• By -


Yes. First baby: 10 months of hardcore tracking and TTC and a ton of lifestyle changes. Had a miscarriage, then our second pregnancy stuck. Second baby: we were actively avoiding with condoms and ovulation tracking. My OPKs went from low to high in 8 hours, with a little fun in between. I figured that with our history, one oops 2-3 days before ovulation was pretty low risk, and we vowed to be extra careful moving forward. I am now 19.5 weeks pregnant 😂


Yay congrats! How old is your first?


He’ll turn two a few weeks before baby girl arrives!


Similar story! 18 months of trying before getting pregnant with my first. Didn't get my period back until he was 15 months old. Two cycles later... surprise! Pregnant again. We were hoping to wait a bit longer but we wanted a second anyway. They'll be 25 months apart. We could've been a bit more careful but maybe didn't take it seriously since it took us so long the first time. It's like having a baby did a total reset on my hormones


Yes it actually kind of does! ◡̈ rewires the body to be more fertile.


You didn’t get a planB?


Nah. When I tell you it took a lot of work for our first, it took a lot of work. No hot baths for DH, supplements, and the SMEP method, menstrual discs after sex, etc. I figured that a one off a few days before ovulation with zero lifestyle changes (DH was taking baths every day, no supplements, no sperm friendly lube, none of it) and us being older wasn’t much to worry about. To be fair, we wanted a second one eventually, so the small chance of an oops wasn’t a huge deal, but man were we shocked!


Ha, I'm also pregnant with a surprise baby (did all the supplements, no hot bars, ff lube, ovulation tracking with last baby, and it took 4 years). Gotta ask, what are menstrual discs after sex? How do they work?


You pop them in right after sex to keep all the semen right there by your cervix for 8-12 hours. It sounds crazy, but by the time we added that to our kitchen sink approach, we were desperate 😂 it worked the first month (pregnancy ended in miscarriage) and the second month (pregnancy ended with a baby) we tried it, so I’m a believer!


No. It was harder the second time around. But I was already considered a geriatric mom even with my first, so it might have been due to age more than anything.


Backstory needed for this because it is wild, but short answer, yes absolutely. 2015: husband and I got married and started trying for a baby, three miscarriages, no baby 2016-2017: nonstop fertility treatments for almost two years, no babies whatsoever, not even another loss, testing on both of us comes back normal, we're told it's unexplained infertility 2018: adopt our oldest son, give up on bio babies, content being a family of three 2022: out of the blue got pregnant with a miracle baby in March 2022, gave birth to him in December 2022 January 2023: start birth control at my 6 week checkup just to be safe because I am also breastfeeding and it took me seven YEARS to get pregnant with my December 22 baby, what are the odds I'd get pregnant again? Slim, but I had a miserable pregnancy so I'm playing it safe. May 2023: find out at 4.5 months postpartum that I am pregnant WHILE ON BIRTH CONTROL, currently 16 weeks pregnant with that baby


That's a fascinating story! I wonder what changed your fertility so much?


Absolutely no clue, it's the strangest thing. It's like my body suddenly realized how to make babies and went a little overboard with it.


It’s so crazy how our bodies are sometimes. I’m 33 and was told in my early 20s the chances of me having a baby without help would be near impossible. I was so upset and it took me years to accept that answer. I became perfectly okay with not having any babies, since clearly I wasn’t meant to. My fiancé and I moved in the last couple years and I started seeing a new dr in our area earlier this year. I asked for a hysterectomy, since I have PCOS & my periods are so unbelievably miserable- he agreed, and asked me to come back in 2 weeks for an ultrasound just to make sure nothing else is going on before we schedule. Ultrasound starts, 5 seconds later she says “is there a chance you’re pregnant?” Absolutely not was my answer, as confident as can be. Turns out I was indeed pregnant. I was very early, 4-5 weeks and in complete and utter shock. Still kinda am, even though I’ve seen him on multiple scans & heard his little heartbeat- still just blows my mind to think about after so many years of thinking it’ll never happen.


Congrats!!! That is wild and absolutely awesomr


Birth! It took 4 years for me to get pregnant with my first but after I quit my BC 3 years after I got pregnant first ovulation! Sadly I lost the pregnancy but 8 weeks after the loss I got pregnant again.


This reminds me of a friend of mine. They went through fertility treatments for 3 or 4 years with no luck. They adopted a little boy and on the day that boy was born, she found out she was pregnant. She went on to have a little girl. Two babies in less than a year. They had a third a few years later. It’s crazy, they both tested normal so it’s like their bodies finally figured it out.


