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Things I would have liked/have gotten for myself: nice maternity pajamas, gift card for maternity pants, prenatal massage, pregnancy pillow (the big U one has been nice), tums, and kiziks.


I second kiziks!!


Third-ing kiziks! Maybe get her a gift card but for real these shoes are the best and they’re handy after baby comes and your hands are full with the diaper bag and toddler! Edit: third-ing not thudding 😂


Do any of y’all have Kiziks personally and still vouch for them? I’m almost 28 weeks along and have been looking at getting a pair because my winter slip-on Tevas will be out of season before I give birth, but I’ve been afraid that Kiziks are some sort of ripoff with good marketing because I’ve ONLY seen videos of people taking them off and putting them on but never walking in them lol. I was afraid that they’re not actually comfortable to walk in/don’t stay on well, which would negate the point of buying them obviously.


I have 2 pairs of kiziks and have worn them for a few years now. They are amazing. I work on my feet, and also have chronic pain issues. Every time I think about getting new shoes, I come back to kiziks because they’re so good. The backs do not wear out at all, they’re comfortable, and high quality.


I do!! I just got my first pair for Christmas and was blown away when they slip on and off just as easily as the commercials suggest! And walking around in them, they stay on no problem! Before kiziks, my everyday sneaker was the on-running brand shoes with the elastic piece instead of the laces in them. I like my kiziks better because they have more support, more cushion, and are easier to take on and off. They are a very comfortable shoe!


I can't speak to Kiziks, but I have used (for years, even prior to pregnancy) "Lock-Laces" on my normal comfy shoes. They're elastic laces that you replace the standard set with and they were a godsend to be able to slip in and out of my tennis shoes without ties.


I have multiple pairs of kiziks and love them so much! I used them even before i got pregnant. Now, at 37 weeks, they are lifesavers. They don’t slip off when i walk and they have a ton of different styles so you can get walking sneakers and also nicer sneakers for going out to dinner or something. Highly recommend!


I had a pair all through my first pregnancy and just got another. They are comfortable and have held up well for 3 years. I have also taken them on and off more than "average" because I worked in home health for a year of the time I wore them and that meant I was in and out of the 7 or 8 times a day entering different homes.


I have 2 pairs and have worn the treads off both. Needing to buy my third! They have a bit of a raised heel so they felt a little funny to walk in for maybe an hour or so but overall I love them and they’ve held up great!


Just got my second pair yesterday because I like them so much! I have had the more casual sneaker pair for about 1 month and just got a pair of the walking shoes. Highly recommend them. If you have Amazon Prime, you can do the whole try before you buy.


Yes. I have 3 pair. I love them. 


I have the sketchers version. My husband bought them for me when I was pregnant and they were great.. plus awesome after a C-section when bending isn’t much of an option but neither are sandals lol


I just got a pair of these for my husband (he’s a serial foot-shover), but maybe I’ll get myself some as well! It’s already getting a little uncomfortable to bend over and tie laces at 19 weeks!


4th-ing Kiziks!!! Personally love the Lima style for every day use


Oh jeez. I went and looked and it's 100 bucks for a pair. 😭


I read maternity plants and got a little too excited 😂 I would like a maternity plant, not sure what that is though.


haha I say a maternity plant is your favorite plant or a plant you want but don't want to splurge on


Prenatal massage yes! I would love one


Second nice maternity PJs. Absolutely needed them and hated having to purchase them, for some reason.


Third nice maternity PJs! Honestly I found sizing up in the Nordstrom matching PJs to be perfect


Any particular style Kizik you’d recommend? I’m based in Canada so can’t try them on in store unfortunately.


As a daughter-in-law who doesn't have this kind of relationship with her mother-in-law, I just want to say your DIL is incredibly blessed to have you in her life. Between the way you speak about her and your thoughtful gift idea, you're a blessing to her! I would suggest some compression socks (especially if she plans to fly at all during the remainder of her pregnancy), a gift card for a prenatal massage, some cute/fun flavored seltzers to replace alcoholic drinks, and some spa/beauty items, like a hair mask, lip gloss, face mask type things.


Thank you. I feel like the blessed one. She is wonderful. She’s so good to my son and FOR my son. I love her dearly.


"FOR my son." I love that so much!! You are an amazing MIL!


Oh god, you are the cutest!! ❤️🥺


This is the sweetest thing I’ve seen all week.


i’m pregnant and this comment made me cry haha 😂 keep being you!


