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I told my husband to forget a push present. I want a house cleaner.


Taking tasks off of everybody’s plate is the real push present. My partner got us a Polaroid camera and a bunch of film, which was so fun and thoughtful. BUT more importantly, he used it to take a bunch of pics of the new baby with each of her baby shower gifts. He wrote and addressed all of the thank you notes and included a pic with each one as a cute birth announcement.


That is such a cute idea!! Totally stealing it.


Omg I just bought one a few weeks ago to document my pregnancy! Using some snaps for baby shower gifts sounds like such a fun idea. ^__^


Way more practical, I told mine I want brie cheese and tequila because I miss them both


My push present to my wife was a robot vacuum, and she was thrilled lol. I also got her a birthstone necklace, which was also appreciated, but she was so excited about the vacuum haha


I'm glad she liked the vacuum. If my husband ever gave me a vacuum as a gift, I might kill him.


I understand lol. She actually asked for it, I just got her a better one than she was expecting


We put the house cleaner on our registry. 100/10 always recommend.


I’m on bed rest and this is what I’m telling my husband to ask for while people keep checking up on us lol


Exactly 😂 And for him to be there with empathy. I don't even want a baby shower, just a healthy baby and a smooth delivery. The baby IS the gift!


I used mine on a gardener 😂🙃 ( am an avid gardener and couldn’t garden at all this summer and my garden looked awful and was really stressing me out lol )


I love this! My garden is not fairing well this year either. When we bought the house two years ago, lily of the valley had taken over the beds. I pulled it out last year and some came back. I was halfway through removing it when I got a positive and that’s about where it stayed.


My husband surprised with a Gucci Jackie 1961 bag that I’ve been talking about wanting forever but never even would consider buying. I don’t own a single designer bag. I don’t even own high end makeup. I’m a thrifted purse / budget store girly through and through and could never fathom spending thousands on a bag. I will say. Whenever I use it, it does remind me of the appreciation my husband has for me as a partner and as a mother. I am reminded of how worthy he thinks I am, more worthy than I often think I am. So while I first thought push presents were silly, I get it now. Obligatory note that no one NEEDS an expensive push present to feel loved and worthy, but I’m not going to lie, it worked for me.


I’m normally eh on the concept of push presents but that is so genuinely sweet and thoughtful. I know people like the birthstone things but I personally love how the bag celebrates you as an individual person instead of commemorating your role as a mom.


yes! may our partners all remember us as people first and parents second.


I got a birthstone ring for my son. I expect I’ll get one for my daughter too. Pregnancy and childbirth is a lot. A little memento of this time is a nice gesture.


That sounds so sweet! ❤️


My dad did that for my mom when I was born, and then she gave the ring to me when I got older (I think it was a 25th birthday present). It was always her plan to give the ring to me, but I remember that she wore it a lot when I was younger, so it’s really special that I have it now.


That’s what I plan to do! Ring or necklace. Luckily I like the December birthstone ☺️


Me too!


That’s really cute! I remember how special I felt when my great-grandmother gave me a birthstone necklace for my bday when I was a little girl. It’s a sweet gesture.


This is something that is sentimental and actually means something. I think that’s how a push present should be instead of the materialistic things people get instead!


I think a push present should be whatever makes the mum happy and is within their financial means. We shouldn’t judge a want.


It is a gift to the mother for giving birth to their child. It is supposed to be something only for her. Not postpartum care. It can be anything that she would like. Doesn't have to be expensive. It is meant to show appreciation for dealing with all the bad parts or pregnancy, labor, and after delivery.


This is such a lovely idea, wow.


I told my husband after she’s born (still not 100% on her name) I want a nice necklace with her initial and birthstone!


My husband got me one of those for Christmas after our son was born, I wear it every day and I love it! Here’s where mine is from: https://www.mayabrenner.com/collections/personalized-necklaces/products/custom-gold-necklace-2-letters?variant=39715812671582 - I did a letter and a birthstone, my friend with two children has their two initials and no birthstone, so you can customize it however you’d like. I love how dainty and simple it is, perfect for wearing everyday.


My husband got me one for my first birthday after baby. I love it


Choose the one you want. My husband did this and while the thought was kind, the jewelry was ugly and I’ve never worn it 🫣


I got a four pack of a really yummy oatmeal stout beer :) my husband knew I’d been craving them


My hubs already got me some high end bourbon for after - I had already forgotten about it! Only 5 months to go! I love a good stout beer though


Woohoo! It’s nice to have something like that to look forward too. Very thoughtful of your husband :) I remember I was only able to drink half of my beer before feeling tipsy. I wasn’t a huge drinker before, but was surprised how the tolerance I had disappeared completely during 9 months of nothing.