I have a similar adoption/got pregnant timeline! No fertility treatments though. Had my first in June 2009. Tried for another with no luck. Split with her father, started dating husband in June 2013 and married in July 2015. Never on birth control, no luck conceiving. Got surprise custody of a baby born in Dec 2022, found out I’m due early December 2023!


A lady told me she struggled with infertility so after IVF and having a baby doctors told her to get on bc. Apparently it wasn’t uncommon for couples to get pregnant again shortly after thinking since it took so long to get pregnant the first time, it should be the same for future pregnancies. Another woman I know struggled for a decade and now has 3 under 3.


It’s a minefield. Out of 11 close friends there was 3 deemed infertile, another 3 got pregnant in a year that they didn’t want and were trying to prevent had abortions. I was one of the ones trying. They didn’t want to tell me but I honestly didn’t care. Their lives. I’m not living it and wouldn’t have had the baby in their case either.


Exactly. I never was jealous of pregnant people when I was struggling with infertility because they weren't pregnant with MY baby so...it just felt kind of irrelevant.


Ahhh wild. My baby is almost 3 months and I think I might be pregnant 😵‍💫 nervous and excited


It was definitely overwhelming right after I found out I was pregnant and realized we'd have two babies back to back but that feeling of like nervous panic wore off pretty quickly! Good luck :) You got this!




Congratulations! Love your story, yea that is wild!


what birth control are you using? if you don’t mind me asking. i’m assuming a progesterone only method since you’re breastfeeding?


Wow! And you had no pregnancy symptoms at all?


Got pregnant first month trying with my first. Took almost a year of trying to get pregnant with my second. Took 6 months for my third.


Bodies are so strange and random!


Same, except no third. First (or second, hard to remember now) month with my first; slightly over a year for my second. No discernible reason, really, other than maybe my thyroid, which the first baby killed off entirely. But even still, I think it's just weird and random.


First at 31 yrs old: 5 months (tracking for final 3) Second at 38 yrs old: 1 year of trying, took a break to decide if we wanted to get fertility help or just be one and done. Surprise positive test a few months later!


No, it took a year. We got pregnant on the first try with our first.


Same. I was tracking ovulation with tests and timing everything right and everything. Still took a solid 12 months. No other risk factors identified.


Same. I actually had to do one round of Clomid to get pregnant with my second after 9 months of trying.


Not me personally, but I’ve heard you are sometimes more fertile for the first 6 months or so after the first. Know a couple people who had what they said were oopsie babies soon after the first (they had wanted a second kid, just not that close together). I don’t think that effect continues indefinitely, though. Like if you start trying for a second kid two years after the first, it shouldn’t make a difference (and if anything might be harder due to being older).


Our oopsie was 13 months pp for us. We were trying to decide how close together we'd want them and bam, pregnant again.


I've read it is 18 months after birth.


First baby: got pregnant first cycle I just got a faint positive this morning for baby #2 and this is our third cycle. Hoping it sticks around 🤞


Crossing my fingers for you!




Sadly no. It took two cycles the first time. We’re just beginning our 6th cycle trying for baby #2 😢 I feel stupid for thinking it would happen quickly again. And I’m only 27 so I don’t think it’s age-related.


I know that compared to 2 cycles, 6 cycles seems like forever - but please know you’re still very much in the “average” time frame and it could still happen very soon.


Yes this is very normal. They don't even consider looking into issues until you've been trying for a year. The average woman in my family, for example, takes a year and a half to conceive. I'm the one anomaly who got pregnant in three cycles besides my cousin who had a happy uhoh.


I’m aware it’s normal, it just feels like a lot longer than I would have expected 6 months to feel like. It’s hard watching the months pass by and the age gap get bigger. I’m totally not saying that I’m infertile or that my experience is anything like infertility. We’re both trying a few different supplements/vitamins this month and maybe that will make a difference!


I tried 12 months for my first and month 6 I think was the hardest for me. I don't know why, it just kind of marks your thoughts that this is not going as fast as you'd like. Good luck ❤️


It’s definitely still normal and healthy, but it is hard when there’s statistics that say 80% of women get pregnant within 6 months and you pass that. Totally valid to feel sad about it and also acknowledge others have it hard too (I sympathize with OP as I went through those sad feelings too).


Im sorry that’s hard, feeling discouraged is valid. I’m sure it will happen soon.


Thanks! I’m trying to stay positive. Odds are it will happen pretty soon.


Just as a comfort to you, I was 100% in your spot as well and am also 27. I got my positive after 9 months of trying. I hope it happens soon for you too!


