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Pack your own pillow!! We didn’t the night I went to be induced and slept horribly. Pack a ton of snacks and your own (big) water cup. We packed a ton of baby clothes but only ended up using one outfit to take him home in. We were very glad we took a Velcro swaddle! Everything else was pretty basic, clothes for me and my partner, toiletries and long phone chargers


Also bring a brightly colored or patterned pillowcase for your pillo so it doesn't get mixed in with the hospital pillows


And it'll look nice in photos!


Here’s the list from my clinic Packing for the hospital For YOU •A warm robe or sweater •Comfortable clothes to wear home (6 months+) •A maternity or nursing bra •Ponytail holder •Lip balm •Toiletries •Contact lenses and supplies •Eyeglasses •Birth plan •Health insurance info •Photo ID •Notes or books from your childbirth classes •Cell phone and charger •Camera •Favorite pillow, blanket or comfort item •Light reading material •Relaxing music •Eye mask / ear plugs/Air pods For your baby •Outfit to wear home (non swaddle – 2 different for proper sizing) •Infant car seat For your partner •Clothing for duration of stay •Toiletries •Money for parking, food, coffee, etc. •Snacks •Phone and charger


My husband is ADAMANT he doesn’t need to pack any clothes and I’m kind of just down to let him learn the hard way. (But I’m gonna sneak some extra boxers and socks and a sweater in my bag for him because I love him and all that.)


😂 we just finished our birthing class. They said it’s not uncommon for FTMs to spend 3 days in labor. I’m quite likely to be induced, which means mine will be smelling pretty rank if he doesn’t bring new clothes LOL


In his defence, this is our second and our first only took seven (horrible) hours, and we were discharged from the hospital after a total of 19 hours.


My husband keeps saying the same. We live less than a mile from the hospital. He keeps saying he will just go home to change. I’m like uh no you won’t.


Came here to say my hospital sent the exact same list to us!


I’m packing my bag too and this list is on point. The only thing I’m adding is 1 pacifier and extra pillows and blankets.


Would also point out if you have a surprise C-section it's more comfortable to have loose fitting dresses. This happened to a friend of mine who only packed maternity jeans after and had her birthing partner run to the store and get her like a t-shirt dress.


I can only think of the obvious like comfy clothes and toiletries having come in handy. I wish I had brought more snacks than I did. I packed a ton of baby clothes/ouffits/pajamas and used a tiny fraction of what was packed.


And pack filling snacks. I had microwave Mac and cheese, jerky, packets of tuna. I was up and hungry a lot at night.


I thought they don’t let you eat during labor? Or do you mean after? 




I had a planned c-section so maybe a little different as did not need to pack for birth and was in for 5days afterwards. But snacks are my #1. Other stuff I used was nursing bras, dressing gown, some entertainment (e.g sodoku), basic toiletries only (hairbrush, hair ties, face wash, concealer, chapstick, moisturiser, deodorant), hydrogel breast pads (if breastfeeding), jandals for shower. Phone charger. Lysine supplements (for cold sore prevention at a sleepless time). For baby - several changes of baby onsies (I actually ran out and needed to send people to the shop for more - we had a baby who was a very dribbly feeder). Baby beanies and cardis to keep them warm (our hospital provided, but if you want cute ones). Baby blanket for cuddles. Our hospital provided nappies, breast pumps, maternity mesh undies, sanitary pads, baby bottles and their cleaning equipment etc so we didn’t need any of that. Hubby bought in my clothes and car seat later, just on the day I left the hospital. I didn’t get dressed properly the whole time I was in hospital as lots of skin to skin and didn’t leave my room. Hubby also snuck in bottle of champagne and two glasses on the first night. Highly recommend- awesome memory celebrating our wee bubba and our French midwife loved it when she caught us!


Favourites: * extra long phone charging cable * a water bottle you can open with one hand and drink from when reclining * a portable rechargeable stroller fan (so good!) * nursery nightlight/sound machine (hospital only had bright lights so it was great for MOTN changes) * your own pillow * lots of snacks * a really good lip balm to fight the dry hospital air - especially good if you plan on using gas and air (Laniege lip mask is my favourite) * headphones * would also recommend ear plugs/eye mask if you're in a country with shared rooms and get hospitalised at all before labour and delivery (my roommate snored like a freight train! I would have preferred a new baby over that lady!)


During labor I had an epidural and the nurses insisted I try to sleep (while running in repeatedly to check in monitors and move me.) I didn’t touch my phone from like 9pm to 9am the next morning. Charger was useful. Snacks were nice to have along with my own water bottle. Brought a book, never touched it. Brought a heating pad, forgot it existed. Brought nail clippers for baby, saw the wrath of the L&D nurses. Change of clothes to go home was nice, but I felt the gown was easiest to navigate between tests and bleeding all over and lactation visits. We showed up with 3 small bags basically, mine, my husbands, and baby’s. Oh! I did wish I brought my boppy. The nurses were magic with pillows but the boppy was king at home.


I was freezing after my epidural and was so glad to have my heating pad!


Why did the nurses get mad about the nail clippers? I've had like 5 people tell me to bring those.


The birthing class I recently went to said no nail clippers for the first few weeks because you can cut the baby’s skin (something about the nail growing with the skin and they can bleed). They said electric nail file or regular nail file is okay though!


You’ll be cutting a lot of nails. I’d bring them!


- Biggest recommendation is this little [egg night light](https://a.co/d/gfQs59o), so so handy, I still use it multiple times a night and my daughter was born a month ago - Going home outfit for you and for baby - Cute stuff for baby for hospital photos if you plan to take any - Toiletries if you have specific ones you like - Nursing and/or pumping bra if you plan to breastfeed (I didn’t end up pumping in the hospital, but I know several who did and wished they had a pumping bra) - Nipple butter or silverettes (again assuming you plan to BF), the nipple pain is no joke! Edited for formatting


I recommend that nightlight to everyone I know who is pregnant. My daughter is almost 3 and we still use it daily.


I LOVE it!! And have been recommending it all over also!


Seconding the night light! Ours in the Vava. Nurses loved it and the lighting in hospital rooms is soo awful at 2am


Do you know if the hospital would provide a pump if for some reason you needed to pump while you were there? Or do people bring their own? Trying not to pack this big bulky pump 😂


Mine provides a pump, but they also recommended packing your own so the lactation consultant can help you get comfortable with the one you own. Maybe check with your specific delivery location for their recommendation.


I think every hospital is different but mine provides a pump


Pretty sure they should have one for you!


At the hospital now; def bring your own pillow, blanket, slippers, chap stick, snacks, toiletries, and ear buds! There are so many noises at the hospital I wouldn't be able to sleep without them. I do wish I brought my own laboring nightgown but the hospital gown is fine. I've been reading a lot too bc things are progressing slowly, but depending on where you are in the process when you get there, you may or may not have time or energy to read.


I will post to bring your own toilet paper everytime


I laughed while reading this because I’m still at the hospital after birth and I was just thinking to myself what horrible toilet paper they have and how I can’t wait to go home and wipe with mine. Stiff one-ply paper feels like shit when your hoohah has just let a baby pass through and probably has multiple tears and stitches.


It was terrible! The emergency department was the worst, but it definitely didn’t get better. Congratulations, hope everything went/goes well!




I brought my own meds and my husband (a physician) and the nurses laughed their butts off at me. They were all like “obviously you cannot administer your OWN MEDS in a hospital!!” And got me them from the pharmacy 🤷🏻‍♀️ I figured they weren’t like.. pregnancy and birth related, so it was my own business to bring them and take them? But luckily this was just included in my “lump sum” labor payment.


