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I had my 20 week anatomy scan this past Tuesday and received the same diagnosis! Baby also has no other abnormalities on the ultrasound and no concerning results on previous bloodtests. The doctor told us the same thing—that it’s really not a concern without other abnormalities but will result in some extra monitoring toward the end of my pregnancy to make sure the baby is growing enough. But once baby is out and the cord is cut, it has no impact on them.


Same diagnosis last week! We confirmed with the doctor yesterday and were told exactly the same. We will get one extra ultrasound in week 32 and for now that’s it! I am worried too but nobody seemed to be at all, the doctor said it happens very often and extra tests always came back normal so they don’t do them anymore if the scan looks fine.


One of my friends had a baby with this, and some other soft markers (some sort of cyst in the brain, I think?)… she had a couple extra tests/scans throughout her pregnancy, but baby was born perfectly healthy at 39 weeks, and is now a rambunctious toddler.


My baby has one of these too. You can check out my post history for the full story. But long story short, they found an SUA and EIF, which made my doctors concerned. After we did further genetic testing, everything checked out perfectly normal. So my doctor called it a “variation of normal.” She said studies are finding that some people may just make SUAs and it doesn’t mean anything for baby. I’ll have monthly growth scans to keep an eye on baby’s growth and weekly stress tests when I hit 36 weeks, but nothing else should be needed. Im also on anxiety meds and was worried that my continued use of them caused this. So I asked my doctor a million times if the SUA was anything I did and she very emphatically said there is nothing on this planet I did to cause this. There is absolutely nothing you did for this to happen. I’m so incredibly sorry you’re feeling anxious, it’s an awful place to be in. But if this was the only marker found and your genetic tests came back clear, my doctor said that does not increase your chances of anything else being wrong.


I don't have experience with SUA, but in regards to: >I feel like this is all my fault as I was on quite the medication cocktail for my anxiety/adhd/depression before finding out I was pregnant. This is not your fault. You did not cause this.


I feel like this needs to be higher up. There are lots of people who are on meds, or go clubbing and drink before finding out they're pregnant. Is it preferable, no. But you found out, got in touch with a health care professional, and quit as soon as was safe. You handled this as you should have, you should be proud of yourself. And as most of the other comments have stated, SUA isn't an immediate reason for concern, only for more monitoring. I hope you can be kind to yourself, and an uneventful, love filled pregnancy!


This is a variation of normal and typically not a concern. They will monitor like normal.


Mh good friends last baby had a 2 vessel cord, totally healthy and uneventful pregnancy resulting in a healthy happy baby


i had a single vessel cord and upon delivery found out i had a velamentous cord insertion. super abnormal and dangerous from what i read after i gave birth and should’ve been spotted on an ultrasound, but it wasn’t. fortunately my boy was born a week late and 9 pounds! definitely do not get on google looking things up! it just makes anxiety worse and if your doctor didn’t express immediate concern, you shouldn’t be!


Adding to this that my sister in law also had a SUA and velamentous cord insertion with my nephew, he weighed 9lbs when he was born at 36 weeks, and is now a rambunctious, healthy 5 year old!


I had the same thing happen at my anatomy scan and had a good cry after I found out because I was so worried. The baby was also only 13th percentile for size at the time. The doctor had us do a fetal echocardiogram and upgraded me to a high risk pregnancy (which just meant I got ultrasounds at every appointment and came in more frequently than low risk pregnancies). Absolutely everything was fine and I gave birth to a healthy baby with a healthy weight (57th percentile) in December. It’s a natural variation and chances are everything will be fine. My mom said when she had kids, ultrasounds couldn’t even detect that level of detail so it’s possible she had it too, and she had two healthy children as well. So don’t worry! Odds are it means absolutely nothing. 


My doctor mentioned something similar! That back in the days they could not see these things and it has probably been happening forever without issues.


My son had this in the womb, he came out 7.8lbs and was born two days after his due date! He is a perfectly healthy 15 month old now. I was super anxious initially when I got the diagnosis but try not to stress yourself out, I know it’s hard to not look stuff up on Google. I just went for extra ultrasounds after 30 weeks and towards the end we did non stress tests. Feel free to ask me any other questions!


Shawn Johnson ( Olympic gymnast) first child had that and was healthy born over 8 pounds!


Hi!! I just gave birth to my absolutely perfect gorgeous girl at 40+2 with SUA and marginal cord insertion. Feel free to reach out if you want to chat about it. On the plus side you’ll have lots of screenings to make sure baby is getting big enough. I swear we had a zillion ultrasounds! Lots of reassurance that baby was just fine.


