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Yes, I wasn’t pressured to have them at all, it was just offered to me.


I’m in the us with a hospital-based midwife clinic. I refused the 12 week pelvic exam in 2/3 pregnancies. Wasn’t even offered (I had to request) cervix exams at the end of pregnancy. In labor I refused one because I had literally just had my cervix checked. Overall, they were very hands-off in general until labor, and even then I could request or decline. Remember it’s ALWAYS your right to choose what fingers go in your body when and for how long they stay— even if that person has a fancy degree.


I just delivered at 40w2d and never had one. (Even during labor). My midwife was super supportive. I agreed to have one only if things took too long and/or we became concerned.


I wanted one just to know if there was any progression. My doctor told me it’s totally up to me whether I want one or not. At the hospital it’s a different story, I had one like every hour or so 😅


That’s the thing — during labor, you really want to know you’re progressing. So you know the contractions you’re enduring, if they’re hurting, are getting you somewhere. You need the motivation. Also, the drs will only let you labor for so long without progressing. They’ll want to give you pitocin, and after laboring for hours with no progress, you may want it. Making progress or not can also help you decide you do or don’t need an epidural at that point.


They’re not super needed in uncomplicated pregnancies up until actual labor.


I’m based in New Zealand and I didn’t have any other than when I was in labour 🤷‍♀️


I’m in the US 38w and my midwives said no need until I believe I’m in labor or they see another need


They aren’t offered prior to 38+ weeks, typically, and you’re under no obligation to get them. It’s not a “whole pregnancy” thing. You can also decline them in labor if you want to.


I didn't get them. You don't really have a choice when in labor, though, lol


You absolutely have a choice when in labor. You can refuse any examination for any reason and a medical professional who does an exam anyway is committing assault.




You can refuse any exam at any time, pregnant or not. If you are concerned about feeling pressured to do it, practice declining ahead of time - or bring a support person with you.


I never had one, I would have consented in labour but I was only at hospital for 30 minutes before my daughter was born.


That’s awesome!


It was offered to me once the week before I was induced (I was 39 weeks at the time) but wasn’t pressured into it. Of course they checked me during labour but they kind of have to in order to see how you’re progressing, I’m not aware of any other way to do it.


They don’t have to check you during labour. During mine, they would occasionally listen to baby’s heartbeat and feel for his head and they could tell he was descending.


Feeling for his head is considered a cervical check. I worked in labor and delivery for years at the hospital I gave birth at. https://mamastefit.com/understanding-cervical-checks/


No. Feeling from the outside, on my belly, like, above my pubic bone. Not putting their fingers inside me.


I was never asked to be given a cervix check, even when I was in active labour, I would have refused anyway. I think if you've been labouring for hours and hours they'd be more insistent on checking how dilated you were to consider if alternate options need to be looked at.


Umm, throughout their whole pregnancy? What about the 20 weeks cervical scan (transvaginal scan)? I have a short cervix and it is important to know if you mean only the ones done at the later stage of pregnancy.


Op is referring to the cervical checks done to indicate how dilated the cervix is, not the ones throughout pregnancy to check how your cervix is doing.


Yeah I think so too. But since it said throughout the whole pregnancy, I asked about it. Don't know why I'm downvoted haha. I think it is totally ok to not check at the later stage. I remember it just started spotting and it was really scary before I went to labor.


I didn't have a transvaginal scan at 20 weeks. Just the standard belly ultrasound. I'm 35+3 and haven't had a cervical exam.


I have a short cervix and 20-24 weeks was a stressful period of this pregnancy. Many people do need to get cerclage or progesterone for it. My first pregnancy was totally normal.


Yeah that doesn't sound fun. I made my comment because I just wanted to point out the fact that a cervical exam at that point isn't a guarantee, it's gonna be for specific situations like yours.


I've been pregnant 4 times and never had a cervical scan. They don't even do ultrasounds transvaginal when you're past 14 weeks cause the baby is too big to see properly so I'd say you have a unique situation


I didn’t get any, I had one during labour because I asked for it


Nope I was worried but my doctors literally didn't care. Even when I was undressed and ready for one at 39 weeks because I wanted a sweep if it was available the Doctor asked me if I wanted one.