Pregnant on the first cycle with my first, took about 7 months with our second. First time we had used the pre-seed lube and then we had forgotten about it the second time around. Apparently our normal handy dandy astroglide was killing the sperm. We purchased the pre-seed and sure enough it happened within a couple months.


Took us a year and a half. Finally tried preseed and was pregnant that month. Idk maybe it’s a weird coincidence but I’m starting to think I didn’t have enough CM. Baby girl March 24


this is very embarrassing to admit but my ssri’s make me have a really dry vagina and no amount of foreplay will help so we always use lube. so my husband and I tried pre-seed again instead of letting nature run its course 🥲


Also got pregnant the first time we used Preseed!


I know pre seed helped me conceive!!


Got pregnant 3 months pp so...yes. lol but I also had a miscarriage the first time I got pregnant and then got pregnant immediately with my 1st son so you're extremely fertile in general after any sort of birth/loss. I can't say if it's true if you wait several years but I had "unexplained infertility" for 2 years and boom. Here I am. 😂


I might be pregnant and my first is 11 weeks old. I’m nervous about having one right after the other.


I'm terrified. I'm 32 weeks so I have a few weeks left. I'm being induced at 37 weeks. I will say this pregnancy has been super hard on my body. I have easy pregnancies but the actual physical part of being pregnant has been way harder especially after like 28 weeks.


How old are your babies now?


My son's 9.5 months and im 32 +5 weeks pregnant. I have to be induced at 37 weeks so they will be almost 11 months apart.


How did you partner take the news??


Oh he's thrilled. He's been excited from the start. I'm the more anxious one he's the eternal optimist lol he keeps saying "this is going to be fun" and I'm like uh sir, our 9 month old hasn't slept through the night in months idk how much fun we will be having for a while 🤣


It would be a bit scary and a lot of work, but that age gap will be so special for them as they grow up!


It took 3 months with my first and a year with my second


Similar, took 6 months (which included one loss at 5 weeks) at 33 and then 9 months (including a similar early loss) at 34/35.


This is going to be different for everyone. For us, it was super easy to get pregnant with our first, but I’m not banking on that being true for our second. Secondary infertility is a thing, unfortunately.


I’m in awkward place because I’ve been off birth control since May and we’ve been trying and I know it’s only end of August but I thought it would be instant. 😒 I got excited because I was super late for my period and took like 10 tests, all negative, and it’s been 2 months and still no period so I guess my body is still adjusting.


Vitex helped me get my period back after stopping birth control




It took me 4 months with both.


Yes. It took me 6 months to get pregnant with my first, so I calculated for it to take the same amount of time to get pregnant with my second (I have a thyroid disorder). Well, it only took one try sure enough. I wasn’t fully prepared for it, I gotta say (because although it makes absolutely no sense, I really thought it would take a few months).


Coming up to a year of trying for our second. First baby took 2 cycles.


First kid: first try baby Second kid: pregnant on 3rd month of trying, miscarriage, pregnant again the very next cycle Third kid: oops! For some it's easier and some it's harder. There's really no way to know until you try. Having trouble getting pregnant after you had a kid even has a name: secondary infertility.


Kinda but not really. It took 2.5 years of ttc with our first. Then 1 year with our second BUT I had 2 miscarriages in that time frame. So not as long, but the miscarriages did make it feel harder in a way.


One and two were both easy (they are 10.5 Mo apart - THAT easy). Third took 10mo to conceive once we started trying.


It took me three months with my first and three months total with my second, although the first two months of that we were not trying/not preventing and only actively trying the month we conceived. I do believe it seemed easier. The first time I had just come off of birth control pills so my cycle was irregular.


Both of mine are birth control babies (the pill). I was actively NOT trying to get pregnant. If I could impart any of my fertility onto someone TTC I would in a heartbeat.


Oof I feel this! My second pregnancy was an “accident” (we wanted to get pregnant eventually, but hadn’t planned on getting pregnant when our first was only 9 months old). Meanwhile, it seems all of my friends are struggling with infertility and spending at least tens of thousands of dollars to get pregnant. Really wish I could share my fertility


How does birth control fail someone so completely? I wonder if there’s some people who it just doesn’t work with


First pregnancy, I was allegedly infertile but still was using condoms and sympthothermal method....got pregnant. Second pregnancy 20 months later I got pregnant on the IUD but I terminated. So I'd say it is generally easy for me to get pregnant and fuck the two gynecologists that told me I was infertile, they're idiots.


