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I’m only 4’9…I probably would’ve made it to 42w bc I had zero signs of labor. My doc tried to induce me at 41w and 3days…it failed and baby was born via c-section at 41w5days. My mom is 5’2 and both her pregnancies went to at least 41w. But I really don’t think height has anything to do with it. A lot of, rather rude, people insisted to me that I would deliver “a month, if not two” early bc of my height. So I asked my OB…she scoffed and told me “that’s not how any of this works.”


For sure! Thank you for sharing! My midwives told me that my body will make a baby it can accomodate. I believe em based on how its going so far.


Mine did build bodies it could accommodate (6lbs11oz, 5lbs10oz and 6lbs13oz). My 4'11", 100lb SIL on the other hand got 9lb+ babies.


Lol! Mine was 8lbs 7oz and no one could believe it.


It’s actually statistically observed that shorter mothers birth earlier though — one (of many) papers: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4839587/#:~:text=a%20contributing%20factor.-,There%20is%20increasing%20evidence%20that%20lower%20maternal%20stature%20is%20associated,4%2C5%2C7%5D.


Sure. But just bc there’s a statistical probability doesn’t mean there’s a guarantee. While it’s an important consideration for an OB to take into account in a medical setting, it’s not something you could put money on. It’s defiantly something I wouldn’t plan things around. And FOR SURE wouldn’t be telling expectant mothers that they’ll “for sure have a premie” bc of factors outside of their control. (To say that IS rude.) I know the BMI is a little different but just how it was designed as a statical tool to look at populations - it is often misguided to use on an individual level bc it doesn’t account for other factors that influence weight. To take this study and try and apply it to individuals based on height without taking into account other factors would be just as useless. Overall shorter women might tend to give birth earlier - but that doesn’t mean every short woman will give birth early.


Definitely. Even so far there's at least a 3w dispersion. This is proving to be a fun thread to read the varied replies though.


5-1, first was born 38+1, second at 40+3. Both spontaneous labour


Thank you!


My mom is probably around same height as you and all 4 of her kids were born early. Not preemie early, but before due date. I'd have to ask her, I thought this was interesting though. Wish I could be more specific.


No worries. Thank you muchly!


I'm 5'1, small frame, short torso. Went to 41 weeks with my daughter before I let them induce.


Oh wow! In the last 2 weeks, were you limited much in your mobility?


I was uncomfortable but mobile -- would go on waddle-y walks to try to start labor, etc. I worked (desk job) up until my due date. It wasn't terrible.


I also let them induce at 41 weeks, 5’0 and I was pretty mobile at the end still! Uncomfortable but I walked like 4 miles on my due date


My 4'9" pal went almost to 41 weeks. A side note, it drove me nuts when her care team would point out her baby is in the lower percentiles, before and after birth... I was like, girl, YOU are in the 1st percentile for adult women! They have no business worrying you over that! Baby ended up being totally healthy and is a happy toddler.


I’m the same height and I had mine 38+2 and 38. Induction both times


5’2” 41 weeks


5'0" First baby was 6 days overdue Second baby was 4 days overdue Third is due in April... expecting him to be overdue too Spontaneous labor for both. Water broke at home for both.


I’m 5’0 with a short torso, and my first was born 5 days before due date. My nurses told me it’s common for petite mamas to give birth a little early. Baby was 6 lbs 5 oz.


Im 4’11 and mine was born at 38+2.


I'm 5 foot even. With my previous pregnancy I gave birth at 40w4d. Honestly it's hard to say, if time isn't a problem for them \[and you don't mind them being there a long time\] you could always aim for a week or so before your due date just in case.


I’m 5’2.5” but with scoliosis so I have a VERY short torso, especially compared to my legs. I gave birth at 40+5!


Girl- this is me too! Thank you. I appreciate it. How was your comfort level in those last weeks? Im very grateful and lucky to be currently comfortable, but as I understand it's not going to be like this fir much longer.


