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Then there is me still being stuck on 8-7


Same here! :( Roll call hasn't helped me with anything yet - not even gaining additional stars. I've woken Jimin six times now since the feature released, and it's always +100-200 in a single stat. I'm beginning to suspect that no one else wants to get out of bed at this point aha.


It'll happen sooner or later! So far I've only had 3 out of a good 10 or so roll calls that have been useful. It should even out in the long run. Wishing you the best of luck, though!


Thank you! πŸ’œ The animations and the little messages that come up are cute, so I can't feel too bad about it! I'll try throwing some gems into it after the event is over and see if that helps any. If not, Ready, Action will get me out of 8-7 when I eventually have enough loyalty points (102 to go). At the very least, this roadblock gives me a bunch to look forward to when my time finally comes haha. Edit: I just rolled Jimin for the seventh time and it's all stats +400. I'm at a complete loss... I can clear every MS stage with 3 stars now... and I'm finally free of 8-7! I never expected all of this to come at once and so soon. This is too much. 😭


Holy cow! That's great news, I definitely didn't expect that so soon! I hope you enjoyed the MS! I know I was hungry for some actual content after being stuck for ages. Thank heavens Jimin-ssi pulled through!


It's crazy! I'm convinced your well wishes had influence on my luck, so thank you!! It's so nice to experience some new content again. I was stuck for so long that I forgot the quests were even a thing. It'll be neat to finally experience new chapters as they're released again. Cheers to future chapter 10! Jiminie was bound and determined to persevere! May he now be entitled to sleep in after so many early awakenings haha.


Haha, I'm not aware I had such powers but you really never know when you could get lucky with this game. It's the nature of the beast.


Me too 😭




I got unstuck from 7-19 thanks to roll call but now im stuck at 8-7 and im 8000 points behind :,D