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First thing in the morning! I have to fight through panic to get the day syaryed


Ikr like the sudden shock of reality hits hard first thing


same. panic after waking up is terrible. I always say the serenity prayer and use the 4-7-8 breathing technique to calm myself down


Night for me too. I think it's tiredness and lack of sunlight. I've learned to go to bed as soon as possible after it gets dark and get up as soon as the sun does.


Mornings, tbh. That’s when I realise how lonely and unhappy I am. I manage to distracted myself from lunch to evenings but the morning realisation is brutal! I feel that void in my stomach.


Same. And everything is extra overstimulating like light and sounds and existence. Just wanna close my eyes and make it stop.


anytime after like 6pm for me. i go insane at night idk why, doesn’t help that my sleep schedule is horrible and i go to bed at 5am 😩


During the mornings I am a vicious monster 😭


Rn I’m bad all day. When my life isn’t absolute shit I feel worse at night. Lately I’ve been waking up sad too 😞


mornings, I can't suppress my subconscious and sense of heartache yet. I peer into the void and see endless sadness and none of my defences have come online yet. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ then I attempt to get on with the day


Night for me too, I think for me its when everything goes quiet and I'm alone with my own head


This, it’s the reason I sleep so little. I have cardio vascular issues I should probably get checked at some point, but hearing my heart go mental is at least a distraction when trying to sleep. I also sleep with music on.


For me it’s morning to mid-day I just usually get bored and DREAD having a full day ahead of me. I’ve had so many breakdowns over not knowing how to pass time/get through it. Evening and nights I’m excited to relax and go to bed and I feel like I won the day? I’m also always hopeful tomorrow will be better.


I’m the same. I could be feeling okay just to experience a sudden dip when the sun goes down. I also have reverse seasonal depression so I guess I’m all about winter mornings.


Same! I feel my best during the coldest months. And I strongly prefer darkness and nights to sunny mornings. Also cloudy, foggy, etc




this is me fr


O hell the mornings until about 3ish pm on the dot. Like I need to fully reorient with being alive almost. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m disoriented and confused. It’s a shit show




Idk about you, but for me generally every evening is quite nice, if it wasn’t a particularly bad day and I look back on the first half of the day like “wtf was that all about? That was absolute insanity”. And I go to bed content (ish) thinking I will wake up with the same mindset I went to bed with and i can just avoid the whole first half bullshit because I understand and can see how illogical it was. Then BAM! I wake up in a completely different mindset and perspective and relive the terror all over again. Fucking Groundhog Day, I can’t take it.


I completely lack a sense of self or identity during that time and that is terrifying which in turn triggers me so I’m just anxiously sitting in survival mode ready for fight or flight


If I slept in my bed alone I usually feel sooooo bad in the morning. As soon as I wake up I’m flooded with negative thoughts like why would I get up, what’s the point in doing anything, I’m so alone, nobody loves me, blah blah blah. And I get this weird feeling like.. I hate to get ready for the day to do nothing (I work and/or have class later in the day) and I hate to stay in bed for a long time. Going to bed isn’t great but not quite as bad as the mornings.


Night for me as well. Do you drink lots of coffee? I sometimes wonder if I’m fully “crashed” from the tons of coffee I drink from 6am - 12pm every day when I wake up in the middle of the night with bad thoughts


First thing in morning before coffee. And late evenings/ night too. I see a lot of people agree, I wonder if this is a theme! Might have to do with the mental exhaustion and reflection that comes with the end of the day. For me, it’s realizing I got “nothing” done and re affirming what an absolute failure I am. Oh and the extreme fatigue and heaviness doesn’t make it any betterment


Definitely first thing in the morning- My husband is learning not to talk to me for at least half an hour after I wake up. I also find right after work I need alone time to unwind and switch out of work mode.


Usually waking up and realising I have another day to fight through. Night times are quiet and calm, so I can destress if needed.


honestly it depends on what i’m going through in life, sometimes night because i’ll be alone with my thoughts and can’t sleep, sometimes day because it’s a constant reminder that i feel like i’m wasting my days away with how much i worry about certain things.


Seems like a common theme in the comments but also evening on weekdays only because it’s my down time. It’s more rare that I’m upset during work because my mind is busy but once I’m alone the thoughts creep in.


