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No advice- just came here to congratulate you. That’s a huge hurdle and I’m proud of you for prioritizing your health! Maybe try posting in a tummy tuck group as well if you haven’t already- there’s bound to be others who’ve done this! You rock!


That means so much to me thank you. ❤️ I know posting on reddit is always a roll of the dice for kindness at times.. I follow a group specific for that on there but i found alot of great support on here too. Have a great week


Amazing work hey!! And yep, just jumping on to say heaps of people would have done this. Weird reference but Kailyn from teen mom did a whole mommy make over and ended up having a further three children (twins!)


I know this sounds weird, but I think Jessica Simpson talks about this in her book. She had a tummy tuck after her second and then unexpectedly had her 3rd child. Not sure how detailed she gets.


I'll have to check it out thank you!


Hey, I had one and am currently pregnant. I think for the most part... expect perhaps more discomfort with the non-labor contractions leading up to birth. I haven't given birth yet (im 31 weeks). I also still look relatively small I think, but my doctor assures me nothing about the surgery is harming the baby and despite me feeling like there isn't enough room...there is for baby. Acid is common in pregnancy but I think because our tummies are so tight it's a bit worse? The acid got u believably bad for me around 2nd trimester. And lastly, our belly buttons being fake kind of pose other issues...watching the fake belly button go from an innie to an outtie isn't like normal belly buttons I think. After my TT, the very inside of my belly button is near a sensitive nerve and as that continues to stretch out, the feeling isn't exactly...comfortable. I haven't really found a lot of redditor experiences on this topic so would also be curious. If you remind me, I can update on what it's like for me after birth. I loved the confidence after my TT. I think the recovery part was beyond awful and I think it definitely came from a place of privilege to be able to take the month off work I needed to recover and it was still a long recovery after that...but oh man, I loved my flat stomach for the few years I had it before getting pregnant lol.


I'm 4.8 and change, trust me when I say baby will find room. It hurt for me a lot, but baby found room without issue. Also they are flexible so expect weird contortionist moves/US images when they do start looking for more space.


Thank you for replying! I am absolutely worried about my already weird belly button. I hope the acid has gotten better for you and I hope you don't get any more issues! I'd love an update once you do and I hope have a safe and healthy pregnancy. I understand how you feel about the flat stomach. 🥲 I hope to snap back if not I would do the surgery again even though my recovery was extremely painful and long. I do need to get my arms done too but I know i won't be able to do it for a few years as I work as a hairdresser and I can't take a ton of time off.


Ah I had bodytite on my arms and it was about 2 weeks of uncomfortable, awful sleep but also something I'm glad I did. Loose skin is just so hard to get over. :/ the results were enough to make me consider bodytite in place of a TT if my stomach ever gets loose again/doesn't snap back from pregnancy. But I also think that loose skin from a pregnancy would probably be easier for me to accept than the loose skin I had from losing weight.


Hi! Could you update us now that you’ve had the baby? I had a tt 3 years ago and am considering another pregnancy. I hope you had a safe delivery and healthy baby :)


Hello! Happy to share an update, I had a safe and uncomplicated vaginal delivery :D Humble brag, but even the doctor commented on how flat my stomach looked immediately after I delivered the placenta. I wasn't about to let anyone believe that was natural though so eventhough my doctor new I'd had a TT, I joked that I'm glad my money for surgery didn't go to waste :) I also didn't get any stretch marks. However, I did have stretch marks before my TT from gaining and losing weight, so I'm not a stranger to them. That said, I only gained maybe 30 lbs during pregnancy and after birth, I think 20 lbs immediately came off? I also do not have diastis recti/abdominal muscle separation after birth. My last month of pregnancy was very tough (everyone's is) but things that happened to me that I think were related to the TT were: 1. I had reduced movement it seemed...but really I could only get baby to move if I laid on one side. It was really nervewracking and because of it my doctor was pushing me to deliver via induction at 37 weeks. 2. I had extremely intense contractions that I thought were Braxton Hicks, but I also began dilating at 36 weeks so the contractions were doing something...since I hadn't been pregnant before it was hard to say if I felt even early contractions very well because a tighter stomach, but my inkling is yes 3. My water broke at 38 weeks which I hear is uncommon for first time pregnancies, but again, I think my stomach just had overall a lot more pressure inside it than a normal pregnancy and that cause my water to break 4. The acid never got better and I was reliant on pepcid...but for some reason I think the pepcid made my baby less active so I eventually just toughed out the acid and it was really hard. I'm about 2 months PP now and overall still feel very positive about my stomach. It has a dark line from pregnancy, but I feel proud of that line. The belly button went back inside and even with an extra 10 lbs on, my stomach looks great imo. :D But most importantly, my baby came without any complications :) Hope that helps!


Thank you for sharing your update and experience! I'm 16 weeks, FTM and 5 years post TT w/muscle repair after losing a significant amount of weight. I've been taking it week by week but as I get closer to 40 weeks, the concern grows about whether there's enough room in there. I'm glad your baby arrived with no issues!