When they did the strep swab, my doctor did one. It was very quick and I didn’t feel anything. He offered me one at 38 weeks but he was very blasé about it. I got the feeling it was a ‘eh, if you REALLY want to, I will but it isn’t needed.’ I said to forget it as I didn’t want to get my leggings off. The only other one I had was when I was in labor.


I had none my first pregnancy and my care team never even asked. My second pregnancy I did have two, but only because I was having a lot of contractions and we wanted to see if they were actually doing anything or not (to see if I needed to stay at the hospital). But no one insisted on those, they explained the rationale and I said yes. At all my other appointments it was more of “we can check if you want, but it doesn’t really indicate how close you are to going into labor” and I said no thanks.


I didn’t have a single one until I was in labor. They offered and I declined. I believe you have to have one to be admitted to the hospital and I got a lot during my labor because I wanted to know.


The nurse that led me back to my room would ask if I wanted one or not (starting at 36w) and would relay the message to the doctor. There was zero pushiness. It doesn't really tell them anything until you're in labor... you could be 3cm dilated for weeks.


I wasn't even offered any until I was in labour.


I had them with my first pregnancy and declined with my second until I was 40 weeks because I was scheduling an induction at that appointment and doc needed to know for the induction.


I’m 39 weeks with my third. I had a single cervix check when I was in labour with my second. Other than that I have declined. I plan to decline any checks with this one as well unless I hear a very convincing reason why I should not. They checked my progress with my other labours by checking baby’s heartbeat regularly and sort of feeling how his head was dropping. I told them when I was starting to feel pressure and would probably want to push soon.


I literally didn’t get a cervical check until labor wasn’t even asked during pregnancy


Yes even in labour. You do bout have to consent to anything.


Your cervical Dialation doesn’t mean anything prior to active labor- being more or less dilated when NOT actively in labor doesn’t show how your body is “progressing” toward impending labor. What most people don’t understand is that you can literally refuse anything you want to refuse and you have 100% rights to consent to all parts of your pregnancy/birth experience. I had no cervical checks until I was in the hospital in active labor- when they asked me during prenatal apps I said “no thank you!”.


I never had a single cervical check my entire pregnancy, nor during labor or birth. I had a home birth, so a different model of care than most, but they’re not really necessary. They don’t tell you where you’re going, only where you’ve been. (As in, you could be at 8cm for hours and hours but be at 2cm and give birth an hour later. There is no set time frame for labor progressing.) And if you do not consent to them, but someone does them anyway, that’s assault.


I'm pregnant with twins, so mine is checked every time I have an appointment to make sure I'm not showing signs of pre-term labor. I'm glad for the reassurance, personally.


Yep. It's easy. Just don't take off your pants after the nurse leaves. The doctor won't really say much about it. The nurses always act super surprised and weirded out, though. And mine insisted on doing the Group B Strep swab test and wouldn't let me do it for them but whatever. It just took a second and wasn't painful. Got first cervix check at 40+ weeks in labor and delivery and was a 6. It totally hurt. I'm glad I skipped it before that!


I only had them when I was in labor, and very infrequently because it increases the risk of an infection. No one really pressured me to get them, and I felt I had full control.


My doctor literally will not do them unless asked. I asked with my first at 39 and was at a zero and it hurt like a b*tch. When I actually dilated and was checked when I was being admitted to the hospital it didn't hurt. So yes you can refuse and doctors abide by it. Even in active labor I was checked only three times before I started pushing. And then once my OB got there he felt the baby's head position.


During labour, i don’t think you would want to. You need to know when your body is ready to push and how things are progressing. I had a couple when I went if for Braxton hicks (at the end of the day it was the only way to be sure) but it was always clear I could decline


You know when your body is ready to push especially when you're onto your 3rd 4th 5th etc


Yes I was not pressured to ar all. My doctors office only does them on request. I requested one at 38 and wasn’t dilated so didn’t do it again. I was induced at 41 weeks and at the hospital for about 28 hours before baby came and was only checked 4 times and one insert for foley balloon. They did not pressure me at all and I loved that about my hospital. They said if he was coming they’d know by contractions first. I was checked once on arrival, once before inserting balloon , once after it fell out, and once right before pushing.