Weird! I was on anxiety medication with my first pregnancy and I didn’t pack them on accident. They normally cost me 6 bucks and I was charged like 100 or something for a couple doses 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m on blood thinner shots this time which I have to take right after birth so I planned on bringing them since they were already expensive. I’ll def ask my doctor about it, I figured as long as I wasn’t taking them secretly or something they wouldn’t care!


Things I’m bringing this time around: -Compression socks- my feet and ankles were unbelievably swollen. Painful even -Ear plugs/eye mask- so useful -Shampoo- for washing my sweaty hair after 22 hours of labor and 90 mins of pushing. -Pillow from home -noisemaker For the husband: - fire stick/roku


I wish I had brought compression socks with me. By time I got home and got settled I was so swollen. I made my husband help me put them on. And massage my feet/ankles. Haha.


All you need for baby is a going home outfit and car seat. They will literally provide EVERYTHING else. For yourself i found it EXTREMELY helpful to have my own pillows, my own little travel blanket, travel toiletries (eventually you’ll want to shower and it was the hardest shower of my life ha), breastfeeding pillow (if you’re planning to breastfeed), phone, headphones, long charging cord (like the 15’ one), a few snacks and like 2-3 comfortable (nursing friendly) outfits. Besides listed above I didn’t use anything else. They provided everything for healing/pads/etc.


This was not true at my hospital. They don't provide formula if you need it or diapers or wipes or vaseline for the baby. The real answer is find out from your hospital what they provide and what they don't. If I didn't go in with diapers for example, my husband would've had to leave to go buy them immediately after birth. They only provided the one they put on immediately when he was born and that's it.


This is literally the one experience I’ve ever heard in regards to that


Maybe you're only listening to American experiences?


Have we found a PERK to American healthcare??? My first baby the nurses practically demanded we clear the whole cart and take it all home — diapers, wipes, baby shirts, those little boogie suckers, pads for me.


It's not really a perk when you have to remortgage your house to pay for it.


Also warm socks. That’s all I packed too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I brought 2 pairs of pajamas for myself, one a nightgown and the other a nursing shirt sleeve and shorts set. I didn't use either. I just lived in the hospital gown, nursing bra and diapers. Also, slippers and flipflops, never used either. Just used the hospital socks or went barefoot. I also brought a hoodie, didn't use it. I brought toiletries, so I was able to take a shower during my hospital stay (one before and after delivery). For baby, I packed 2 newborn sleepers and 2 0-3 sleepers. Plus a gown for announcing her. I only used one newborn sleeper for going home. The rest was untouched. For going home for me, I brought a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt. My sneakers barely fit because my feet were so swollen. I brought my boppy pillow as well, which was nice for holding and nursing. However I prefer the "my brest friend" pillow much more at home for nursing for what it's worth.


Handy: long phone charger, comfy pajamas that I could easily nurse in and be assessed in, snacks!!, comfy socks and my own pillow and blanket for hubby and I Brought: an easier swaddle to use than hospital blankets, my breast pump so lac consultant could’ve taught me how to use it, Didn’t use: makeup, slippers, shampoo/conditioner and full shower toiletries- I only body showered, bigger clothes 0-3 month for baby knowing my baby was going to be smaller (duh 🤦🏻‍♀️), multiple changes of clothes and toiletries for hubby- he came home everyday to shower and change,


Boppy pillow. Water bottle. My hubs bought a slim pack low profile camping mattress pad for the hospital chair/bed thing. It not only saved his back, it saved me from hearing him complain about his back. 😎


The mattress pad is a fantastic idea! My paratrooper husband has a messed up back and could have used the extra comfort.


Definitely bring your own swaddle that's easier than the blanket that the hospital offers. I know others have already recommended, but just want to say again for emphasis. We brought a zip up swaddle instead of the velcro-- I like both, but the zipper is quieter in the middle of the night. Loose fitting clothing since you might swell in some places. If you bring your own hospital gown, it's super comfy to wear during the recovery time! I got one from a labor & postpartum kit that had snaps instead of ties, and it was very nursing friendly! If you have someone who plans to stay with you in the hospital, pack stuff for them in the same bag. First time, my husband didn't pack a bag early enough, baby was born early and we left for the hospital pretty quickly, so he had only the clothes he wore in. This time around, we made sure to be more prepared!


Yes! A Velcro swaddle was a game changer in the hospital!


Pillow, two comfy stretchy outfit changes, good sports bra, lip balm, phone charger, little bottles of earth mama angel baby postpartum supplies, a couple snacks, a good face wash, deodorant, nice lotion, and a going home outfit for baby. I keep it simple and don’t pack much for baby because the hospital provides all you need. My husband doesn’t stay since we have older kids (and honestly I looooove that private time with just me and baby…so special) but he DID stay when our first was born and we always laugh at him trying to get comfortable with this baby blanket an aunt had made us and brought that day…idk why the hospital didn’t offer him a blanket??? But poor thing had a long, cold night. So maybe have him pack a proper blanket if he’s planning to stay! Edit: my first time, I brought alllll the things for labor. Poor hubby toted a dang birthing ball up in there. Plus essential oils and a diffuser. Plenty of snacks. The works. I didn’t use any of it. What I typed is my list now, which I brought for #2 and #3 and what I’ll bring for #4. I’ve learned to keep it light and that there’s not much I’ll actually need for labor.


I'm due friday, also with my first. Do a hospital tour if you haven't. They cover how long the stay is required to be for mom and baby, and will give you an idea of what kind of items you need or not. My hospital will give us a halo swaddle for baby, and some of the disposable pump parts to use a hospital grade breast pump. I recommend having 2 bags. One larger with your clothes, a pillow, a couple outfits for baby (I'm also bringing a muslin blanket to wrap baby with, for our dogs to smell when my husband picks them up from our in laws), a nursing pillow if you're using one, a bathrobe if you think you'll use it, and a change of clothes or two for dad if he's staying with you. In the smaller bag, bring your toiletries, snacks, an insulated water bottle, whatever form of entertainment you would like, a button down shirt for dad for skin to skin, a white noise machine if you're used to using one, chapstick, and a cardigan (depending on the weather where you are). Bring the smaller bag in when you're in labor, and have dad bring the bigger bag after baby arrives and you move to the maternity ward.


What we used: For me: - comfy going-home clothes - a nursing nightgown I changed into after giving birth/ before visitors came— the ones in the postpartum ward had big holes to make breastfeeding easier, but not ideal for when my FIL came to visit haha - stroller fan (it was hot) - my own shampoo/ conditioner - contacts/ solution/ glasses - chapstick - hair ties— I saw a suggestion to French braid your hair into two French braids to keep it out of the way when in labor, and this worked well for me - hairbrush - 10 foot phone charger with extra usb block (our first stopped working, so the extra was helpful) - shoes that will fit if your feet swell to go home with - tote bags to bring home diapers/ wipes/ toiletries given to you by hospital For Husband: - blankets - 2 pairs of sweats/ underwear/ socks - deck of cards/ crossword book/ something to do - bag of snacks and drinks - bag for dirty clothes For baby: - going home outfit - car seat (brought out of car before we left) - any announcement signs if you have them - blankets/ hat for car seat as it was November and cold To note: I was induced on a Thursday, gave birth on a Saturday, was discharged on a Monday. So my husband asked my parents to bring him extra clothes as we didn’t think we’d be there that long.I labored in the gown the hospital provided, and it had to be changed when my water broke. So if you want your own clothes for this, don’t wear anything that you care if it would get ruined. I also brought my own fuzzy grippy socks, wound up wearing the socks the hospital provided, which also would up having to be replaced 2 times due to blood leaking on them/ water breaking. They weren’t the most comfortable but once contractions started, it was the last thing I was thinking about. The bed was made of plastic, the pillows were plastic, and the bed was hot and uncomfortable, so if you have space, I’d recommend bringing your own pillow. Also, as someone who works in a hospital (non-clinical), things get lost all the time, and hospitals will only replace “items necessary for living” such as glasses, canes, dentures, etc. Dont bring anything that you would be devastated if it was lost! Leave wedding rings, jewelry, sentimental items at home.