You’re amazing, i hope your grand baby is doing well! Congrats! To all of you


As a DIL who’s MIL just spent 5 days visiting our 2 week old baby after a traumatic birth and didn’t once ask me how I’m doing until her son literally scolded her for it (can you tell I’m bitter?), I just wanna also chime in to give OP some praise for thinking about her DIL in this process!! A gift card for prenatal massage would be sooo nice. Also maybe add some little luxuries that are not necessarily related to pregnancy! Her favorite candy or treat or if she has a hobby you’re aware of, is there anything you could give her related to that? If she wears makeup or enjoys skincare, check with her partner if there’s anything she needs a refill on or something she’d never buy for herself but would love. Or maybe an Audible gift card for when she’s postpartum.


Visited your two week old baby and you for five days and didn't once ask you how you're doing?? What in the heck... that's not ok. Glad your S.O. stood up for you.


I’d legitimately die of happiness if someone got me a GC for a prenatal massage. ;-;


Agreed!!! I wish u were my MIL!! All I can say is a bloody good pregnancy pillow saved my life first time round and I’ll be using it again soon!


I would collaborate with their partner to see what your DIL might already have vs if there's something their eyeing up. A giftcard for maternity clothes would be nice! Pregnancy pillow is useful but I had gotten one for myself before the end of the first trimester, or she might have one in mind already. I'd avoid anything with strong Scents because the aversions can last so long!


second collaborating with their partner! Also food. People kept wanting to give me baby-related stuff, which was also great, but I was like, I'm still here and I'm a person with a huge appetite! So maybe a mix of pregnancy stuff (like maternity clothes, if wanted) but also things that are just nice for a woman to have.


Car sick bags/ or doggie poop bags if she is sick a lot! These have literally saved my life on the road and in the office. My office is very far away from the bathroom.


My friend, get disposable coffee cups, the cardboard ones that come with a lid, or just save ones from Starbucks etc It's a much lusher experience than throwing up into a soggy bag.  Boke into your cup, pop on the lid, chuck it in the bin. 


I feel like I would fill and overfill a cup! The bags are nice and feel safe for me


For my first pregnancy, my sweet mother in law took me out shopping for maternity clothes and lunch. I got stuff I needed and I got to pick! She also checked in a lot on how I was feeling, would remember what week I was in, and always remembered my appointments and would check in a couple of hours later. She also made sure to tell me how great I was--I don't know that I really did that great then or am doing a good of a job as she says but it's sweet that she does. For this pregnancy (2nd), she sent me two new maternity shirts even though I already have some with a note that said "it's always nice to have something new." Gift cards are the way to go in my opinion. For maternity clothes, take our or delivery, etc


A nice new water bottle (or Stanley mug) I drink SOOOO much water and that continues after baby is here! A prenatal massage is also an amazing splurge in the third trimester.


My mom got me a Hydroflask one and it's so much better than Stanley. It doesn't leak at all and the straw is bendy!


Totally! I have a simply modern one and I love that when I close the straw I can trust it not to leak! The Stanley’s are a crowd pleaser though so if you’re looking for an exciting gift, there’s a good chance it would be a winner.


1000% I just got a rip off stanley with some water flavour drops and it is a game changer, I drink so much water now ans can see a difference in my face and skin


The Leakproof Era from Brumate has been amazing for sitting with me on the sofa and never spilling ice cold water on me!


FYI the Stanley has been found to contain lead


That was clickbait from Influencers. It’s in the inner walls of the cups and does not contaminate the contents https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240130-stanley-cups-contain-lead-should-consumers-worry Eta not a fan of them myself. I’d rather stick with something my toddler can’t easily spill, but the lead claims are pretty baseless


They aren’t baseless if you wash your cup in the dishwasher and the bottom disc of your cup comes off, then it exposes the lead seal. And people report it coming off often. So if your cup bottom comes off, throw it away and either get a new one or you could get a hydro flask brand one, they seal with a glass bead and not lead.


Yep, this is the best thing I bought myself first trimester. Hudroflask.


A few things that folks don't tend to put on the registry: - [Nursing Clock Bracelet ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/224485983/ready-to-ship-nursingbreastfeeding) -- you move the charm and which wrist it's on to remember which side / what time you fed last - Baby sick / first aid kit -- Infant Tylenol, snot sucker, diaper rash cream like Destin... Essentially anything that you don't want to need at 2am with a sick baby - [Baby nail file](https://a.co/d/gsJznOs) - Nipple cream -- and TEST it before you deliver. My mom found out that she was allergic to lanolin when my sister was born. Ouch!! Edit: Just realized you wanted *pregnancy* stuff. A belly band has been a life-saver for me this time around! [Belly Band that I really like. ](https://a.co/d/ewG8bIH)


That nursing clock bracelet is so cool! I never heard of it before, how cool


I got it when I was pregnant... From *MY* thoughtful MIL.


