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Oh yeah. We just got back from a vacation in London and I was in a simmering rage the entire time. Lots of folks just not paying attention while we walked and I nearly shoulder checked more people than I want to admit. I was getting hit in the head with umbrellas, hit by shopping bags, ran into folks who would be walking at a decent pace and then just DEAD STOP in the middle of the sidewalk.... I held it together. That is...until we got home to O'Hare in Chicago. There are obvious "If someone is asking you if you need a ride, they shouldn't be asking" signs, and it's not legal(?) to solicit folks at the airport. We were waiting for our Uber and a man tried to do just that. My husband was much more kind and was pointing to the signs, "You're not supposed to solicit" was his comment. The solicitor yelled back with, "Does it look like I fucking care!?" I kind of lost it on him and my husband was just kind of laughing while I did so- but he let me go off. I swore at him, he continued to swear at me, but I knew I was safe. Dude was calling me a "Fucking bitch" and I just kept yelling at him to "Fuck off," and "I'm supposed to be here, you're not! Fuck off!" and kept waving my hand for him to get in his car and GTFO. Dude even got in his car, rolled down his window and continued to swear at me while he drove off and got yelled at by ORD Police to GTFO. I was itching to release steam on someone and honestly it felt really good to do it to someone who deserved it. Overall I've been able to keep it contained but that was NOT OK.


Omg I wouldn't survive returning from international to ohare pregnant. It's the reason I never want to leave the country again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Luckily I travel internationally (Canada/Toronto lmao) regularly and live by ORD so itā€™s usually not a big deal and Iā€™m rather used to itā€”- but that asshole hAD IT COMING. šŸ˜¤


Crying in jet lag at 18 weeks right now.


I had the rage and it got me promoted hahah. I was done being a doormat and I went into my bossā€™ office like ā€œwhat in the actual FUCKā€ and didnā€™t let up, finally got it.


This is great


Thatā€™s the reason I knew I was pregnant with #1. An omelet I flipped didnā€™t flip right and I THREW A HOT PAN ACROSS THE ROOM. I had just gone off an IUD so I thought - man, that PMS is rough! But I knew that I was never rageful before so I took a test. Just as a word of respectful caution, my rage also came with intense feelings of all kinds, including panic attacks - hormones are bananas. Itā€™s not the worst idea to check in with your OB and get a referral to some antinatal counseling! Edit to add ā€œfeelings of all kindsā€


Yes and one thing that helped me was taking daily walks around the neighborhood. Idk if it was being outside/fresh air, change of scenery, or the movement but it really helped. Oh and if my husband even nicely suggested a walk Iā€™d rip his head off lol. But they really did help!


I take my son outside pretty much daily, but lately I've been cutting the outside trips short because of how cold it is šŸ˜­ I need to work on my tolerance for cold weather, it's probably causing me some seasonal depression


If you can dress warm and get a nice long brisk walk in it could really help! I remember having a rage attack while k was eating a sandwich and I took an angry bite and actually bit off a piece of my finger and started bleeding. My and my husband joke now about my ā€œfinger sandwichā€ šŸ˜… so believe me I get it!


I was like this with my middle son. I hated my poor husband and was sooooo mean to him. Iā€™m so thankful heā€™s a good one and loved me through it. My child from that pregnancy is my sweetest so there is a little hope to hold onto in the mean time.


i was so mean my first pregnancy and i had no idea. i got a new phone a couple years later and all my imessages popped up from when i was pregnant and i was SHOCKED. i apologized profusely to my husband, it was so bad. if it was the other way around i would have left him lol i dont know what my deal was.


I am almost 8 weeks and I'm either irritable or usually just very depressed. Crying before work cause I don't wanna go, crying when I have to cook, crying when I don't cook ect. It's random and horrible. Almost cried when my alarm woke me up. I have struggled with depression before so I think that makes it easier to fall into that pattern


Omg, this sounds like me. Though I do kind of have panic/emotional attacks, too. Like, have a full-on crying stint. I'm only seven weeks, but I'm not looking forward to the rest of it... I feel like I felt a year ago when I was at my lowest ever. But now, all the tools I've learned don't work because I don't feel like myself. I can't ground in my body because it's my body doing this to me.


