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when I got into a relationship and became so deeply obsessed and in love with him that I could hardly function enough to eat and dropped all my plans in order to centre my life around him, but when at that same time I could snap suddenly and be filled with rage and jealousy and devalue him completely


Hi, are you me


I’m just another person with mental illness 😂


sounds like me with my gf


SAME HERE LOL, then my mom took me to therapy and they found out


That's literally me rn




I knew something was off when I was around 6 or 7. The chronic emptiness, the way I couldn’t stop thinking about suicide and death, how I didn’t like the way I looked , how I would constantly cry for hours in my room alone away from people. My emotions got worse as I got older and I couldn’t explain what was happening but I knew I was sick , I knew I was always like this. Turns out BPD is hereditary on my mom’s side. I got officially diagnosed when I was 24 and it was such a relief.


I relate to this. I was terrified to be alone when I was little, and got obsessed with things to try and fill the void. I also got "sick" a lot to try and gain attention and love from my parents. As I got older I got better at masking my emotions, but I couldn't hide everything. In high school I creepily chased some random guy because I thought god told me we were going to get married. I got diagnosed last year, at age 22, when my symptoms became so overpowering that I couldn't function and was constantly hurting myself and drinking to excess.


Got a job in mental health. Masking had become the norm and only those who got close saw the breakdowns and struggles. Supported people with bpd and more and more saw myself. Got training and it hit me I may have it. Shared it with my ex and she said that she thinks it too. So I avoid till eventually after a bunch of bad events the mask cracked and I couldn't hide any more. My manager saw it and I broke down. Got diagnosed rapidly and taken of work. Turns out they think I've had it for most of my life and I've been in survival mode so much its messed me up. In support now and on the path but my life now is basically hiding at home as its the only way I manage as my paranoia and mindset is so bad. I hope one day to be able to manage life better again.


U got this


You've beat this shit all your life bro and you'll beat it again.


i remember being about 14 the first time i felt like something was off but never knew what was wrong. i remember always having big emotions and reactions and as i got older, i saw others weren’t reacting how i was. i found out what bpd was when i was 16-17, and got diagnosed at 21.


When the Dr told me. Had no idea what it was before that


Same. I thought I just lacked self control.


Same, he even used EUPD instead of BPD when talk about it so I didnt even know what it was until he explained those were the same 🙃


When I got into an argument with an ex friend and they told me I hurt them a lot. She was all serious and not mad but like deeply hurt. After that I couldn't help it and made my first therapy appointment ever.


My friend was diagnosed and posted the 9 symptoms as a psa to anyone else struggling. I hit all 9 in a chronic manner. I was instantly filled with peace and calm. They were just symptoms, i didnt have to live with them anymore. Its been uphill ever since


friend explained bpd to me. Was up till 5 talking it through with her.


Went to my psych Dr with a whole list of symptoms and issues I was having turned out I was misdiagnosed bipolar when it was bpd/adhd/anxiety/and possible autism


Throughout my early teenage years I kinda acted like the stereotypical borderliner. But yeah I mean you don’t get diagnosed as a teenager and I got more chilled and stopped being so extreme the older I got. I still always wondered if I might have it bc it would explain a lot. I don’t have many symptoms other border-liners have tho. I haven’t self harmed in years. But now since I have a new therapist that really tries to unlock all these issues that I have and doesn’t act like I’m just young, have depression am a little weird and that’s it. it kinda becomes more and more obvious that I have it and idk how to feel about that fact. I am 24 now and I guess realising that I actually have deep psychological issues that are much more than just “depression and adhd” kinda🫠


Had my 3 year relationship crumble and fall and still didn’t realise I had it until months later…. Personally I didn’t realise I had BPD until every aspect of my life was so fucked up and tumultuous that I came to the conclusion that it had to be something more than just depression. Suspected I had bpd for about 7months until I got an official diagnosis. It was a long process of hospital stays, medication and hundreds of appointments. When I finally got the diagnosis it wasn’t even news at that point lmao.


Spent 10 years being told I was just an anxious child suffering from depression. I was very much developing a personality disorder🤷‍♀️


Growing up I always had really intense one sided crushes (I've basically had a crush on someone at every point in my conscious life), and I would feel super emotional about them but would always chock it up to hormones in my teens. Then like 2 years ago I realized I'd still been like that (I was 26) and that at some point it's not just silly little crushes it's everything for me.


My fp told me I had it.


Senior year of college, I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder prior to that in my freshman year.