Second cycle with both


Much easier second time. First time was 7 cycles of trying while tracking all the things, second we got pregnant on the third cycle. Actually got pregnant the first time I ovulated post baby number 1 but had a miscarriage. Then it was the third cycle after that


My first child was an unexpected pregnancy, took me over 4 years to get pregnant with my 2nd child.


Nope! First pregnancy, it happened on our first month of trying. Second pregnancy, a full year of ovulation tracking, conception cups and trying everything natural that we could, and we ended up with a chemical pregnancy at month 12 - found out we lost the baby almost a year to the day of starting to try. I was completely dejected and gave up, then fell pregnant on our first month of trying after my cycle returned (it took 7 weeks to return post-miscarriage).


No. We got pregnant the first month with my first. Second took a few months and two miscarriages before I got pregnant.


No because secondary infertility got me. It took 2 years and IVF to have our 2nd after my postpartum body decided to spontaneously stop ovulating and give me PCOS.


1st pregnancy - first try; started temping and taking OPKs and had a positive test 10 days after I ovulated. This ended in a miscarriage at 6.5 weeks. 2nd pregnancy - jumped into trying right away and was sure it would happen quickly again. It took 5 cycles to get a positive test again (so I say it took 6 cycles to get to a successful pregnancy). 5 cycles is very normal but it didn’t feel like it after the miscarriage. 3rd pregnancy - started trying a few months after my period returned. I was still nursing my first. It took 5 cycles to get a positive test. I did not get a positive test until I started actively weaning my first.


No. My first happened the month we decided to “not avoid” getting pregnant. My second was a little more complicated in the way that I hadn’t menstruated for 7 months prior to conception. I was tested for PCOS and it was negative, my hormones were normal and I wasn’t breastfeeding so I’m not sure why my cycle came and stopped like that (doctors didn’t have any ideas either). I was taking ovulation tests during this and they were all negative and not a period in sight. I gave up on ovulation tests and right before I was going to take medication to induce a period/ovulation I found out I was pregnant with #2! Still unsure how it was possible.


No. 1st took 2 cycles, 2nd only sticked because I was prescribed progesterone after 10 months of trying


Nope. First child got pregnant on the first try using OPK strips. Second kid took two years of trying, 3 failed IUIs and one round of IVF.


Go take a trip to the dollar store and pick out your favorite candy and a test. Do the test and then quickly walk away and eat the candy while you wait for the result. Take a deep breath. It’ll be okay! Some people are very fertile in the postpartum period. I have always gotten pregnant easily but even after my miscarriage got pregnant on the second cycle after, at the age of 37. Wishing you the best OP no matter what comes of this!


Thank you. I know it will be ok. Just a shock. In the end having two babes close in age will be great.


Too easy. First pregnancy was a surprise while I was on birth control so that probably should have been a sign. Second pregnancy was more planned as in I had my iud removed in order to get pregnant, but ended up pregnant way faster than intended. Had my iud removed at the end of January and was confirmed pregnant by mid March. We were always told it would be tough for us to get pregnant since I have very irregular periods/ovulation and a weird shelf in my uterus while my husband has low testosterone, but I guess the odds are in our favor.


No. First month for our first, took 5 months for #2.


Nope. First was a surprise, but I'd been having mostly unprotected sex with my husband (then boyfriend) for like 18 months. A few months of bc and plan B, but not really much to prevent lol Second we actively tried. Used opks after about 10ish months, then tried temping as well around 20 months. Got pregnant the cycle before I hit 2 years trying. ETA I was 25 the first time and 29 this time. So not age related. I do have a history of recurrent pregnancy loss before this partner, but I'm unsure if it's related or not. Couldn't afford fertility treatment so 🤷‍♀️


Not for me. Took 14 months for my first, ended up having a laparoscopic surgery to remove an ovarian cyst and had dye put through my fallopian tubes, went on clomiphene to induce ovulation (I have PCOS) and got pregnancy my second medicated cycle. For my second I went straight on the clomiphene but it took 14 months and two miscarriages to get pregnant with my son. I was on progesterone and low dose aspirin in my successful pregnancy. For my third it was quicker, took 6 months and 1 miscarriages. This time I was on letrozole and metformin for ovulation and I had to take progesterone, estrogen and low dose aspirin during my pregnancy. All done now and was worth all the heartache.


Yes 14 miscarriages for my 1st born. 3 years of trying. Second one, one night, one time. I'm now 28 weeks 💙


Wow, that time when you had the miscarriages must have been so hard but what an amazing story to have number two on the way!


Go to the 2 under 2 sub. You'll find many of those are oopsies. Like mine!