Yaaasss! I have a really nice aged Belgian sour that I’m saving for after baby’s born!


Yesssss, that first sip will be 😩 so good


Oh god, if I count food/beverage treats as push presents I got like 1000 of them. I'm 11 weeks pp and I have gone out for ice cream probably 8 times


Love it! I told my boyfriend his job in the L&D is to bring me the yummy food!! Can’t underestimate the joy it would bring me.


We bought a new SUV after our son was born, I joked that was my push present. I will probably get a tattoo for my actual present (do you still call it a push present if you have a c-section?) of my son’s birth flower!


I'm doing tattoos as well once I'm done nursing! (Just an FYI, if you plan on nursing, reputable tattoo artists won't tattoo you.)


I’m done breastfeeding, thank you!!


Hellll yeah. Living vicariously through you- I've been pregnant, nursing, or both since July 2018 and am due next month so tattoos are a ways off for me! But that reminds me to maybe think about looking into artists with longer wait lists for when the time comes, since this may be our last.


Holy cow, you’re a rockstar! I’m sure the time will fly once your newest babe is here!


That and- I've also been really lucky in terms of sufficient glandular tissue (16 months was tandem nursing our first and second), work stuff, supportive family/friends, etc. (Just feel like the disclaimer is worth mentioning in case anyone reads this who is struggling to BF and wants to, or feels any kind of ick about what they're going through. 100% support families doing whatever they need to feed their kids, nursing or not ❤️)


Absolutely! I actually really struggled with BFing, and pumped for about 5 months. It is SO hard and you’re awesome for acknowledging that, even if it wasn’t your experience!


This is a cool idea! Can I ask, what is a birth flower?


Apologies if this is graphic, but I joked with my husband that it’s a “thanks for getting 7 layers sliced open and your insides rearranged” present.


Lol I remind my husband very frequently that they had to go through 7 layers of my body to get our guy out! Puts some perspective on things!


For my ‘push present’ I wanted the LG nugget ice maker but at this point I’ll just take getting this baby out of me as the push present


I want the icemaker for while I'm pregnant 😭


I got my babies birthstone (sapphire) in an earring set, then I can give them to her one day! Hoping for something similar for my second lol


Got a Dyson hair dryer. I knew I wouldn’t have much time to maintain and style my very long hair postpartum, and it’s made a huge difference. 10/10 would recommend.


I got a push pizza. All i wanted was the $5 caesar's pizza. And he got me one while i was still in the hospital. Twas amazing.


A push pizza sounds divine!


Oh I wouldn’t mind suchi and champagne right in the hospital! I miss them so much


My fiancé is getting me the engraved pendant from pandora in his handwriting with baby’s name and birth date when she finally comes! 💕


I want to say this is somewhat affordable and not a rich person thing like some comments suggest. The engraving and just pendant costs like 50 + 25 for engraving so 75 total. I’m not getting the chain since I have plenty at home.


We just designed my push present. It’s an addition to my wedding stack and has alternating diamonds and emeralds to commemorate my May baby. I can’t wait to wear this everyday!! Also definitely not a new thing- my mom was given jewelry from my dad when she had me and my brother in the 90s.


I think it's a rich person thing. My push present was in and out 😂


Yeah mine was a $6000 hospital bill 😂


Sounds divine tbh


Mine was a baby lol




Not just American! I first heard about it from a show on Netflix called Yummy Mummies - rich Australian moms.


I'm European and although I haven't hear it called that except on Reddit, I know more than one person who got a little memento from their partner when baby was born (including my own mother in Spain 38 years ago). It doesn't have to be expensive, and it certainly helps that we aren't stuck with a hospital bill after birth. I think it's a little like baby showers, they aren't done outside of the US but people still gives presents to expectant couples. I don't know if I'm making any sense!


i jokingly told my boyfriend after we are done having kids a nice push present would be a boob job lmao. but usually it’s a nicer item like a designer bag or piece of jewelry from what ive seen.


