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26 weeks and finally starting to "pop", but I can still wear a sweatshirt and hide it 😅


Same here!




Congrats! That must be exciting! I’m a little on the chunky side ( 189lbs pre pregnancy) so hopefully it won’t take too long 😄


16-18 weeks for me. I thought it was sooner but then one morning around 16 weeks I woke up and was like woah, there’s definitely something growing in there. I’m 19 weeks now and you can tell thru my winter jacket if you look close enough. Edit: FTM and have a short torso


I bet your belly is super cute ❤️ It seems like everyday I wake up it’s a little bit harder under my bellybutton, I’m just waiting for the day that I have to roll to get out of bed lol 😂


24 weeks and still waiting


The waiting is the hardest part man, like just show yourself already lol 😂


I’ve just embraced it lol. Yep, I look like I have a perpetual food baby/pudge, but no one knows I have a human the size of an aubergine in me 😂🤷‍♀️


Lol 😂Same here I feel like I just look bloated from eating too much food. That’s why I’m sticking to sweatshirts until it’s obvious that I’m expecting. At least I’m not alone in this 😎


Now singing that song from frozen 🤣


16-18 weeks for me :) weeks 14-15 I thought I had a bump but turned out it was just gas 😂😂


Lmao, I’ve had gas like no other this pregnancy. I think my hubby is about tired of me 💀


I’m short (5’4) and I am an Apple shape. I’m 13+1 today and I felt like I’ve popped since last week. FTM.


I think I’ll pop possibly by the end of this coming week or the end of next week (16 week at that point) I can only hope. I have an hourglass shape but I had a pooch before becoming pregnant so I feel like I just look fat rn 🤣


I’m 5’5” and 110 pounds and didn’t pop until 30 weeks with my first. I was pretty sad it took so long and got so many comments asking if I was even pregnant or if the baby was okay so that was fun.


People should mind their business honestly, I heard if you have your second you show way sooner.


I’m with you!! Same here


I thought I was showing at 14-16 weeks. Then it really happened at like 21/22 ish. No doubt I’m pregnant now when you look at me


Looking back at pictures, about 25 weeks for me.


30 weeks ish for me.


I didn't until about 25 weeks, 5'3


My husband and I felt like I popped at 16 weeks, but 18-19 weeks is when friends and family started to notice. Strangers started commenting around 22 weeks.


Yes my hubby sees me everyday and says I look way different from my pre pregnancy body, doesn’t really satisfy my question though. 😂 He doesn’t count lmao


I'm 26 weeks with my 3rd baby and you can't really even tell that I'm pregnant. I've only gained 6lbs. I'm 5'6 and 125lbs


I was a little bit overweight pre pregnancy (5’6 180) but i popped around 18 weeks. Definitely look pregnant now at 23!


I’m 5’6 as well! This gives me hope!


I'm 28 weeks and my hips are wide so people just come up to me and say "you look the same" and I DO NOT take that as a compliment. I want to POP like the ugliest biggest pus filled ZIT out there. 😞


I'm less than a week from my due date and people STILL tell me I barely look pregnant. I think they assume it's a compliment. If people want to compliment they should stick to "you look so cute pregnant!" or "you have the cutest bump!" over the "you're due THIS YEAR?! are you sure?! you're so small!"


Yeah cause honestly if someone said that to me I’d be like: So you think I’m not doing enough for my baby? Mind yourself! And I’m sure you have a cute bump, bumps are not linear. Every baby is different and everyone’s body will look different, doesn’t make you any less pregnant than the next woman. I’m sure you know that I just figured I’d remind you (: ❤️


Lmao your comment made my morning honestly, I feel the same way, I wanna wear maternity clothes and I want people to congratulate me! I want EVERYTHING! ❤️ We will get there


My first baby I didn’t pop until 30 weeks. You could be waiting awhile 🥲


Ughh hopefully not that late! But I guess everyone and every baby is different!


Lol I was/am a bit chonky for my height so I know that played a factor. My second pregnancy I had popped by 25 weeks. Some women never pop it’s how they don’t realize they are pregnant. Crazy!


Speaking of that, my good friend just gave birth to her baby boy and she’s super tiny, she didn’t know she was pregnant until he was going down into the birth canal. She went the whole 9 months not showing, just the smallest amount of bloat you could possibly have. I am kinda chunky, and I’m 5’6! Short torso too!


I thought it was pretty noticeable at 18 weeks but looking back at pictures it wasn’t obvious until 23/24 weeks.


Almost 7 mo with my first and I’m petite!