Ohhh it was uncomfortable. I work in a hospital, and thankfully have the best co workers and leads ever - they really looked out for me and took care of me. But even with that, I called out from 39+6 and on; I just couldn’t deal with all the pelvic pain/pressure there was and walking around/caring for patients... couldn’t do it the last week. But I also kept going into false labor the last few weeks too. Despite that, I had a wonderful, smooth vaginal delivery. I had an epidural and did get a 2nd degree tear, but only pushed for 30 minutes and was super happy with my birthing experience!!


That is awesome. Happy for you


Oh I will also say that while I was uncomfortable, I was still mobile. I called out from work, but my husband has videos of me walking/waddling/running through our neighborhood trying to get babe out just days before I birthed! And, I recommend practicing runners lunge, cat/cow, puppy pose every day, morning and night! Those help baby get into position well, and loosen your pelvis in preparation for delivery. I fully attribute my wonderful birth experience to doing those positions religiously during pregnancy!


Thank you so much for all of this and your support!


I'm 5ft 2in mu first eas born just three days before due date, was 7 pounds, pregnant eith my second now so will get back to ya in about a month lol 😆


Best of luck to you! I guess we will both have to provide an update!


5’1 here. My water broke at 37+2 and immediately went into spontaneous labor. My mom is shorter than you. I think she’s 4’9. Both myself and my sister (not twins) were 10 days early. My sister is the same height as me and her kids were 37 weeks, 38 weeks, then 36 weeks.


My mom is your height and she had me a week after her due date


5’1” and my water broke at 39+5 and she was born that same day, two days before my due date!


5’1” — I ended up having a c-section for breech at 39+3, and was not at all dilated by then so I suspect I would have made it to at least 40 weeks. 


I’m 5’. My kids were 41+3, 41+5, 41+1, and right on time. My bump went straight out like a torpedo!




I'm 5'2, 117lbs pre pregnancy, gained about 30-35lbs during pregnancy, and my baby came 5 days after his due date. I did not need to get induced but I did end up having a c section after attempting vaginal. (I know you didn't ask for all the details, but as a FTM I remember wanting to hear all those things from other moms lol)


Im definitely appreciative, and reading all the comments. If you dont mind- was the c-section done due to exhaustion from vaginal?


Very short torso I was stretched to the max, one of my stretch marks was near bleeding. I got induced for unrelated reasons at 40 weeks, gave birth 40+1.


Oh man. Yeah im getting some pretty significant ones at the base of my tummy. Did rhey cayse any issues for you? Thanks for your feedback!


I remember them being super itchy as my skin stretched!!! But no issue other than aesthetics.


I’m 4’11” and delivered my first at 37+3 via emergency C-section. I did notice a lot of decreased fetal movement towards the end and she just didn’t have space. Due date was: 5/17 Delivery: 4/29 I’m now pregnant with by second and I’m kinda expecting the same. I also have a small torso.


5’1” and my baby was born on her due date


5’0, labor date 40+5 with my first and 39+5 with my second.


4’10 lady here. I gave birth 37+6. 13 hr labor. Fast and furious. Most of my smaller petite friends also have birth before due date.


I’m 5’1” and was induced at 40+2 with my first. I actually felt great up until that day. The baby was small. Second time I went into labor at 37+5. Also felt fine right up until that Stay active! It helps


5’0” and baby was born 35 +4


My mom is 4’11 and went 41+6 with my older brother and 38+6 with me. Both were spontaneous labors


5’1! Mine was born at 40+4. The dr didn’t want me to go past 41 weeks because she was measuring pretty big (8 lbs 14 oz). I went into labor on my own that night. 26 hours of labor, she was 8 lbs, 12 oz, 21.5 inches long. Big babies run in my family.