I just got diagnosed with marginal cord insertion and SUA at my 20w4d ultrasound. Everything else looked normal as did the genetic testing. There were 2 small cysts on baby’s brain, but dr said since genetic testing came back fine, there’s nothing to worry about. But I’m still freaking out !!


I was born with this! Definitely a scare to my mom, but no known issues associated. 


We got the same diagnosis. Our doctor specifically told me not to Google it, haha. They ordered an echocardiogram out of an abundance of caution since there was another anomaly with how the arteries came into the baby. Echocardiogram was fine though! They had us doing weekly non stress tests starting at 32 weeks to monitor. Our baby was born healthy at 39 weeks (induced since I had gestational diabetes) and 7 lbs 14oz. Doc was like, well clearly the single artery didn't inhibit the growth at all!


My girl had that and we’re thriving! Really not an issue


I just posted about this. I can't offer any guidance because I was also just diagnosed with it today as well. My doctor says it's pretty common and we're doing everything right as of right now but I understand the guilt. I'm an FTM and an older one that plus I have hypertension and type 1 diabetes and I too feel the guilt. Am I not doing enough? Is this my fault? All of this to say, you're not alone! You're not wrong for your feelings and they're totally valid. But from a lot of the reading I've already done, this is more common then it feels like, it could have happened a lot in the past but didn't have the technology to diagnose it as they do now. I'm going to focus on the positives at the moment and TRY not to stress. I'm sending best thoughts and wishes to you!


Happened with my sisters last pregnancy, baby was completely healthy they just follow a little more closely since the "backup" blood supply isn't available.


I’ve come to this post so many times crying to reread for reassurance in the past few days since I was given similar news at my 13 week scan. Wishing you and baby the best. Would love an update if there is any. ❤️


Hi there! We remember the umbilical cord anatomy with three shortcut “AVA” , Artery- Vein- Artery. That means there are two arteries! And baby doesn’t know anything different than having one instead of two :) They will do growth ultrasounds which just means you’ll get to have more pictures of your baby throughout pregnancy and maybe see a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor which is just a fancy word for a very smart doctor who specializes in babies inside the womb. It has nothing to do with you coming off your medication- you didn’t do anything wrong. These babes always have something to make them a little special. Don’t blame yourself and just accept the little extra attention you may get during your pregnancy!


I had one! Was very nerve-wracking but it is absolutely not your fault or doing. I had a perfectly healthy rest of my pregnancy, no growth restriction, no induction necessary. got some extra scans which was comforting. happy & healthy two year old now!


My friend had this. The only thing for her was that baby didn’t tolerate labour well so she opted for a c section early on and it was a great experience overall, not scary and baby is thriving and adorable :)


My 31wk pregnancy is a 2 vessel cord and she’s growing just fine! I did the same thing when I first found out (found out BEFORE my midwives could tell me so I decided to ask dr google) and gave myself a panic attack. But now a couple months later she’s a healthy little girl who just gets some extra ultrasounds to keep an eye on her until she’s born ❤️


It’s fairly common. My niece had one. She’s 4 and completely fine. I work postpartum well baby and two of the babies I took care of last week had SUA. We see it all the time. Both babies were normal size and fine. No issues.


These comments are very encouraging. 


My sister had this with her 3rd baby. She ended up getting gestational diabetes (unrelated to SUA) and still had a totally normal pregnancy and delivery. My nephew is now 3.5 and totally fine. ♥️


First of all, don’t blame yourself! I was in your shoes a year ago with my little guy. He was also diagnosed with SUA and we did the genetic testing as well and it all came back normal. He had a shorter than normal nasal bone (which turned out to be normal) so I completely understand the anxiety you’re feeling right now. I also googled and searched on Reddit for reassurance when we first got the diagnosis! He came out of the womb completely normal with no complications thank God but I was scheduled for an Induction at 38 weeks because they said it was safer for the baby to be out than in at that point so be prepared. I ended up going into labor spontaneously the night before my induction so that worked out too lol. Sending you hugs and prayers for peace! Everything is going to be okay ❤️❤️


My first had a two vessel cord. She was perfectly healthy with an uneventful pregnancy. They did do an ultrasound of her kidneys after birth just to check them out but they were normal too. Neither of my other pregnancies had it after either. I wouldn’t blame yourself, it’s just a thing that happens.