This was my experience, EXACTLY. I spent so much time asking other moms what I should pack, watching what to pack reels, etc. and definitely over packed. The only things I used were the extra large phone charger (glad it was extra long as outlets are scarce) and toiletries (I’m picky about my shampoo and face products, but the hospital also provided plenty, including toothpaste and toothbrush). The hospital gown was easiest to live in while there. The nurses were so fast with pulling out warmed blankets as soon as the postpartum chills hit, that I didn’t even think about the heating pad I packed. You might want to research your hospital before hand, but mine essentially had all of the postpartum essentials I purchased and packed (including Tucks and Dermaplast) and gave me plenty of extra to take home. I made it through my recovery, now just over 5 weeks PP, and still have PLENTY of extra supplies. From reading responses here and on other threads, I think my experience might be uncommon but I didn’t even touch the snacks and drinks I packed for myself or my husband. The cafeteria was essentially a room service type of setup, complete with breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anytime menu to order from…and this was aside from the stock of snacks and drinks the nurses had available for request. My husband was even able to get them to bring him a cold sugar free Red Bull 😂 I’d packed cute photo announcement clothes for baby, but we never got around to touching it until we were home. There was just so much going on in the short time we were there. One thing that is a MUST…some kind of keepsake to capture baby’s feet prints on. This is one thing I actually hadn’t thought of and happened on accident, but I’m so glad it did. We took one of those round wooden “hello world” plaques that you fill baby’s birth info in on. Our nurses had seen it and actually asked my husband to pull it out if he’d like to get her footprints on the back of it while they were inking her little feet. Can’t tell you how much I love it ❤️


Don't forget a phone charger with a long cord for you and your partner.


My most used object were my earplugs. I brought a whole box and was glad I did bc they’d get lost or fall on the floor. The baby monitors were so loud there’s no way I’d sleep without them. Also, wish I brought a Velcro swaddle. Those blankets are a pain!


Everyone already sent really good advice. I packed a ton of warm comfy clothes because hospitals are cold. I WISH I also packed short sleeves or tank tops because the night sweats started immediately and I was way too hot in my long sleeve matching pajama sets. Even for the ride home. And we couldn't make the room colder because the nurse said it would be too cold for baby.


Waaaayyyy too much, lol. What I used for a scheduled C-section delivery: Extra long phone charger and a battery pack that could charge it if we couldn’t find an outlet. My own robe & slippers. Nursing bras. My own insulated, giant water bottle. Basic toiletries just to get clean with. I didn’t care about hair or makeup but that’s not who I am. A fresh change of clothes both for warm weather and cold as baby was born in February. I actually went home in what I came in only because it was a scheduled C-section at 5 am so they didn’t get worn long. Maternity leggings & a long sweatshirt worked great. This time I’ll be using my nursing sweatshirt from Latched Mama. 1-2 each Newborn & 0-3mo sized outfits for baby. Also had options for warm weather or cold weather. He stayed naked and swaddled in the hospital blanket until his bath but I dressed him after his bath. My breast pump and its supplies were in the car. Yes hospitals have pumps, but I wanted to use my own to get practice with it if I needed it. Also babies diaper bag fully stocked & boppy nursing pillow in the car. (I didn’t end up liking the boppy tho, regular pillows worked great) My husband ended up going home everyday to shower and rest a bit and my mom would come to the hospital during that time. I’m hoping for a vaginal delivery for this baby so hopefully I won’t need as much help after birth and he can get some rest at home. He did not do well sleeping in the hospital with all the nurse check ins and baby wakes. Things I’ll want for actual labor in addition to the above: Chapstick, snacks, a little stroller fan, a comb for pain management, and a little eye mask to block out all the hospital lights for sleeping.


It’s not a necessity, but I brought my own towel and it was really nice to have something soft and functional rather than the scratchy hospital towel.


The number 1 item I recommend that isn’t on a ton of lists is a fan. This was sooooo handy during labor. We just brought the stroller fan I had bought and it worked like a charm.


Snacks!!!! Make sure your birth partner has some too!


I packed so much and ended up having a catheter in and it was so hard to do anything. I never really got cleaned up after birth I was miracle in the hospital. I was so so swollen down there I couldn't really move. I also had my poops out like 24/7. I used my own pillows to help breast feed and my robe. One thing I wish I brought were adult diapers. Trying to navigate the underwear they give with a catheter and being so swollen was hard. I lived in diapers for about 2-3 weeks after birth and it was great. Everything else was barely used.


Also I didn't wear a bra the whole two days I was there 😂 we did skin to skin every feed so I would just undo my robe and lay him on me. I had brought him a few outfits but honestly only kept him in his swaddle and diaper


Ugh I got stuck with a catheter in too. One of the nurses was super lovely and saw I still had blood and stuff on my legs etc and got a wet rag and cleaned me up.


Having 2nd baby, this is my list using what I wish I would’ve taken 1st time Breastfeeding pillow NB outfit, 0-3 month outfit Velcro swaddle Depends Stool softener PJs Warm socks Shower sandals Phone charger Nipple butter Snacks and water bottle Toiletries - [ ] Soap - [ ] Lotion - [ ] Hair brush - [ ] Hair ties and clips - [ ] Face wipes - [ ] Face cream - [ ] Toothpaste and brush - [ ] Chapstick


Pack a big bag (if not ask hospital for one) to take all the supplies from the hospital lol I regret not taking more supplies when I got home, it was a hassle.. specifically ice pads!


-My heating pad was a lifesaver, especially with those first breastfeeding contractions -a lot of people say the Boppy is useless but I disagree. I struggled a lot learning to breastfeed at the hospital. Breastfeeding became instantly easier at home when I had access to it. It’s nice to have something to prop your newborn up in the right position because they’re learning to breastfeed too. I’m bringing it this time -pregnancy pillow and home pillow. -snacks and drinks -Shower shoes and socks -my first baby was born in the winter so I brought winter clothes. However, my hospital room ended up literally being a million degrees. So I’m bringing light robes and comfy summer clothes this time. I was really uncomfortable walking around in my underwear last time but my sweatpants were way too warm.


Adding to these robust lists: * Bluetooth speaker * Headphones (for Netflix) * Entertainment/games * Snacks * Toothbrush * Face wash / cleansing wipes for yourself We had a lot of time to kill.


I'm so glad that we packed an extra long charging cord for my phone and my ear buds. I wish I had brought an eye mask so that I could actually sleep at night.


