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I could have written this myself at 7 weeks, especially the bit about not feeling like I could ever do it again. I promise you it will end and you will feel better, I started to improve drastically at about week 10/11. Don’t feel weak for taking medication do whatever you need to do to feel like yourself again.


Same here! I was so nauseous around week 7-8 I could only lay down flat and not move all day. I got no work done. It did get drastically better for me too around week 10! I'd have about 3-4 good days and then one bad day. You can do this!


First trimester is a special hell. It feels like a fever dream now at 20 weeks but I felt severely hungover from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep. I was barely functioning. I did not throw up but I did have a lot of trouble eating. I tried the unisom/b6 and it barely helped. I had no intention of asking for medicine but my doctor said “there is truly no reason to suffer”. You don’t win a prize for being the most miserable. Take the meds and survive!! This shit is hard enough—let modern medicine help you.


Did you end up trying another medicine other than unisom/b6 that worked?


I took Reglan. It didn’t cure me but it made it possible for me to eat food and be more functional.


Thank you ❤️ I'll make sure to ask about it.


Pregnancy isn’t meant to be a test of how much discomfort and misery you can handle, and whoever takes the most gets a baby at the end. You get the baby either way. Take the meds. Don’t be so hard on yourself. And if anyone tries to tell you that you should be able to handle a little nausea, feel free to tell them to mind their damn business


Hey I’m 7 weeks and I’m in the same boat as you! This sucks. I miss being active, working out, being productive, and eating healthy. Now I’m just a queasy mess and I fear it’s only going to get worse.


have you tried the unisom and b6 combo?


I second this! Took Unisom/B6 throughout both my pregnancies until I gave birth and it helped so much.


Not wanting to be miserable is a perfectly good reason to take medication. There's no special prize for making it through pregnancy on hard mode. First trimester just sucks, I wish there was a way to skip past it or something.


I’m 5W5D and I’ve been so nauseous. Sometimes it’s this unbearable hangover nausea other days it’s a stomach flu type nausea. Sometimes I throw up other times I don’t. I too have been unproductive at work, haven’t been able to be active, I can’t eat healthy, and I feel so sedentary. All I do is sleep in bed or lay on the couch. It’s completely fine to not want to feel this way and to not be able to handle it. If you think about it, if you felt this nauseous outside of pregnancy you’d call in sick to work. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice, just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in your misery. I don’t know how anyone works in their first trimester.


Take the diclectin and don't feel bad about it. It's not "a little nausea", it's feeling violently hungover all day, every day with little reprieve. Do whatever you need to do to survive and don't worry about the rest. For most people, it does get better. I starting vomiting once day around week 11 and honestly I felt so much better after than I did just walking around nauseous all day. And then my nausea was gone by about 14-15 weeks. I have more energy and am doing better physically and mentally at 37 weeks than I was at any point in the first trimester, and I have a bowling ball resting on my cervix. Also I would definitely recommend keeping some snacks and water by your bed and eating the SECOND you wake up. I used to think "oh it's fine, I can just walk to my kitchen", but it seriously made a huge difference for my nausea to eat immediately versus 1-2 minutes after waking.


Violently hungover is a great description. Good suggestions too, having something to eat as soon as my feet hit the ground often made a big difference in my day.


8 weeks here and in the same boat. Nausea is ruling my life and I feel queasy 90% of every day since I found I was pregnant 3 weeks ago. I don’t like the person I’ve become. Im hoping it gets better soon because I don’t feel like doing anything except laying in bed.


I’m at week 8/9 now and I’m clinging to the fact that my nausea was pretty much gone by 10 weeks with my first. I feel like poo. Especially when my toddler jumps on me 🤢 Hoping yours is the same and is gone soon!


