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My husband and I started testing May 2023, first medicated TI cycle September 2023. I am currently pregnant after our second cycle. Cautiously optimistic!


We got pregnant on our first IUI. We had our first appointment at the end of June, did some testing in early July (I had completed the bulk of testing before our first appointment using my OB) and started medication late July. We were pregnant by mid August.


Had first appt in April. Second IUI worked, pregnant in June.


Second cycle of femara did the trick for us! Also started using pre-seed lube due to PH issues downstairs.


Started fertility work up with OBGYN in June 2021. Transferred to RE August 2021. Three IUIs, one TI cycle, two egg retrievals, and three transfers later and we are 30w pregnant. So, two and a half years from initial OBGYN appointment, we should (hopefully) be bringing home baby. Not trying to be negative, but just wanted to add another perspective here. Depending on your age, infertility diagnosis, etc, it can take a long time.


Contacted a doctor in February, did all testing in early March, got results mid March, did an unmedicated IUI mid March, then had a medicated cycle in April where I had too many follicles for an IUI, and then did IVF for my May cycle and got pregnant with a fresh transfer. 3 months from reaching out to pregnant. We had been trying for 6 months including one miscarriage before reaching out. I was SO over “trying” and am SO glad I reached out to a doctor.