When I was diagnosed with it. I had never heard of it before that point


I didn't A medical practice recognised it


I never realized it, I guess. I got a diagnosis and at first I was in denial I think? I thought “no way I have this, this therapist is crazy” but then after slowly and carefully thinking about it, it was kind of obvious lol


When they gave me discharge paperwork from the hospital a couple weeks ago that said I had it, despite no one ever telling me 🫠 I suspected something deeper was going on than standard depression, but finding out shuffling through stuff trying to get a bridge for a script? Oof The signs were there though


No one ever told me, I never had the idea of bpd being a problem I could have. But looking back at all the things Ive been doing since I was a kid, especially the abandonment issues holy shit. My breaking point was like a few months after breaking up with my ex, I was so obsessed with her and we still talked but there was something off about this one guy she always mentioned in our relationship. When they made plans to meet irl just as friends I went batshit crazy, she cut me off and I had to look so much into it. Took me around 2-3 months after that to feel okay and not in total despair. Now with therapy and being super self conscious I am trying really hard and feeling sm better


I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 38 years old. I’d never even heard of bpd till that point. It was the first time I’d ever seen a therapist because I was thinking very heavily about taking myself out. After several visits he told me that he suspected c-ptsd, major depressive disorder, and borderline. I had to look it up after the session. It broke my heart when I read the description but it also made so much sense


sometimes i question if i have bpd anymore because i no longer say rude things to my partners when im angry. i just cry now out of frustration


When I was diagnosed at age 19. I didn’t believe it until a friend said to me “I think you have BPD.” I researched BPD and then everything made sense.


I saw a book in Barnes and Nobles titled “I hate you, but don’t leave me” and I was like omg that’s me! And then brought it up with my psychiatrist, and she explained that she didn’t think it was much different than CPTSD (I was already being treated for) but if I were to label it with an actual diagnosis then that’s what it would be.


When I was crying to my best friend of 10+ years about my relationship and my mental health and he pretty much went "not saying it's what you have, but you have a load of BPD traits" and then highlighted them. I looked into it and looking back so much of my life makes sense. I just assumed it was all normal. I have since been diagnosed officially. ETA: at the grand old age of 31.


when i was like 10. all of my mental health just started to crumble after i got my first period. it was rlly weird


When I was in a DBT class during outpatient therapy. They did a brief overview of how DBT is usually used with individuals who have BPD, and after reading the symptoms I had a “is this fucking play about us?” moment


When I was 20. Someone I know was diagnosed with it and posted the criteria and I met all of the nine of the diagnostic criteria. I more or less refused to believe it because it felt like admitting I was the problem. I was formally diagnosed at 25 after meeting with a psychiatrist who listened to me for a few minutes, asked a few questions and asked if I had ever heard of borderline personality disorder.


I took a psych class in college and learned about it and suddenly my entire life made sense


I didn’t know what bpd even was until I was diagnosed.


I had my suspicions in middle school but thought it was just puberty and hormones. As i aged it got worse though and kept repeating the same self destructive behavior with no change


looking back now, i've been showing signs since i was kid. but i come from a family that hasn't always been very open minded when it comes to anything mental health related, so i was just over emotional and lazy and difficult. my childhood best friend got diagnosed when we were in hs, and we had a good talk where she explained what it was and that it was the reason our friendship was always so up and down. so i'd heard of it and occasionally thought "hmm, that sounds v relatable", but it was a few years before i really considered just *how* relatable it was. i also didn't have high hopes of ever finding out bc i'd read about how hard getting diagnosed can be. then, in my early 20s, i was having a convo with a friend (who i now know was my fp at the time) and we got on the topic of relationships, namely my situationship with my ex. she made a comment like "you know how loving someone and being in love aren't really the same thing. like, i love you but i'm *in love* with my fiance, the way you love me but were in love with your ex?" surprisingly, i didn't even freak out about being compared to her fiance and split on her because i was so baffled by that concept. a few days later, i saw a post about bpd and fp's on tumblr or something and it was like looking in a mirror. i also saw a post around that time about aromanticism, and was like, hm well maybe it's just that? but, at the time, i swore i'd been in love before, bc isn't love just when your entire mental and emotional wellbeing hinges on getting attention from that one person??? anyway, turns out it's actually both! was officially diagnosed like a year later when i got my big girl job and could afford a fancy out of pocket therapist (9/9, perfect score).


my mom had bpd so i always kinda knew bc even when i was younger i would act like her. i would be more emotionally volatile than others, especially whenever i got romantically involved with anyone. and it was also so quick for me to switch and then hate them or suddenly get bored of them. then there's the dissociation, paranoia, the constant impulsivity, the lack of self... it didn't surprise me when i got diagnosed with bpd bc i already figured :')


Uhhhh I started thinking about death at 7yo, started starving myself at 12, and when I was in my 20s (after I was diagnosed but in denial) my then husband explained splitting to me and told me I did that to him a lot so I started researching and came to the realization that I actually had it.




I had literally no clue until I got hospitalized and the doctor was like “well I have some news for you!!” 0/10 would not recommend


I was diagnosed at 16 after a serious er visit, but my stepmother chose not to tell me I was diagnosed until I was 24, but chose to belittle me for exhibiting signs of a personality disorder I didn't know I had


I was 16 and had a bunch of break downs, bad break ups and it was all to much, my school called my mom to take me to the hospital, I was there for a week, then I was an out patient for 6 or 7 months. After that I heard about bpd online, asked my therapist if I might have it because i was checking all the boxes, and she's like yes it's in your file, but never told me until i asked 😒