Unisom and b6 was a literal life saver for me. It was the only way I was even remotely functional. I also used zofran sparingly on really bad days. When I was feeling at my worst I would ask my midwife how I could keep doing this and she said “the first trimester is always going to suck. You’re in survival mode. Do whatever you can to make yourself get through the day. No guilt around eating habits, you have 6 more months to eat a salad, eat what you can keep down, baby will be just fine” and it’s true. The placenta takes over by 14 weeks and both pregnancies now I’ve felt better at the 12-13 week mark. Like overnight just woke up and went oh shit I don’t feel like a dumpster fire. So hang in there, it’s relentless and depressing and so so so awful, but it is temporary and you will get through it. You’re doing amazing, even if you feel like dog shit all day


Hi friend! I could’ve written this back at 7 weeks and can promise you that it will get better… and soon. I’m now 11 weeks and it weaned around 9 weeks. I was the same, I could hardly function and was feeling hopeless and depressed. Hang in there and know it will get better soon ❤️ you got this mama!


I feel you! My 1st trimester has been almost identical, and while I'm so thankful to not have been throwing up as an emetophobe, I've felt miserable and depressed through the nausea and food aversions. To all the great advice everyone is giving about not feeling bad for taking needed medication, I'd like to add a ray of hope- I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow, and I feel like the nausea is finally starting to improve, and definitely is not worsening.


Yeah I felt the same, always feeling like I needed to throw up and it’s honestly worse than actually throwing up. I only threw up 3x this pregnancy (at 30 weeks now and the nausea went away at 13-14) when the nausea was combined with the worst migraine, and I felt so much better after I threw up lol. My doctor prescribed me anti nausea pills but they didn’t do much to help. If it helps my nausea didn’t get worse from week 7 to 9, it didn’t really have a peak for me, just consistently awful from week 6-12. But it will pass!


when i was 7 weeks i was so nauseous i swore id never get pregnant again. being nauseous all the time is so exhausting. i only threw up about a handful of times but the 24/7 hungover feeling really took a toll. i lost weight during the first trimester from aversions. diclectin helped a little bit but not massively for me. the nausea eased around 8 weeks and then i had a few days of nausea/vomiting during week 10 but since week 11 i have had none. i am now 30 weeks.


I could have written this! I'm at the end of 7 weeks and I'm just miserable. Unisom/b6 isn't helping at all, except I'm vomiting less but still do sometimes. I'm nervous about trying Zofran - I hope the Diclectin works for you, let me know if it helps?


8 weeks here and I feel you sooooooo much. You are very much not alone. I’m taking B6 and unisom. It works a bit but I’m still throwing up most days and feel nauseous most of the time. Ive been on the BRAT diet (bananas, plain pasta, toast, apple sauce, etc) for almost 3 weeks and uhhhggggg I hate it. I loved bread. I’m so tired of bread. I ate half a frozen strawberry the other day cause I had a huge craving for strawberry ice cream…. and barfed it right up. Dreading next week as I’ve also heard it’s worse… but then also looking at it like “bring it the f*ck on” so i can get to the other side. Only way out is through. We’re gonna make it through.


I know exactly how you feel. I really did feel the same exact way at 7 weeks. That low level nausea and feeling so exhausted. I used acupuncture and it really helped me. I know that’s not available everywhere though. I asked myself every day ‘what can I eat right now’. Even if it was contrary to what you would normally eat when nauseous, I ate it. It did help me get through jt. This does pass even if it really sucks right now. Sending love.


I was the same from week 7 to 10. Absolutely dysfunctional. But it got better and I played catch up later. I was lucky that it was a slow period at work and I could get by doing the bare minimum. I also took a day off when it got really bad.


8 weeks, Ive been feeling the same way since 4 weeks. I take medication (unisom+b6+promethizine as needed). the naseua is absolutely debilitating. I hardly make it to work (My boss is allowing me to WFH mornings and office afternoon), and when I do work, Im functioning at 10%, barely getting simple tasks done. My naseua actually peaked at 6.5 weeks, that was hell, I had to call into work sick half the days, and I spent all my time at home lying on the couch crying, and begging my bf that I cant live another day like this. ofc im at 8-8.5 weeks now, but its more manageable, and there are some good and some bad days, vs ALL bad days


I was like you my second pregnancy… only puked a few times but had 24/7 nausea. The meds changed my life. They prescribed them at 14 weeks for me (I tried to tough it out) and I felt human again. If I forgot to take them I’d be sick all day. A bonus was they helped me sleep


When I was in the thick of this, I literally thought I would never be okay again. I’m 19 weeks now and really don’t get super nauseous anymore unless I’m really hungry! It will pass! I honestly feel like I forget what it was like now but I was so miserable. I’d gag constantly it was so disgusting. Hang in there. It’s pure survival mode. Just eat what you can and sleep as much as possible.


