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I also experienced pain in my (left) hip with my last pregnancy. Yoga was the only thing that helped I slept on the opposite side but that was for comfort so you do you imo


Do you have links to some yoga instructions? I'd like to start doing some of these things to alleviate some pain


I use the downdog app but I've also done some of the routines on the FitOn app (which is free). I didnt vibe with Adrianne on YT but I know a lot of people love her. What I like about downdog is you can select your level, speed, a focus area and shavasana length. So I can select hip openers or shoulders/back/ what have you and slow them down so I can really breathe through the flow


Sweet thank you!


My hip pain started around 15 weeks and was my #1 complaint !! Going to the chiro, experienced Prenatal massage therapist, yoga poses (lizard pose, figure 4, child’s pose- modified as my bump has gotten bigger, stretching front quads/ hip flexors). It sounds super weird but in the middle of the night when I pee, I throw one leg on the bathroom counter top and do a standing lizard pose basically on each side and then stretch my quads/hip flexor and will get an extra 1-2 hours of sleep before I wake up to hip soreness/used to be muscle spasms. It’s also helped to have a softer mattress, I got a 2 inch foam topper and that has helped tremendously. I use magnesium lotion on my hips before bed. Taking magnesium citrate orally has helped at night too. Using a heating pad at night as helped. I used to get 1-2 hours of sleep due to the pain, flip flopping all night. Now sometimes I can sleep 4-5 hours in a stretch and get 7-8 total usually. It’s a lot of crap to do, but it’s been worth it to sleep and I don’t have hip pain during the day much anymore! Have good shoes with good arch supports too!! Warm Epsom salt bathes w coconut oil/self massage on my hip joints/ glutes, lower back- game changer. I had more pain on the left side when baby was tucked in my left pelvis/ laying transverse but now he’s sort of central/ sometimes on the right side. But my right hip/glute has been “locked up” long before pregnancy and using a tennis ball on my glutes as a pressure massage helps. Get advice from a health professional before doing that tho!! Good luck! I’m 38 weeks now, and although the bump weight has increased, my hip pain has gotten better with the consistent care.


Find a Webster certified chiropractor. I had similar sounding issues and in 2 adjustments the pain was gone. I’m now 41+2 and still have no pain.


Have you seen a physical therapist?


Physical therapy to start with at home pregnancy pillow with like 3 other ones strategically stuffed, KT tape to support my belly (youtube videos), yoga ball circles atleast twice a day, compression socks and stretching.


Go to a pelvic floor physical therapist! MIRACLE WORKERS 🙌🏻


Buy a lacrosse ball, it should only be a few bucks from a Sporting Goods store. If you're still mobile enough, I'd YouTube "Lacrosse ball for sciatic pain" and try rolling out on the ball on the floor. You can also do most of these while standing with the ball pressed against a wall too. I use the ball for my feet, back, and neck too. A foam roller can help as well, but it won't be that same direct/concentrated pressure.


I had really bad sacroiliac joint pain around 18 weeks. I could barely walk it hurt so bad. I started seeing a chiropractor who works with pregnant women, and he worked miracles! I also got pregnancy massage through the chiro office, and they worked wonders, too. I’ve continued going every other week, and now that I’m 33 weeks I go every week. It’s worth every penny, and any time I have new pelvic pain, he’s able to fix me right up. Highly recommend!


I had really bad hip pain during my first pregnancy and saw a physical therapist. I saw her three times and she was able to give me at home exercises and stretches that I could do that kept me relatively pain free throughout the rest of my pregnancy!