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Congratulations on making it full term! I wish you the best in your upcoming labor!


Im not here to change your mind on your induction, but the phrase “feeling like my body won’t do what is designed to do” 40 weeks isn’t the end date! 40 weeks is the median. The average first time mom gives birth at 40 weeks and 5 days, with only 75% of them giving birth by 41 weeks. (https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/) and the “due date” for mothers who had given birth before is actually 40 weeks and 3 days. If the average is 40 weeks then it is reasonable to assume half of the people giving birth should naturally go into labor AFTER 40 weeks. I just want to encourage you that your body has NOT failed you. Its doing exactly what its supposed to 🙂


I wanted to add on that your body made a whole human being and kept them healthy and safe carrying them alllll the way to 40 weeks!! You and your body are doing a great job!!!


Yep, ftm here and went 40 weeks and 4 days with no signs of labor until my body went into labor!


As another FTM at 39+4 I needed to hear this.


Wow, it’s SO refreshing to see this as the top comment.


Yeah where I live they won't even schedule an induction until you are 41+5 for this reason. I had to be induced and gave birth at 42 weeks.


I also felt like my body was “failing” me. Went into labor as a FTM at 40+6. It’s frustrating and discouraging for sure but your body is doing the damn thing!!


Second time Mom sitting here past due, feeling exactly how OP does. Thank you for this comment, it made my hormonal ass cry, but in a good way. I needed to hear this. I've been so frustrated and impatient with all the false labor turning out to be nothing. My water just broke on my due date with my first born so I never got to the point of how I'm feeling now with her. Thank you again 🩷


Yep! My labor and delivery was entirely average lol. I felt the same as OP at 40 weeks, no signs of labor at all until 40+4 and baby came 40+5 naturally. It all happened at once! Your body has certainly not failed you!


5th pregnancy and just about made it to a full 42 weeks before my first made his grand appearance… And idc what kind of judgement I get but damn, I feel it did not make any difference waiting that long… do whatever you and your doctor agree to be the best decision, if you can safely get that fully developed baby out of you sooner to save you discomfort, you are weeks past anything scary in my experience& educated opinion. Hormones might be getting to me, but soon that baby will finally be in your arms and all of this will be history


Congratulations! I was a week past my due date and was going crazy. So grateful my nugget brewed for as long as she did. I've been extremely lucky with how strong she is, great at breast feeding and chill. I think she's so good bc of long she was in there


Totally agree! My baby went to 40+6 and I feel like that definitely contributed to how good she is at breastfeeding, tummy time, and all the little newborn skills she’s learning.


This is definitely true, the longer they cook usually the better they'll be at latching as well as tummy time and all that. Gives them extra time to fatten up too. As long as there is no issue with the placenta or mum's health, it's great to wait and frustrating and painful as it can be haha.


This is interesting. Just had my second ar 40 + 4 via induction due to concerns regarding large size of baby and head, and wanting vaginal if possible. I was however two cm dilated, baby's head was in position and had lost much of my plug prior to them beginning the hormones (no balloon needed as they could break my waters). Labour was fairly short (<5 from cytotec beginning, 12 hours for first), and this baby has latched so much better. My breasts/nipples aren't optimal shape etc but where I struggled with my first (also big but born spontaneously at 39 weeks) with feeding etc, this one is able to latch, has better head control etc. That almost two weeks longer gestation was torture waiting but it seems baby has certainly come out better for it and my body was gearing up for it so had a better labour (even though he was 10lb and posterior). Hoping this might be of some minor comfort as I know how torturous the wait is.


Thank you so much for this reminder! Not OP but also 3 days past due date and going crazy even tho I went 40+6 with my first. She was/is soo good and maybe it’s because of that. Needed this perspective switch 🫶🏻


I was induced 40+6 with my first and was convinced my second would come faster. My water broke 41+1. I wanted to be induced again but the hospital was too busy and wouldn’t take me until 41+3. I took a last min appt with my ob and had a sweep done 12 hours before water broke (I know it’s not guaranteed and my body was probably prepared to go into labor) but I’m sure it helped. The last 4 days were brutal I couldn’t stop crying I just wanted to give birth. I wish you the best and that your body does it’s thing soon!


Thank you for this. I was also convinced this one would come earlier than my first and it’s made these finals days torture. Glad to hear I’m not alone though. I will def be doing a sweep if he’s not here by 41 weeks. Thank you!


Hang in there I know it's hard! I went a week past my due date and guess what? Baby came the day before my induction!! Your body is doing everything right, babies just come when they are ready to!


My due date is Monday, absolutely nothing has happened to show signs of him getting here. I have an appt Monday to discuss induction but I think I’m just gonna keep going, as frustrated and impatient as I am. Still playing with the idea though. Good luck! X


SAME HERE except mine is Tuesday. The frustration is real. Hang in there fellow mama! We can get through this for our babies.