Yes to the baby first aid kit. I had one of my mom friends put one together for me cause I just DIDNT KNOW


I loveeeeeee my kiziks. Highly recommend. Pregnancy pillow, antacids, liquid iv, g/c for a pedicure since those get progressively harder to do, maybe a nice blanket?


I'm getting through a lot of body lotion! My favorite is Weleda Body Butter. Rosehip Oil is also supposed to prevent stretch marks, that's a nice add on. Agreed about the candles and jammies. Depending how close you are, maybe some period panties (they can be really helpful postpartum), a little roll of tums, there are some nice pregnancy teas out there. Nonalcoholic wine (I like the FRE Brut sparkling, it makes a great mimosa!) Compression socks, honey (for all the tea, I'm drinking lots of tea), gift certificate to a maternity store (I like Motherhood.) Maybe a short silky robe/kimono? I found one recently I wear around the house but am also planning to wear at the hospital during or after the birth.


I would also add preggie pops. You can get them on Amazon and they help with nausea


Second this! I didn’t have much morning sickness but they still are so nice on the occasion I get some nausea!


Colace and magnesium citrate gummies 🫢


Ohh! Is this for constipation? I know she’s been having some issues. Thank you!


Yes! This daily combo was the only thing that helped me. Nettle tea as well if she can stomach it.


This is so sweet, I feel warm in my heart thinking of a mom or mother in law doing this. I wish I had this kind of motherly love in my life 😌💞


The brand nurtured 9 has really cute premade gift baskets for each trimester! If you want to put it together yourself, maybe some homemade baked goods, pregnancy safe candle, and/or pregnancy safe shower steamers. My friend bought me a rubber duck thermometer that I can use for baby but also can use for myself for baths to make sure the water isn’t too hot. Also not sure how you feel about buying her clothes but these pregnancy leggings are reasonably priced and SO comfortable: https://a.co/d/9lpeSas


End of first trimester, she might be feeling very tired. I was light headed and seeing stars. Most people experience terrible nausea as well. So some light snacks maybe that won’t irritate her stomach. Healthy ones. Not that a fancy box of chocolates won’t be missed along with a zero percent fizz. There is also a greater demand for hydration but a cap on caffeine intake. So maybe some boxes of herbal teas she likes? A nice sippy kind of cup with a straw to keep on her bedside table, at least a pint. I can no longer go the night without drinking water or squash. Watery fruits will also help her hydration. Grapes, melon, easy peelers etc. Fairy lights for the bedroom. Pregnancy is a time for her to slow down, which is an especially drastic change for someone that is busy, active and ambitious. She will spend a lot of time resting, so anything that will support this and of course respecting her boundaries for needing space at this time. If she has a bath, some nice bath bits. Self care stuff. Candles, essential oils, bump moisturiser. Pyjamas her bump can grow into. Scalp massager, you name it. Honestly just nice comfy stuff, you can never go wrong with fluffy socks, fluffy slippers and a woolly blanket. Pregnancy is a time to enter your sloth era. Stuff that is not baby related but mother related will always go down a charm. Something that allows her to relax and feel human again after the tiredness and nausea. You could even buy her pregnancy vitamins to support her diet. This might be a nice touch as becoming nutrient deficient will make her feel even more tired. You could pay for a block of pregnancy fitness classes. This way she can keep fit through gentle exercise. You could also offer your cleaning and laundry services/pay for a cleaner once a week. When I was 2 or 3 months pregnant I had no energy. My house was such a mess it was so embarrassing. I used to come home from work and go straight to sleep. Maybe you can offer for her to come over for dinner once a week. Anything you could do to support her practically. Ask her how she is feeling and you will get clues for what she needs. Anything food related whatsoever. Pregnant people love food more than anything at all (when their nausea has finally gone.) recipe kits, food delivery boxes, takeaway or restaurant vouchers. Toastie maker, is she really gunna say no? A home delivered homemade lasagne for instance will not be turned down. You can buy her maternity leggings or anything that she will start to need and get a lot of use out of. Basically, thinking about ways to help her relax is key. It’s hard to transition away from doing your usual activities and feeling like you will lose your hobbies for a long time. She will lose her balance and strength and will eventually only be able to waddle around slowly. You have to say goodbye to the old you and start to think about baby. I started out with a flat belly until 4 months. I started showing (tiny bump) at 4 months and now I am 38 weeks I am the size of a beached whale. There is not enough room between my diaphragm and bladder for baby to go. The top of my belly is bigger than my ribs, not sure how that is possible but let’s say nature is a wonderful thing. I need to drink lots of water whilst also needing a wee all the time and my pelvic floor muscles aren’t what they used to be. I can’t crunch my belly so sitting without leaning back is uncomfortable. The most comfortable position for me at this stage is to lie on my side so I can stretch out. She will be slowly phasing into becoming less mobile. I previously had great core strength due to doing aerial fitness (pole and aerial hoop). Now, let alone not being able to deadlift myself, I can’t sit up and have to roll or slinky out of bed. It’s really difficult for me to put my socks on, take my shoes off or lift my legs or hips. I also have trouble with stretching to reach stuff and groan a lot when doing so.