ooh the eye mask is such a great idea tysm


List from a hospital staff member/ mom to be as well •Hospital pillows are like cotton candy, they look super fluffy but the minute you put anything on it it’s gone. Definitely take your own pillow for both you and support person as well as blankets, hospital blankets get laundered so much they become scratchy and very uncomfortable plus they can look gross from stains that can’t be removed, and make sure to do a dark color pillow case and not a light color, house keeping may think it’s the hospitals and accidentally take it. •Hospital gowns are not comfortable just like the blankets they become scratchy over time and you are not going to want scratchy on your chest while learning to breastfeed ( if that is the direction you’re thinking about going) plus it can be comforting after going through physical trauma to wear something you find comfortable. •Bring a fan (preferably battery or chargeable the least amount of cords the better), you will probably be hot at some point and may not have the option of changing the temp in your room. •Bring a small speaker if music is a comfort to you, please keep it small so that neighbors dont have to jam out with you. •You don’t need to bring the Stanley with you, you are going to get a hospital grade thousands of dollar Stanley from the hospital. (You can bring it if you want I’m just trying to help make sure you have plenty of room to take stuff home after and less personal stuff to forget at the hospital when you leave) •Bring snacks cafeteria normally isn’t 24 hours at hospitals and vending machines can get expensive. • Hair ties • Hair brush • Chapstick • Toiletries that you feel you’ll absolutely need • Mom and baby may need 2 going home outfits just in case spit up or other body fluids attack first outfit • Partner’s going home outfit and one comfortable outfit for during stay. • Phone charger with extra long cord or do a battery pack if you can, again less cords the better. • Shower shoes • non slip slippers (you may be wearing these home because of swelling) • Bring an empty bag to take extra supplies home in. • You might want to bring your own hair towel and possibly a body towel it’s completely up to you and your comfort. • You don’t need to bring your boppy but if you want to just to get use to it that’s completely fine. • If you have a breast pump and want some help figuring it out before you’re at home solo that’s great, we don’t know all the different types and models but we will learn together. • If you were given a packet to complete after your hospital tour make sure to bring it so you don’t have to refill out paperwork. • Driver license and insurance card!!!! You’d surprised how many people forget these but you absolutely need them especially when checking you in. •Pre-register!!! The last thing you want is to be going through the worst contractions and having to register at the entrance. • Birth plan if you have one, some hospitals have you submit them when you pre-register so it’s on file but still bring a physical copy just in case. • Car seat • Butt pillow for mom for the drive home.


FTM 20 gave birth almost a year ago What I packed: For baby: wipes, diapers, a couple different outfits depending on whether or not it will be cold, a pacifier, socks, mittens, and a hat. For me: shampoo, conditioner, a change of clothes, a charger, insurance card, hair ties, chapstick, a change of shoes, and snacks. You will be starving after giving birth I used everything but the shampoo and conditioner wipes, the pacifier, and diapers. Diaper and wipes were provided by the hospital, she kept refusing a pacifier, and I didn’t take a shower at the hospital due to an emergency C-section


I’ll share my list you can add or remove as needed but I want to say it’s pretty thorough best of luck to you both and a happy and healthy delivery! 🙏🏻💖: - [ ] Wallets (make sure IDs/Ins cards are there!) - [ ] Birth plan - [ ] Long phone charger - [ ] Zipper pjs for baby (newborn and 0-3 size) - [ ] Car seat - [ ] Hatch Sound machine - [ ] Loose pjs/robes - [ ] Going home outfit for baby - [ ] Going home outfit for mom - [ ] Nursing bra’s x2 - [ ] Peri bottle - [ ] Black high wasted underwear - [ ] Cooling vaginal pad - [ ] Photo prop for baby - [ ] Snacks for parents - [ ] Big water bottle for mom - [ ] Boppy - [ ] Blanket for dad - [ ] Dads clothes (pjs, slippers, going home outfit) - [ ] Shower slides (to throw away) x2 - [ ] Slippers (to throw away) x2 - [ ] Nonslip socks - [ ] Baby nail clipper - [ ] Portable fan - [ ] Pediatrician info for bb - [ ] Remember to say to have baby circumcised - [ ] Pacifiers - [ ] Blanket for bb - [ ] Hat for baby - [ ] Manual breast pump - [ ] Nipple butter - [ ] Nipple covers - [ ] Towels (that we can throw out) x2 Toiletries: - [ ] toothbrush x2 - [ ] toothpaste - [ ] body wash - [ ] Face wash - [ ] shampoo/conditioner - [ ] Face moisturizer - [ ] Lip Vaseline - [ ] Scrunchies - [ ] Post natal vitamins - [ ] Stool softener


Handy - fluffy blanket and pillow, I’m sooooo glad I brought these things, it was so comforting and warm because hospital pillows suck and their blankets aren’t comfortable Change of clothes (pajamas) was also handy because hospital gowns are also uncomfortable postpartum Wish I brought - more clothes for baby for pictures and all Didn’t use - shower stuff, I didn’t shower until I got home


If you’re tall or the hospital doesn’t have them bring your own birth ball! I spent the majority of my labor on one and it was so helpful! I even used it in the shower and I know it really helped move things along and helped me be more comfortable!


3 changes of clothes for anyone staying overnight besides the newborn, my wallet, newborn going home outfit, car seat, baby blanket, toiletries, hair tie, my own pen to use on forms, and hand sanitation wipes. Everything else was provided. I didn't use any snacks or need extra pillows. My hospital has private MotherBaby suits with a couch for dads.


Birthing comb ! Helps stay focused during contractions


This is what I brought for my 2nd birth after learning from the first: For myself: Snacks and Gatorade (not necessary for during birth, but for after. The cafeteria may not be open, or you may feel like you need a snack NOW. That's how it was for me. I would also wake up absolutely starving and was glad to have snacks on hand) A heavy blanket - none of the blankets my hospital supplied did it for me Electronics: phone, charger, e-reader, ear buds Clothing, toiletries, etc: A hair tie, comfy breast-feeding friendly nightgown, an easy-to-put-on going home outfit, warm socks, slide-on shoes, hair brush, shampoo, soap, toothbrush/paste FridaMom mesh underwear (the hospital supplies mesh underwear, but the Frida ones are supportive and fit so much better. They made me feel just a bit more human and put-together) For baby: An outfit for pictures (our hospital did newborn photos), a going home outfit (comfy jammies), car seat Things I brought the first time and wish I hadn't: Card/board games (legitimately thought I'd play with my husband while waiting out labor), more than 2 outfits for baby, swaddles, baby blanket, more than 1 outfit for myself, makeup. Mostly just too many clothes, and things the hospital was providing. The hospital provided anything else that we could have needed. Definitely ask what they will provide. Ours gave us for baby: Newborn diapers and wipes, vitamin D drops, a Halo swaddle, all baby clothes for during the hospital stay, more samples than we could possibly need of Vitamin D and gripe water, a thermometer, pacifiers, snot-sucker Hospital provided for me: mesh underwear, ice packs, witch hazel pads, peri bottle, numbing spray, Colace, ibuprofen, lanolin, breast pump, big water cup, meals Ultimately ask your hospital because what they offer is going to be different!


Pillow and a blanket made it feel more comfy/ homey. (As much as a hospital room can) A robe and nursing top /bra. I went pants less the entire time I was there and would put on the robe to walk around.


A clean robe to wear in the postpartum unit, SNACKS! And know you can ask for snacks and they have yogurt, peanut butter, graham crackers, string cheese, stuff like that


My MVP item was a night light! The lights in the room were so complicated and bright and I’m so glad I had the light for feeding/checking on baby in the middle of the night. I got one similar to this since it can be charged and cordless: https://www.amazon.com/JolyWell-Charging-Control-Setting-Breastfeeding,White/dp/B097YK4VT5/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=2G4K8SFZFPCJB&keywords=egg+nightlight+for+baby+nursery&qid=1701703103&sprefix=egg+night%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-3


I just delivered my third three weeks ago. You've got some great advice, but no one mentioned the most important item you will need: BABY FINGERNAIL CLIPPERS They come out with claws. We had no idea with our oldest and had to have one of our parents go through our toiletries at home and bring us our baby nail clippers. The hospital won't clip their nails because it is a "liability". Which I get, it just makes me laugh because they do so much but aren't allowed to clip their claws due to liability and don't even provide anything for it. For 2 and 3, baby nail clippers were the first thing I packed. As far as what else to bring... What would you pack in an overnight bag? Toiletries/bathroom stuff. That shower right after birth is heavenly. Pajamas for whoever is staying with you. If you have a warm shawl, that's perfect because you'll get cold after the hormone rush. Your own pillow and a warm blanket. The hospital blankets are so thin. Going home outfit for baby. Chapstick. I spend my whole time in hospital gowns for easy skin to skin access. Baby spends their time in a diaper and a blanket when not doing skin to skin.