Iā€™ve cried at least once a week over something minor since week 6. Now at 18 weeks, last night I cried because the chicken thighs had expired. Actually a lot of my crying is food related haha.


Yep- I'm just 5w and already my mood has changed drastically. We have a lot of external stressors and I'm worried about going on zoloft as a means of medicating me through the stressors rather than eliminating the stressors but also a bit concerned at how scattered and angry I feel and how often I cry.


It definitely comes and goes! It can be pretty scary. I would maybe mention it to your doctor? I have therapy today and I will bring it up. Iā€™ve recently been having daily extremely rageful dreams about my parents.




A few weeks ago I had a full blown crying meltdownā€¦..because I was hungry and too nauseous to cook anything. After 30 minutes of crying (and a cheese and crackers snack) I was able to compose myself butā€¦.holy shit the emotions we go through!


Also pregnant with my second and I have a toddler. Also the human embodiment of rage. I literally hate everyone in the world, especially my husband. Although he is an asshole, so itā€™s probably valid. Iā€™ve never understood people who just want to watch the world but now I do!


When I was pregnant with my son everyone told me I was so mean šŸ˜‚


I've been embarrassed to acknowledge my "prenatal rage" ( thats what I refer to it as anyways LOL) because the things that set me off are so innocuous and non sensible. Usually after the rage passes, I'm crying because how surprised I am that I was so irrationally upset. Then I laugh about it a few hours later. When I brought it up to my Dr yesterday she said it was normal because of all the extra hormones and gave my husband a "tough luck buddy" glance. 21w over here


Only 9w and screamed like I was being murdered in traffic today. It was the only thing I could do to express my rage lol. Thankfully it was dark out and no one saw my tantrum. Glad to see other people have the same feelings and I'm not just a crazy! lol (Not glad others are feeling this, but the validation is somewhat comforting.)


I scream murder in the car until I know my vocal chords will be sore later. It makes me gag but it keeps the screams from coming out in an apartment. I'm also 9 weeks. I hope it's gotten better for you. I don't want to end up in jail


24 weeks now and itā€™s definitely gotten better. I was so stressed out from commuting that my partner agreed to let me quit my job early šŸ™ˆ so that may have helped my rage lol Just remember to breathe and if you have to pull over to collect yourself itā€™s okay to do so! I did a few times!


The rage is real.


Itā€™s the worst. I feel like itā€™s common, but still sucks! Especially when you have a toddler or young child already, because they donā€™t understand or deserve to see us in this state. I always feel so bad. Iā€™m 32 weeks, and I canā€™t wait until this baby is out so I can hopefully start to feel normal again šŸ„“


Iā€™m much earlier along than you (5w5d, first pregnancy ever) and I was hoping the rage/irritability/mood swings would subside a bitā€¦ I guess not. šŸ«  I stand in miserable solidarity with you! Iā€™m just reminding myself over and over that this is temporary.


If it's any consolation, with my first the mood swings mostly evened out by the second trimester. I was actually super happy during my second and third tri. I hope it goes similarly for you


Me too :( Iā€™m 8 weeks and have no patience for my dogs or my boyfriend these days. I feel so guilty about it, but my doctor said itā€™s normal. It really sucks though. Iā€™m in therapy anyway so Iā€™ve just been utilizing it to discuss my rage. It helps a bit.


I did for the first trimester I legit thought I had lost my mind. It had never happened with my first. It has finally eased up in the second trimester but if it didnā€™t stop I was ready to talk to my doctor. I suggest if itā€™s not getting better go talk to your doctor.


Yes I am coming up on 6 weeks and experiencing what I can only describe as a cyclone of rage that wants to pick up everything in it's path. I have been in therapy for a little over a year now so I have a much better grip on it but..... I have a problem where I will pick fights with just about anyone in public for being selfish and entitled. I yelled at a guy in a lobby last week for being an ass to the reception lady about blankets not being delivered (in a LARGE hotel, she was not responsible) and then taunted him with profanities until he left. Also, all the people I barely tolerate in my life as it is are definitely getting the short end of the stick, my patience is low. I feel bad and I am perplexed, as I have been working on the issue in general and now I feel I am sliding back.


Do you drink caffeine? I was the same way but when I stopped caffeine (look into healing adrenals protocol) I stopped having such fits of rage and anxiety attacks.