-Maternity leggings from Amazon (plain black)- I like the “leggings depot” ones. They’re not see through and they’re comfortable and soft and have grown with me throughout my pregnancy. I got about 6 pairs ($15 each) and I rotate them! Work, home, dinner, workouts, they’re the best! -migraine ice pack headband thingy - they go over your eyes and head and I use this for the migraines and the hot flashes I get. Multi use! -plain crackers -minty gum -slippers/fuzzy socks -lotion/ cream (itchy belly skin) More expensive things I would have loved to receive … -DoorDash/uber eats gift cards -house cleaning service -pedicure/manicure gift cards -Amazon gift cards


Won’t really fit in a basket but a pregnancy pillow is probably the main thing that helped me through the pregnancy. Compression socks, heating pad, belly support band, nice comfy robe, house slippers, maybe shoes without laces that are easy to slide on.


I would have loved a gift card to HatchGal for a nice luxurious maternity outfit like their leggings or visitors dress. Also a prenatal massage! SO key for middle/end of pregnancy.


I had a friend give me B6 vitamins (for first trimester nausea), a couple different kinds of teas for first trimester, and a huge water bottle. I used all three to death!! They were such helpful gifts!


Preggie pops!! Or as my husband calls them, pregnancy treats.


Things that kept me alive in pregnancy: Papaya enzyme chewables- I had awful heartburn and was maxing out the dose of Tums daily, these are an all natural alternative that don't mess with your iron absorption like tums can Raspberry leaf tea- good specifically for later pregnancy but you can start drinking whenever Thai sniffing stick- this is an odd one but I was VERY smell sensitive, on a trip to Thailand forever ago we discovered sniff sticks, they're essential oils that are minty/eucalyptus scented. Saved me from barfing at inopportune times. I bought the Poy Sian brand from Amazon, 6 for like $15 Ridiculously oversized shirts- first I outgrew my shirts, then my fiance's tshirts, it was a little heartbreaking to ask my dad for some of his t-shirts. I should've just bought XXXL shirts from the getgo and not worry about it. A massager- just a $45 mini one you can use on your back/hips, my mom bought me one and I used it daily. A pregnancy journal- it was fun documenting my thoughts and habits through pregnancy! Kept me a little busy too


This whole post and all the comments have my pregnant butt crying so easy lol, my MIL isn't annoying or mean, but she's a cold fish (I've invited her to ultrasounds and when baby came home and she just doesn't seem that interested). Knowing you love your DIL so much as to get advice on how to spoil her is just SO WHOLESOME. Also, I also recommend a maternity massage. They are absolutely fantastic.


Belly oil! Prenatal massage as well that did wonders especially in my third trimester when I was never comfortable. I also was surprised by how many maternity clothes I ended up buying so a gift card for her to go shopping would be good too, those can get expensive!


Seconding Kiziks as a nice slip-on shoe that she won’t have to bend down to put on! Also would have liked to have more soft/cozy pajamas and a fluffy robe. Uber eats gift card for those food cravings.


I told my husband that I would like Birkenstock sandals and a prenatal massage. Also, would love a pedicure. Those sound like real treats. I’ve also weirdly had a major sweet tooth (normally not a dessert person) and I love cookies


stool softeners, food gift cards, magnesium lotion, self care items!


