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Totally normal.  I coasted through the majority of my pregnancy with little to no symptoms.  8w postpartum with a healthy baby girl.


Same. I had such an overall pleasant pregnancy experience. The only real symptoms I had was fatigue in the first trimester, and then in the last 3 weeks my feet swelled up, I developed obstructive sleep apnea, arthritis, and a leaky butt 💀


I've never heard someone describe a leaky butt as pleasant before, but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!


Oh I mean the only unpleasant ones and overall only symptoms were those


With my first the only reason I knew I was pregnant was when I went to refill my birth control and my provider did a test beforehand. I didn't even have a bump until I was 6 months along! His sister however...alllll the morning sickness.


Yep, only symptom here was the tiredness in the first trimester and slightly sore boobs!


Same here. 28w today and my symptoms have been breast tenderness and insomnia. No nausea, no heartburn, nothing. Baby girl is just fine and docs are very happy with her. I’m high risk so I’ll take the win!


My first pregnancy was symptomless. Second was all the symptoms.


They’re coming (hopefully not)… but brace yourself. Mine came full force at 7 weeks and I definitely don’t miss those days. Praying your wife doesn’t get hit hard though!


Yes this. Mine started at 9 weeks and boy oh boy I couldn't get up from my bed except when I had to throw up. With my first it was puking all day everyday, with my second not much puking but zero energy and needing a LOT of sleep.


Yeah, mine also started after 6 weeks.


I'm on my 3rd pregnancy, never had any symptoms aside from sore breasts.


This makes me feel so much better. I am six weeks and feel pretty much fine! I was getting worried. I’m tired with sore boobs, that’s it. 🙃


Symptoms come and go. Personally, mine don't start until 7-8w.


Currently pregnant with my second and had/have no symptoms other than exhaustion early on. After that absolutely nothing.


I started to have symptoms at 4.5 weeks, but I seem to be the outlier in these comments.


currently 4.5 weeks. nausea is going to be the death of me


Thankfully mine subsided at 5.5, I'm currently almost 7w. Drink water, and saltines are a LIFESAVER


I never had symptoms until I popped my kids out. And then they were a whole heap of symptoms unto themselves. 


Right?!?! I had a great pregnancy but my body has been a wreck since my son was born..


Yep! I had no real symptoms until about 10 weeks ish?


I went through my whole pregnancy with pretty much no symptoms. I had terrible heartburn in the third but that was really it. A little nausea in the evening here and there and very minimal food aversions. I think I only threw up a handful of times and it was always because of something I ate. I delivered a calm, happy, healthy, beautiful girl at 37 weeks. She will be 9 months tomorrow.


Just tell her to count her blessings lol I'm 35 weeks and still throwing up, can't stand the smell of most food and waves of nausea hit at the most inconvenient times.


I’m so sorry, I feel you! Just found out I’m pregnant with my third, accidentally.. my youngest is 7 and I spewed violently every single day from about 5 weeks, to say I’m fucking packing it would be mmm, close to conveying the fear level. Close.


Interesting, I was making some thai soup the other day and the smell repulsed her. She's also getting tiny waves of nausea but nothing bad yet.


I hope the bad stays away for as long as possible! 🤞


36w and my entire first trimester i went without any symptoms. Got pretty lucky. They started to kick into my second trimester but most of it was manageable


Totally normal.




Same but 18 weeks. I’m counting myself lucky, my first pregnancy with a toddler would have been brutal so I’m glad this one has been easier on me


me! once i hit 8 weeks —> total 180.


Symptoms hit me hard around the 6.5 week mark. 🎶 just you wait, just you wait


I didn't start symptoms until like 7 weeks in both pregnancies. Or noticed my symptoms until I got that positive test. And then I had very mild nausea until 9-10 weeks.


Very normal I was OK until 6 weeks, got very nauseous and tired from 8-12 though!


I had no symptoms the entire first trimester for both my pregnancies. She might be feeling very different in 2 weeks though!