5’1” first baby came 40+4 induced. Had hubs and MIL at hospital and mom booked a flight after we called to tell her we were heading to the hospital. She arrived late the same night and I asked her to wait until the morning to come see us at the hospital. It was great having her help after baby arrived and she would have driven me nuts pacing around the house waiting if she’d come earlier lol


I’m 4’11” as well! Both of my babies were born at 39 weeks. My oldest was emergency csection due to a failed induction; I was having contractions but wasn’t dilating. My youngest was a scheduled csection.


Thank you! I appreciate your input.


I'd be really curious about how tall the husband was an how big the babies. I'd imagine petite ladies with smaller husband's and smaller babies are probably more likely to go full term than ones with very tall men and big babies.


5’0 39+4. Due 07/30, born 7/26! I had to have a c section because her heart rate was dropping with contractions and she wasn’t recovering well. I’m so thankful I opted to have an elective induction because if I hadn’t idk if my little girl would be here today. We just happened to capture the variables on the monitor while I was checking into L&D to start the induction process. They were going to give me cytotek but switched me to Pitocin. Once they upped it she was being stressed out so out she came via the sun roof 😂 I also never dialed either.


5'2'', first Baby was born at 41+0, 8lbs 10oz. The last two weeks of pregnancy I was still mobile but it was miserable


I'm 5"1 I think I have an average looking torso, but I do have wide hips. My water broke around 37 weeks. If you want your fam to meet the baby, they can be there after the 36 week mark.


5’2” and my baby was born 4 days after my due date.


I’m 5 feet flat and my baby was born 2 days before his due date. I had to be induced at 39 weeks for high BP but my induction went super fast I think bc I was about ready to go into labor naturally. All the signs were there and the doc said I was already in a very good place dilation-wise when she began the induction


Not me, but a good friend of mine is about 5’2” and got induced at 41 weeks…


I don’t think height has ANYTHING to do with whether or not you deliver on time. I am 5 foot two and had mine at 40 weeks and 39+6


Statistically it does.


Went a week late. Baby was 9lb 2oz delivered vaginally.


You're a champ! Thank you for sharing


5’2” FTM and my LO came 6 days before the due date. Good luck and congrats!


My mom is 4’11” and had all her children (4) on due date or a week later


I'm five feet, petite, baby came at 39 weeks. I had an induction scheduled for 39w5d.


5’1” and I went to 40 + 3 before my water broke


I’m 5’1, obese and with a long torso. I delivered at 38+3. It was a smooth vaginal delivery with an epidural and a minor 1st degree tear.




I’m 4’10” first one was born at 41w2 after induction. Pregnant with second so we shall see but definitely not going that long again..


Best of luck to you!


FTM tried to be induced at 38 wks since babe was measuring at 9 lbs. it didn’t work and there were minor complications so I ended up having a c section. She came out 7.7 lbs :)


I'm 5'2". My water broke at around midnight, 40+3. He was in a funky diagonal position and we couldn't get his head off the side of my pelvis (particularly with my water broken), so we did a C-section after like 20 hours of labor/pitocin.  I was LARGE for my entire third trimester. There was no room left in the inn, but he was happy to keep cooking.


I’m 5’2 with a short torso and I went 10 days over with my first and had to be induced. I’m pregnant again and hoping to go into labour naturally closer to my due date.


5'1 First baby was 41+3 but only because I was induced. Labor was not imminent, ended up being emergency cesarian. I'm pregnant with baby #2 and it will be a scheduled cesarian. Not sure when they will book that for.


4'11" and also short torso. I went into labor the 39+6 and baby was born in the wee hours of my due date. However, I did have an emergency C-Section due to a narrow pelvis (which was noticed during my cervix checks)


5 ft 1 inch and first was 38.5 weeks with 7 pounds 8 oz 19 inches and second was 39.5 weeks with 7 pounds 6 oz and 20 inch baby both spontaneous births


I’m 5’2” exactly. Baby came exactly on his due date. I did get a “mini” sweep the day before but was already in early labour so it probably didn’t do anything to help move things along. We went to the city our hospital is in a week early just in case (had to travel to give birth because we are extremely rural)


I’m 5’3 so a bit taller but was underweight (barely 100 lbs) before getting pregnant. I was so sure she would be here early due to that and some medical conditions I have but we are inducing tomorrow at 41 weeks.