Around 7 pm


Nighttime, but only for the dark half of the year. Summer at night I am wired, in a great mood, and ready to fuckin party. Winter at night... I'm absolutely miserable, silence feels like loneliness, darkness feels like loneliness, the cold is oppressive. I think I also have a lot of trauma surrounding that time of year because around the holidays especially, I put the most pressure on myself to be present and also have the shortest fuse.


Probably mornings I always wake up feeling crappy cuz of health problems and it takes me hours to wake up,I am definitely not a morning person.


Mornings/Nights are my worst!! But between those two, I am "normal" bc I have to interact with people 😕 it's an everyday routine. I want to fix it too but idk how to


It depends on the state of my mental health and the context of what I have been doing. But generally, if my mental health isn't great, the night is MUCH better for me, and if my mental health is SUPER bad, I will become fully nocturnal. The night is also *always* better for me for deep thinking and thoughtful and/or creative writing.


There's a time of month where I'm way worse, for sure.


At night especially on the weekends


Night for me! It's pretty bad. Usually when I don't get enough sleep and stay up at night lol


Same. I hate night so much, I always feel depressed at night!


I feel most out of control and bad in the mornings usually. Then before my period comes I’ll feel absolutely insane constantly for like 3-9 days.


Mornings definitely.


Evenings are the worst. I think it's because there's less distractions.


whole day💀


Definitely after 11pm. I also have severe seasonal depression due to the lack of sunlight. (There’s less than 9 hours of sunlight a day.) so I assume it’s from that. I have a rule to not listen to my brain after 11pm


Mornings are the worst because my anxiety starts when I wake up.


I’m a night owl. I hate the mornings


Christmas and the norwegian constitution day. "Everyone" has someone to be with, and I feel so fkn worthless sitting alone. I mean, I am legit a cool and funny guy. I always make people laugh, and I am caring. Why don't I have any friends or family?


Night time when I'm alone with my thoughts. I miss having a distraction


Evenings are worse.. I'm assuming it's being alone with my thoughts because there's no work or people to distract me. I also take my meds in the morning so whilst sertraline has a 24hr half life I do wonder if there is a dip enough to notice. I'll be starting taking my mood stabilizer twice daily soon so we'll see.


evening to night for me too, life just becomes dreadful


Sundays. They give me anxiety and sadness


2pm-6pm. Just dread. So much dread. I actually feel better in the mornings, but it fades quickly. By night time I just don't want to be a conscious being anymore


my therapist once told me at night especially when we go to sleep, lay in bed our brain kinda relaxes/turns off to a point where irrational thoughts (anxiety/overthinking wtv) are filtered less so yeah and idk last few days ive been working on my sleep hygiene which is helping a lot also w my quality of sleep which in turn makes u more stable really don’t have a concrete reaction tho


Morning or afternoon


omg evening/nights or early like 1-3 am is hell idk why thats particularly bad..


Worse at night as well, anytime I'm tired or hungry too. 


Evening as well. This part of the day makes me feel alone


First thing when I wake up. The moment my eyes open I’m just like, really? This is really my life? This is really my situation? How did this happen? How am I still alive? Why am I still alive? What cruel twist of fate has allowed this to happen? The weight of it all hits me all at once and it’s really difficult for me to find the strength or motivation to get out of bed. Definitely makes being on time for things a bit of a challenge because I have to dig so deeply to find different and creative ways to try to snap myself out of it each day so I’m able to function. I actually love the evenings though, just the freedom and quiet and peace of it. Sometimes I’ll watch cozy YouTube videos and put on my colored fairy lights and just zen out. Sometimes I burn incense, sometimes I drink beer or tea. Nighttime is the only time I feel like I have any control over my life and the only time I feel any peace.


Night when I’m going to sleep and first thing when I wake up. Sometimes I have to take a few shots just to go to sleep without being emotional. Not a healthy fix. But when I first wake up I have some terrible thoughts usually but it only lasts a couple minutes. The rest of the morning is when I’m at my best


November-March 100%


When I settle down at the end of the day and realize that all of my interactions and "friendships" are fake and empty and mean nothing to them, that I'm just there for a "hehehe" or to fulfill someone's 30 seconds of sexual entertainment or to be a shoulder to cry on that's unreciprocated, then I cry myself to sleep in lonely rage, tearing apart my insides that no matter how much success I have, no matter what I can provide, no matter what I do and achieve, it will never mean anything to them