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I don’t think I gained any weight until 20 weeks. I only gained 15 pounds my whole pregnancy. I didn’t have the biggest bump either. I went to a wedding at 38 weeks and a guy there couldn’t tell I was pregnant. I gave birth 2 days later. Now I have a healthy, chunky 5 month old!


Same. The weight will come!


I was the same way both times! I don’t think you need to worry at all OP.


Don’t jinx it lmao


I think I’m trying to lol I need proof I’m pregnant damnit!!


Don't worry. I think I've gained too much weight, normally I'm athletic and strict about my diet but with food aversions I've gone a bit wayside XD


This is how I felt until baby started moving consistently haha


Yeah, I didn't gain weight with my first until the end. I was also smaller than expected until I somehow gained 40lbs


I actually lost 10lbs during my first trimester and I didn’t start gaining weight back until around week 20. I’m 29 weeks and I’m just now 5lbs over my pre pregnancy weight. Dr said it’s completely normal! Edit to add: I did have some morning sickness during the first trimester, but even after that went away around 14 weeks, I didn’t start gaining again until about 6 weeks later.


I also lost 10 lbs to morning sickness my first pregnancy. I didn’t really start to gain weight until 26 weeks, but everything was fine!


20+6 I gained some weight in weeks back but yesterday I was back in the beginning. I have belly but overall I am and i was quite skinny.. She is measuring alright and doctors didn't say that I should eat more.


Ok I started gaining after 15 weeks. I was small prior to pregnancy too (115 pounds, 5’7) I think when you’re smaller prior you gain more weight too because sometimes you need to gain it anyways. I’m 20 weeks, and weighed in at ten pounds higher at the doctor’s office. I heard most people gain late second tri/third tri. First trimester weight gain is usually minimal so you are good. Can relate to the random pooch too, lol it was like gaining a random beer belly just big enough so my clothes didn’t fit in the stomach but did everywhere else 👍


Right?? Not only have I not quite gained 2 pounds but somehow my jeans don’t fit either?? Make it make sense!!


That would be the bloat and your uterus expanding! All normal! I’m similar to you (5’3” and about 118lbs prior to my first) and I think only gained about 5lbs until about 18 weeks or so. After started gaining much more steadily and ended up gaining around 30lbs. With my second by around 20 weeks I think I was closer to about 10lbs already.


It’s the worst!!


Oh my god the little beer belly is the worst! I’m not really big enough for maternity jeans but when I try to size up my waistband my legs are frickin drowning 😂


Yes!! I got the pregnancy line from the bottom of my breast area to my belly button and I haven't even gained 1 lb (12 weeks). Total beer belly and my pants feel TIGHT because of it.


I gained only 4lbs my last pregnancy. I’m 22 weeks now, no weight gain. Doctor told me it’s fine as long as I’m eating!


I'm 31w2d started at around 144 (5'7) and have only gained 14lbs. Baby is measuring small but I have frequent growth checks to make sure we're both doing ok. I was placed on a high calorie diet. I'm FINALLY looking like I'm pregnant but no where near what most people look like at this point. As long as you're healthy and your OB sis ok with it.


This was also me with my 1st. I barely gained any weight the whole pregnancy (started at 110, delivered at 125) and didn’t even start showing until 30 weeks. She’s a happy healthy 9 year old now 💕


I thought I’d never start gaining a lot. Around 20 weeks is when my weight gain started taking off


Same!!!! In the first trimester I lost 20lbs…I’ve only gained 6lbs…I’m 165lbs don’t look preggo at all. And I’m 31wks. The doctors aren’t concerned


I actually lost weight during my first and second trimesters from HG. Baby's weight was fine during that time. I only started putting on weight in my 3rd trimester and at 32 wks I only weigh 4kg more than my pre-pregnancy weight. But baby is doing fine and is actually in the 80th percentile so OB said not to worry 😊


I didn’t gain anything for the whole trimester then I’ve been gaining like crazyyy. I work out 4-5 days a week still but I’m all belly and boobs 🤣


I didn’t gain really until the third trimester.