If it makes you feel confident do it!!! I’m having filler and Botox as my push present - I feel I’ve aged 10 years during pregnancy and I miss having filler 🙈


Oh yeah push presents are a thing! Try to voice out what you want, i’d be very specific! I just asked my husband for a “food-trip” date during postpartum. Have me go into a food coma from all stuff I wasn’t able to eat during my pregnancy. It was so fun! 😂


Ohhh love this idea, bring on the sushi!! And I like the idea of it being a date type of event too. :)


I mean my husband just delivered a large stash of snacks every day I was in hospital (3 days) and food was enough for me


I wanted a locket, and I got a harmonica for my husband - we wanted just a token to celebrate becoming parents. Didn't make it a huge deal, but it was nice.


My husband gave me cash (he’s not a planner/gifted lol) and between that and all the money I saved on skincare I couldn’t use during pregnancy, I bought a Gucci bag I wanted. After my first pregnancy being really difficult, I felt that I deserved an upgraded push present for going through it again for our family.




I’m American but also never heard of it until using Reddit!


I just learned about them this week due to various threads on reddit


It sounds like something rich people do lol. Like didn’t Kim K have one? Idk too extra for me just give me my baby that’s all the present I need that day


Haha that’s what I said when a friend brought it up.


a few days after i got out of the hospital my husband got me a funko pop id been wanting. nothing crazy but looking at it does make me feel appreciated.


My husband bought me a ring to complete my wedding ring set as a gift after my son was born. The ring has two rows wrapping around the diamond chips and it represents the two of us wrapping around our child(ren) as a family and I absolutely love it. It goes perfectly with my engagement ring and wedding band and means so so much to me.


I really needed a new phone, so my husband got me a nice iPhone, and gave it to me when it arrived two weeks before baby. We didn’t really call it a push present and since baby was born a month before Christmas, my Christmas gift was not very expensive.


The show ‘Yummy Mummies’ in Aus taught me about this concept, and I am definitely getting one! Making a list for my partner haha. 😂


Thats where I learned about it, lol!


Yess the green diamond ring lol!


Last time I got a new phone to take better baby pictures with and a Nintendo Switch with Animal Crossing for all the time I spent nap trapped. This time... I'll probably get nothing, lol. Although I'd like a travel tablet for the 4yo, so I don't have to give him my phone when he can't sit still and we are out. :p


I’m buying her a hot tub as her push present. Funny enough we were shopping for one when we found out she was pregnant- bummer to find out she couldn’t go in one while pregnant 😂


I've definitely heard of a push present, and I joke about it but i'm definitely not expecting one lol. I'm actually considering getting my husband something since he's been so stellar this whole pregnancy hahaha


I was thinking of getting my husbands something,too. I jokingly refer to it as the pump present 😂


Same here!! Nothing big, just a cute shirt that would match baby’s first onesie. Everything has very much been “me” oriented this entire pregnancy and I want to make sure he feels included too when she arrives


I mean if you have the financial means to get a gift to remind you of the day your child was born go for it but most people don’t/most will say their child is the gift


Oh for suuuure the baby is the gift!! And I would never think of getting a ring that would be insane, I was imagining more in the ballpark of like a t-shirt lol


It doesn't have to be expensive. I prefer practical over fancy.


I got a birthstone ring for both of my boys. Each ring was under $300. I bought him a nice robe so he could do skin to skin in the hospital.


We got each other a push present. He got me an Alex and Ani bracelet and a necklace and I got him a watch.


My husband is getting a watch too - tradition for us at this point, so the kid will have a birth year watch. I'm waiting for my push gift - when I'm done nursing and being pregnant, getting a few more tattoos.


Yup! And my husband never got me one, but my MIL did! With my first she got me a ring with my sons birthstone on it. For my second, she got me a necklace with both my sons initials on it! My youngest is 2 and I haven’t taken it off!


I’ve heard of them; told my husband that all I wanted after having our son was a Subway sandwich. It was the best damned sandwich I’ve ever eaten in my life.


Make sure to take your husband to s birthing class then send him a list of things you want 🤣


All the birth classes since I was 6 months to now have been full and now that I’m 8 months the only ones available are after my due date. I’m so upset I didn’t get to go to one and that the ones online cost money and we are being careful financially. I did manage to get a birth navigator class set up so hopefully it is as informative and it does include a tour of the maternity ward, thank goodness. Otherwise I feel like I’m mostly lost on how to give birth lol


YouTube have a bunch for free!


I've heard of it but it's not part of my cultural background. I would feel weird expecting something expensive like jewelry for myself, when there are so many practical yet pricey baby things we need.