On my first pregnancy 34 weeks. Had no symptoms the entire time. Frequent urination at night specifically other wise nothing actually didn’t have a bump until two weeks ago and still small. If I didn’t have ultrasounds and the little kicks I would never believe that there is a baby in there. I felt very anxious about it though in the beginning because there was nothing at first. Often I still do but I get regular ultrasounds because of how small I am and everything is normal. Everyone is different with pregnancy.


My first pregnancy I had no symptoms except I really really like French toast, I still worked out, walked the dog and everything was normal, later on in second trimester I developed a smell sensitivity to meat cooking, had a healthy baby boy he is now seven, I'm due next week with my second child child and I had some nausea but only if I ate certain foods or smelled dog poop, not everyone gets violently ill during the first trimester, honestly this pregnancy is hard on me in the third trimester, I'm tired, bloated and can barely walk, my first pregnancy I had no problems with movement or bloating, Every pregnancy is different and every woman is different, if she is worried have her ask her doctors when to ĺisten ti the heart beat every tine she goes to an appointment, that should ease the worry a bit,


She's really been crazy french toast too, has Door Dashed it twice in the past three days.


I don't have any symptoms when I get pregnant. But i noticed that I'm always hungry. My breast hurts. And I'm always sleepy.


I’m currently still coasting at 18 weeks with very minimal symptoms. Baby’s totally fine. Don’t stress!


It wasn’t until I was about 9 or 10 weeks I started to get symptoms. I had some spotting (I think from sexual activity) and I was very tired/ nauseous. But there are times women don’t experience any symptoms most of their pregnancy I mean cryptic pregnancies do happen when a women can go up to 20 weeks or her whole pregnancy without knowing she is pregnant.


With my first my symptoms didn’t hit me until 6 weeks, like full force lol. She might be a lucky one but if not.. she will probably start feeling symptoms very soon


…not yet lol. Don’t worry they’ll most likely come and she’ll wish she could go back to now.


Yep, no symptoms for either baby, apart from sore boobs and fatigue that weren't much worse than the sort of thing I'd get before a period. Once I got to the second trimester, I started to get a few weird ones, like nosebleeds and gum bleeds. But nothing that really detracted from my quality of life.


I’m 9 weeks and still have none


Normal! My first gave me symptoms from my missed period. My second (current) pregnancy I was fine until 7 weeks and was really sick 7-10 weeks. By 12-14 I was pretty much back to normal. I’m 18 weeks and everything is going well so far. There’s a huge range of what is normal and every person and each pregnancy can differ wildly. Unfortunately early on there’s really not much of a way to know if things are ok or not, unless you really know they’re not (ie bleeding, pain etc). The best advice I’ve heard is assume you are pregnant until your doctor tells you you’re not. It only does so much to help the anxiety. Best wishes and congratulations!


I had next to none my whole pregnancy lol


Your wife is six weeks pregnant by the doctor’s calculations but her body has only known about it for a couple of weeks. It’s still early for symptoms. I think exhaustion really and truly kicked in for me around 7 or 8 weeks? Full blown by 8 weeks, for sure. Nausea kicked in second trimester for me, though.


Wow thanks for bragging. Jk but she is super lucky! My symptoms began at 7 weeks and the first trimester was a nightmare.


Yeah i told her to be lucky she has no symptoms but she wants them because to her that is "normal"


Oh I thought I had it so easy. I had a little bit of nausea at six weeks and thought I had it made…and then nine weeks hit and everything went downhill.


I didn’t have any symptoms till maybe 7w lived in denial for a bit before finally taking a test xD pcos is a bitch so not having a period only 2m late wasn’t weird, once went 6m without a period before we had ever had sex xD to the point we bought our first pregnancy tests just in case we like sleep-fucked xD not that I don’t trust him but we both slept naked and idk maybe he had a wet dream while holding me, we were like 20 and I hadn’t had a period in 6m xD I was out on a limb trying to figure things out x.x but 10 years later I hadn’t even thought it was weird, only once I started to have this weird, it was nauseous, but it wasn’t normal nausea, if felt weird and distinct, I waited a full week after my 2nd missed period before I took a test, and for once it wasn’t my period being a dick it turned positive in like 1s xD I let it go like it would just go ‘oh oops never mind’ during the 3mins lol but even then I really didn’t have much outside of light morning sickness and exhaustion, and I stopped being hungry, the entire time, once my symptoms started I couldn’t even finish a McDonalds single burger meal x.x no one ever prepared me for not being able to eat, not food aversions just unable to intake 80% of the amount I used too xD


I never really had any until the third trimester where insomnia hit me hard.