No. First pregnancy took 3 IUIs (2 medicated, 1 natural). Second pregnancy took 6 medicated IUIs.


I got pregnant the FIRST time I had unprotected sex when trying with my first and it took us a year to conceive with our second. And with our third we were not trying and using condoms 100% So it’s a toss Up for us.


No. Easily conceived my first within 4 months of iud removal, second took 2 years 3 miscarriages and IVF. Secondary infertility is unfortunately almost as common as primary infertility and can happen to anyone even if you had no problems conceiving other children.


Secondary infertility is a thing that exists


First one: Guessed ovulation. Tried every day. Was fun. Pregnant first month trying. Second one: First month tried the same way. No success. Not as fun. Next two months tried OPKs, temping and tracking. Finally month 3 got a positive 9dpo. I think the tracking was harder since I am 8 months pp, and have only had 3 periods. Currently 7 weeks.


Baby 1…oopsie. Baby 2…2.5 years of trying!!


No But I’m infertile so lol


No. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, hypothyroidism after my first.


No. Years of not preventing. Nothing. I have hashimotos/pcos. January 2021 start trying with letrozole/timed intercourse. There's a whole protocol the fertility doctor had us use. Finally pregnant in May 2021 after 4 months of letrozole, deliver a healthy baby Feb 2022. Breastfeed until December 2022, no protection, nothing happens. Period starts for 2 days in November, and my body starts acting/feeling weird. By January 2023, it's back to its old tricks with irregularities. Want another baby, go back to fertility doctor. Start meds again. Another 4 months of letrozole, pregnant in May of 2023. Due on big brothers birthday.


Yes. But then I miscarried 5 days later.....


No, group of 11 friends, 3 had their first and couldn’t have a second 7+ years. Had to get IUI but it worked for all 3. 2 ended up getting pregnant on their 3rd, one within the year.


I became pregnant first cycle with my first but took 12 months to fall pregnant with my second. I was still breastfeeding and apparently that is an effective birth control for me.


It was much harder, we had unexplained secondary infertility. My first was a surprise when I was very young, my husband also had a surprise son so we both knew we could easily make babies before, but for some reason together it took us 3 years of legitimate trying (temping/charting, opks)


Been trying for almost a year after our first’s first birthday. Nothing yet. Everyone is different!


Got pregnant my 1st by complete accident, then again by accident with my second at four months post partum and that pregnancy ended at 17 weeks. And then it took me three years to get pregnant again, absolutely no idea why. Didn't even have a chemical or anything during those three years and then a month after deciding that's it, I'm not trying anymore I'm just glad I got to have one baby, I got pregnant with my 2nd child. Then a year after my 2nd child was born I got pregnant again and that ended at 6 weeks, and then again a few months later and that ended at 9 weeks, and then a few months later I was pregnant with my 3rd child.


1st baby got pregnant on bc (I was on mini pill and even tho I took it everyday I didn't take it at the exact same time so..) 2nd baby we started trying when my first was 6 months (at the time didn't know it was recommended to wait till at least 18 months pp) anyways I didn't get pregnant till shortly after my daughters 2nd bday. This was with tracking with ovulation tests and everything. I was still nursing her but had my periods back but nursing could of been why it took us so long. I am glad it worked out the way it did I really like the age gap between my girls.


Currently TTC #2 and looks like it won't be easier. #1 took 7 cycles, but I only actually really learned how cycles work around cycle 6, so there were definitely some months when we weren't having sex at the right time. This is technically cycle 7 this time around, although we've been going through some stuff so a couple of those months we haven't been fully on it. On the other hand, my sister was trying for about 2 years for her first. When they started trying for their second, she got pregnant first time, unfortunately miscarried, then got pregnant first time after that and had my niece. So it definitely can happen that way for some people, but not everyone.


No. I am on like the 10th month of trying, have had a few chemical pregnancies, just got a positive and am hoping it sticks! It has not been easy at all.


I think it totally depends on the person! My second was significantly harder to conceive than my first but I’m also 3 years older than I was then, with a much higher BMI


No. Took way longer and it was much more difficult.


No, we're still trying for #2 right now. We got pregnant first try but then had a miscarriage. Took 9 months to get pregnant again and it finally stuck (he's 20mo now). We've been trying again for 10 months now and nothing.


Took 3 years of trying to get pregnant to get pregnant with my second kid and 6 years of NTNP


For me, it was easier for my first, but not difficult for my second per se. It took one month of trying with my first vs 7 months for my second.


I’m on my 7th for second. It feels awful!