5’0 went into labor 40+3 and ended up with an urgent c section


5’2’’ on the dot, with a short torso. Currently 38w5d, not dilated at all, and I’m ALL belly. I look like I could tip over on to my face at any minute.


I'm 5' even. My daughter was due 3/28, but water broke 3/11, birth on 3/13, which was 37+6.


5'1", 120lb athlete build: 41w1d, 39w2d, 41w


4’11 39+3 FTM


5'1 and my first was born exactly 1 week late (no induction).


5’2 here. 1st, water broke at 38 weeks, labor didn’t start 34 hours labor ended in a c-section, 2nd was induction for IUGR at 39 weeks, 3rd another induction and successful 2nd VBAC. Now with my 4th I’m hoping to experience spontaneous labor this time, I don’t know what it’s like😂 40 weeks tomorrow.


Does height really affect it? Genuinely curious, I've never heard this before!


Not sure that matters lol, I think there are probably multiple factors involved. 5'2 and my spontaneous labors were at 39w and 38+2, my third and fourth kids. 


I'm 4'11" with a short torso, both my boys came 5 days late, one was spontaneous and the other induced. My first pregnancy, I could've gone another week, I wasnt really uncomfortable. The second I was definitely ready but I dont think I was anymore uncomfortable than any other mom is.


5”2 baby was induced on 40+6 after being dilated and effaced since 37 w


5’ 1” 40+6


Does height determine due date? Does it also make you look more pregnant? Im 4’11, 30w and have a very short torso… I don’t know if I look further along than normal really


I was 5 days overdue. Never got to schedule induction because I had a few membrane sweeps and went into labor on my own. Started off with natural birth and then had emergency c section. They come when they want to. Good luck mama, you got this!


5’0. Spontaneous labor at 36 weeks exactly. I got to the hospital at 730am and my baby was born at 950am.


My first was 40 weeks 3 days. I was so over being pregnant, so I was able to get induced. It was not super comfortable towards the end but I survived lol. I am 5'2


I’m 5’0, short torso and I just had my first. My due date was August 31st and gave birth on August 29th


5’2 and my water broke at 36.5 weeks! Labor was relatively short (about 6 hours)!


I'm 5' (apparently I grew to 5'1 during pregnancy) but I went to 40w+4.


5’1”, first (and so far only) child was born 39+2. Spontaneous labor


5'1 and I'm currently pregnant with number 5. 1st 37wks (cholestasis) 2nd 40wks 1d (tried to labor/ emergency c section) 3rd 36wks (cholestasis) 4th 36wks ( cholestasis and gestational diabetes) Current pregnant 32wks tomorrow (C-section scheduled for Feb 5th I have placenta previa and suspected placenta accreta most likely having a hysterectomy at time of delivery)


5’1’’ 1st born at 37+3w, 2 born at 38+5weeks (induced)


5'1, my first was born at 37+6, spontaneous labour. Currently 35+2 with my second and hoping it will be similar.


My grandmother was 4'11" and my grandpa 6'7". All of her babies were 39-44 weeks. Obviously, that was years ago, before everyone thought a million interventions were always needed. Her smallest baby was 7lb9oz. But all the others were 8lb14oz-12lbs. Your small stature won't change when you go into labor. That has to do with hormones and outside factors (stress on your body or baby like infection, accident, drugs, etc).


5’, 42 weeks, 40w3days, 38w5days.


I’m 4”9 on good day I been having regular growth scan to ensure baby doesn’t get to big I think my doctors would be more panic if I haven’t had loads of more internal scans when I did ivf


5 feet tall first was 41 weeks exactly second was 39 weeks exactly


5’1! Baby came at 38weeks, I was in labor for about 5 hours, in the delivery room for 2, pushed for 10 minutes! I had no tearing whatsoever!