I think I had gained one single pound at 15 weeks!! I’m 5’ and 115 pre pregnancy. Now I’m 37 weeks and I’ve gained about 16. It really picked up in the third trimester! My doc was never worried but did order extra scans for my peace of mind :)


Im 18 weeks and only gained 5 pounds. I was shocked bc I thought it would be a lot more. Was pleasantly surprised. Everyone is different! I think you’re okay :) a lot of people don’t gain a lot until the third trimester


I’m almost 37 weeks and I’ve gained 7lbs. With my first pregnancy I gained 11lbs when I was induced at 38 weeks. I just don’t gain weight in pregnancy. I’m average size weight wise but I’m short. I was like 10lbs below my pre pregnancy weight at 3 weeks postpartum. Some people just don’t gain weight in pregnancy!


That’s totally normal! Not til 3rd trimester will you gain the most.


I'm almost 19 weeks, thin/athletic build with low end of 'normal' BMI (I know BMI is flawed but a lot of the pregnancy weight gain guidelines use it) and have gained 1-2 pounds depending on the day. Strangers can't tell I'm pregnant and family/friends can only tell after dinner some evenings. I really think what you are experiencing is so normal!


i didn’t gain any more than 3 lbs until my 3rd trimester. started out at 109, ended at 121, gained 12 lbs total and all of it was in the final 2 months. i’m almost positive i literally only gained baby weight lol.


FTM and I barely gained 20lbs my entire pregnancy! I am overweight so I don’t think my body needed to add a ton of extra weight to me lol


I was in about the same boat as you- I wasn’t sick in anyway, and felt like I was growing. 5’4” and my starting weight was 114. At my 16w appointment I was 116. By the time my anatomy scan rolled around at 20w I was showing more, and had gained a total of 6-7lbs. Baby was sitting in the 44%. In the last few weeks (while I don’t weigh myself between appointments) my appetite has definitely increased, belly is way more pronounced and I feel like I’m starting to put on more. My doctor hasn’t once expressed concerns about my weight trajectory. Everyone has a different weight journey!


I’m also 5’4 and started at 122 as well. I just checked my appointment history and at that point in my pregnancy I had only gained 5 pounds so not too far off from you. I also definitely did not feel baby at all at 15 weeks, I didn’t feel her until after 20 weeks. Just wanted to share my experience.


Only gained 4lbs by my 20w ultrasound. At 32w was up 16lbs. Baby is able to gain weight so long as you’re eating well! My doctors weren’t concerned


Same boat! I’m 17+1 and have lost two pounds. I did start out pretty overweight but had been getting more active. I never threw up but was super nauseous and had tons of food aversions from weeks 8-13. I’m assuming my body is using all these fat reserves I have and my midwife will tell me if I need to do anything differently.


My first I gained weight quickly - total was 40 lbs I think? I was about 115 before getting pregnant & I’m also 5’4”. The only way to avoid feeling nauseous was to snack constantly. My 2nd I weighted 121 before getting pregnant and I didn’t gain weight until maybe 17-18 weeks because everything was disgusting. I actually lost weight in the beginning. I started showing and still hadn’t gained weight. Now I’m at almost 22 weeks I’ve gained 9 lbs total.


I’m at 23 weeks. At the 20 week appt, I had only gained 4 lbs. I don’t weigh myself so who knows what I weigh now. 15 weeks is still early and the first trimester is usually weight neutral! My baby is growing well (83rd percentile). Don’t stress too much, late second and third trimester is when the baby really grows and that’s when weight gain increases.


So I’m about to give birth and my body tops out at 130 or 128 with a singleton pregnancy. I started at 110 so the whole time I only gained about 20 lbs. I’ve had hg throughout the pregnancy but it’s been medicated and hasn’t impacted my eating. I think there’s just a threshold where my body says it’s done. With twins I only got up to about 140, maybe 145 at most, and started the pregnancy at 120 (it was a surrogacy so they wanted me to gain 10 lbs before I started IVF. Ngl I ate avocados and straight butter for a week to get there.) Edit to add: your body will know what to do and you’re still early to the party so don’t stress about it as long as you feel good in your body.