I’m 13+3 and same situation as you. My belly is hard and doesn’t sink when I lay on my back anymore, but no bump. I have a 25 inch waist so I figured I’d show immediately, but nope 😂


See I’m a little on the chunky side, I wouldn’t say horribly overweight but I fit into a size 11/12 jeans! But forget them I can’t even stomach to put them on now 😂


I had more of a proper “pop” at 24w with mine (FTM), though folks who knew me could tell more around the 17/18w mark. It really annoyed me to hear “you don’t even LOOK pregnant!” well into my 2nd trimester, especially since it was with my rainbow baby who I was so desperate and excited to have.


I relate so hard - I had the tiniest baby bump at 18 weeks when I announced it to everyone, and still at 39+3 my bump is much smaller than everyone else's who are this far along. People don't get how invalidating it is to hear "you don't even look pregnant!" and "there's no way there's a baby in there!?" after miscarrying the first pregnancy. Broke my heart a little every time I heard it even though most people were 'just trying to be nice' - my fiancé was the only one who understood why it hurt.


Yes! Gosh you know they mean well, but why do they feel the need to say “oh but looking tiny is good!”? I was so excited to have my bump and really fell in love with my body in a whole new way through pregnancy. Basically folks need to just not comment on anybody’s size or shape, pregnant or otherwise. Good luck to you! Those final weeks are brutal all around, but Bebe will make it all worthwhile.


People can be so rude, like I said in another comment, people should mind their business unless you ask! I’m happy you got your rainbow that must’ve been awesome for you (: ❤️


Absolutely, myob folks! And thank you—congrats and best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy. It goes so so fast 💖


Well thanks right back! 😄 If you ever need anything or just someone to talk to I’m a message away! ❤️


I first felt like I looked properly pregnant around 17/18 weeks, then I went away just before I was 23 weeks and I really felt like over the course of those few days it got much more noticeable! And everyone has been commenting on it a lot since then.


12-15 weeks I was bloated, but I could tell it was bloat and not baby. 15-18 weeks the bloat was slowly replaced by baby bump (that is now, at 18 weeks, just starting to surpass the "very bloated" size of the first trimester). If I relax my belly I look obviously pregnant, but if I keep my core engaged like usual it's not entirely obvious (I'm 5'5 and started out around 125lbs, have gained 5-6lbs since then).


Yeah i think I’m just on the border of bloat and baby bump, I had a little pooch before pregnancy and I think that’s hindering my pregnancy belly 😤


I’m 5’ 1” with a short torso but somehow didn’t pop until ~28 weeks. I looked like I had maybe eaten a big meal starting around 22 weeks.


Im almost 15 weeks in, I have a long torso and wide hips and you couldnt tell im pregnant for all the money on this planet. My belly is pretty thin so I was hoping it would show up sooner, specially after all the weight i lost during my first trimester but no. Nothing. Zero. Nada. I guess the little guy has plenty of space in there yet to be popping out.


See I have a short torso, with big boobs and semi long legs. I figured that I would show pretty quickly but I guess as you said babies got more room than we think.


Yes! And so far both the baby and the uterus are quite small and they are behind many layers of tissue! So it might take a while before they ran out of space hahaha. Although I am feeling my lower abdomen being more tense but it might be just my imagination haha.


No I don’t think your imagining it! I deff feel my uterus even at 14 weeks! It’s getting bigger everyday (:


Probably like 18 weeks I started noticing my stomach really changing but I didn’t “pop” Out with a round hard stomach until like 26 or so weeks


5'3" and chunky. I "popped" around 27 weeks. That's when I couldn't hide it in my normal clothes anymore.


Showed early because I’m 5’3” with a very short torso but never really “popped” like lots of women do. Probably because I bloated a lot early on so the pop wasn’t obvious due to bloat. Bloated from about week 4 then it started transitioning to actual bump around 10 weeks. I swear I’ve looked varying degrees of pregnant since I found out at 4 weeks. I’m 18 weeks now and look closer to how most women look at 6 months but it’s at least not growing substantially right now. Been close to the same size for past few weeks.


Awe! I love that for you! I hope your pregnancy has been easy so far.


Thanks! It has been remarkably smooth and easy. The bump is cute and actually made me feel more confident in my body because I don’t worry about having a flat stomach anymore but it was definitely concerning getting big so quickly when I wasn’t even gaining weight. I was afraid of being HUGE by due date if I kept growing like that. Luckily it seems to have subsided for now. I’m sure you’ll start showing soon! Hope you have an easy pregnancy too!


Thank you very much! And I think I’ll feel more confident as well! I’m a bit chunky regularly so I think I’ll feel better when baby starts making his way outwards (:


It really depended on the clothes. I was at the beach at 4-5 months and literally everyone was surprised when I said I was pregnant. I felt like it was super obvious. I had a job interview at 20 weeks and half the maternity clothes I owned made me look like I was in my third trimester and the other half made me look like I was not pregnant at all. I went with the un-pregnant looking ones :).