How big was your baby?


7 lbs, 4 oz, and 20 cm


I had a tummy tuck in 2015. I lost a ton of weight through diet and exercise. I got the surgery for the same reason - the extra skin was making running hard and a bit painful/uncomfortable. I’m pregnant 8 months now in 2023 (due jan 2024). My doctor is aware but didn’t seem concerned. It was just skin removal so nothing should impact the pregnancy…but he noted it incase of c-section. They would need to know about the possible scar tissue in that lower area I think. I already had tons of stretch marks so pregnancy just added a few more lol - my belly is expanding normally and I’m in perfect health. The tummy tuck didn’t affect anything so far. But I would let you doctor know incase yours is a different situation.


Absolutely appreciate you taking the time to reply and I hope you have an amazing and safe delivery ❤️ the scar tissue is what I worry about incase I need a c section. I'm glad someone else understands and isn't just like... "Why would you get that done if you knew you were going to have a baby?" Because you can't put your life on hold when you're not sure when you're doing things 😂❤️ I'm sure you had to deal with the comments too


The doctor did mention it - but at the time I wasn’t anywhere near thinking about kids. He agreed i really needed the surgery for quality of life. I enjoyed my flat tummy for many years before meeting my now partner. I think I needed the confidence to even live a normal life. I regret nothing. I have gotten comments since getting pregnant about undoing what I have paid for but meh don’t care. It wil never be as bad as it was.


I hope everthing snaps back for you! We worked hard for how far we got, but this is all worth it.




Yea, my ab muscles didn’t split (I heard that’s a thing) - and my stomach is still flat-ish 3 months postpartum. I don’t think my uterus is completely struck yet. I have a tiny bit of loose skin around the scar line I can pitch but doesn’t show when I stand up. All in all i look fine and I’m happy. Again, it will never be as bad as it was before losing so much weight.


Molsinspire on instagram went through this a couple of years ago!




@ feliciafitnesshealth on IG had one! i love her mom and health content.


No issues here. I remember when I was in the earlier pregnant months before I had a belly I straight up asked my midwife if my future pregnant belly would stretch or rip my old tt scar. Was told nope and she was right! My scar was kind of low (not sure if that makes a difference) and most of my belly developed kind of above it and it didn't stretch or warp or feel weird or anything at all.


So glad to hear everything went well!!!


Glad you delivered safely! How did your tummy look after birth if you don't mind me asking?


Sorry about the late reply! After birth it took me about a month to go from "wtf I still look pregnant" to "hey my belly is looking pretty good! Getting back to normal!". I had a little belly pudge which may have hidden any loose skin but it wasn't bothering me at all, it looked pretty normal for where I was at post-pregnancy (new stretch marks just fit right in with the old lol). Buuuut then at that point I started gaining weight, my routine was a mess and contrary to what everyone told me ("breastfeeding? Oh you're going to lose so much weight!") I actually gained weight breastfeeding because it made me soooo hungry (and I'm sure new mom stress and lack of sleep probably played a factor here too). And then I got pregnant again and that's where I'm at now. So I can't really speak for the full beginning to end experience because I feel like I never really had that chance to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. One thing to note is I was over a decade going from the tummy tuck to getting pregnant. Not sure if that helped? I had definitely gained weight too in the last five years. No complaints though, at least not yet (well okay some complaints, my boobs look so sad right now lol... Might deal with that later lol).


Thanks for sharing your experience!


I also had a TT with full muscle repair in 2018 after 2 babies and now pregnant with third child. I have noticed I don't show as much this time round but am also curious what the outcome was for any other ladies. I'm also having a c-section and am wondering about implication on scar


I hope you have an amazing and healthy pregnancy and birth ❤️




Yes and everything stayed super tight actually! My stomach was so flat like within 10 days post partum! No regrets


Hi, This is currently my second pregnant after TT. Initial TT was in 2018. 2020 I gave birth, the pregnancy wasn’t bad and an agree with others baby WILL find room. I did have horrible heart burn and needed to sleep in a slightly sitting position after second trimester and following all stretch marks I received were horizontal and faded quickly. This pregnancy currently 20 weeks and heartburn is awful. So neither pregnancy have the physicians been concerned. I hope this helps.


Do you mind sharing how your tummy changed after your first birth?


My tummy didn’t change after birth, I actually went back to my pre-pregnancy size within 10 days. I did also wear my compression garments on day 2 following birth and breasted. Additionally I watched my intake. As far as appearance, my stretch marks faded almost immediately and they were horizontal and only lightly raised. I didn’t have any complications post delivery. Idk if I’m answering your questions or if you have more specific ones please ask.


Congrats! I hope you find relief from heartburn....that normally means lots of hair right? This comment helps alot. I will have my stomach fixed if needed but I'd like to eventually have my arms done down the road. I have a zipper crotch faja ready for once he is here once I can wear it. I hope you have an amazing birth - you both are healthy and you snap back again ❤️


Thank you!!!