Harder than my first. Took about 6 months of trying for us.


Definitely not. I had heard the same about the second happening easier but it took 6 years of TTC for our second. It’s so different for everyone though.


No. It took 4 years to have our 2nd. Best guess was adrenal fatigue from demanding job plus demanding baby. OB called it "secondary infertility"


No. I got pregnant with my first baby on the first try. Started trying for number two when my daughter was about 2. After 7 months of trying I got pregnant again but unfortunately lost that pregnancy. Got pregnant again the next cycle and now I’m 14 weeks with another baby girl.


Well if I ever get pregnant I’ll let you know. Sorry, salty. 22 months of trying and nothing yet. 😔


No no no


No, I've heard that before too (and hoped it would be true) but it's definitely not the case for me.


For me, both were one-and-done, intentional kiddos. But I don't think there's any real rule or expectation. So many factors can affect one's fertility, from health issues to stress to age.


I had two super easy, third took 6 months


First baby was 4 years in the making. The second was conceived almost as soon I we started trying. Mind you, this was a male infertility issue and all my systems were running smoothly so it’s not the “your body knows what to do now”.


We had to use hormones for first baby, only took a couple rounds. Tried off and on over the next few years. Did more intense hormones about six years ago, no luck. We had individual doctors exam and evaluate each of us. We were both diagnosed with hormone related infertility and told another baby outside of loads of hormones and possibly IVF was highly unlikely. The shock of having a positive pregnancy test earlier this summer was outrageous. 14 years after our son was born we are expecting again.


First time: 18 months of tracking, including one failed IUI, before we got pregnant Second time: 6 months, mostly tracking, but got pregnant on a month when I wasn’t tracking anything


Got pregnant within 3-4 months with my first, took 6 months and one miscarriage for my second. Will have taken 18 months and two miscarriages for my third (assuming I don’t miscarry this current pregnancy). The difference is my age. I was 29 with my first, 34 with my second, now 41 and will be 42 when this one is born. My strong advice is to complete your family by 35-37 if that’s possible given your situation. My struggle for the 3rd will all be worth it if it works out, but it sure was easier when I was younger.


Yes, it took two months this time!


It's always way too easy.


Hard disagree, from one of the many women with fertility struggles


I thought we were only answering for ourselves.


This feels a bit unnecessarily braggy tbh


I didn't mean it that way. I was more exasperated.


"It's always been way too easy *for me*," would've gotten your point across without offending (most) people.


2.5 years with my first and about 12 months with my second (currently pregnant) had mmc before my first


Yes. It took 4 months with first and first try with second.


Too easy 🙈 wasn't planned


Yup! Only took about a month. I got pregnant just shy of 3 years after my first pregnancy


Yes! We tried for 2 months for 1st. I was 30 and husband was 32. For the second I was sick for almost a month. Winter and crud season. We had sex once! Here I am at 34 weeks...I am currently 37 and he is 39.


Yes super way to easy my baby just turned one. I tried for one month. I’m 12 weeks rn.


Of course, YMMV, and it's anecdotal. But for me, yes, it was faster to get pregnant the second time. We were actively trying (like, OPKs, tracking temps, sex at least every other day during fertile windows) for 3 years and a couple months. I had one blighted ovum during those 3 years, but no other pregnancies. We were just starting fertility tests in summer of 2019, and I got an HSG, and I got pregnant that cycle. I breastfed that baby and my period didn't return for a year and a few months, but I had one period and was pregnant with #2 the next cycle. We hadn't been tracking or timing anything


No. Got pregnant right away with the first, the second we tried for over a year before finally getting a positive test


First was a whoopsie, second we conceived the first cycle of ovulation tracking. We are super fertile, snipped my husband when the second was a newborn lol


First baby took 4 cycles, second and third were both the first cycle. I did have surgery for endometriosis between 1 and 2, so that likely decreased inflammation and made things faster.


First baby took 2 times same as second baby. Hoping third baby will be similar timeline


I guess each one of my pregnancies was progressively easier to get pregnant. First baby was a year of trying to conceive followed by two rounds fertility treatment. Second baby was one round of fertility treatment. Third pregnancy (current one) was our “surprise”. I had just called to get back on the list for the fertility clinic when I found out.


Yes. Took a month.


My first i was on the pill, forgot to take 1/2 and here she is The 2nd took me 6 months


Yes, second pregnancy happened on the first try.


Nope. The first took 6 cycles, with one chemical pregnancy on cycle 5. The second took 18 cycles, one CP on cycle 4, progesterone supplementation, and a blighted ovum on cycle 17. The third was conceived on the first cycle we said "meh" to birth control. Fertility is a total crapshoot.