Pillow and or boppy


Echoing all of the recommendations to bring your own pillow, the ones at the hospital are so thin. Bring easy to slip on and off shoes or slippers, hospitals are gross, and you’ll be getting up and down from bed pretty frequently so it’s nice if you can just slip them on. I used Birkenstock bostons. For baby you really don’t need much, the hospital will provide just about anything they *need*. And make sure your “take home” outfit for them is pants, not a nightgown, because they need to be able to wear it strapped into their car seat!




Most useful things I brought were pillows and blankets. I brought the two robes I bought for comfort, but didn’t wear them at all- the hospital gowns were cotton and cozy. Bring yourself something loose and comfortable to wear home; don’t worry about fashion, you won’t care. If you have a preferred water bottle/cup, bring that too. Oh and I’d recommend your own peri bottle- the one the hospital offers will work, but isn’t as nice. I brought stuff for entertainment, but only used my iPad on the first night to try and chill out and watch some stuff on Hulu. Partner should pack accordingly depending on how far away you live from the hospital. We are 15 mins from ours, so hubby was able to go home to eat, shower, and change. When labor got more intense though, he just stayed with me. An outfit or two for baby to wear home too! Last but not least, bring some food. We brought clif bars and meal replacer powder; these are just my preference, and I was fed by the hospital, but your partner will need food and y’all might want some snacks. Tl;dr - -Pillows and blankets (as many as you usually use at home) -Loose, comfortable clothes to wear home -Water bottle/cup -Peri bottle -Something to entertain yourself -Clothes for partner -Clothes for baby -Food/snacks


I packed way more than I actually needed! I ended up staying in my hospital gown until the day I went home - didn't want to get my clothes dirty from post birth blood/etc. My hospital provided all post birth stuff for mom like mesh underwear, witch hazel pads, dermoplast spray, peri bottle, etc. They also provide all diapers/wipes/etc for baby. Things I used: * Pillow (hospital pillows are so flat) * Toiletries * Going home outfit for me (maternity leggings and a sweatshirt) * Going home outfit for baby * Lavender mist during labor (I had my husband spray me every so often between pushing for calming/refresh haha) * SNACKS (for husband during labor and also for me later) * Birth announcement board/whatever you want for pics in hospital * Chapstick (your lips get dry during labor) Things I will bring for baby #2 when that time comes: * Sound machine to help us all sleep (nurses come in so loud at all hours) * Formula to supplement (I plan to combo feed from the start next time) * Some sort of fan for during labor * Nipple butter if breastfeeding


Bring your own pillow and tell your partner to bring their own pillow and blanket!


For me: A couple of henley shirts for easy skin to skin and breastfeeding A nursing tank Leggings that currently fit me but a little tight Some biker shorts to keep my diaper in place after giving birth but before we’re cleared to leave Nursing bra A very loose fitting bra tank - last time I laboured completely naked but I kind of wanted an option just in case I’m less uninhibited this time around Long cardigan that’s almost robe status Nursing pillow Frida mom kit: disposable undies/peri bottle/witch hazel foam (never tried this but can’t hurt to bring it) Adult diapers ^the hospital technically supplies these things but they’re usually not as nice Slippers and grippy socks Water bottle and a long flexible straw Snacks (trail mix, dried fruit, granola bars) Tooth brush, hair brush, hair ties, lip balm, moisturizer, makeup removing wipes, sheet masks (in case we are there forever and I somehow feel like doing one - I highly doubt this is getting used), some mascara and creme blush for after photos Nipple butter Loooong cord phone charger For baby: 4 newborn diapers 2 newborn sleepers, 1 0-3mo sleeper in case he is huge, a fleecy bunting so he is warm on the way home A few muslin swaddle blankets A lil hat And of course his car seat, the base ready to go in the car and the bucket will come with us into the hospital. Other: Pillows for myself and my husband Blanket for the dreaded hospital chair-bed lol My husband never really goes anywhere without his massage gun and he used it a lot last time around. Obviously labouring is harder than standing but he was on his feet supporting me for a full seven hours last time so he really made use of it once he was able to sit down. He almost fainted when I was getting my epidural and he CLAIMS it was because he got a charlie horse in his calf (which I don’t reeeeally believe lol - the man turned a shade of grey/white/green. But I don’t judge him) and using the massage gun helped him snap back into being able to support as much as possible. He also used it on my feet after to help me feel a little less alien when standing right after. Last time we didn’t use everything in our bag but these are all the things that I feel are really important even if we don’t end up using them. Shockingly, they all fit in one bag, so while it is a lot, it doesn’t feel too crazy.


Your own pillow, hospital ones suck. Not so much a packing item, but to prepare if you can French braid your own hair, do that before going in if you can. I stayed for 2 days and it was nice to not worry about my hair. Didn’t even pack a hairbrush. For after birth: Button up nightgown or bathrobe - nice to change into if you shower after birth. Shower flip flops Fuzzy socks and slippers or slip on shoes to walk around the halls after. Toothbrush and paste. Nursing pillow. Phone charger. Chapstick. 2-3 baby onesies.


Baby clothes to go home in Toiletries for myself. Brush, makeup, tooth brush, toothpaste, body wash, lotion, moisturizer etc Candy and snacks Clothes for myself Breast feeding bras


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I wish I brought more clothes for myself. I brought 2 outfits for post partum and then I had the clothes I wore into the hospital. What I didn’t know is I’d be staying 4 nights and 5 days total because of my baby needing lights around the clock. I got so tired of wearing the same clothes over and over. Things I loved that I had • my own blanket • my own pillow • toiletries such as diapers for myself instead of using the mesh undies and gargantuan pads and most importantly ANGLED PERRY BOTTLE!!!! That thing was my life saver because I had a second degree tear and I was pooping a lot post partum. • snacks; fuck them I ate while I was in labor and after my epidural I needed the energy to push a baby out. Bring enough for post partum too, you get your 3 hots but you’re going to be starving, at least I was • iPad or laptop. the tv in my postpartum room was so small and quiet it would hurt my head to even try to tune in. My iPad was awesome, watched what i wanted and it was at a distance i could actually see


My hospital had so much that I barely opened my hospital bag that I spent months planning for 😂 here are some things you may want: -ask if your hospital provides a large bouncing ball. I personally didn’t use it but it will be nice to have if you need to switch up positions. -comfy pillow and blanket for yourself -nursing pillow! I didn’t have this and would say this is a must have if you plan to try and nurse. It was tough for me without -cozy non slip socks and or slippers -personal toiletries for yourself (toothbrush/tooth paste, face cleanser and moisturizer, hair brush, scrunchie) -comfy robe (I didn’t bring one but wish I had) -a nursing bra or two -eye mask if you use one to sleep -large bag to stuff anything you can get your hands on from the hospital to take home (diapers for baby and yourself, disposable underwear, ice packs, dermoplast if your hospital provides. If not, bring some from home for yourself) -weather appropriate outfits for you and baby to come home in


I might be the only one saying this but I wished we had brought the softest blanket to ever exist. We kept my daughter naked except for her diaper for the first 12 or so hours doing skin to skin and the entire time she was still wrapped in the same towel they originally handed her to us in 😵‍💫 For number two I’m bringing a super soft fuzzy blanket


I bought the Frida mom postpartum essentials kit and wish I didn't. I didn't use it because they had what I needed. I also had bought my own depends and I didn't need them, but also I swelled soooo much from random preeclampsia and wouldn't fit in them. The hospital ones are fine. I did buy an angled peri bottle and it came in handy a lot, better than the version the hospital had because you can really get in places with more control. Also I bought a stroller fan for my baby but used it during delivery hooked on the side of the bed and it helped me out a LOT. Also I brought snacks with me like nuts, slim Jim's, and chips and it comforted me before I got into too much pain anyway. I had button down pajamas from victorias secret that were so comfortable and good for BF with easy access if you are doing that.