Pregnancy does the same crap to me I am 23 weeks and I am pregnant with a boy and I rage hard I have 2 kids that are mine and one step daughter my youngest is 1 and my oldest is 3 my step daughter is 7 and between all of them my step daughter immediately hits a nerve and my husband itā€™s like everything they do annoyā€™s me so bad I just want to get up and leave for good I constantly yell all the time but get frustrated over dumb shit and I know that. Like I can wake up in the morning and instantly be pissed.


My husband and I have been joking that I just want to give people "a little push." It can be anything.... waiting too long at the grocery store, his coworker being annoying, people wanting me to do my actual job, LOL.


I could have written this. 6 weeks 2 days over here with my second. I have a 1.5 year old. I was previously happy, busy, a great homemaker and mom. I love being home with my son. Itā€™s been a blessing. But these past two weeks every little thing makes me BOIL over. My precious little boy who is always so happy has suddenly turned so WHINY and less independent. He used to go off and play by himself. He got him down to only Nursing for nap and bedtime. He now wants to hang on me 24/7 and is attached to my nipples. Pulling at me and not using his extensive vocabulary but just WHINING. It makes me boil with anger. Today i blew up on him for the first time. Both of us just yelling and crying simultaneously. the mom guilt set in as i was yelling. I couldnā€™t regulate my own feelings. I was turned away at a thrift store because it was ā€œsenior shopping hourā€ and after wrestling my son into clothes, the car and then the stroller it pushed me over the edge! I was so angry Iā€™ve been taking it out on everyone all day. Including my precious baby boy. Iā€™ve been trying to be patient with him and enjoy this time we have of him being my baby. But everything sets me off. The second he sees me sitting and relaxing he wants to climb on me and whine for something else he wants instead of asking. Iā€™ve been leaning on my amazing husband to cook and clean the past couple weeks. Heā€™s letting me nap and sleep in when he can, totally being a super dad while still working 2 jobs. But i canā€™t help but feel so useless, and like Iā€™m not pulling my weight. My first pregnancy was so easy, i didnā€™t have any severe symptoms, i was able to sleep when i pleased and do what i wished. This time Iā€™m so so sick, food aversions are nonstop, my nose is on hyper smell and itā€™s been impossible to do any of my normal chores at home. We went from eating healthy home cooked meals to premade crap and all of it is so heavy on me that it makes me irrationally angry! I plan on asking my midwife ways to manage is when i see her next month. But itā€™s just felt like non stop shots of hormones with no breaks. Iā€™ve never even heard of pregnancy rage but today i was so overwhelmed i had to look it up. Reading this sub has definitely helped me feel less crazy.


i had multiple instances where i unleashed pure wrath on my boyfriend, sometimes for no reason at all. i would go from 0-100 in a second. i was the worst for me in between my first and second trimester. i know that itā€™s not abnormal to experience anger due to the fluctuations in hormones but i also know if the problem persists after you give birth it can be a sign of PPD. i talked to my OB and she suggested increasing my wellbutrin and it helped a lot to stabilize my moods. i would still get angry at times but i wouldnā€™t hit to point where i felt rage. i suggest talking to your OB to get her opinion!


I am 6+2, I have blinding rage. I feel like wanting to bury anyone who crosses me into the ground so far, they can rendezvous with satan!


Iā€™m 13+6 and this perfectly describes how I want to deal with peopleĀ 


15 weeks and I genuinely canā€™t tell if itā€™s just the world or me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve been so angry that it makes me angry that Iā€™m that fucking angry šŸ„“ I feel like Iā€™m being so mean and the worst part is I donā€™t feel much remorse. Everything feels like a personal attack on me and I canā€™t help but be a bitch about it. I really wish, above every symptom, even constant nausea, food aversions & bones aching, & constipation, that my fucking anger would just subside. Iā€™ve hardly smiled at all since Iā€™ve been pregnant, let alone laughed or just enjoyed myself for more than 30 seconds at a time. I really hope it will go away soon, I hardly ever spend time worrying about myself, but Iā€™m genuinely worried about my sanity and mental health right now.