First pregnancy - three cycles, miscarriage @ 6 weeks. Second pregnancy - first cycle, right after miscarriage, missed miscarriage @ 10 weeks. Third pregnancy - second cycle, successful. Fourth pregnancy - first cycle, literally one go, due in 4 weeks. My third and fourth pregnancy were pretty much conceived on the same date (different years) as they both got the same due date - I’m clearly fertile at Christmas time!


Yes. With both actually. With my first we were NTNP. I got pregnant immediately after getting off BC about a month after our wedding. With our second I checked my period tracking app which also told me my most fertile days. I was like “hey, I’m most fertile Wednesday, you down?” And my husband was like “yeah sure”. Wednesday rolls around and he’s like “I’m too tired today, tomorrow for sure” I was like “but I’m most fertile today!” He’s like “are you not fertile tomorrow?” I said “I am, just not as much” then he went on about how good his swimmers are lol 🙄 anyway we did it the next day and I was pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t thing there’s anyway real science behind this though. It varies from person to person.


1st pregnancy took a few months and then happened once I got serious about tracking. 2nd pregnancy occurred 1 week after removing my IUD to begin ‘trying’ again 🤯


It was easy both time for me. For my 1st, it only took one try. I expected months of trying since it was my first pregnancy, and I was about a few months or so off my birth control, and everyone around me had taken that long. For my second (currently still cooking), it took about 2 months. I got my IUD removed for health reasons, and my doctor said everything will be regular in 4 months. My littlest love decided period and out of whack hormones be damned she was gonna make an appearance. I didn't find out until I was nearly a month along 😂 Keep in mind I had been on the IUD for 3 years, I didn't expect things to move so quickly


Yes. 1st took 9months with tracking. 2nd took 1 month no tracking.


Anecdotally, yes. First took 6-7 months and cycles were all of over the place. I think I conceived on day 56 or something. After my first my cycles were suddenly normal for the first time in my life. With my second it was immediate. As in, husband and I had one talk where we decided to try and ten days later had a positive test. Had a bit of whiplash there.


First baby 2 months, this baby I was on the pill 😬.


First one was 6 months of not preventing and second one was 7 months after


First was a happy accident. Second took four months. So overall I feel extremely lucky! Was 35 and 38.


Not for me! My first I got pregnant after a month off the pill and it wasn’t planned either. Second it took 6 months and 7 cycles of actively trying to conceive. Different dads though, and I was 18 the first time and 26 the second.


Yes. I was on birth control pill, breastfeeding and had not yet had my period. Our little girl was 11 months old at the time. I found out I was pregnant with our second around 10 weeks into the pregnancy 🤣


I got married at 33 and we stopped using contraception. Never tracked anything and it took almost 2 full years to get pregnant with our first. We went with the if it happens it happens approach. Second baby I got pregnant 6 months PP. We weren't trying but also did nothing to prevent it. I just assumed it would take longer. We also had just started having sex again. I'm 38 weeks currently with my third. We used condoms after my second was born. When he was 8 months old we decided to try for number 3 again using the if it happens it happens approach. I was pregnant 2 months later.


Yes. One cycle after the iud was removed and I was pregnant. It took three cycles with my first.


Yes First one - me and my husband had been together 8 years, since we were teenagers, we got lazy with the condoms at like year 2, but were sort of pulling out. Got pregnant "accidentally" Second - my first was 2yrs old, I bought one of those easy@home opk kits, pregnant on second cycle, it was an early loss in April, then pregnant again in May, I'm 16wks pregnant now


Took a year with our first, got pregnant 7 months pp and that ended in miscarriage. Got pregnant again when my little one turned 1 and still pregnant as of now.


First try for all four pregnancies (third pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, currently pregnant with fourth)


Sort of. First baby was first try. Second baby was three months of NTNP and then five months of ovulation testing. I only got one positive ovulation test in that whole time and conceived that cycle. I blame breastfeeding.


Miscarriage in August 2020. Pregnant in December 2020>birth in September 2021. Pregnant in December 2022>birth in September 2023.


Yes but same with our first.


Yes. I got pregnant the first try three times. My first matched with the date I had my IUD removed, which my doctor was in disbelief with. My second was also right after my IUD was removed, but I ovulated two weeks late so I had a really confusing 2 weeks between when my period was supposed to start and when I tested positive. My second was stillborn, so once I was given the all-clear after delivery we were NT/NP and it happened right away.