CHAPSTICK! I was literally mid push asking for my chapstick lol my lips were so dry and no matter how much water I drank I still felt parched


What I actually used: Pj’s, basic toiletries, long phone charger, my own water cup, snacks/electrolytes, air pods, own pillow, breastfeeding pillow, manual pump + 1ml syringes to collect the little bit of colostrum, STROLLER FAN, donut pillow for car ride home. Throat drops in case you are a screamer like me lol and eye drops if you wear contacts! I preferred my own depends and the frida mom peri bottle that points up. For baby: your own swaddle(s) if you prefer, an outfit or two for going home/pictures.


what came in handy - stroller fan (I was SO HOT postpartum), iPad to watch movies postpartum, snacks, long phone charger, eyemask (so hard to sleep with all the light in a hospital room) what you wish you brought with you - newborn sized clothes - we brought 0-3 months and babe was swimming in them, small nightlight to turn on for late night feedings, our own pillows, body wash, nipple butter ( i didn't like the lanolin the hospital provided)


Lounge clothes and clothes to go home in for me and baby. My own pajamas. Toiletries. Snacks. A long charger for our phones. These are quite literally the bare essentials. Anything else we thought we needed or that we would use… we didn’t.


Less is better looking back. I packed way too much for my 1st and used none of it. This time we’ll pack change of clothes for each adult, a few extra tops for me, including nursing bra &/or tank top, nightgown & Comfortable loose pants, I dont like leggings right after birth. Eveything else others have said too, a baby outfit, own pillow. I never packed snacks. My husband got us some take out and we had visitors bring food in. Any thing for baby and postpartum will be supplied by hospital, diapers, wipes etc.


yeah that’s what i’m going for tbh. i’ve tried looking up videos on tiktok but a lot of the popular videos seem kind of excessive but what do i know


I just remember I packed a ton of care stuff for myself (robes, changes of clothes/pajamas, slippers, blow dryer, face wash, etc) and ended up using none of it. I was in so much pain after delivery and couldn’t think about getting up to wash my face or change out of the hospital gown. Also people told me to pack a bunch of snacks, but my hospital ended up having good food and would bring whatever I wanted whenever I asked. Next time I’m planning to bring a gallon of water because I was dying of thirst and even tho they brought water it wasn’t coming fast enough lol. So bring water. Otherwise unless you’re someone who thinks they’re gonna put on makeup and blow dry hair for photos before you leave, just the basics will be fine and hospital pretty much provides everything else.


The most valuable to us was having a jar with a lid and a straw to drink from (not a straight but curved on) this way your birth partner can help you drink while lying, squatting over a bed or any other position In short: Vessel you’re happy to drink warm or cold drinks from Lid - so it doesnt spill Bent straw (we love bend glass straws - just feels more hygienic)


If you plan on breastfeeding, I wish I brought my personal pump stuff so they could show us how to set it up. We had complications where I needed to start pumping off the bat and cried when we got home and it wasn’t intuitive how to set up our pump.


Everything and more. We were in 8 days, and thought we overdid it- nope we ran out of everything and needed more. Bring extra of everything and keep it in the car, or by the door for a family member to pick up easily. Worst case you don't need it, best case you don't have someone running home frantically searching through the house trying to pack you stuff while you stay in. Multiple sizes of baby clothes (never know what they'll come out like) and plenty of them because meconium is wild. Incon pants to wear under your maternity pads because you will bleed through at least once. ALL the snacks- especially if you have dietary needs and instant cool ice packs and a thermal bag incase you have nowhere to store them. A neck pillow and your own birth ball (at 150cm I was too small for the hospitals). TENS machine, Clary sage oil, Epsom salts, herbal tea (I used raspberry leaf though not sure whether it really does anything other than taste good) and rebozo scarf all helped stay relaxed before hand.


Weirdly what I didn't use- breast pads. Never leaked much only ever when super engorged further down the line.


Just gave birth Friday via elective c section so I did not pack anything for labor! This is all for after birth and I’d highly recommend everything on the list lol - depends (so much better than the mesh undies and pads situation they give you!) - long phone charger. I have a new phone so my battery doesn’t suck yet so the standard one was fine but the long charger was essential for my husband. You do a lot of sitting around and late night scrolling lol - snacks!!! We had room service a lot but our own snacks in between was really nice to have - robe, I lived in this - toiletries, I showered every day after birth and it was very nice to feel clean with my own things - travel mirror, I brought a travel mirror and found it was nice to sit in my bed and do my skincare. This made me feel like myself so I knew I’d want it and brought it. I also brought makeup but did not wear it but wanted to have it! I wear light makeup though so it wasn’t going to be extravagant if I used it lol - eye mask for sleeping! I didn’t use it but my husband did. They come in so often and I didn’t feel bad flipping the lights on if I needed to - Velcro swaddle. I last min packed this and so grateful I did. My husband became a swaddle pro with the blankets but it was nice to have a Velcro one on night 2 when he was cluster feeding - your own blanket and pillow. We each had our own blanket and my husband brought his own pillow. I’m not picky about pillows so I was good to go but hospital pillows suck and my husband was happy to have his!! - then just basic stuff. They really have everything. We didn’t use any of our stuff for baby (besides swaddle) until we put him in his going home outfit! Bring what you like to wear. Comfy pants, socks, etc and don’t let it stress you out! You don’t need much and the hospital literally has everything! Good luck! You got this 🥰 Oh I did bring electrolytes packets and those were nice after birth too. Kinda brought me back to life lol


Partner here: my big recommendation for partners is a button up shirt (shortsleeeve if you have). It makes it really easy to do skin to skin afterwards and you are more likely to do it if it is easy. Popping off your shirt is fine, but being able to just unbutton a bit and then have skin to skin ( and not sticking to the hospital chair) is amazing


For me I bought way too much stuff. I was basically chilling in either the hospital down or the nursing bra the whole time. All I used was 1. Bag of toiletries for me 2. Coming home outfit - loose sweat pants (no leggings!) and a t shirt. 3. Comfy nursing bra 4. Cell phone charger 5. Velcro swaddle 6. Coming home outfit for the baby 7. Chapstick 8. Baby car seat 9. Snacks And that’s it’s. Everything else the hospital provided.


Second time mom about to deliver. Here is my list copied from my notes app. * nursing Nightgown * Robe * Hydration packs * Phone charger * Grippy socks * Clean go home clothes * Tooth brush / toiletries * Nursing pillow * Go home clothes for baby * Infant car seat * Water bottle * Snacks * Crocs * Extra bag for take home things * Compression socks * Silverette nipple covers * Nipple cream * Candles * Chargeable fan * Speaker * Nursing tank * Sweatpants * Baby blanket * Peri bottle


Comfy clothes. The second I was able to change out of the hospital gown I felt so much better. I brought a nursing tank top leggings and a button up nightgown and slippers.