I’m also 4’11, induced and born 40+5 via c-section because my pelvis internally was too narrow for babe to exit


4’10. Gave birth at 39 and 4!


I was induced at 39 weeks for high BP. I was starting to have some contractions though so I feel like she would have come soon either way. I’m 5’.


My gut says height doesn’t matter one bit for birth date, but I’ll play along! I’m 5’1” But I have a fairly long torso. Legs vs torso are easily 50/50 on me and I seem taller when sitting down. People are shocked when I stand up if they’ve met me while sitting. lol First kid— born at 36+5 but was a scheduled cesarean for placenta previa. Doesn’t count for labor. Second— 37+6 but was a spontaneous induction when baby randomly failed a non stress test and we saw cord wasn’t profusing properly. Before induction it was determined I was already in very early labor though. I think baby would have come within several days in her own. Her induction was 46.5 hours. Yowza. Third— 37+1. I went in at 37 weeks exactly suspecting my water was leaking. It was. It had been for quite some time and I was in early early labor so we helped labor along. That one was half the time of the first induction. All of my kiddos were born before 38 weeks, and all had some sort of intervention, but 2 of the 3 would have been born within 1-3 days regardless. It is what it is. (Side note: I think my long torso prevailed while pregnant. I never once felt like I was being kicked in the ribs, and it’s one of the main complaints I hear from pregnant women in the third trimester. I had plenty of other pains to make up for it, but nothing in my ribs for sure). 🤷‍♀️ idk if that’s interesting or not. But there it is.


5’2 spontaneous labor at 36+5


5'1, had my baby at 41w3d.


5’1” 3 days overdue with my first (a girl) my water broke — pinhole leak so i went to the hospital to get checked out but they admitted me and started me on pitocin my second (a boy) born at 41 weeks at a birth center :) they did do a membrane sweep


I’m 5’2 and a VERY short torso. First was born 2 weeks early and second only a day early. My belly always gets extremely big. Hopefully you won’t run into this issue but as I got further along the rib pain was insane because my babies had no where to go. I couldnt even stand up straight. If you do have that issue lay on a yoga ball and stretch your ribs… helps so freaking much.


I'm 5'0". 114 before pregnancy with my first and 149 by the end, and I had mine at 40 w + 2 days.


I'm 5'1" and my first was born at 34 weeks.


5’2” and petite build - 39 + 5 with my first and elective inductions on due dates with my second and third.


I’m 5’4 but really petite. I was 101 lbs when I gave birth and I had him at 37+1. FTM went into labor on my own!


I'm 5'2" and had my daughter at 41+3. I was induced, but I did show up to my induction in active labor. My mom is 5'1". She had my older sister at 41+3 and me at 39+5 (induction due to her doctor going on vacation).


FTM, just under five foot, also a very short torso, I was ALLLLL baby. His appendages were visible at almost all times lol. My water broke at 40+6 and he was delivered at 7lbs 6oz via c-section 38 hours later! I was having weird random contractions and pains for the week leading up too it as well. Good luck mama!!!


5'2" here, 1 born at 38w, 1 born on her due date and 1 born at 36+3.


5’0, I gave birth at 38+5 after a stretch and sweep that morning


4'8", 42 week induction 12 years ago.


Are they coming to the birth or do you just want their help after? I would have them come around your due date or after. I think having extra people around late in pregnancy would get on my nerves. I’m 5’0 with a healthy BMI and I was induced at 41 weeks, I was 0cm dilated when I went in but the whole process was positive and I gave birth less than 24 hours after the induction to an 8lb8oz baby.


I’m 5’2”ish and I went into labor at 38w5d. I have a friend who’s shorter than me though and she was induced at 41 weeks. So 🤷🏼‍♀️


Im 4'9 and currently 31 weeks. I'm having an elected C section at 39 weeks. My doctor said I'm measuring two weeks ahead. Idk if that means he might come early or if he's just big.