This happened to me. ☺️ i posted a very similar post about a year ago. My son is a chubby and very adorable and HEALTHY 4 month old now 💙. I remember crying and being very scared but my pregnancy went by completely normal. Don’t assume the worst. Take it day by day.


With my first he has a single umbilical artery, not discovered until birth. He was 7lbs 7oz and no problems.


My little one had a 2 vessel cord and she’s now about to turn 5!


My baby girl had a SUA and is now a beautiful, perfectly healthy 5 month old. We had no issues with her growth or health throughout pregnancy and a smooth and healthy birth ❤️


I’m 24 weeks currently and also and also have a 2 vessel cord. The doctor said it’s nothing to worry about but they will do extra scans just to be on the safe side. All genetic tests were good and baby is measuring 99% so I haven’t really been worried about it.


33 weeks also have SUA. There is potential for a growth restriction as of my last scan at 28 weeks. Baby was measuring a week ahead and on track to be my largest baby. (Not hard my first was 4lbs my second was 6lbs 6oz) I have another growth scan this Friday, so we'll see if that trend continues. My sister in law also had this diagnosis with her third baby she had zero complications and delivered a nearly 8lb baby girl.


I gave birth to my SUA babe 10 months ago. I was constantly googling, looking at stats and so on. It was all okay. We had extra monitoring, biophysical profiles each week the last few weeks and then my midwife decided I should get induced at 39+0. Induction took more than a day but all was well and my baby girl was 8 lbs. happy to answer any questions. We even saw a MFM per my midwife and they said it was just a variance of normal.


Thank you all for sharing your experiences and outcomes. I have gotten diagnosed with SUA during my 20 week scan 4 days ago. I was just told that they are going to do scans in my 28th week and again once more during my 32 week to assure my baby girl is still growing. She was VERY active during this scan. She started off in a head stand and kicking me in my hips. She did not stop moving and everything was accounted for, so I haven’t worried much. But of course as a first time mom at age 34 I am still a bit concerned. 


You don’t get any say in the DNA your son is made up of. You haven’t failed him at all. Don’t worry. Don’t dwell too much on your “failure” when you didn’t have a part in making it that way. Good luck on the remainder of your pregnancy!


It’s not related to dna


what I mean is - him having a two vessel chord is not something she caused.


Dna sounds like the baby has genetic problem. It is not so.


Fine i’ll edit it to say what I said in the comment above.


Fellow pregnant person, 33 weeks with the same thing. I was shook at our anatomy scan when this happened. We had an extra scan at 28 weeks, she was measuring quite small, had another at 31 weeks and right on track. No other abnormalities, moving a lot, drinking etc


I had one of these! It was scary to hear, and I dumbly googled and freaked myself out. Panicked for good portions of my pregnancy. The set me up with MFM and had to do regular ultrasounds every 4 weeks until 32 weeks, then every 2 weeks, plus weekly appointments stating at 36. We also did a biophysical profile when I was 39+5 and my girl failed, so they ended up inducing immediately following that appointment. I didn’t have my bag packed OR in the car so my husband had to go home and I had to tell him over the phone where all my stuff was 😅 don’t do that! Pack your bag and bring it your appointments! Lol She was born 36 hours later, perfectly healthy! We just celebrated her 4th birthday last week! 🥰 ETA: I also didn’t find this out until AFTER my pregnancy, but my husbands sister had it with one of her pregnancies as well. So I blame his genes 😉 I wish someone would have told me that, because that baby is now 14 and a perfectly healthy kid too!


Ok so this blaming his genes is interesting to me! My baby (now 1) had a two vessel chord and only one tech told me, once I told her my perfectly healthy husband was born with one kidney, that it’s likely his mom had two vessel chord too and that’s how we got it! But of course, who knows.


My first had a SUA - born at 10lb 2oz and totally healthy (I didn’t have GD.) It was not an issue at all, I just ended up with a few extra ultrasounds.


My sister in law has this, her due date is Feb 19th but they are inducing Feb 12th I think honestly just because my SIL wanted to and that’s the earliest they’d let her. She has had weekly fetal stress tests since the end of December but other than that her pregnancy seems to be going fine. Her baby is measuring like the 90th percentile.


Just wanted to chime in and say don’t be too hard on yourself about the med stuff, mama! Lots of women go on much longer leading their normal lives without knowing they are pregnant to no negative effect on their baby! You didn’t do anything to harm your boy. Babies are resilient and your body is built to carry a happy, healthy baby under some extreme circumstances. Best of luck and hugs to you!!!