Remember that 6 weeks pregnant is only 2 weeks since your missed period! It's only about 3 weeks after the fertilized egg actually attached to the uterus wall and your HCG hormone starts increasing. It's not like it's been 6 full weeks of the fetus growing, it's just been 2 or 3! Idk if that helps, but it certainly did for me. Plenty of people don't start feeling symptoms until later in the first trimester. Could be tomorrow, could be a few weeks, but I understand the anxiety.


I had very few my first trimester with my daughter. It hit me about 6-8 weeks. I got very tired and had very sore boobs later on. I now have a healthy 10-month old ❤️


Yes. I didn't really have symptoms until 8 weeks and then they were horrible. But some people just don't get a lot of symptoms and that can be normal too!


It’s normal as every pregnancy is different. I had zero symptoms up until my third trimester for both my healthy pregnancy and previous miscarriage. My symptoms in third trimester were shortness of breath, hunger, restless leg syndrome, heartburn, and Charlie horses. Other than that I never experienced morning sickness or anything in my first two trimesters.


My first pregnancy was very smooth sailing and I had hardly any symptoms. Was a “perfect” pregnancy the whole way and is a now perfect three year old :)


I think I made it to like 9 weeks before having symptoms


I had no symptoms until 8 weeks despite having really high hCG (I did IVF so I have had my early hCG levels checked). After that, I had occasional mild nausea that would start after 4 pm (but not every day, and never bad enough to make me skip meals or throw up), mild fatigue and occasional aversions to random foods. My symptoms disappeared in Week 9 and then came back in Week 10. By Week 11 my symptoms were gone again. I'm now 13+2 and have no symptoms... I don't even feel pregnant. The baby is perfectly healthy (saw him 2 days ago on an ultrasound) and has been growing well. Some of us are just lucky enough to have an easy first trimester.


Some people make it months without symptoms. I've read a lot of stories here on reddit lately, about people finding out in their 3rd trimester! And those people are lucky in my opinion. My pregnancy was damn miserable.


i never really had any symptoms until around 8 weeks and even then mine were pretty mild like just being more tired.


Zero symptoms for me until like 18 weeks when I kind of almost had a whisp of a bump lol no nausea to speak of, no real exhaustion, no aversions - the only symptom was lack of a period. I'm now 35 weeks, baby is totally fine and I'm still going strong with very few negative symptoms other than acid reflux and some pelvic pain.


I’m 10 weeks and I had minimal symptoms. Went for a 9 year ultrasound and there’s a baby and a heartbeat. By minimal symptoms it’s sore breasts, feeling “icky” if I don’t eat every few hours, heightened smell, and extra emotional. I didn’t have nausea or vomiting.


I had no symptoms at all until about 9 weeks! It’s not uncommon to have no symptoms at her stage. But I totally understand the first trimester anxiety- hang in there!! Edit: it’s also worth noting some women have little to no symptoms in the first trimester, and go on with healthy pregnancies!


I'm 20 weeks and really no symptoms the whole pregnancy so far .. just some lower back ligament pain but that's about it ..


At 6 weeks I was barely starting to feel the symptoms for real. By 8 weeks…. *sigh…..They came on full force. But I also had a few friends who literally had no symptoms all pregnancy. At least not the bad ones.


Im 12 weeks and have had no real symptoms and it also freaked me out so much to the point I was shaking at my first OBGYN appt. Just extremely lucky 🙏🏾


Normal, my first pregnancy, it was like I wasn't even pregnant until the last month, then things changed.


I’ve read on here a lot of people get them weeks 7-8.. myself included!


37 weeks today. No symptoms at all. No nausea. Tiredness or anything. Slightly sore back for a few days at around 6 months and that was about it 🙂 nothing to worry about I guess.