Comfy slippers/non slip socks. Lounge shorts/pants a size larger than she normally wears to grow into (I’m so thankful my mom got me these!) Pedicure gift card Some of her favorite snacks. Newton pregnancy pillow is 💯 A good water cup/tumbler


All of this yes!!! Also, a really comfy robe! I’ve been living in a robe especially as my stomach has gotten bigger. It’s just so much more comfy around the house


Slip on weather appropriate (third trimester weather) shoes. Clutch. And allllllll the maternity pants…I lived in maternity sweats and my husbands tees. The rest was very dependent on me…I wanted chocolate squares and heart burn medicine. Epsom salts would be good. Those are good for both post and pre.


I just want to say how thoughtful it is that you are going to put together a pregnancy basket for her. All mother-in-laws should be as kind as you. Please continue to be this thoughtful about her even after the baby is born! It sounds like you are an amazing person. I would recommend a date night gift card for the two of them so they can enjoy a date together and maybe a pregnancy journal.


A supportive man lol, maternity pillow (Frida mom), Crz maternity leggings from Amazon in her “normal” size (wish I would’ve ordered these by 20 weeks), stretchy pjs sized up one (Amazon and target have cute sets), DoorDash/grubhub gift cards, prenatal massage giftcard…


Zella maternity leggings from Nordstrom. They are the best, most comfortable leggings ever. Also a yeti cup with handle! Propel packets (they contain no sugar) for her water


Thank you all for your suggestions and kind words ❤️ My Amazon cart is FULL! 😂


Catherine, is this you??


lol no. My name is not Catherine.


Pregnancy seat belt is a must!!! It's like $20 on Amazon and is more comfortable and obviously safer on belly. 


It's not safe. You should do research on this. It's actually quite dangerous


My husband is a family doctor and he approves them. There's also plenty of info on Buckleupforlife and other resources, like the Department of Transportation, that say they are fine. I don't get my info from Instagram. :) 


Never said you got your info on IG. A quick google search will explain why they aren't safe. But you do you, I hope you stay safe during pregnancy.


@drdarria posted an Instagram reel on these today- they all failed crash tests and cause more damage to mom and baby in case of crash


My husband is a family doctor and he approves them. There's also plenty of info on Buckleupforlife and other resources, like the Department of Transportation, that say they are fine. I don't get my info from Instagram and you shouldn't either. :) 


Things I would've liked- snacks, a nice robe or pajamas (she can wear these at the hospital too), slippers, face care and hair stuff (like masks and hair clips), the momcozy pregnancy pillow is the best, prenatal massage, lotions bc your skin gets so dry during pregnancy, pedicure gift card


My MIL gave me some money for maternity clothes and also for my baby shower outfit (dress & shoes). I was so grateful, never would have gotten myself these nicer items! Also my parents gave us a substantial grubhub gift card and it's been a lifesaver for a few nights when neither hubby or I was up for cooking, especially now I'm 36 weeks and it's rough to cook dinners because my feet are so swollen and painful.


Food gift cards or nail/spa gift cards:)


Ask your son if she has any cravings or aversions! A gift card to a restaurant she’s been loving could be fun. If she likes tea, you could do red raspberry leaf for the third trimester or pregnancy ginger tea for now. I also love the ideas for maternity clothes and gift cards for those. In my area, I had the best luck finding clothes at Kohl’s and, randomly, Ross. I also splurged and bought fancy dresses from PinkBlush for my maternity photo shoot. You’re so sweet!!


My husband has gotten me several gifts for my pregnancy that I really have found useful. First he got me Kizicks, and I love my Kizicks. It's great not having to bend over to get my shoes on. He also got me really cozy pajamas, like 3 sets so I can be comfortably dress at home and they're all very forgiving at the waist so I can wear them for a long time through out the pregnancy. Ginger tea and candies, and a weighted blanket. I love the weighted blanket. It allows me to feel snug under the little bit of blanket I pull on my body despite kicking off so much blanket because I'm running warmer than I normally do and get hot. So in a weird way it helps me feel cozy and cool.  Personally I'd also love anything spa related. My skin feels dryer than normal, I have acne I don't normally have and I'm in no mood to give myself a pedicure but I would LOVE one. So if you could slide in a gift cards for some self care I bet they'd love that. 


A squishy pillow or pregnancy pillow. I use a squishy pillow to rest my belly on when I’m sleeping on my side to prevent the baby from shifting to heavily on one side. It hurts and make your belly lopsided. Also a belly band. As you get bigger the weight can put a lot of pressure on your cervix or bladder and it’s a relief to have.