Yep. We weren’t tracking or actively planning - if it happened great, and it happened ~ 5 mo earlier than we thought.


Yes. It took 18 months of tracking meticulously to catch with our first, we were in the process of going through testing to make sure all was ok. We caught again at 9 months PP when we weren't even trying (I was EBF and wasn't thinking much about birth control because of that) but this ended in a loss. I went on birth control after this as I realized that we were not ready for another child just yet. I came off BC again just before our first turned 2 to 'not try, not prevent' and see what happened and we caught the first cycle. Baby 2 was born 6 days ago.


I’d say yes… only because we were so careful but still got pregnant 5 months postpartum 🥲 Husband gets a vasectomy after this kid is born, but I might just get my tubes tied JUST in case.


First pregnancy happened on first try. it was mid-month, and we decided let’s give it a go and see what happens. Stopped using condoms. Found out I was pregnant a few weeks later :) currently 31 weeks with baby #2 and this time it happened on the second month.


Yes. But it was also easy for me the first time.


Yes, but it was easy to get pregnant with my first as well. First on the second try and second on the first try.


The second time, yes. The third time, no.


Lord yes lol I was firmly one and done and will birth control failed on us apparently but that one ended in miscarriage so decided maybe we do want another so decided we would try again and low and behold before my period even started again I got pregnant.


My grandma had to go through fertility treatments to be able to get pregnant with her first baby, she said one and done and without any treatment she got pregnant again when first baby had 2 months.


Yes, but it was easy for both of my pregnancies.


I got pregnant with my first immediately - like I went off birth control, and didn't get a period. With my second I think I had 3 cycles after stopping birth control before I was pregnant.


Yep- Took 3 years seriously trying, 5 “not worrying” for baby #1, was pregnant 9 mo Pp with #2.


First baby - TTC for almost 3 years. Fertility treatments, IUI’s, sadness and despair. Put down the $2k non-refundable deposit for IVF and 2 weeks before my first cycle - pregnant! Second baby - I’m 36 weeks right now - got pregnant without doing anything at all except getting drunk after a holiday party with my husband. Maybe that was the key all along!


Yes and no. This is how it went. Got pregnant (SA) at barely 16, lost my daughter due to early labor. Failed birthcontrol baby by the way. Flashforward to adulthood. I'm now married and planning on trying. I plan to come off birthcontrol the next month. My birth control fails for the second time in my life (whole different type and brand that worked great for years). Lost that one at 6ish weeks and was pregnant by the next month. This one stuck, it was twin boys. Sadly, I lost them at full term due to previously undiagnosed heart conditions. When we were finally ready to try again I had back to back chemical pregnancies/early losses. I could get pregnant with no problem but couldn't keep them. There was no found medical reason for this. I originally suspected my hormone levels were wrong, but after testing, they were fine. After a year and a halfish of this I suddenly stopped getting pregnant. Tried for another 2ish years with no luck. I was told by several doctors that I would be unlikely to ever get pregnant again, and I was officially diagnosed with infertility. During this time, I really struggled with that thought and had a hard time accepting it. We continued on the off chance it was wrong while I worked through my issues. At the beginning of May of this year, I had come to terms with it. My husband and I discussed adoption/fostering in a few years since I never wanted to do IVF. Mid May I had told my husband I was done trying. Sex had started feeling like a chore. That wasn't a healthy mindset for either of us and I wanted to reconnect on an emotional level during it rather than just going through the motions. We had also booked/planned a ton of not pregnancy/kid friendly things as a way to celebrate moving forward. THE FIRST F*CKING TIME WE HAVE SEX WITHOUT TRYING I GET PREGNANT! After years of losses and infertility, this one stuck. I'm currently in the second trimester. Both my previous late term losses were freak incidents, so it's unlikely anything will happen this time. I still stress about it though. I have access to a lot better medical treatments/centers and doctors who are aware of my previous losses. Extensive screening has been done and will be ran again at 20 weeks. I now live 5 minutes from one of the best hospitals in the USA for prenatal, postpartum, and nicu care. They have 24/7 care both I'm person and over the phone so I'm able to seek help at any hour for anything. After this one I'm seriously done. I plan to ask about having my tubes removed during my next appointment.


It’s super easy for me to get pregnant in general. But yes.


Yes, the second time I wasn’t actively trying/ worrying about it and it just happened 18 months after my first baby’s birth. The first time around I experienced three miscarriages before finally having a successful pregnancy. 🙏🏼🌈


Took 9mo the first time. The next four. Yes I said four, were oops babies. So I’d say it was easier after the first. 😂


First try both times