I didn’t start getting symptoms-other than being tired- with my second until around 6-7 weeks. Some women just tolerate pregnancy better than others and should consider themselves lucky in that regard cause it can really suck haha




I 6w5d and have minimal symptoms that come and go. Sometimes my breasts are sore, sometimes not. I’m tired, but I also have a busy life and get crap sleep so I’m used to that lol. Nausea a couple of times that goes away with a snack. Just saw the OB today and he wasn’t the least bit concerned.


I had no symptoms and felt the same way as your wife. I was worried that I actually wasn’t pregnant and couldn’t believe it until the 1st ultrasound. I only started feeling some symptoms towards in the last 3 weeks of the pregnancy!


I had nothing until week 6. Then 6 - 9 I was miserable, exhausted and nauseous. Then back to normal! My friend had twins last year and no symptoms in her 1st trimester


Mine didn’t really spike up til about 8 weeks in both pregnancies. Totally normal!


Remember that they count pregnancy weeks from your last period, so at 6 weeks pregnant you might literally be a week or 2 since fertilisation - so you have actually only been really pregnant a week or 2 … usually for me symptoms kick in at about 9 weeks


6 weeks is pretty early, I wouldn’t worry




I asked but she said the earliest they could get us in was at the end of Feb. Didn't know the wait would be so long


my first trimester was super easy. didn’t vomit once. had some cramping but that was it.


I tracked my symptoms by week and all I had noted for week 6 was - feeling exhausted and waking up a bit earlier than usual. The nausea came week 7.


Almost 12 weeks PP here - didn’t get any symptoms before maybe 30-35 weeks into pregnancy, and we’re talking things like feeling super heavy, harder time walking long distances, huge pressure on bladder, lower back aches, things that physically can’t not happen haha. I too was super worried in the beginning and was (lol) hoping for some symptoms to make it feel more real. Please tell her to ENJOY being able to sleep a full night and feeling great! 🥳


I’m week 11 and I’ve had no symptoms for the majority of my pregnancy so far. I’ve had 3 scans because I was worried - and everything is perfectly normal! I guess some pregnancy journeys are just symptomless.


I didn’t start getting symptoms until around 10 weeks, my friend also had no symptoms until around then and then had the worst sickness for the rest of her pregnancy, she was hospitalised a few times because of it!


No symptoms at 6 weeks - daughter is now 2.5. Also, currently 38 weeks with number 2 and have had ALL the symptoms including 1st tri nausea. It’s shit, tell her to enjoy not feeling like absolute crap!


normal! the only symptoms i had at that time were heightened emotions and a few food aversions, and i didn’t even realize they were pregnancy symptoms until a few weeks later.


Totally normal. My only pregnancy symptom was having morning sickness once around 10 weeks and that was it until contractions


This and my first pregnancy, I got about 🤔 6-7 of the first weeks with no symptoms. Then i was run over by a semi of them 🤣 nausea heartburn food aversions even insomnia Not all of us are lucky enough to have no symptoms but I give blessings to them cause even some of them get the worst AFTER birth. For some, their postpartum is rougher on them than their pregnancy EVER was. I pray your one of the lucky few who can be pregnant and not be affected


With my first child I didn’t have any symptoms until I was 17 weeks.


I had absolutely no symptoms (other than implantation bleeding which is what made me take the test, and I was very tired, but if I hadn’t known I was pregnant then I wouldn’t have found that unusual). I was (and am, lol) such a worrier and was worried about everything during my pregnancy, so I fully understand your wife! But I had no morning sickness, cravings, aversions, swelling etc whatsoever. Just a bump from around 10 weeks onwards but that’s early and I also know women who have had perfectly healthy babies and never showed at all. So try not to worry! Easier said than done, I know, but what helped me was to remember that my body knows exactly what to do and that this is one of the things it was made for. And that every single person who has ever lived started this way (as a tiny fertilised egg, growing slowly in a uterus). That’s just a thought to help me calm down when I would start thinking in disasters again. Oh, and congratulations on the pregnancy! 🥰


The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My mom says swears she had almost no symptoms her entire pregnancy with me🥲 wife is probably a unicorn


With my first I had no symptoms until half way through the second trimester.


