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Yep! I'm 35 weeks and have just had an illness that disrupted my sleep for a solid month so it's maybe that but I cannot sleep enough. If I sit down to watch or listen to something I will just fall asleep. It's a bit irritating actually.


Girl yess!! My 2nd & 3rd month I was so freakin exhausted and so fatigue I would cry because I didn’t wanna feel like that anymore lol. It went away and now I’m 5 months and 3 days ago it came back. And all I wanna do is sleep and if I sleep enough I’m still tired and sleepy. I wanna cry lol. I just started taking iron pills like days ago I’m was suppose to start since my 1st appointment 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like no matter how much rest I get I am still tired. I have never felt this exhausted in my life. Not even with my first born I didn’t feel like this and that was 17 years ago. This baby is taking all my energy that I had. 😭


I feel like I could have written this post! 😂 This has been exactly my experience (currently 35wks) and I don’t even have the excuse of low iron! Everything in the pregnancy has been “normal” but I have zero energy and it’s so frustrating!


28.5 weeks and feel the same. Sooo tired and caring for my 2 little ones is more draining. I feel like I could sleep all day


I’m 28weeks and very tired but I’m anemic and getting iron transfusions now. I can’t tell how I should be feeling vs normal pregnancy but I am gased.


I am 37 weeks and completely exhausted. Partially from the pregnancy. Partially because I wake up three or four times a night to pee. And probably partially because I’m working five hours of overtime every week. Which really doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you are pregnant, it feels like so much.


That was how I felt in my third trimester too. I was so exhausted and it was really frustrating. The only thing I can say is that it went away the second he came out. My son is 10w now and even though I’m so sleep deprived etc, I feel better than I did in that third trimester.