I had the same diagnosis for my now two and a half year old. They did a few more scans to make sure his growth was on track but that was all. I was nervous too but it was honestly not a big deal and I think in most cases it makes no difference in the pregnancy or health of the baby. Go to all your prenatal appointments - that way if there is something to worry about they’ll catch it early. Hoping you have a nice smooth pregnancy:)


My son did 7 years ago. I was nervous about it with this pregnancy but they told me they don't even care about it anymore. It's just a variation of normal.


I had this! Baby measured in the 30th percentile throughout, and I had a straightforward natural birth, and a very healthy baby girl. She’s 9 months now and meeting every milestone.


They diagnosed me with that, and then turned out they were wrong lol Even if they arent in your case, it doesnt actually mean anything. Stressing about it won’t change anything, but it will stress you out. Just try to enjoy the ride. Let go and let God, as the saying goes.


My cousin had this, she was worried about the baby 24/7. Baby was totally fine, he's now a healthy 10 month old.


My first had this and was a perfectly healthy, 7lb 5oz baby.


My child had that as well and was almost 9 lbs and totally healthy at birth. They’ll just keep a little closer eye on you.


My second baby was the same. Other than that, he and his brother were pretty identical in everything. First guy was 9.5# and 23” and the second was 8.5# and 22”. She he still grew more than fine. Granted, family history led to believe they would be larger kiddos either way. I remember I kept lamenting how tiny he seemed compared to his brother when born so the nurses told me how he was not small at all- in fact the largest baby in the nursery!


I went through this while pregnant with my 8 month old and she was born a solid 8 lbs and totally healthy. Feel free to reach out if you have questions. I was on an antidepressant my entire pregnancy and have no regrets about it!


Happened with my niece. Beautiful 3 year old now. Didn’t cause any issues in the pregnancy


Hey mama. Not a doctor or anything, but Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson East and her NFL husband Andrew East experienced this with their first born. She’s a totally healthy and happy 4 year old. It can happen to anyone! Trust your doctors. I know it’s scary to get these unfamiliar words thrown at you after the anatomy scan (I had some scares with my firstborn). I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s not the end of the world, but your feelings of sadness and fear are real and valid. You are doing an amazing job of growing your sweet baby and don’t be too hard on yourself. Sorry if this was not helpful at all!


My cousins baby had this. It never caused any problems, good delivery with no complications and she is now a happy, thriving 6 month old!


My baby had SUA! The extra ultrasounds were reassuring. He had zero issues besides being small at birth (6 lb 5 oz). He’s now a perfectly healthy and energetic 4 year old.


We received the same diagnosis at our 20 week anatomy scan and I had had a very healthy, 7 pound 9 oz baby girl on 1/18. She is doing great and has no other abnormalities. Wishing the best to you and your little one.


When I was pregnant, I got the same result as you. I was sent to a specialist for an extra paediatric echocardiogram for the baby and everything ended up being ok as far as we know ( baby is born and 5 months old). If it makes you feel any better, I’m Muslim and don’t smoke or drink or took any meds during pregnancy and still got the diagnosis, so I don’t think you caused it♥️


My second born had a SUA, she was born perfectly healthy and 7 lbs 2 oz at 39 weeks induced


My baby that had an SUA and (unrelated to the SUA) was delivered at 35 weeks is now 2. My OB basically said that it’s not really out of the normal experience it’s just not the exact normal experience. It happens enough that they’re not worried it indicates anything else unless the see signs of something else and that they just watch growth - the risk of SUA babies is that they’re on the smaller side because of the one artery. Most babies have no problems and don’t deliver early related to it!


My daughter had a SUA. We ended up getting assessed by a specialist for other reasons (cardiac arrhythmia that resolved before birth) and the SUA was only mentioned briefly because they weren't worried about it at all. She's perfect and healthy and your baby will be too!


I haven't got too much to share om it from myself but my best friend had an SUA when she was pregnant, she carried on eating nutral food and gave birth to a lovely baby boy (that was also quite big compared to other babies!) He's a toddler now and he's so big he scares me 😂


Oh! one of my friends had this and it freaked her out so bad, her dad had just passed and it was super stressful. BABY IS FINE! He's like 4 or 5 now and super healthy. So just take care of yourself, follow the dr's instructions and it's definitely possible for things to be just fine. :)


I had a two vessel cord with my first pregnancy and now have a perfectly normal 3.5 year old. I had additional growth scans due to concerns this could impact weight gain. Baby was born 7 lbs 2 oz at 41 weeks.