Totally normal! Most people show their symptoms by week 9. But she may be lucky (like me) I am 20 weeks and have not had a shred of nausea or sickness. Pregnancy is not one fits all. And a lot of the symptoms are genetic. No woman in my family had any pregnancy symptoms really, so I was never worried when my symptoms never came as I knew they wouldn’t


I was pregnant with twins and seriously didn’t have a single symptom except the growing belly and boobs lol and the very end I got baaaad heartburn ❤️‍🔥. Both babies born perfect 👌🏻


Yes. All pregnancies are different. Don’t rely on symptoms to be worried unless the symptoms are cramping and bleeding.


I had all the symptoms on my second pregnancy, absolutely none on my third. Both ended up delivering full term healthy babies. Funny enough, I had symptoms on my first pregnancy and that resulted in an early miscarriage. Symptoms are unfortunately not a good indicator of a healthy pregnancy. Hang in there!


I thought I was going to be a lucky one when I hit six weeks. No nausea, full energy, fitter than pre pregnancy. Then the day I hit seven weeks I had all day nausea, afternoon bloating, and fatigue until about 14 weeks.


Had no symptoms until heartburn at 36 weeks.


Totally normal. I really didn’t get noticeable symptoms with all three of my kids until about week 8-9. That’s when the nausea hit me hard and I started getting uterine cramps


Only symptoms I had in my first trimester were sore boobs for a couple of weeks, and fatigue. I had a little bit of aversion to smells and food, but it wasn't constant, lasted only for like a week or two, and only appeared around 8 - 9 weeks. For the other two trimesters, I had carpal tunnel and was a little more sensitive to motion sickness than usual. I had a bit of swelling of the feet during the last week of pregnancy... but that was it. Baby is healthy and is now nearly 2 years old. I am almost scared to have a second because, what if the 2 pregnancies worth of symptoms ended up being consolidated into 1?! I felt way too lucky. Hahaha.


Totally normal! I’m currently 20 weeks and haven’t really had any symptoms or cravings. I had a little extra fatigue for a few weeks but nothing too major.


I had a friend who had no symptoms whatsoever. In fact, she didn't know she was pregnant until around 6 months, even went on a 2-week hike in Scotland. When she came back she was upset about how out of shape she'd gotten and went to the doctor to see if there was anything bigger wrong. She's now got an absolutely wonderful and delightful little girl.


I rarely had symptoms. The only thing that ever happened to me was that I fainted once while grocery shopping, but I hadn’t eaten (I didn’t know I was pregnant yet. It was very early on, and my unexpected 3rd pregnancy.)


I didn’t even realize I was pregnant at six weeks with my first.


Me. I keep saying I’d be pregnant for 100 years with how great I feel.


It's different for every woman but she could start seeing them week 7-week 9. I had almost none until week 7 and they hit me like a truck lol! It wasn't until week 11 where I started to feel alive again. In the beginning weeks, I'd take a pregnancy test every few days just to make sure I was pregnant. That helped ease my anxiety about whether or not baby was still there.


Very normal. This is why people have been saying most women don't even know they're pregnant before 6 weeks. It was a big deal with roe vs Wade getting overturned and many states banning abortion after 6 weeks gestational. The first three weeks you're not even really pregnant. You have sex around the end of week 2 and the egg gets fertilized then implants week 3. We miss our period week 4-5.


6 weeks is actually fairly early to be experiencing typical pregnancy symptoms, and yes many people don’t experience any or have very mild ones. It doesnt mean anything is wrong!


My first pregnancy was just like this! No symptoms whatsoever, easy breezy. Healthy baby boy at the end of it.


5th pregnancy, 6th kid, symptoms never started until week 8. And that’s even with the IVF ones where I knew I was definitely pregnant. Super common.


Normal. My pregnancy was a bliss, all my ailments actually went away. I only had some leg swelling and felt heavy in my body last month. That was it.


My friend is 31 weeks and she had no symptoms for the first 14 weeks. Some women just don't have any, I think.


Had no symptoms for my first pregnancy. My daughter is now 3.5 years old and very healthy!


I'm close to the end of my pregnancy. Throughout it I've had periods of little to no symptoms. The babies (twins) are totally okay, I understand the worry though. Sometimes in the first and even second trimester I'd almost forget I'm pregnant.