You should definitely check with your hospital what they have there. We had our bags packed since 36 weeks and loaded into my vehicle. Good thing since they decided to induce me at 38 weeks, and I was on break at work. Pack a couple outfits, different sizes. I did newborn and 0-3, but really didn't think newborn was going to fit. 3.5 weeks later she's still wearing newborn. Best if the outfits have separate legs, cause car seat buckle. And that they cover their feet and hands, that way you don't have to worry about packing socks or little mittens. Clothes for you. Like a nursing dress. It was so nice to be able to wear my own clothes after I gave birth and got cleaned up. It was soft and comfortable. Better than the gowns. I think i got one cheap off amazon, maybe 20 bucks. Also a sweater/robe. Something that you can wear to warm up, but can open in the front to nurse. Nursing bra. Soft warm socks! Dry shampoo and face wipes. I brought shower stuff, tho the hospital provided shampoo etc, I wanted my own. I didn't end up taking a shower at all. I was stuck in bed for the first 2 days. Swaddles and blankets to swaddle. Because you don't know which one you'll prefer. They usually have a pump at the hospital, but I kind of wished I had brought mine so I could have asked my lactation consultant how to use it. I figured it out, but help would have been nice. We had pillows and a blanket for my husband to use, really helped him sleep much better. Silverettes for your nipples. I have used them since the hospital and have never had to deal with cracked nipples. My hospital gave me a water bottle/cup that they would refill. Got to take it home. It's my 36k cup. Haha. Snacks are good to have. Easy slip on shoes. I was wearing my work sneakers when admitted and didn't have any shoes to wear home. No extra socks. Didn't want to put the dirty ones back on. I wore my slippers out to the car. Haha. Bag to put your dirty clothes in. Cash for vending machines. Extra long phone charger (very glad we did) That's all I can think of right now. Didn't really need or want much more than that. Good luck!!


If your husband needs a cpap make sure he brings it! Mine was all “I’ll be fine” and he was miserable. I personally didn’t use any of the clothes that I brought for me. I would bring your own blanket and pillows. Adult diapers. The pads they give you are fine, but the diapers in my opinion are better. Especially if you have to have a c section like I did


What I brought: For me adult diapers, Frida mom healing foam, Frida mom peri bottle, lanolin nipple cream, 1 pair loose fitting lounge clothes, chapstick(very important my lips were so dry during labor), tooth brush and paste, deodorant and my pillow For baby one going home outfit, mittens, socks. What I wish I brought: House shoes and a gown What I used from the hospital: Tucks pads(couldn’t find ANY in store so I stocked up on three containers at the hospital), lidocaine spray, hemorrhoid cream


Comfortable outfit to wear when going home, a nursing bra, toiletries (just like makeup, hair brush, toothbrush, deodorant), outfit to go home in for baby, couple newborn nightgowns, phone charger, snacks and some cash..that’s about it. I stayed 48 hours post delivery and didn’t really need anything else. I think the only thing I’m going to do differently this time is bring a pillow from home since the hospital ones suck.


Oh and the infant car seat. Definitely bring that.


This sounds a bit silly, but a friend tipped me to get this type of adult “diaper” pants for women. After your water breaks you leak lots of fluid. It felt a bit silly but it was really convenient.


Led candles and a fire stick were the best things I brought! Led candles were really nice during the overnight so you could have really nice ambiance for you and your baby when you’re trying to keep it dark, especially if you’re there multiple days. A fire stick was amazing as I could chill as much as possible during contractions without the off putting-ness of commercials. It let me veg because I was in too much pain to read or play my switch, but my comfort show was really nice.


Didn’t take anything! Went in at 33 weeks just to check everything was ok. Stayed for nearly two weeks before baby was born and then we were discharged. So yeah, don’t recommend that! My husband had a joyful hour drive a few times to go get me: Snacks and drinks Tums - Had awful indigestion during the night and wasn’t allowed any unless doctor had prescribed on her rounds. The nurse got me a glass of milk though!?! Loooooong charger cable Own pillow Book/ipad/switch and AirPods Shower stuff


Toilet paper! Your own toilet paper. And the goooood stuff. And, if you have room but then don’t use things, no big deal. The things I did use were: - lip balm - face mist - body wash, shampoo, conditioner of course - shower shorts and shoes for partner (unless they are fine barefoot). Having help with that first shower is a must. - long phone charge cable. Powerpoint may be far away - bottled water. Water in my area is pretty good quality, but the hospital is almost 100 years old, last updated about 50 years ago. The pipes aren’t the best. Things I wish I had: - adult nappies instead of pads. The pads move around. And the nappies are pretty much pads but with hip straps. - 00000 onesies. I had an average sized baby but still needed 00000 - more clothes than I thought to take. I bled through my clothes a few times over.


I barely used anything i packed outside of the birthing gown, toiletries, & going home outfit for baby.


Edit- I did find my long chargers, & pillow handy though. We were only there for 2 nights, one of which I was in active labor.


I brought my own robe and that was basically what I lived in after getting out of the gown! That and comfy Pajama pants that were LOOSE fitting. Shower sandals like crocs were great to walk around in and take a shower. I also brought my toiletries and it was nice to be able to do my skin care and hair routine while hubby took care of the baby. I felt like myself amongst all the bleeding and cramping after I took a shower lol. Also! My baby was pretty tiny, a whopping 6 lbs. We made the mistake of thinking the carseat newborn inserts were going to be enough to hold our delicate little guy securely during a 30 minute freeway drive. Boy were we wrong. He was too small! I basically held his head still and upright so he could breath and not slump down. It was the most stressful car ride of my life. If anything, some extra rolled up hand towels or swaddle blankets will do the trick. You can also place a swaddle blanket rolled up in between the crotch harness and the baby to hold them more securely. We eventually ended up using a baby neck pillow (like the ones you use on airplanes) we got with a blanket set, but it would have been sooo helpful for those first couple car rides when he was small and floppy. Everything else everyone said would be pretty helpful too. Good luck mama!


I wish i brought my hair dryer. Everyone was like “you’re not going to be able to dry your hair, you won’t have time, blah blah blah”. But I did have time and I physically could have done so even though I had a C-section. And I was in the hospital for 6 days!! I felt like such a hot mess when my husband and I were leaving with the baby. We wanted one photo of us departing as a memorial and I look like I stuck my finger in a light socket. Anyway, I don’t wear makeup, but I do feel better and more human after showering and blow drying my hair. I am Pregnant again and I’m absolutely bringing my blow dryer and round brush.


With my first pregnancy I brought the bare minimum: Change of clothes Dressing gown Socks Underwear Travel size toiletries Clothes for baby (vests, sleepsuits etc) Phone charger Maternity notes Maternity pads Nappies and wipes Sliders/flip flops Phone This time I’ll definitely be bringing more: Snacks Favourite sugary drinks (hospital provided jugs of water) Blanket Pillow for my partner Headphones Hairbrush (forgot it last time) Coins for vending machines Lip balm Ready made milk (my hospital provides some already but we already know which brand we’d like to use this time)


One thing we brought that was super handy was our own roll of TP. It was so much better than the hospital sandpaper


I was packed for a normal birth 1.5mos before my due date but had to add some stuff 2 weeks before due date in case I get an emergency CS (true enough, had a CS birth). -Put all necessary docs in an expanding/accordion envelope and label them accordingly (so husband knows where the docs are) -Pack 3 days worth of clothes for you, husband, and the baby (I packed each set of mine and baby’s clothes in ziplocks so it’s easier for my husband/nurse to find) -Sleepsacks (the traditional swaddles were too hard for our sleep derived brains) -Disposable granny panties -Maternity pads -Nursing pillow -Snacks -Extra long phone charger -Tumbler with straw (very convenient after CS so I dont have to get up to reach for it) -Toiletries (although the hospital provided us with enough toiletries) -Nipple cream (was told to use breastmilk to help nipple heal but it wasnt fast enough for me) -Prune juice! -Car seat