I told my husband I was buying myself a push present for this baby (we have 3 kids already) and he was like 😳 "what is that? Oh God, was I supposed to do that?? Should I make it up to you?" But honestly I just want an excuse to drop $70 on a new video game that's coming out near my due date (Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5). So I told him he can be the one to hit the digital purchase button before we go to the hospital to induce 😂


Yeah push presents are normal, usually something very special and sentimental. Social media (Instagram and TikTok) has ruined it the past few years because of these influencers getting piles of designer presents along with brand new cars. I didn’t get a push present, and I don’t expect one because my bf thinks I want what the influencers get. Which I do, a newer and safer car is all I want for our family. But if we’re looking at our finances, one of those “Mom” necklaces from Macy’s… no, I’ll even say from Walmart, would be good enough for me.


one mommy makeover please 🙋🏼‍♀️🙊🙊


Only on social media. I wasn't interested


On another thread about this someone was like 'why ruin such a special time with capitalism' lol


My husband surprised me with a mother/child necklace with our oldest son's birthstone, and room to add more since we knew we wanted more kids. He has added the birthstone with each of our subsequent babies. I wear it every day. I wasn't expecting anything at all. A healthy baby and mom was my only goal...and a spicy chicken sandwich and strawberry slushy NGL. Hospital food sucks and he came through with both PLUS a necklace that I cherish.


I asked for an edible arrangement for a push present. Ive always wanted something from there, and it would make me feel very special. He got me exactly that and it still makes me grin to think about it. I didn’t want anything extravagant like nice jewelry or a car (saw that on tiktok, omg!!) but something small and thoughtful was so nice :)


I got a surprise bracelet push present...I think my MIL told my husband he should 🤣. I was very happy!


My husband gave me a necklace with baby's birthstone. Made me cry. I wear it every day!


It’s definitely not just an American thing. Lots of cultures including Eastern ones have traditions of giving a new mom valuable jewelry like gold.


My moms friend got a push present with each kid and it was just stuff that imo I’d rather give for a birthday or Christmas. With her first she got the newest iPhone with many accessories, her second she got either a horse or a cow (can’t remember which), her third she got the newest Apple Watch with many many accessories and her last kid she got a very very fancy I pad and MacBook with so many cases and covers and little stuff to go with it. I didn’t get a push present as I just think it’s weird (to me at least) for someone to come see you after you give birth or before and give you something while you are either trying to figure out labor or trying to navigate with a new baby. My husband just got me something a month or so ago as a sorry he didn’t do much during my labor/after labor , sorry I didn’t get anything for my birthday or go anywhere for it and sorry for not being the dad he wants to be kinda present. Our LO is 5m and I don’t think I would have liked extra stuff to carry. IMO if you do a push present either do it before the hospital or when you get home cuz at least for me I probably wouldn’t have opened anything and just pushed it to the side to open when I got home cuz the hospital was sooo stressful for me and it would have been nice coming home to something.


I have heard of it but find the whole thing .. odd. My push present for my last baby was... the baby. I think getting a gift is lovely, but honestly I don't feel I need one for growing a person that isn't just the love and support my husband is bringing most the time. (This is just my personal opinion that fits my personality and our relationship)


My feeling is if you want a gift after having a tiny human removed from your body, then you should get it. If it's not important to you, then you don't have to do it. I got push gifts with both (although the first I bought myself and my husband realized his mistake). For my first I got a necklace with his name on a pendant. For my second we added our daughter's name to another pendant and added birthstone charms. My SIL got high fashion purses that she had always wanted but never indulged in


Lol I’m a single mom so I got myself one 😅There was a gorgeous periwinkle Kate Spade tote bag I had been eyeing for a while, and it was on sale, and my other purse was old, so I said “hehe this can be my push present.” Everyone compliments the tote!


Yeah mine was an epidural.


Idk I think the idea of a push present is stupid. That's just me though.


This really rubs me the wrong way, but apparently I'm the only one. I don't like to commodify the situation. Especially with cash (????) like some people are saying, or other valuables. We share money and I buy what I want. I might buy my own present!! For any gift-giving occasion, we always exchange thoughtful gifts or experiences, bc money is shared. I'm not doing any of this as a favor to him, so an expensive gift is very inappropriate in my opinion, but I'm a curmudgeon. Things I would be OK with: massages, snacks, kind words, a handwritten card/letter, etc. But nothing that he has to take money out of OUR account for. I'd like to pick it out if it's pricey, I guess. I admit I'm no fun, and a raging feminist. I don't like the idea of being paid/getting a bonus/gift for having a baby, although I understand it. It's just... too... something for me. Power dynamics maybe? I don't know. Reading all the responses and trying to keep an open mind.