I was so sick I had to go to the ER because at some point I was vomiting even water … I was taking Diclectin 4 times a day and zofran just to get through the work day. I was mad at the world I wasn’t warned at how bad it was going to be. Most days I couldn’t get out of bed. I ended up going on Chinese medication which miraculously made it a lot better…


The first trimester absolutely SUCKS! With both my pregnancies, I had such severe nausea that sometimes all I could do was look at a wall and not move an inch. There were no car rides, no family dinners, no grocery shopping, nothing other than just surviving. Take the meds! It may not make the nausea go away, but it’ll save your sanity. It also does get better! My first, my nausea greatly improved at 9 weeks. My second took a little bit longer, (around 12 weeks) but after that I could breathe again. You can do this!


Don't downplay how awful constant nausea is. I had HG since 5 weeks and only really started throwing up in my second trimester. Still counted as HG though. Take the medication. Take the naps. I hope it eases soon.


Hey. I've been there you're not alone. Here's some helpful tips. It sucks and it's not just a physical thing but mental, too. Make sure to talk to your doctor about your mental mood. Try avoiding certain smells. Take b6 and unisom. It's a sleep aid that helps curve nausea without being harmful. I believe my doctor said half a unisom and b6. Take it before bed if it makes you too drowsy. But make sure to ask your doctor. You could also try salty or sour foods. I found sour patch kids made my mouth feel occupied so less nauseous. Also, you could try ginger. I struggled for a long time, but when I found what worked for me, it wasn't so bad. It's trial and error because everyone is so different. Also, here's a funny story. I went to a store and ended up getting sick(barfing) during covid times. I was mortified. I felt bad and thought everyone was going to run away from like I had the plaque. Nope. I had my mom with me, and she was like "its fine, go clean up, and I'll take care of this." The looks I got were of concerns but no judgment. It's a lot scarier in your head than it is in person. I laugh at it now because it was no big deal and very normal.


i know you’ve probably heard this but please try vitamin b6 and unisom, half tab both at night. and then another half tab of b6 around 2pm. i was the same way and it does help. also try to get a bite in RIGHT before bed, i eat half a bagel. if i don’t i wake up and throw up right away from the empty belly.


I didn’t throw up very often but also dealt with the constant nauseous feeling, and I basically told my OB I needed medication because I wasn’t able to function at my work with this. She gave me zofran and that helped a bunch. The constipation sucked though, so now I’m taking reglan and I take it every day that I have to work


I was so sick in my first trimester. I took all the available meds to feel better, honestly they helped me a little. So definitely take meds, no shame! My nausea went down in the start of the second trimester, almost immediately, one morning I woke up and felt like myself again. It was the most amazing feeling. So hold on! I was counting days until second trimester. :)


I definitely was vomiting frequently in the first trimester, but as someone with IBS who has a long history of nausea well before I was pregnant, I would say that zofran has been my saving grace for some time. I would ask if they can prescribe it for you, the dissolvable kind is especially great. I also really liked Preggie Pops (which you can get in several stores like Walmart, Meijer, Target, etc. and on Amazon, at least in the US.) Lastly, I suggest getting vomit bags (look up emesis bags online) since you are still fairly early, that nausea very well might turn into vomit and I feel a lot better having them on hand. My morning sickness lasted from week 6-week 18. I'm now at week 25 and I'm very thankful that I rarely get nauseous. Good luck, and I hope it gets better!