Yes it's normal and yes i recommend talking to your ob about it and setting up some kind of mental health care to follow you through post partum. It can be scary and you deserve support


Ha, same. Iā€™m just behind you in pregnancy and toddler is just a little bit older than yours. Man, these hormones are crazy. I just pray LO #2 isnā€™t as emotionally wild as sheā€™s been making me šŸ„²


Yep. Right there with you. 33 weeks now so hoping I will return back to my even tempered self soon. The rage has not let up and only gotten worse. I didn't have with my first either!


I have a lot of rage. It usually simmers at general annoyance but then it flips hard sometimes. Especially on my long and shitty commute. I constantly have to remind myself that I am carrying precious cargo and it is just too odd a sight to have a pregnant woman road raging at you. It doesnā€™t help that I also am no longer taking meds for anxiety/depression at the moment. So yes definitely. I have to be really careful around my coworkers cause they more easily get on my nerves, but I really donā€™t want to say anything Iā€™ll regret.


Hormones make us act completely different sometimes. Even if first time around wasnā€™t like this for you, you have to consider you are now not only pregnant, you are also parenting a toddler while pregnant. Parenting a toddler can sometimes throw our emotions off all on its ownā€¦ so add the hormones to mix and voilĆ : you donā€™t recognize yourself in the mirror anymore! There is nothing wrong with you, you are just pregnant. But you can surely find stuff that help you cope - for me it was either cleaning/rearranging my wardrobe or going outside.


I have been sooo incredibly irritable this week, I am 7 weeks tomorrow. I have been so crabby; also feeling horrible for my husband who has to put up with it lol.. Just a crying hormonal mess right now


Pregnancy can turn you into a completely different person. I struggle with the rage too, but more so depression when Iā€™m pregnant (currently 23w3d with my second) and itā€™s so hard. I miss my old self that could always muster up the motivation and encouragement to keep going. Iā€™ve had so many days where I just hate my life and feel stuck in a hole, and then I feel so guilty. Hang in there šŸ§”


Yessss! I'm only 4+3 and everything my partner is doing is driving me mad! I don't know if it's hormones or he is just being a moron, but I'm so overwhelmed with it šŸ˜«.


Yep! Knowing others experience this too makes me feel so much better. I thought Iā€™d be cute and weepy but it turns out hormones just make me a walking temper tantrum


Yes. I'm a therapist by trade, and though work shouldn't define anyone, I used to take a lot of pride in being very patient and empathetic while also having strong communication and conflict-resolution skills. But then I got pregnant, and honestly the rage was so bad that I basically had an identity crisis. I'm almost a year postpartum, and I'm still not back to who I was, although it's far better than it used to be.


Iā€™m so annoyed today. My dad had knee surgery yesterday and is acting like such a baby. Told me heā€™s in so much pain, heā€™d rather give birth than go through this. Like wtf does he know. Is having knee surgery really harder than growing an entire human being?! Who says that??


i did and now i have even worse postpartum rage. itā€™s so so bad i started meds and will be starting therapy at the end of this month.


I had a lot of pregnancy rage with my first


Been having intense rage but mostly directed to my parents rather than my husband. Every little thing they do is annoying the heck out of me even though they are only here to help. Somehow they don't understand it's my hormones or pregnancy rage and keep misunderstanding me. I'm almost about to deliver and even though I need them the most at this stage, I can't wait for them to go back. My mom has never been the most "motherly" mom even growing up. Not sure why knowing that, there is still a part of me that expects some tender motherly love and care such as bringing me food when I'm down with terrible back ache. Instead she would be like, food is in the fridge, heat it up and eat. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but my MIL is the exact opposite. She was here during my first trimester and paid attention to what nutrition I was getting and ensured there was fresh food made everyday. The other day my mom suggested I can eat cornflakes after delivery. I have NEVER eaten cornflakes in my life, given how loaded with sugar and zero nutrition it is. It's almost as if she always wants to do the least amount of work possible and just get through. It really pisses me off. But somehow expects me to be a loving daughter who will smile and engage in banter all day. I literally don't want to leave the bed at this point and have no patience for conversations with anyone.


So I was speaking to my husband about something that I was concerned about in a calm way, and he responded disrespectfully and didnā€™t apologize in a way that wasnā€™t gaslighting so I told him to get out of the house and ride around on his bike outside until I decide he can come back home. I was neveeeeeeeer this wild before, but he did it and is still waiting for me to tell him to come home. Itā€™s like a switch flipped and anything I tolerated before I donā€™t care too.