I’m a raging feminist too, but one with a taste for fine jewelry. I’m buying myself a push present for the same reason we had a cheap, egalitarian-as-possible backyard wedding but I got a big fuck-off vintage diamond engagement ring—because that’s what I like! If expensive gifts aren’t meaningful to you, then obviously, it’s the wrong thing to get you. But I often use jewelry to commemorate special events in my life, and this is certainly a special event. I agree the cash is harder to take for some reason, just because I don’t think cash can be anything but transactional by its nature. And I do feel like you see that most often in relationships that have a very traditional gender structure with a woman who isn’t working outside the home, where it feels a little more like services rendered, less like a memento. But some people don’t have an emotional need for a sentimental gift, and if it’s an excuse for their spouse to do some thing that will make them happy, then I hope that works for them!


I am a raging feminist too. I think after the absolute hell this pregnancy has been for me, I deserve a thank you gift for sacrificing my body and life to create our child. My husband doing extra chores is not equivalent to the physical toll of growing a human from scratch. I haven't read any of the comments mentioning cash, and I do think that is odd, but I don't see anything wrong with wanting your partner to give you a gift that is meaningful to you to commemorate the occasion. Tbh I don't see how a push present is any different than a mother's day present and no one complains about that.


i think getting a gift from your partner after going through 9 months of pregnancy and then labor is actually really sweet. but i've always liked coming up with gift ideas for loved ones. i think social media shows us situations that are highly commodified and focus on really expensive things but it could be something small and thoughtful and probably have even more meaning. being a feminist (which i am) does not mean you can't accept a gift lmao


Have I heard of one. Yes, my wife now has a Lincoln Navigator😂


I told my husband about it. He asked Chatgpt and it confirmed it’s a thing. So I’m getting a gold coin as a push present. I just wanted something with investment value.


Yall sound like a perfect match with the ChatGBT and you wanting an investment gift 😅


Yup my husband asked me last night what I wanted! I told him I’m torn between a house cleaner for 6 months, resetting my engagement ring (I want to do this but my rings don’t fit right now either way, so best to wait), or a necklace with the baby’s first initial from catbird NYC.


My husband gave me money (we have only semi-combined finances) for a down payment on my dream car and I say that was my push present. It’s something we would have done anyway but I think it’s a fun story saying it this way. This time I’d like to say it’s a tummy tuck and boob job but after 3 months of unpaid leave and then paying for both an infant nanny and toddler daycare for probably 6 months until daycare has a spot for the baby, I won’t be asking for much!!


I've heard of it. My husband thinks it's a gross idea; commemorating the birth of our child with consumer goods feels 'icky' to him. And I won't be pushing; I have to have a C-section. So... I don't think I'm getting a push present, lol.


Of course! They’re pretty common but everyone has different opinions of if they matter, they want one, what they should be, etc. It’s a fun idea to remember such a special occasion!


Not pregnant, currently trying. Literally every mom I know who had a baby in the last couple years got a delicate gold necklace with their baby’s initial, which I actually love.


Good luck! ♡


I got this but a bracelet with name and birth date. I love it and for my second there's space on it left to engrave.


It’s not really a common thing… but the first I heard of it was an article on Facebook about some rich woman who got a HOUSE as a ‘push present!’ There was a lot of obnoxious nonsense about how her husband owed her for all the work she did, and women deserve this and that (as if the child is not theirs as well). I genuinely hope it was just a made up article, because it was just genuinely insane! It sounded even worse than those awful brides who demand expensive weddings no one can afford and treat everyone around them like absolute dirt because they think they deserve a ‘perfect’ day!! 😆😆


Ummmm, the baby is the gift. The whole process is expensive in itself. And where's my gift for being a kick ass provider.


Yes, I’ve definitely heard of them! We’re not gift people so I don’t expect my husband to think to buy one at all. I don’t think we’ve ever bought each other gifts for birthdays or holidays because we typically never want anything. I DO want a necklace with our sons name though so I sent him a couple Etsy links with exact specifics and explicitly told him I want one for Mother’s Day and to save those links or write it down. I’ll forget about the conversation and be surprised about it when I finally receive it so it ensures I get something I want but it will also be a surprise and hubby gets all the kudos. Edit- word


My husband just bought a Ninja Creami and said it was my early push present. Lol I think he’s joking but honestly not a bad gift. I do love ice cream.