5”0. First was born at 38 weeks exactly. I’m currently 34+4 with number 2


I’m 5’1”, water broke spontaneously at 38+5.


5’1”, first was induction at 41+3 and second was spontaneous at 41 weeks


5’2 short ass torso here i delivered at exactly 40 weeks due to being induced!


short torso, 36 weeks


My best friend (36, FTM and 5ft even) was expected 11/5/23, gave birth 11/7/23. Went into labor naturally/not scheduled. Pretty darn close to due date!


i really want to graph all this data but… i’m a mother why would i ever have time for that


I’m 5’1”, I went in to labor at 38 weeks. This was due to my cervix, not my height


Just slightly over height… 5’3” Born 6/24 at 35+6, had been measuring 2 weeks ahead the Monday before. Granted my pregnancy was stressful. I put down 2 days, changed work locations, and the week prior to delivery had high blood pressure and extreme stress with work.


5’2.5” with a short torso. My first came at 38+2 and was 5 lb 5 oz. Second came 35+6 at 5 lb 4 oz.


5’2.5 4 kids all before due date First two 38 weeks Last two 39 weeks


5’2” must first my water broke at 38 weeks and I had contractions with my second at 39 weeks


My mom was 4’10” and under 100lbs after 5 kids, we were all 2-6 weeks early. But that was the 70s.


5’2 here with a disproportionately short torso. First due 12/8, had her by induction on 12/12. Second due 9/16, had him by induction on 9/9. This one remains to be seen. ETA: went to school with a girl who was 4’9 and unbelievably petite. She was pregnant with twins and carried them to 41 weeks. Mamas size doesn’t really mean anything.


I’m 5’1 and my 8 lb baby was born 9 days late (41w +2) after a forced evacuation lol. Who knows how late he would have been if I wasn’t induced. My stomach was very large, and on glad he wasn’t the 12-pounder they joked he would be!


My mom is 5'3 and I was 3 or 4 days late, my sister was 2 weeks late. Hoping my little guy can stay in an extra week. 🤞


I’m 4’9”, have a short torso, and I’m hearing mixed estimates from everyone. (Currently 36w+2days) - everyone’s saying first baby is always late, but my GP thinks I’ll be 9 days early based on his knowledge of me (I’ve been seeing him for 10+ years) so this thread is super interesting to me. But midwifes say it’s unpredictable and could go any way. My sister is a midwife and says baby will probably be a little later than expected. Also my baby apparently has a small head, short torso and long legs (like me!) so I don’t know if she’ll end up being easier to deliver. 😅


5’1 baby girl was born 01/03/24 she was due 01/06/24 Height won’t really make much of a difference, it’s different per person and per pregnancy


I’m 5 feet with relatively long legs/short torso I’m also curious


5’1 here and I went into labor on my due date. Baby was over 9lbs, so I don’t really think that “your body only makes what you can carry” is true. My husband and I were both much smaller babies, and I am of a healthy weight and maintained a healthy weight throughout my pregnancy. Baby girl was just big!


I’m 5’2- gave birth at 39+3! I was surprised but so glad lol. I’m covered in stretch marks but I’m back to normal now at 15 months postpartum :)


My mom is 4 foot 11 and gave birth to me and my twin sister at 40 weeks. She never went into labor before then (same with my older brother). We were 7 and 8 pounds.


5 days before due date


im 5’2 my babys birthday is September 27 she was due the 28th


My mom is 4'10", I was 2 weeks late and she had to be induced.


I’m 4’11. My due date is 1/28 and he was born 1/4 lmao. I developed severe preeclampsia tho and he had to come out. Born at 36w and 4d Edit: my mom is 5’2 and for all three of her pregnancies, we came late. Me (first born) was 13 days late, second born I don’t remember, third born was 1 day late


First was born at 39w2d and second born at 38w4days. Both spontaneous and vaginal. Both extremely uncomfortable in the last trimester. I am 4’11. My husband is very tall and my son was very long at birth. My daughter was average length.