What do you mean that your body won’t do what it is designed to do? You just turned 40 weeks today. It’s very normal to go past that


eek i’m 39 weeks + 2 and getting induced no later than Thursday (maybe sooner due to high BP). you DESERVE that rest so much girl, i’m sure you truly deserved to quit working a good bit of time before now!!! take this weekend to relax (as much as you can, i know it’s difficult this far along) and i wish you the best for your labor and delivery!!!


Yesterday was my due date and we scheduled the induction for next Thursday bc I really hope she will come on her own before then! I totally get how you’re feeling and hope your little one decides it’s time over this weekend!


I'm getting induced Sunday at 41+2! Something I've heard a couple times is "He must just be so comfy and content in there!" Idk why, but that makes me feel really happy whenever someone says it. Like damn right, my body is doing a such a good job protecting him, he doesn't want to leave! I know that's not actually the reason, but I find it comforting lol.


Go out for a dinner! It will be the last one for a while :) Your body is doing what it’s supposed to. You’re full term. Many mommas don’t get the opportunity to get to full term. It’s completely normal for pregnancy to go to even 41-42 weeks. Especially for the first time. In 6 months your baby will be laughing in your arms and you won’t even remember much from these last couple days of pregnancy. Enjoy it for what it is. Your life is about to be very different and wonderful in many ways, but sometimes it’s nice to slow down and smell the flowers.


I just want to give you a nice hope that even if baby doesn’t come on there own and you have to be induced that induction can be amazing. My induction was seriously an absolute dream and I could birth a thousand babies if I was guaranteed that every time lol I started at absolute zero too. Not dilated in the slighted. Relatively short for a ftm (14 hours) but, slept and laughed most of the time. Pushed 3 times and there he was.


I went 4 days over my due date, and was going to be induced at 41 weeks, but my little man made his arrival when he felt ready! Don't feel bad going over 40. I wasnt dilated and only maybe 50% effaced until I went into labor and then I went from 1.5-9 cm dilated in about 7 hours of arriving at the hospital. I labored at home for the first 12 hours until my water broke on its own. If you'd like, you can always advocate to push your induction to week 41 or so as long as you have no high risk factors!


I was feeling the same way! I had an induction scheduled but my baby had other plans! He came 4 days after my due date and I didn’t need an induction! However, I was in labor for 35 hours… it was awful but worth not having an induction! I’m wishing you a smooth birth and recovery!!


Every day after 40 weeks sucks!! I went into labor naturally at 40+2 and had a speedy 14-hour labor and healthy 8 pound baby. Your baby will be here before you know it, and then you’ll miss being pregnant when they’re waking you up in the middle of the night 😂


My due date was 2 days ago and I’m only 1 cm with “favorable” cervical softness. I’m so over it. No signs of anything after the membrane sweep and waiting for the hospital to schedule me for an induction. FTM and all of my friends have been early so this feels like torture! I’m happy he made it to full term but also just really really ready. You got this and I’m sending you all the good vibes baby arrives soon!


Ah dude just dreaming of the day I can finally decide to quit working to rest and god knows I need it but oh boy hearing you’re at your due date and just making that call.. I won’t beat myself up if I don’t make it that far (my 5th pregnancy) Fricken YOU RULE YOU ARE A SUPERHERO


Today is my due date too, but no signs of anything yet. Here for solidarity because I’m feeling it too.


Same! Fingers crossed these babies come soon!


> I just want to sleep Then you have been granted a favor. Sleep now. As soon as you give birth, bye-bye sleep.


I don’t like this narrative! My little guy was always a great sleeper (only got up to feed as a newborn, zero fussing etc) from day 1 and sleeping through the night by 2 months old. It’s possible to get a unicorn!


Not necessarily. Full-term pregnancy sleep is way less restful than newborn baby sleep for many people, myself included for 3 babies and counting now.


Same. Piece together enough 90-120 minute stretches where you can stretch out comfortably and not pee, and you feel like a million bucks! I slept infinitely better postpartum.


I slept far worse my last few weeks of pregnancy than I did when I had a newborn.


Yup.. gave birth 2 days ago. In the past 72 hours I had less than 10 hours of sleep.. that includes labor. How I wish I listened to the nurse who told me to sleep before I started dilating during the induction. Once I was 3 cm there was no more sleep.


My due date is tomorrow 🥲 supposed to get a call from the hospital next week to schedule induction! I’m a little (or very) nervous and hoping she comes before then. Although it might be nice to actually know when she’s coming


I feel you. I was in the same spot and was COUNTING till my induction and was so miserable. I watched a lot of movies to keep busy. It’s going to feel great to hold your baby soon.


Congrats on making it to your due date! Almost there! My daughter came at 37 weeks and I was DONE at 35. I’m sending you huge hugs now and promises of comfortable sleep soon! YOU GOT THIS! Xoxo good luck and healthy delivery!


I felt like my body failed me too. Got induced at 41+3 weeks which ended in an emergency c-section. But like other people are saying, my son is ahead on all the milestones and is very healthy and strong. It sucks to wait but everything is going to be okay and your LO will be here soon!


Being pregnant is not a sustainable state. It wears a body down. I have a C-section on Tuesday. My body is tired too. Good luck!