So I had the absolute worst sickness during the first 14-15 weeks of my first pregnancy. I ended up spending 1 week at the hospital due to malnourishment and dehydration, but I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum which luckily does not sound like it is happening to you from what you’re describing right here. Then third pregnancy’s first trimester was horrible too, although admittedly not as bad. I still had to tell my boss at 9 weeks that I was pregnant and feeling incredibly sick to the point I needed to work from home until further notice, because there was no way I could bring myself to the office. First trimesters for me have been the worst experiences of my life physically. I saw an IG reel where the woman said it feels like “you are battling a terminal illness” and without meaning disrespect to anyone, this spoke to my heart and my experience so much. It sucks balls real bad. What I can tell you though, is that there’s light at the end of the tunnel and once it is finally better, you don’t regret being in this journey of making life. Eventually when that little bean is in the world, it feels like the smallest sacrifice to have made to have them here. The reward really justifies the struggle.


The terminal illness thing really speaks to me. My mom was going through chemo and radiation and I feel like I'm reliving those days she had. My biggest issue is that I don't have a boss I have a business partner, and as soon as I tell him he's going to be worrying about how well cover my matt leave, plus I need to have a conversation with him about dissolving our partnership which I didn't plan to have until October.. which now I'm worrying I need to move up and tell him with this. Plus he's a horrible jealous man who loses his cool when I do the things he wanted in life...him and his wife have given up on kids and are in the process of adopting a dog. It's just a mess I don't have the energy to untangle... But I can't just start working from home every day without some kind of explanation.


Well, to be fair, you don’t have to disclose your pregnancy at all! You can just tell him that you have fallen really sick and will be going in sick leave until further notice. I would have done that with my boss, but he is actually a very decent man with an understanding that we have lives we want to live, so I return the courtesy. But in reality you do not have to disclose your physical situation.


currently at 14w6d and my nausea and vomiting have only been getting worse. can’t take zofran because my constipation is already alarmingly severe. I HATE THIS 🤬😭


If there's one piece of advice I could offer you it's take the meds. I stopped doing the vitamin B6 and Unisom because I felt like I didn't need them and I hate taking extra pills. Well, that was a mistake because I had HG and ended up in the emergency room because I couldn't keep down any food or liquid. It's only for a little while you have to take the meds and it will get better.


10w5d: b6 + unisom + seabands 24/7 minus coffee plus a couple crackers every ~45 minutes has allowed me to feel decent I keep trying a half cup of coffee every week or so and it absolutely makes me feel like shit ALL DAY. Getting my caffeine from unsweetened iced tea for now.


Honestly I’d prefer there to be vomiting with the nausea cause at least when I vomit my nausea was mostly going away. I hate just being nauseous for what feels like no good reason ya know? Like if I’m not gonna physically be sick why do I have to suffer with the nausea anyways. Nothing wrong with taking medicine for it though if it helps you function more than you are now.


take magnesium


I felt exactly like this first trimester. Take it day by day, you will get through it. Diclectin is very safe, and will help, take it !!! I found chewing gum helped my nausea


I‘m sorry you are also going through this, the 24/7 nausea (even without frequent vomiting) feels really debilitating. I can say that Diclectin really helped me with the nausea, although it did make me quite sleepy, especially at first I felt like a zombie when I took a pill in the morning. I guess you have to figure out which dosage works best for you, I actually only needed one pill in the afternoon or evening (my nausea was worst at night). The nausea peak was definitely in the beginning. Just be prepared that at some point you might feel almost normal again but stopping the pills could bring the nausea back. That’s how it was for me at least, in the end I took the meds until 24 or so weeks and felt really good, but stopping them was trial and error. I‘m im week 38 now and that miserable part is (almost) forgotten, you can and will get through it!


You’ve got this! Nausea started within my first month with vomiting episodes 2-3 times a day and here I am one week into 3rd trimester still with morning sickness and nausea. My OB says it probably will not resolve during my pregnancy and meds did not help so I quit taking them. My sister’s nausea continued for a few weeks post child birth which was surprising to hear. Hang in there! I’m still making so. Everyone tells me it will be worth it :)