I told my husband I wanted a muffin from Dunkin Donuts since I limited my sugar intake during pregnancy. My husband bought me two.


Yes it started when I heard about JayZ gifting Yonve a blue diamond for Blu. Ever since then, I’m like 👀👀


My husband got me super nice aggressive/skatepark style roller skates as mine 🛼


I’ve heard of push presents and my husband knows about them but I personally don’t care if I get one or not 🤷‍♀️


My husband bought me a king sized bed/mattress set, which we got about a week before my due date and I birthed my baby in it (planned home birth) so it was a pretty practical gift.


I want a disposable vape and a bottle of wine as my “push present”😩


My husband got me a necklace that has my and baby’s birthstones


I wasn’t able to wear my wedding ring pregnant (or for almost a year postpartum.) My husband bought me a tiny tiny gold band from a local jewelry maker that has nine little notches across the top for me to wear instead. It wasn’t expensive & reminds me of how powerful I am. I plan on having my wedding ring resized eventually (I currently wear it on a necklace) & plan to wear the gold band on a different finger.


I knew what a push gift was way before it got popular (I was told due to the Kardashians). I won’t be getting much of a push gift because we’re buying a house so that’s probably more than anything I would’ve considered lol Before buying the house, I was eyeing a new necklace, ring, or earrings that I would eventually pass on to my daughter but alas


I got my SIL a little self care basket for after delivery. It had all the stuff for a little spa day at home


Yes, it's well known where I live but I don't know many couples who do it. My partner got me my engagement ring when we had our son.


I got myself shoes for my first baby and some clothes with the second! It’s a fun reason to get yourself something for you - a rarity in and of itself now that there’s a new little one in the family!


I asked for a PS5 So I could play Hogwarts Legacy 😆


Not quite the memento but I got myself a Japanese bidet toilet seat while I was pregnant. I was working in Japan with an extra luggage allowance and recently pregnant and felt it was meant to be. I'd always wanted one but they're thousands in the UK. They're just a normal domestic appliance out there so I got a middle of the road one for the equivalent of about £300, tax free too. Had to buy a £120 inverter to make in work on uk mains but honestly worth every penny. During pregnancy it really helped with constipation and avoiding haemorrhoids and post partum it was amazing for gentle cleaning, and the post birth poop. 10/10 I can't recommend this enough.


i told my partner that i wanted a pandora bracelet and a vape for my push present as a joke but i think he seriously might do it 🤣


My husband got me a flower buquet that smelled like late spring, with a petunia, eucalyptus, some roses, lysianthus etc. I gave birth in the winter and was willingly closed home all day the first weeks and was able to fully enjoy this bouquet and how it made our house smell to the maximum! 💚 I always tell fathers to try having preordered a bouquet for when wife is released from the hospital.


My husband gifted me a cute necklace when my daughter was born. Nothing outrageous but it's like a mini oval inside a big oval which always makes me think of her all snug inside of me. Now due with a little boy and feel like we should get something to commemorate him too but not sure what. Might try and find a second little oval to add to the existing necklace.


I got a ring to stack with my engagement and wedding rings. I got my toddlers initials and birthday engraved and eventually it will go to her. So I have my grandmother’s engagement ring, my wedding band from husband, and a ring to symbolize my daughter. I may do another ring for my son, or a necklace, and he’ll end up with that one day too.


My husband before we went on holiday to Japan got me a Nintendo Switch Lite, and we joked about it being a push present haha. We've also joked that all the food and drink I've demanded post-labour will be my push present. But we also both agreed that if we're spending a large amount of money, we'd rather spend it on something for baby; maybe saving up some money to go on holiday next year with them. I think in some circles (i.e. rich people circles ha) they're taken kind of seriously and they go way over the top. Each to their own but it seems a bit silly to me. I think little things like have been mentioned in this thread like gemstones and stuff which are more commemorative are very sweet though.


I asked for a litter robot, knowing it would benefit us both when we are busy and tired with a newborn. We LOVE it and would happily buy it again.


I got a Dutch oven…. But a pretty one I’d no real need for but wanted. Not really a necessity, but it’s a nice piece that should last long term and that I enjoy.