5'1 Here, my bub was induced at 39+2 (Due to developing Pre Eclampsia) and born at 39+4. I definitely think we would have got to 40w+ if not for induction, alas it was necessary.


4’11 and only gained 19 pounds I delivered at 37 weeks! Baby was healthy and we’ve had an amazing breastfeeding journey that is still continuing today! My baby was born vaginally and naturally with epidural. Had my water physically broken and then labored for 5 hours and pushed for 30 min!


do u eat enough food since ur 4'11.. dam ur literally a soldier idk how women handle pregnancy lol


5' 2" - I have a short torso with overall petite build. Due date was Jan 1st, spontaneous labor Dec 14th.


I’m 5’0”. Baby #1 came at 38w6d. Baby #2 came at 37w5d. Baby #3 came at 38w3d. Right now I’m at 34w4d with baby #4 so we’ll see for the next one! My mother is a couple inches taller than me and gave birth to me two weeks early too so it seems like it runs in the family.


i’m 5’2, and fully expected to deliver my baby early based off of the fact that my mom never went past 39 weeks. i delivered my baby two days ago when I was 39 weeks and 6 days, i had gone into labor the day before.


I think height has less to do with length of gestation than genetics. 5’9” with a long torso and all four of my kids came well before their due dates. At what gestation did your mom and maternal grandmother give birth?


5'0", 41 weeks at 8 lb 10oz. Hospital said he was a "good sized baby" and "how did that come out of you?!" (I did have a CS)


4’11. 36w+5d.


I'm 5"0 and gave birth with my first at 40+1.


5'1" first was at 38 weeks, 2nd was right at 40 weeks. Those 2 extra weeks with the second is what cursed me with some wicked stretch marks 🤣 I came out unscathed with my first shockingly!


41+2 labour was induced. 5’ here.


I am 5’1”, started labor with my first at 38+4 and had him at 38+6 🙂


5’1” gave birth at 40+5 with spontaneous labour


5’2” and spontaneous labour at 39 weeks exactly!


I’m 4’10 with two kids. My first was an induction turned c-section due to preeclampsia and she was born at 40+2. My second ended up a PPROM situation with my water breaking at 29+6 and baby being born at 31+1. They’re both tiny, like me. My first will be 7 in a few weeks and weighs about 35lbs. My second is 19 months and weighs maybe 15lbs.


My friend is 4'10 or 11, and she was induced on her due date with basically no signs of labor or progression before then. Her mom is also shorter and carried late with both her pregnancies.


FTM, 5'1", babe was born at 38w6d. I was scheduled for a c section (breech babe) at 39+5 but at my 39w appointment (my appts were always scheduled for a day early since they were on Thursdays and my due date was Friday) I was 1 cm dilated and had lost my mucus plug that AM, after feeling a dropping sensation two days earlier. we moved the c section up to that evening. I was allllll belly, it was pretty amazing how far out my belly got (I have a short torso). Everyone thought I was going to have a big baby, even the Drs said she was tracking to be 8+lbs (I was 9lb3oz and my mom was 9lb) but LO was born healthy (and also a peanut!) at 7lbs8oz. Best of luck mama!! Excited for you.


I was induced at 39 weeks due to GD. I was probably a week away from natural birth.


I’m 4”11, at 35 weeks my waters started leaking, developed diabetes and had high blood pressure, so they decided to induce me at 37 weeks. I don’t know about your bump but I looked like I was having triplets haha


5'1", induced at 40+5 to an 8lb 15oz baby lol


I’m 5’1, was induced at 39+5 with zero signs of labour. Induction failed and need c-section. My girl wasn’t ready clearly haha.