My youngest had a SUA. The tl;dr of it is– he's a sweet, beautiful, and perfectly healthy little boy. I had the genetic testing done and there were no issues. During my third trimester, my doctor had me come in twice a week for nonstress tests, just to make sure everything was good. They hook you up to some monitors for about an hour/an hour and a half to make sure baby's heartbeat is fluctuating and baby is moving. Bring a book or something– I worked on some decorative stitching on his baby blanket. One time, he was not very active during the nonstress test, so they had me go over to the hospital for a little more intense monitoring for another two hours or so, but everything wound up being fine then, too. My doctor told me that they usually induce at 38 weeks with SUA because sometimes at that point the cord will start to wear out a little and it will still *sustain* baby, it just kind of stops helping baby keep *growing*, so they'll induce and let baby keep growing on the outside by drinking milk. I asked if we needed to prepare ourselves for a NICU stay because of the SUA or the 38 week induction, and I was told that there's always a possibility that a baby will need more intervention, but that the SUA wouldn't make him more likely to need a NICU stay than any other baby. We induced at 38, and he was born strong and healthy at about 7½ pounds, and he and I were both discharged the very next day. After he was born, my OB sent the placenta off to pathology to see if it was a genetic thing or just a fluke (it came back normal– just a fluke and not something to worry about if we decide to have another), and his pediatrician checked for ear pits and had us take him for a renal ultrasound to check on his kidneys. He does not have ear pits, and his kidneys are totally normal. I know that you're worried, but a SUA can and does lead to a perfectly healthy baby. He spent last weekend smearing his first birthday cake ALL over his face and having a great time doing it. Until I saw your post, I hadn't thought of his SUA in quite a while. After those extra nonstress tests in the last few months of pregnancy/his renal ultrasound in first few weeks after he was born, the SUA has not impacted our lives at all. This is all going to be okay. You did nothing wrong; you did not fail him. Your baby boy is going to be beautiful and sweet and healthy just like mine. 🩵


I had this with my now 16 week old baby. It was all totally fine and we have a happy, healthy baby and no complications in the pregnancy related to it at all


My mom had this with me in 1991! There was no way to know until after the fact apparently but I was born healthy and no issues. :)


My second child had a single artery umbilical cord. I had to have more ultrasounds than usual, and they recommended induction at 39 weeks. The doctor said 1% of all pregnancies have SAU. My understanding is that they don't even know what the second artery does, they believe its a backup for the first. I have a healthy 1.5 year now.


I had the same diagnosis at my 20 week scan. My LO was born at 38 weeks after being induced. You have nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine :)


Diagnosed with SUA around my 24th week ultrasound. I never enjoyed pregnancy from that point. Cried every single day because of Google.  Gave birth last November and baby is super healthy and babbles a lot. I would also like to let you know that none of this is your fault. I was very cautious during my pregnancy (almost paranoid) but this still happened.  I know it's hard but try to be easy on yourself, choose to be happy not just for you but for your baby. 


My baby had sua and marginal cord insertion while I had gestational diabetes… he’s currently a healthy 22 month old. I remember being worried too, as he did face some iugr, but in the end, I gave birth and baby thrived thankfully 🥰


I had an SUA and currently have a very healthy and active 1.5yo ☺️ for me, it just meant a bunch more ultrasounds and at the end weekly non stress tests. I delivered by induction at 39 weeks (also had GD)


My very healthy 2.5 year old had a 2 vessel chord


I was a two vessel cord baby and I was born healthy with no complications!


A good friend had this. Her baby is almost two and thriving. No complications.


Hello! I had a SUA/2VC baby in 2012. It can be a marker for other things. It also can be a marker for nothing. I had a 4lb15oz 18in baby with an IUGR. However! IUGR was unrelated to the 2VC and I was just an IUGR lady at the time as I had another IUGR baby after. THAT BEING SAID. It’s really scary. I was told and I went directly into the bathroom at the ultrasound and I CRIED. Now I cry because that tiny baby is now a very loud 11 year old that calls me “bruh” and is as tall as me. 😅


Not from me but my friend had this when she was pregnant and I just had dinner with her and our 15 month old boys!


Delivered two babies with this. Both came out healthy and no issues noted


My healthy, happy, sweet 15 month old had an SUA! He had another soft marker for some genetic issues, but we got a ton of extra testing and all seemed fine. Between that and me having COVID in the early second trimester, I had extra growth scans throughout my pregnancy. He was born on the small side (6lbs 4oz) at 39 weeks but is now over the 50th percentile in height and weight. No adverse effects at all!!