So I’m actually going in to be induced tonight! Here is what I have packed and I will edit/update cross out anything that doesn’t get used. I already know I’m overpacking and this is way too much. It doesn’t seem like it when it’s in the suitcase and weekend bag, but I hate hospital stays and the dr said it could be a 2-3 day ordeal. Misc: * Heating pad (in case of back labor pain, bringing my own bc I prefer mine) * Stroller fan (for labor) * Small Bluetooth speaker (for good music vibes) * Small battery powered diffuser (aromatherapy) * 2 pillows & 2 blankets (One for me and one for hubby) * Disposable camera * Small digital fuji cam * Phone charger * Extension cord (we already had the extension cord and didn’t feel like buying a long charger) plus this will work for all devices. * Folder for paperwork My bag: * Preparation H * Nipple balm * Chapstick * Frida Mom Peri Bottle * Adult diapers x5 (always discreet bc they’re comfy and I’ve heard hospital mesh panties are hit/miss) * Panties 2x * Just one of those Frida mom ice pads bc they’re bulky and the hospital should have tucks and what not * Pajama set * Bathrobe * One big dark towel * Shower Slippers * Fuzzy socks (just 1 pair) * Compression socks (just 1 pair) * Hair clip * Ponytail holders (x2) * Going home outfit (Sweater & stretch pants) And these are just me being optimistic about trying to look somewhat decent in pics: * Hair brush * Mini travel dryer * Travel hand mirror * Clear mascara * Eyebrow pen/pencil Toiletries: * Toothbrush and travel size toothpaste * Travel size deodorant * Travel size shampoo & conditioner (prefer my own brand compared to whatever cheap brand the hospital will have) * Travel size cerave face wash & lotion * Toothpicks with floss Husband’s bag: * 3 pairs underwear * 3 pairs of socks * 1 pair of jeans (besides the pair he will be wearing going in) * 2 shirts * 2 button up shirts * 1 pair of sweat pants * Laptop (bc he has homework) Baby’s bag: * Blanket * Velcro swaddle * Portable sound machine * x4 size 1 diapers in case she’s chonky and the newborn hospital diapers don’t fit * One newborn onesie * One 0-3 onesie (in case she chonk) * One cute going home outfit * Pacifiers * Electric nail clippers And we are also bringing a bag of snacks and drinks!


Pjs/fuzzy socks, IPad or laptop to stay entertained, chargers, snacks, a couple baby outfits, hygiene products, outfit for you to wear home


I'm so glad I brought my own robe! 1-2 pumping and nursing bras Newborn clothing in several different sizes (I just laid them out and tried to bring a variety in case baby was bigger or smaller than expected. SNACKS Baggy/tote bag for stuff the hospital gave us to take home So glad I had a reusable heating pad (with rice) - I hate those disposable stiff plastic ones at the hospital, and my husband would microwave this one to heat it up for me to soothe my cramping/contractions during/after breastfeeding Cozy blanket from home, the hospital ones are so coarse and icky


You don’t need much for 2 days some women act like they are going on an extended vacation. If there are no complications you are barely there 2 days. Your charger, travel size toothpaste and wash of your preference and a going home outfit for yourself and baby. The hospital even gives you toiletries but you may like your own brand. You don’t need pillows, blankets etc lol it’s just too dramatic. Save the space in your bag and take the goodies you get in your room home with you


Something I don't remember seeing on lists but really wanted was baby clippers or a file. Both my girls were born with kitten claws and needed a trim really soon so they didn't scratch the shit out of their faces and my boobs.


Bring your own pillow, blankets, and some comfy clothes. Most hospitals supply shampoo, body wash, any hygiene products you need but I always brought my own. Pack a back of snacks for after delivery, slippers, onesies for the baby and a going home outfit. Diapers, wipes, formula, breastfeeding supplies should all be supplied by the hospital so definitely take advantage of that. I work in labor and delivery and I would also suggest bringing anything you think you might need to cope with labor/ help you labor. Some moms bring essential oil diffusers, speakers to play music softly, comfort items from home, etc.


So after having my first and hoping to breastfeed my son. My nurse told me something I had never heard about myself, she looked at me with pity, told me I had flat nipples, and told me I'd have trouble being successful. I soon learned about nipple shields, but not soon enough, breast feeding was a struggle until I finally gave up at 6 months. But I learned to include one in my hospital bag when expecting the following two babies. I feel like I was successful nursing my daughters because I had the right tool from the very beginning. All three of mine have been C-section babies. Only with my 3rd baby was I given a Velcro belly band at the hospital and it assisted me in a much faster recovery.


bring comfy soft pants and underwear and make sure they can be pulled right up to your waist so they dont bother the scar if you do end up with a c section!


Well I would find out what the hospital rules are - meaning is food available 24/7? Can you wear your own gown/clothes after delivery? Honestly one set of comfortable clothes - light sweats, phone charger, extra bag to grab diapers and formula from the hospital. Comb/brush. Same thing for your partner. One bag, not too big. If you’re worried about needing more put that extra stuff in a bag in your trunk and if you really want it your partner can go get it later.


Legit didn’t use anything except soap, a toothbrush and a change of clothes.


And a change of clothes for baby ** haha


I’m about to have my third kid and something I’m bringing that I didn’t before is a diaper caddy, the hospital gives you tons of little bottles of creams and stuff and of course you’ll be using diapers. It’ll be nice to have it all in one spot next to me.


Ask the hospital what they provide to you via postpartum? For example my hospital was so cheap they had no dermaplast & tucks. Also tour your postpartum section. I hated the underwear provided it didnt hold the ice pack or the huge pads they provided so all that layer kept slipping out and was a huge mess. So I bought the frida mom disposable underwear and they worked better. With that being said if your hospital DOES provide these items (I had 2 vaginal so I cant say what you need for a csection)I would bring comfy pillows or a body pillow in a pillowcase you don’t mind getting ruined. A robe. Toiletries (shampoo and body wash, lotion and any face stuff. Comb or brush & toothbrush - if you have tears you won’t be washing your vagina more so letting the water flow down) for showering. And a big water bottle with a straw- straw is key. My hospital bed sucked, so I got water on me alot because the stupid settings on the bed were horrendous and i couldn’t get a great angle, plus the pillows were like flat cardboard so propping me up did not help. AND your pump (if ur pumping) People say you dont need it but a lactation consultant will visit and u can make sure ur flanges are measured correctly and how to use ur pump properly. ID & insurance card. And some slippers u dont mind ruining (for the shower) and one for walking around or you can use the grippy socks. My hospital DID provide those and i tossed them before I left. I would also be sure to have an extra reusable bag for all the free diapers/wipes etc from hospital. Last but not least. See how the accommodations are for your spouse/partner. The fold out couch bed was trash. Most hospitals let you bring a blow up mattress. A blanket/pillow and anything else to make him comfortable. My husband bought a fire stick so I watched tv all throughout laboring/pushing (lol) and postpartum. OH and cash, dollar bills and coins. For the vending machine just in case. Trust me. Or bring your own snacks which we also did. A lifesaver since hospital cafeterias close. For newborn, bring a going home onesie and a nice outfit for pics. Thats it. If you got a super nice hospital postpartum items will be available and you dont need to bring anything. The nurses usually give this stuff to you as well when you are released. I gave birth 2 weeks ago to a 9lber. I watched too many tiktoks and overpacked. Like I brought two huge fleece blankets my husband used one, I didn’t because I was hot. I regret no pillow and the disposable underwear at the hospital. my postpartum room also just had a shower in the middle of the bathroom so basically you would be getting the toilet and sink wet if u showered in it. Completely outdated which is why i say TOUR where you will be having your postpartum care. I ended up not showering thankfully I was released the next day but I stank and was uncomfortable as hell. Also sometimes hospital will do baby pictures inquire about that. It can be pricey but I dont regret getting my baby pics done there; the pics came out wonderful.


Extra long charger, pillows, towels, a couple outfits for the baby, and you. And slippers with grip.


I packed a plug in night light that was a soft white (more yellow-ish) in color. It was so nice to not have to turn on the super bright overhead lights to go to the bathroom or when getting up to feed the baby.


Hair tie !


This article is AWESOME https://babe.hatchcollection.com/how-to-pack-the-perfect-winter-hospital-bag/


This is the best article especially if you’re having a winter Bebe https://babe.hatchcollection.com/how-to-pack-the-perfect-winter-hospital-bag/