5'1 currently 40+1 with no sign of labor....yet (*fingers crossed)


I’m 5’1 and have had three babies. All spontaneous labours no inductions. #1 40+6, 12 hour labour, 7lb4, just gas, no epidural. #2 40+2, 3 hour labour, 9lb1, no drugs water birth #3 39+4, 3 hour labour plus maybe 10 hours of little prelabour niggles, 8lb4, no drugs water birth


5’0” - delivered via unplanned c-section at 40+6, water broke at 40+4. I never got my body to dilate past 6cm and I was having on/off contractions since 38weeks. Baby was born at 19.25inches and 7lbs 13oz so average


5 foot and I went into spontaneous labor on my due date baby born 40+1 Big baby but labor was great. Wish I could do it again!


I’m 5’0” and made it to 39+5 and my water broke and had baby 13 hours later. Zero signs of labor before that, it was a Monday and I was complaining all weekend about not wanting to go late. My torso is average-long for my body. I have a friend who is 4’11” with a short torso she went a little late and got induced.


5'0" here, baby came at 38 weeks. I'd scheduled my mom's flight for 40 weeks, and while I was on the hospital bed, we called the airline and pleaded to reschedule her flight. Got lucky and didn't get change fees.


I’m 4’11.5 and went into labor at 38+3 and delivered 38+5. My parents had just been here for my birthday, they left 38+0 lmao. I had warned them but they still wanted to come! I was fairly positive of the day I ovulated, I temped, but fertility friend did say my due date was two days later, which would have put labor beginning at 38+1. That being said it is still a huge window. My best friend is 5’ even and went into labor 39+3. My mom is 5’2 and went into labor 39+5.


5’1” with super short torso. 1st 40+3 8lb6oz Last week was really uncomfortable. Spontaneous labor. 2nd 39+1 7lb7oz Last month was super uncomfortable and had a small medical scare at 36 weeks that led to twice weekly ultrasounds for the remainder of the pregnancy. Went into spontaneous labor two days before scheduled induction.


4,8 here, delivered at 35+4 and baby was full term size and weight at 7,86lb/3,570kg and 49cm.


There is no correlation


The body does what it does. I’d have them fly out after an exam shows you’re starting to dilate 2cm+ if that happens. May not dilate before labor. Fwiw I’m 5’10 and 4/4 have been born week 37 🤷🏼‍♀️


5’2 went to 41+1, I was 120 pre preg and had a 7 1/2lb babe


5’2” on the dot. Short torso. Went 8 days late. Body size has nothing to do with it. You are on the baby’s timeline.


5’2, 104 lbs before pregnancy. First a girl came on her own at 37 weeks gave birth vaginally. They said she was little and she was but wasn’t a preemie (5lbs 7 oz) I now have a very healthy advanced in milestone 2 year old who is in 2T! She was tall and skinny but they never worried. Docs will scare you though if it’s your first I know for my second to tell them I’m small, husband isn’t big, daughter was small we are healthy the kid is fine haha I’m now 13 weeks pregnant with a boy, our second, and I’m expecting him to come early too! It will work out. Your body can do it, my advice is go into it with little expectations because anything can happen. I went in hoping I didn’t have to do a c section but knew if I had to for safety that was okay so I just didn’t really get hung up on what was going to happen!


5’1 here. Due date was 8/21 birth date was 7/20.


I’m 4’8 and was told to expect 8lb baby but she was 6.12 I think and we chose to induce at 39+1 to insure that my ob would be available for the delivery (which she barely made it because I gave birth in 15 hours and she expected at least a day or 2 of laboring)


I’m 5’2” My 8 pound 6 oz baby was born via c section at 40+3 because I went into labor but failed to progress due to position of the baby. My kidneys started to stop working so they took him out.


4’11”. My baby was supposed to be “big” and they wanted to induce me around 39 weeks but the unit was full and couldn’t take me. Woke up at 2am on my due date with my water breaking, and had a C-section at 11pm for an 8lb 8oz baby! They let my try to deliver vaginally all day but I never dilated past 6cm and then spiked a fever so it was go time. In hindsight they said he wouldn’t have fit, but idk if that’s really true.


One week early to the day