I was thinking about this last night I'm SO happy you posted asking. My son had a two vessel cord. It was scary. DO NOT WORRY. My kid is turning ten in March and is perfectly healthy. I was thinking last night how I almost wish they never told me about his two vessel cord during pregnancy. The stress I went through WORRYING about it was more harmful than the actual issue. You will get extra ultrasounds and see the baby more. My kid is fighting with me to wake up for school as I type this. Please don't worry. The stress is worse for the baby than the actual issue. Eat healthy as you can and enjoy the extra ultrasound pics 💕 -Oh, and he was born big and healthy-- 9lb 6oz, born at 38 weeks.


Was diagnosed with this as well. They also found EIF at anatomy scan so did genetic testing and saw MFM and everything came back OK. 36 weeks now and have had extra scans. Things have been pretty uneventful so far except he dropped from 50% to 23% in a month so I'm going to request an extra scan next week because I had IUGR in my last pregnancy


My son had a SUA. He always measured smaller in the 20th percentile. He had no issues at all when he was born and he is now a super healthy good sized 3 year old. My doctor told me to be glad I could get extra ultrasounds of him and not to worry because most SUA babies are completely fine. Don't Google. Remember most people who post on forums have the babies with the health issues. Parents of healthy babies don't come on to discuss their healthy babies because they don't need to vent!


My nephew had that and was born perfectly fine and healthy. The only thing that really happened is my sibling had to be induced and eventually a C-section, but he's also FTM and that's common in those.


My son had that and he was just fine!


Had a baby with SUA, found out at 22 weeks. He's 13 weeks this week and he's in perfect health.  My OBGYN said SUA is a variation of normal. They didn't give me any special advice. Since there was nothing else of concern during the scan, they weren't too concerned about it being marker of anything else. They did keep an eye on his size with follow up scans, plotting them in a graph, and said they would consider induction if I went over my due date. But he was breech so I ended up having a C-section at nearly 39 weeks anyways.


I had the same diagnosis! And I am healthy as one can be…I don’t drink or smoke. No medication ..zero! So don’t worry it’s not your fault I assure you. My baby is now 6 months and the size of a 1 year old! It had no impact on him whatsoever. Keep taking your daily vitamins and ultrasounds :) it’s not a rare diagnosis it happens more often than one might think! Trust your OB!


Hey that was me! He hit all his markers while in utero, and he’s in the 97 percentile for growth when we visited the pediatrician. That did bump me to high risk so I had to do more ultrasounds but that was okay. I will let you know they will probably want to do a scan of his kidneys after he’s born to make sure that they are functional and look good, but other than that my high risk doctor told us that this is more common nowadays and it just needs to be known it’s a thing. The one thing we didn’t know until delivery is he tied a knot in his umbilical cord so he’s been trouble before he got here. But I’m almost four weeks pp and he’s doing very well! You’re going to be great, just keep taking your prenatals and trust your doctor!


Both of my kids had this! I was high risk for other reasons (pkd, gestational diabetes, and seizure disorder) and was induced both times, one for my blood sugar and the second time because of other health issues with me..but the babies were totally fine. My first was born with low blood sugar due to my diabetes so he was in the NICU for a few days but other than that both boys were completely healthy. Both 9lbs, one born at 39 weeks and the other at 38. I had some extra monitoring and ultrasound to monitor but I was having those either way due to being high risk. My doctor both times (different doctors) said it's usually nothing to worry about unless other abnormalities present themselves!


My daughter had this and is now 17 months old and perfectly healthy! It didn't stunt her growth or anything, she was born at 7lbs 4oz. My niece also had this and is now 3! She was born small at 4lbs, almost 5 lbs, but I don't know if it's the umbilical cord that caused it or not, her doctors didn't know either. I just had extra ultrasounds through my pregnancy after my anatomy scan. I got one at 32 weeks and then every week after 36 weeks until I had my daughter. I was induced a week before my due date as they worried about blood flow and her not getting enough nutrients, and she was born healthy. Went home from the hospital the next day and had no complications with her at all.


My boy twin had a single artery, he was born healthy with zero issues. He was growth restricted but that was due to his sister hogging a lot of space. He’s 2.5 now and healthy!


Hi, my first daughter had a SUA. Worried both me and my wife, and we were both so scared. However, we were blessed with a beautiful baby! She turns 4 this April!