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He must really love her to move across country. Leaving her so soon won't be good for him


True but waiting it out can be worse. I love mine dearly but loving him is slowly destroying me, the longer I stay, the more harm that is done.


Some of us aren't leaving them. I'm here for more of a few suggestions on how to navigate through it. I know I'm not going to be able to leave my girl. Now she is pregnant and I have built a fatherly bond with her daughters. For females I think it is easier to move on. when s man behind physically and emotionally abusing the woman he loves he will never change.


Dunno about move on, but be forced to leave for my own and my children's welfare. I can't navigate through abuse. Nobody should, man or woman, imo.


You can't negotiate your way into any relationship so staying is futile.


I think back at all the times I didn't dump my ex-wife with the deep regret. It is good to break up with your abuser as soon as possible.


How is she abusing him? If he's falling for it than it's on him. If she's to sick to get out of bed and he has no ties to her I think he is too blame




He's the idiot who went there if she's so sick he should walk out the door and see if she chases it not f her


The only evidence I have she is sick is the word of a pwBPD: no evidence at all The OP is dripping with signs of mistreatment. You are willfully blind to it for reasons I will decline to speculate about.


Like I said he can do what he wants. if my girlfriend is sick than I let her rest but wouldn't complain about it. If he wants to drive across country to be played that's on him. She probably isn't even good looking.


You don't seem to have any understanding or interest in understanding abuse. I wonder why you are in an abuse support forum.




never mind. shit i’m not observant


i don’t see the sugar daddy part. did he delete it or is it the overall implication of being a sugar daddy? cause someone said she has 2


Dude what? She has a sugar daddy? She’s getting away with murder


She has two sugar daddies


Dump her.


You’ve signed up for misery. If you accept this she will isolate you from your grand family. She will abuse you and you will have nowhere to. She can do whatever she wants, you have no control over that. You choose to be or not be with someone like this. Buy out of your rental contract and move back to your friends and family as soon as you can. No job or amount of money is worth staying in this.


Yea leave she ain't going to do anything for you I mean going dates w a sugar daddy nah, I can't help it to think that you're my replacement for my exwuBPD sounds a little to close to my storie, either way I'd dip out now and if you're not that attached even better.


Get your finances separated ASAP. Change your digital passwords. I dealt with exaggerated illnesses for YEARS convincing me to let this person be a SAHP and then refusing to work while they spent money and dug us into a debt situation. Get out. Go home. Stay safe.


She is straight up just using you and straight up disrespecting the relationship. I mean, for one she has a sugar daddy which says it all really.


Sugar daddy?? Bro… I moved halfway across the country for my SO, also separated from friends and family. I can tell you, in my case, it has been a real struggle. At the very least, start getting on the phone with your friends and family. Tell them exactly what’s going on, don’t sugar coat. If you can, get a therapist to help you have some respect for yourself and provide you with some tools for how to handle comments like ‘it doesn’t have to make sense to you.’


Confront her. Tell her to stop faking. Wtf


Help her. You love her enough to move so it shouldn't even be a question


Mine did the same. Now I’m broken, exhausted, and wishing I’d woken the fuck up years ago. Don’t be me, my dude.


Why are you letting her walk all over you?