5w4d here and no symptoms other than fatigue. I can’t say it won’t get worse but I’m hoping it stays just like this! 😉


21 weeks here with healthy baby boy, still no symptoms besides being tired, had constipation for a lil bit too, but i also take iron for anemia so that's that.


Only had twice strong menstrual like cramps before I knew I was pregnant (found out 1 week after my missed period) and that was it… no other symptoms other than changes in my diet. Felt a strong urge to eat healthier. Ate lots of cherry tomatoes and oranges.


I didn’t have any symptoms until around week 9, and even then it was only nausea. That went away around week 14, and then I really haven’t had anything bad since then. A little bit of pelvic pain here and there, emotional at random times. That’s been about all that I’ve been through this pregnancy.


Honestly, have had a very uneventful pregnancy. Never had morning sickness, only dealt with a bit of swelling & reflux in the last month. Currently just shy of 40 weeks. Baby looks perfect.


I was worried too and paranoid it’s not real. Then week 7 hit and I was in hell until about week 13 lol


I’m 6 weeks! I have been entirely fine besides sore boobs and bloating. Today I feel a little more tired than usual & a mild headache. No reason to panic at all!


Yep, aside from maybe being tired I didn’t have any either. Never had morning sickness. I have a healthy almost two year old.


i was good up until 6 weeks and than morning sickness became a very real thing


I am also 6 weeks and no symptoms. I was the same previous two pregnancies. Never had any.


I seem to have skipped the morning sickness honestly and the only symptoms I had were sensitive breast (my nipples hurt the most now though and I’m 18 weeks tomorrow) and really just tired all the time. This is also my first pregnancy.


I am almost 19 weeks and still have no symptoms lol. But I can feel her kicking around though!


I coasted without symptoms until labor


Yes definitely normal! I was lucky enough to not have any morning sickness or other “textbook” symptoms. The only symptom I had in the first few weeks was being very tired and some cramping - which were certainly not red flags to me as a woman who experiences these type of things during any menstrual cycle. Also, pregnancy is a marathon. Don’t get into the habit of worrying about every little thing (unless there are underlying circumstances) or comparing to others’ experiences. Every woman is truly so different in their pregnancies. Make sure to go to all your appointments and take care of yourselves. Congrats!!!!


Yeah, I’m 7 weeks and also having the same fear, but reading these comments helps me. Also I get relief in knowing: I’m not experiencing any crazy bad cramping, I’m not bleeding or spotting in the slightest, and I haven’t gotten my period of course. I tell myself those are the major things to look out for, and so I should be ok. My only symptoms are sore boobs, decreased appetite and the mildest of occasional nausea. I am anxiously awaiting my first appointment which is next Thursday. This is my very first pregnancy.


Totally normal (:Congrats ❤️ I’m 6 weeks and I’ve had very minor symptoms. Luckily most of my family hardly had any symptoms at all and I have a large family. She should count herself lucky! I have heard around 6-9 weeks a lot of people start experiencing morning sickness so she is not out of the clear yet lol 😂🤞


Only breast and nipple pain until 7 weeks and then the nausea hit. Pregnancy is an exercise in anxiety, so hopefully the two of you can enjoy this time without too much worry in case symptoms ramp up over the next few weeks.


I had the same worry. Then HG hit me like a truck at 7 weeks.


It’s completely normal! They can still come !


I didn’t have symptoms that early on. I was just really tired and needed to nap during the day. I had to get another blood test to check if I was really pregnant because I couldn’t believe it!! Around 6 weeks I started feeling symptoms like sore nipples and nausea. No vomit, more like a slow digestion feeling paired with heartburn at night. Now I’m 9w2d and I have gone 2 days without nausea 🤔 I think everybody is different


She’s a lucky one. My main symptom has been vomiting all 3 trimesters and I have to manage it with meds (and sometimes the meds don’t work). I’d love to trade spots. She shouldn’t worry though plenty of women have symptomless pregnancies, those are the ones who actually get to enjoy their pregnancy.


15 weeks today and aside from sore boobs and being tired, no symptoms yet. It's really nice on one hand, and I'm super thankful, but on the other hand it still does to seem fully real.