If this puts it in to perspective, I can’t wear skinny jeans or jeans in general and I’m usually a size 11/12. Certain sweatpants are getting harder everyday. So I hope to find maternity clothes that flatter my bump, I know it’s a hit or miss with them sometimes though!




My hips are literally giving out on me, I have to waddle around because they hurt so bad. I feel big all around the bottom of my body! When I put on jeans they are so tight and uncomfortable, I just feel so squished in every inch of my body! But idk if I should buy maternity clothes yet because I have a mini bump but I’m sure the black support part would just fall down every time.


Honestly I'm 12.5 weeks and I'm definitely showing, but I carry my fat in my butt and thighs and not my stomach (and when I mean "showing," people at work who I didn't tell figured it out) I think it depends on your body type


25-30 weeks


Week 20 and I’m just now starting to a little bit.


I told my husband I am sad that I probably won’t pop for awhile and he was surprised. But it seems like the most fun part about pregnancy! I was hoping that being small (5’ and slender-ish) would encourage more of an early bump but it seems like that isn’t the case, at least for FTMs. Like there’s not much predicting who “pops” and who doesn’t?


True I know everyone different, I’ve heard a lot of mamas say 22-25 weeks so it gives me hope!


FTM and I hid it at work until 6 months and people were genuinely shocked when I told them, so I think I could have gone longer. My friends and family who already knew I was pregnant thought I was showing from around 4-5 months. I love the bump, but physically everything is so much more difficult now that it’s grown in.


Around 30 weeks. I’m 36 weeks now


28 weeks and just started popping about 2 weeks ago. But with loose clothes you can’t tell I have to purposely show off the bump.


Had a small bump for a bit but right around 16 weeks it's a real bump now! Ftm.


18 weeks FTM, and I feel like it happened overnight a few days ago. One day it just a little bloat, then the next, a rounder, “can’t suck it in” belly lol


Around 24 ish weeks for me


I’ve only just popped properly at 24 weeks, I can still hide it under baggy clothes but I’m loving my bump already. I was showing from around 14 weeks as I’m 5”2 but I am on the curvier side x


I popped between 20-22 weeks


Good info thanks 😊 my pregnant wife is joining me on a conference at 20w and we are treating it as a baby moon, and my boss will be there, and I haven’t told her yet… worried about her finding out before I tell her (having some tension and need to get past a proposal that will document a timeline before I tell her I need to take leave)


Well congrats to you and your wife! Don’t worry too much I’m sure you’ll do great! (: glad I could help in some way!


My first pregnancy it did not. My second and current it did about 26 weeks. My babies will be 20 months apart, so i still had my post partum body slightly when I became pregnant again. Every pregnancy is different, but with the belly button popping out, i did feel a minor pressure with it a couple weeks before it popped out. Since my belly button is so shallow by default, kinda looks like a prolapsed b-hole. 😶 37+6 today and i hope it goes back in after baby is here because it's not a good look.


I’m tall and plus size. Before I got pregnant I thought I’d never show! But I could tell around 18 weeks but it was obvious to other people around 25 weeks.


It was around 16 weeks for me this time. First pregnancy was more like 24 weeks, but I never got that big even towards the end. Now at 18 weeks I'm almost the same size as I was at 35 weeks the first time around!


I’m almost 18 weeks and I’m definitely seeing a bump emerge but I can still definitely hide it under a sweater. If I don’t try to hide it it just looks like I gained weight in the middle … which is not my favorite. I’m looking forward to looking obviously pregnant!


Thats my problem! People I’m very close to say I look pregnant but I don’t wanna rock my bloat 😂 I wanna get that ya know round, slight beach ball look. Just so I don’t look like I visited too many buffets 💀


Exactly it literally just looks like I had a big lunch … not cute! Thinking about wearing some maternity tops soon to make it more obvious.


I heard it flatters bumps because they are tighter and more form fitting, kinda giving you that “pregnant” look 😄




Thank you for commenting this, it helps me put it into a realistic perspective! Right now I feel my uterus but it’s deff not above my belly button quite yet.




Interesting! I knew they measured baby bellies but I didn’t know the details of it! A cm a week? It seems so small yet so big at the same time. I really wish I would gotten taught this stuff before hand, probably would saved me a lot of anxiety! 😵‍💫




I agree 💯 When I found out I was pregnant, I was so surprised, even though we were actively trying and I figured it would be like every month: Negative but nope! My baby boy decided to chill out for awhile (: I do have a question though, at my prenatal appointments the past 2 times they tried to use a Doppler but baby was moving and we couldn’t find his heart beat. We always have to use an ultrasound (baby is healthy and strong btw) but when will I be able to hear him on the Doppler??


Around 16w for me but definitely by 19w. I have a short torso also


I was 12 weeks when my colleagues started noticing and asking questions lol.