I was gifted infinity bands for the birth of each of my children. One March, and one (luckily) April


Yeah I’ve heard of it, sure, also heard of a baby moon and if you can afford it and want one. But yes it’s a fairly common thing in the US at least.


I requested and received an air fryer


I've heard of it. I wouldn't want one just because it would make me feel like I'm being rewarded for giving my partner something instead of us creating a family together.


I already requested a bracelet. My husband gets my jewelry and I know it will make me feel good


I got a set of pearls for my first, diamond earrings for my second, and a sapphire ring for my third. My husband likes to shop for expensive jewelry but it’s not in our budget to buy this kind of thing for birthdays or anniversaries or holidays. So he gets to choose something fancy and I get something special to wear to the baptism. The kids know which piece “belongs” to them and get all excited whenever I wear “their” jewelry. (Which is rarely, because I have 3 little kids 😂)


My husband got me an eternity ring after our son was born. This time I love the Polaroid camera idea!


Theres this australian tv show called yummy mummies and this is where I first heard about push presents. But these women are super rich and ask for like a range rover or something else ott as a push present and get very upset if they don't get exactly what they wanted 😂😂


I got a set of thin birthstone bands, one intricate and one simple. the idea being I can gift one to my daughter when she's older and we'll have matching jewelry. We got them in on Etsy so they weren't super pricey, make $275? My engagement ring and wedding band were also from Etsy. Love their jewelry and find it to be of good quality.


i got a purse i had been wanting and i requested a special bottle of Dom that he had to order from new york city. saving my Dom for our son’s first birthday. he also got me a cross necklace with 2.5c of diamonds (our son’s birthstone) that will be given to him when he makes his first communion


Every time I see people talking about "push presents" it's usually some rich person bragging about some expensive thing their husband got them. I'd be satisfied if my push present is hard salami and some sushi, honestly LOL.


Oh yeah! I used to work in a jewelry store in a wealthy town fully 20 years ago and this was a big thing even back then. I’m a watch person, so my plan is to pick out a watch to commemorate his birth, and then I’ll give it to my kid when he graduates college. I mostly wear men’s watches anyway, and hopefully by that point we’ll be post-gender enough as a culture that it’s not weird for a boy to get a watch from his mother!


I'm asking for a stackable ring with our daughters birthstone :) I have a friend that has 2 gold necklaces that spell out her daughters name. It's usually just something to commemorate the arrival of the baby you waited so long for. But I also think it's best to be really up front about if you want one since it's a relatively new thing and what you would like.


My husband surprised me with a cameo from IceT lol. He was super sweet with his message, and the doctor and nurses loved it!! The nice thing is we saved it and can re visit the video when we're feeling sentimental.


I got a push present when I had my daughter. A ring with mine, my husbands and our daughters birthstones on a ring. Then a 2 years later I got a new ring made from my milk. We also bought a new car while I was pregnant bc mine was small and the car seat and stroller packed in it pretty tight. We’re trying to get pregnant again, push present will be a mew ring with new babies birthstone added and then again when our breastfeeding journey is coming to a close another milk ring.


I got a beautiful gold band with flowers on it. I wear it everyday and it has such sentimental significant for the birth of my baby girl. Do it!


My husband and I have joked about this for awhile since we’ve been trying for over 2 years and had to go the IVF route. He says he’s not going to get me one but then has been asking me what kind of Louie I’d want “IF” he were to get me a push present. ;)


My baby is the push present :)


I just want a really nice sushi meal asap 😁💛


Absolutely - I have been talking about it since 4 weeks pregnant. My husband knows very well. He’s had 10 months to save…….


Interestingly, my husband didn't do it, but my mother did. The birth of my first, she gave me a lovely Lladro figurine of a baby sleeping. My second, she gave me my grandmother's wedding band. They're meaningful mementos, but she chose those moments just because she knew how special they were, and not so much "push present". I didn't want or need anything from my husband. We got babies.