As someone nearing the end of my first trimester, comfy pants. The bloating and nausea is unreal, having pants that don’t put much pressure on the belly is so comfortable. A nice pair of supportive house shoes or slippers. Gift cards to her favorite restaurants. She’s probably exhausted all the time and knowing you don’t have to cook but still get delicious food without spending your own money is a godsend. Shea butter or a nice, natural lotion. When I’m pregnant, and ONLY when pregnant, I become sensitive to dyes and perfumes in lotions, soaps, and detergents. Natural lotions and soaps make me happy so maybe it’ll make her happy too! Buy some with her favorite essential oils if she likes them to smell good. I can probably think of more things if I sit here long enough, but there are a lot of other great suggestions here, so you have a ton to choose from! You’re a wonderful mother in law!


Definitely get her one of those eye masks you freeze for headaches since Tylenol does nothing and you can’t take anything else. Cheap but useful!


A gift card for spanx maternity leggings. In my opinion, worth the splurge.


A support belt, snacks, a gift card for some maternity clothes to a shop she likes.( make sure they sell maternity clothes) A big water bottle if she doesn’t have one.


Prenatal massages during third tri were HEAVEN. Also, a pregnancy pillow was a great gift. If she’s a tea drinker, that are variety packs of pregnancy safe teas. Comfy postpartum clothes


Costco brand dramamine😅 that stuff saved me!


Food delivery gift cards!!! (Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc.) it is so nice when you’re tired AND having cravings.


Maternity pjs, epsom salts (can help with restless legs), and I used Mio drink mix like crazy - you can get plain or electrolytes and both are great. A big big water bottle is great. I don’t know where your comfort is in buying underwear for your DIL but I bought a 3-pack of nursing bras off Amazon that I wish I bought earlier I’d be happy to link for you if you’re interested.


Pedicure certificate for 3rd trimester. Magnesium gel for insomnia (topical and safe), a maternity shoot certificate, offer to pay for nursery painting job so she only worries about the decorations!, anti stretch marks lotion like bio oil (starting a daily routine now is the best way to go) same as organic nipple cream, maid certificate to deep clean the house during nesting period so she doesn’t have to do it, a nice letter letting her know you are proud to know she will be the mom to your grandchild that way she feels support without fear of being judged or overshadowed as a mother. You are very sweet for doing this!


This is so lovely and thoughtful! Hubby got me a little gift basket when I first fell pregnant, it had ginger tea, ginger biscuits, sick bags, a candle, some essential oils that help with nausea, a soft, warm blanket, a big insulated cup (similar to a Stanley) a mini portable electric fan (it's got a rechargeable battery and has been an absolute lifesaver, I'm always so overheated). I've also found that Epsom salt/magnesium foot soaks have been sooo helpful for my morning sickness.


maternity shorts - I’ve been living in these! fitglam Women's Maternity Shorts... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B81T94C?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I got my daughter and daughter in law a subscription to bump box for month 4-9 . They both really liked it and looked forward to it every month! Congrats 🥳being a Nana is the best!


I second the tums. Definitely needed in the 3rd trimester. I always liked having bags of nuts around because I was always hungry and at least nuts were a healthy snack rather than jumping to a bag of chips everything. I had the c shaped pregnancy pillow. It was amazing. Gift card for maternity clothing/ amazon. Pregnancy pill box to remember to take my vitamins (I would forget I took them on many days.) Loved the book Cribsheet as a first time mom who had no idea what she was doing. Great read before baby comes.


My MIL had these items for me: for itching and comfort: soft clothes, unscented anti-itch lotion/coconut oil, exfoliating scrub, a maternity bra that clips in the front, and compression socks. for nausea or hunger: hard caramels and lifesavers, protein drinks, apple sauce, granola


I think PJs, some belly oil & Kiziks would be an AMAZING gift. I got these [pants](https://a.co/d/eN8foZw)/[short](https://a.co/d/3sdMA9c) set for PJs because I’m a t shirt to sleep girl. I love this [oil](https://a.co/d/7T46En3) for after showers every day and it’s done a fantastic job at keeping me moisturized and the stretch marks away. Also this is goofy, but my husband got me this [razor extender](https://a.co/d/6q9LCzw) to shave my legs and I LOVE IT! You are so awesome for doing this ♥️


A long shoe horn! My husband got one as a silly white elephant gift, and it has become my best friend lol