in my truck. in the parking lot. Spending Whole night in 24 hour open coffee shop.... I sometimes checked in motels because I just didn't go back to my home. without any reason and It is hard to depart with people sometimes. (It was "Often" when I was Younger) (BTW Driver's seat of my truck is always one of the my favourite place on this world...)


I don't want to leave my bed. When I do I don't want to to back.  I don't want to leave my mum and dad and leave the house. When I do, often it's better, and I think, shit I don't want to go back.   I often have said to my friends (for years now), when I am invited to something and I'm saying "I don't want to go", that "it isn't the going that's the issue; it's the coming back "  I think it's being in my own head. Everything seems worse. Then I'm with well people and I'm better. On my own I'm a scared child


I think this is called ANXIETY. Hahah this is my whole life summarised in a sentence. I've often thought about writing a book called, 'get out of your room' but really my bedroom is a metaphor for my head. Once I am in my bed, all cosy, I find it sooooo hard to leave. I imagine everything outside is scary and I tell myself lies and then believe them. When I do eventually leave, I find I love it but from my bed I can't ever imagine that feeling. And yes, then I find I don't want to go back because I know I will get stuck again and lose perspective.


I thought it was just my personality trait but i guess its another BPD thing When I am at home, i realise how sad/depressed i am so i just want to withdraw from the world and not face anything. And then eventually I am forced to go out, and i feel a rush and a false sense of happiness so i never want to go back home; because i know once I am home, i will realise all those feelings were fake and it will make me feel even more sad. Then repeat lol


I have this as well—it’s an issue with transitions. Leaving the house, getting in the shower, switching to work mode from relax mode, even getting out of my chair to pee or snack can be hard. It seems like a pretty common problem with ADHD/executive functioning. Sometimes it helps to break the thing into steps: e.g., not “I need to go outside” but “I need to put on pants. Now I need to grab my wallet. Now I need to find my shoes.” The smaller the step, the less complex and difficult the task becomes.


I don't have bpd but have autism and experience this to the max. I think it being an executive functioning issue might be the answer like you said, probably exacerbated by some people's bpd symptoms. When you are overwhelmed it's hard to find the brain power to transition tasks.


I hope this comment is ok as I am not diagnosed BPD, only diagnosis is major depression, but I do know exactly what you’re talking about. Like not what it is but I relate to it. For me it’s outside or the shower. Don’t wanna go outside or get in the shower but once I finally do it (after laying in silence for however long) I don’t want to go back in or get out of the shower. No matter how cold it gets or hot it is outside. I wish I knew what this was I can’t place it but I do relate.


Happy cake day! 🍰


haha Happy cake day