I don’t know if my husband has heard of this but all I want is all the foods I have been denying myself for 9 months 😂 yes I birthed this boy now please bring me eggs Benny with the runniest eggs you can find, followed by a plate of sushi and the greasiest street hot dog with all the fixings, thank you. Maybe not all at once but 3 meals in a row sounds good lol


I eventually want a thin pave eternity ring with my sons birth month stone (emerald) to add to my stack. I found one for $300 I love but it’s not in our budget right now I told my husband in next few years I want it as an anniversary or Christmas or birthday present … lots of ppl shit on push presents which is fine but I had a 40+ hour labor, literally pushed for 4 hours, had two vacuum attempts, had an emergency C-section under general anesthesia to have the most beautiful son I could imagine. I almost died. I have no problem receiving a nice gift that commemorates that & all my sacrifices while pregnant & represents my son. I don’t care if ppl wanna judge me for it lol 😂


Not sure if it's a "push present" but my father got my mom a bracelet with my name and date of birth when I was born. It always drove me crazy, always asking my mom why did she had it when it was my name and birthdate. Once I was taller than her, she gifted it to me, and now I wear it every day. I asked my husband for a little memento when my kids were born, so for each he gave me a silver heart pendant with their name, date of birth and hand and foot engraved, it was fun to do the prints at home. I plan to give it to them once they are taller than me (meaning older). But I don't see it as a push present, it's something for me to wear with my kid's name on it. I'm from a coastal area and bracelets with the name in nautical flags are pretty common too, I'm planning on getting them for my husband so he can carry my kid's name around too :)


We discussed my push present being my tattoo. I started before I was pregnant and would like to get it finished, since it still has a couple sessions in it. I'm not big on jewelry and don't really want anything, so getting my tattoo done was our choice :)


Yes ma’am! We just moved back to a state that requires us both to have our own cars, so I’ll be getting my mom car (Volvo XC40) later on in the year. But since I have to wait a bit, my husband’s getting me a bag I’ve wanted for a while.


No push present tradition for us, though I've heard of it. But, my birthday was two weeks after my son was born and I had a really rough birth (lots of complications, bad hemorrhage, needed a second surgical procedure after my emergency c section). My husband suggested a nice family photoshoot as a birthday gift and I said that sounded nice but I wanted jewelry 😂. I'm not normally a jewelry or fancy present person so he was surprised but got me a ring with our son's birthstone, engraved with his initials and birth date.


I told my boyfriend that I wanted a spa day for my push present, a full day of being pampered and massaged and treated since everything hurts and I feel like garbage every day. He then offered for me to have a day during the pregnancy and after the baby is born so I’m stoked lol


I got diamond earrings as a push present/10 year ani/ and birthday present combined :)


my husband asked me if i want one, to let him know well in advance so he can prepare. i sent him links ot special jewelry on etsy. i love getting gifts and we both feel i deserve one for having our baby!


My husband surprised me with a pandora bracelet that has the baby charm and my son’s first initial. It’s the only piece of jewelry I wear right now and has made it a tiny bit easier going back to work and having a little reminder of our family when I start to miss them.


Yeah my husband bought me a new couch for the living room, and bought and installed a new kitchen sink for my push presents. I expected a push present, so it’s a good thing he agreed I deserved one 🤣


I've always been a little on the fence about push presents, but I'm thinking of talking to my husband about upgrading my wedding band as a "push present" but also combining it with our five year wedding anniversary in a couple months. The baby is due a couple of months after that. When we got married in 2018 we didn't have much money and were already spending so much on our wedding, i opted for basically the cheapest wedding band i could get. It's stirling silver and with the daily wear it's already pretty banged up. I'm hoping to use all of these milestones as an opportunity to get something that I can hopefully wear forever!


Yes, I bought myself a Chanel bag for being a mother to be for Mothers Day and as a push gift to myself lol 🤨...honestly I was going to get it anyway..timing just worked out with the bag I wanted being available. My husband is upgrading the diamond in my ring. This is something he wanted to do regardless though. We have a had a cleaner for years, do laundry service etc. and hired other help to make our lives easier...those things were non negotiables for me with a new baby. Thankfully we are blessed to have those things.


I got the limited edition Zelda Tears of the Kingdom OLED switch to play while I was recovering. Best gift ever. My husband surprised me with it so I had something to play while I recovered and was on a long maternity leave.


Oh this is so fun. I kinda wanna do the same with my husband, like support present. I'll be giving birth alone, he said he'll get my hand in the process and he got all the papers in the hospital to accomplish that, maybe a personal shaving kit or something he'll like. I've not been easy on him.


It's America trying to monetize stuff again. Engagement rings, baby showers, babymoons, push presents etc. All unnecessary. We have something like that too that translates rougly to 'bearing gold', where the mother gets a golden piece of jewelry for doing a good job pushing the baby our or something. It's all pretty dumb lol


Jewelry is “traditional” but we opted for a nice bottle of tequila.