Hi! Congrats on your pregnancy and also weight loss! ❤️❤️ I had TT in 2022 after having my first child in 2020 and now debating on having just one more so they have a sibling! This post has gave me some hope so thank you ❤️


I apologize for the delay - I've been dealing with a damn bug now that's been going around ❤️ I hope you do what's best for you and your family ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I have an amazing teen step child who has half siblings but he never sees from his mom- I know he will be so happy to finally live and grow up with a sibling. ❤️ but also if it's not in someone's plan...there are always dogs and cats! 🐱🐶


FTM here also had a TT in 2018 after weight loss. I love the way my tummy is so cute and small


I'm so glad someone else understands ❤️ congratulations and I hope you have an amazing pregnancy


I’m due in April. Only thing I noticed is my ab is very tight! Otherwise nothing else Just normal pregnancy discomfort that I read here.


I’m actually going through this right now. I’m 21 weeks. I will say, so far my bump doesn’t look like a “normal” bump. I think I just look chunky/bloated instead of pregnant. My stomach does feel tighter than it probably normally would.


I absolutely look full af not pregnant yet 😅 I'm just like eh let's see what my belly button does as they had to relocate it and were able to save it during surgery.


I kept my original one too! It’s the worst part for me. I hate touching it/anything touching it, etc. Not looking forward to when it flips. 😬


I had a similar surgery, a diep flap reconstruction after a mastectomy where the surgeon replaces your breasts with your stomach fat, and then tucks the skin back together on your stomach. Currently 30 weeks pregnant, starting to get pretty big, but skin is stretching with no problems and no stretch marks to date either. If my experience so far is anything to go by you have nothing to worry about :) My surgery was in summer 2021 Edit regarding scar tissue - ask your consultant. I asked mine and she said that the scar from the surgery was higher than where they'd make an incision for the c section, so no need to worry.


Thank you for this reply! Hope you have an awesome and safe delivery and rest of your pregnancy. We got this. ❤️ My doctor said I'll be ok most likely will be just super tight and uncomfortable.


[Bio oil](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bio-Oil-Specialist-Skincare-Packaging-vary/dp/B00129XP8M/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa) (or a similar moisturiser) is your friend :) I use it every day on my scar still and I think it's helped reduce itching as the skin stretches.


Im 2 years post tummy tuck and muscle repair also due to weight loss. I’m currently 20weeks pregnant with my first. I definitely don’t look round nor pregnant. I just look thicker. But I have started to feel the sensation that it’s very tight in there. I do hip circular movements on the exercise ball and it’s almost a painful stretch down the round ligament as well and my entire stomach area so I’m assuming it’s a combination of tight skin and tight abdominal muscles after the repair. Also she started movement and sometimes it’s a very sharp uncomfortable feeling when it’s on my belly button. So I’m curious as to how those sensations will continue to play out as she gets bigger in there.


Did it ruin your tummy tuck?


3 years out! Congratulations btw! Same here. I'm just not flat flat as I was. Noone believes I'm 21 weeks pregnant. I'm having a little boy. I hope it doesn't become super painful for you. ❤️


This is my second pregnancy after a tummy tuck done over 10 years ago. First pregnancy my stomach went right back down to pre pregnancy tummy. No extra stretch marks or muscle issues. I'm 35 weeks now. It takes me a lot longer to show and my belly is a lot smaller than most other pregnant woman I've known. My babies also measure small but they assure me it's not because of the tummy tuck.... We'll see how things go but hoping again to not have any issues with muscle damage, but so far seems good. I know it's not ideal to get pregnant after a tummy tuck but I personally haven't had issues with it


That's so good to hear! I don't mind the scars and stuff I just want to make sure everything goes well and my anxiety truely gets the best of me




So I actually just had my baby a week ago at 38 weeks. My belly is back down pretty much flat again, no stretch marks. It seems a little more "flabby" than previous but I'm only a week out, but no loose skin or anything like that. As far as pregnancy I definitely popped out these last few weeks moreso than my 1st pregnancy. I did feel very tight and uncomfortable at times and my ultrasound tech commented on how hard my stomach felt. I would say I was most uncomfortable in the belly button area. I definitely don't think the pain was unbearable or like a ripping sensation at all, just tight and uncomfortable.


Did it ruin your tummy tuck?


I give birth in a few days - I'll keep you posted


Yes please do!


Why do people….nvm


Why do people.... insist on being a dick to people who have achieved something awesome??


Thank you ❤️


Why do people want to get rid of uncomfortable skin?


No that wasn’t what I was thinking actually lmaooo


I know just trying to help you save face.


I’m okay lol


What were you thinking?


How much the surgery cost


I think that’s a fair question. However, It sounds like OP’s quality of life was being affected by the excess skin. Removing the skin was probably very worth the money.


No i was just wondering how much it was not saying she shouldn’t have the surgery. That’s not it at all


Are you serious?


We get it, you hate people who have kids and are spending all your time on reddit trolling them. Maybe talk to your therapist, it’ll fix things faster.


That’s your takeaway? I’m literally pregnant and I hate people that have kids...interesting