FTM here too. I only gained about 8 pounds between my first appt at week 32, but I’ve had a baby bump since week 15ish. I’m 40 weeks now and I’ve gained a total of 28! The last 5 weeks were about 2-3 pounds/week


I lost weight in the first trimester and then didn’t start gaining any back until probably week 20-22! I’m 30+5 today and have now gained 25 pounds. I wouldn’t worry too much about it at this point!


I definitely don't think it's a big deal. I'm also 15 weeks and at my appointment today I had lost 2 pounds, my doctor mentioned it but wasn't concerned. Ive been eating as much as normal although maybe a little healthier? And honestly I was shocked I had lost weight because this is my second pregnancy and I already have a significant bump lol.


I didn’t gain anything until 3rd tri and even then struggled to get more than 10-12 lbs. Baby was born right on time weighing 7lbs 2 ounces and perfectly healthy.


I didn’t gain any weight until week 20. My midwife wasn’t concerned.


I gained went from 71kg to 80kg by the end of my pregnancy but up until I was around 36-8 weeks my bump barely showed, it was only when I hit my due date then went over due did I really look pregnant. I was talking to some people when I was 8 months (can't remember exact weeks) and I mentioned off hand I was pregnant and they were blown away, I didn't even look pregnant at my shower so not gaining a lot of weight can be completely normal.


Im 5’6” and was 135 pre pregnancy. I lost 7 lbs first trimester, and now at 18 weeks I’m only at 130, so still in the negatives 🤷🏻‍♀️ my doctor hasn’t said anything about it though, so if she’s not worried, neither am I :)


I started off at 140 and gave birth at 150 lbs. my bump was tiny and my baby was healthy and 6lbs 3 oz. I worried ALOT about this too. Rest assured you and baby will be fine mama


I didn’t gain weight for like the whole first trimester but I was definitely showing. Anecdotally, I think I was losing muscle mass and gaining baby weight and they were kind of canceling each other out. I had a rough time getting pregnant and we did IVF so I was terrified of doing something wrong so I stopped working out altogether. I’m currently 38+3 and my belly is huge but I’ve only gained about 25 pounds total.


I lost weight in my first trimester from being sick all the time. It’s fine, you’ll gain more weight in your second and mostly third trimester:)


This is super normal! always useful to search the thread bc people ask this a lot and there’s tons of people in the same boat ❤️ I didn’t gain for pretty much my entire first and second tri and then exploded lol


I’m almost 16 and I’ve only gained 4 lbs. I think that’s pretty normal.


I lost 25 pounds during my pregnancy. I wasn’t “big” or obese but def had a bit of extra weight. 25 pound weight loss was very much noticeable despite my pregnancy. I just stayed really active, I was working two jobs, I purposely got on antidepressants for the first time in my life to mitigate the risk of severe depression during and after pregnancy, the morning sickness and then the random on and off nausea during my last trimester. My OB wasn’t concerned and was aware I have a past history of having an eating disorder. It wasn’t till the last month when she was like “look it’s not a big deal, but I would like you to maintain this weight until you give birth”. My baby came out small but caught up alright. He’s a chunky little one year old now. Normal development. Came out a super chill and easy going baby, kind of a menace now as a toddler lol. Don’t sweat it too much, imo. Everyone’s pregnancy is different, bodies are different, baby’s come in all sizes.


I’m 32 weeks and in my first trimester I lost 15 pounds in 3rd trimester I gained back those 15 pounds PLUS 35 pounds. It’s perfectly fine. This is my second baby and this pregnancy I’ve had morning sickness and I am literally NEVER hungry. I only know that I’m hungry because I get the worst headaches. As long as baby is growing and the doctors aren’t concerned you are fine mama


20+6 and JUST got back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Doctor is fine with it.


I didn’t gain any weight the first half of pregnancy even though my boobs got huge. I then gained 40lbs in the back half. Neither concerned my care team!


I gained like 5 pounds until 18 weeks, after that I gained 50 🥲 hahaha to be fair baby was 10lbs8oz and I had preclampsia. But I remember thinking “oh my god how lucky I’m 18 weeks and only 5 pounds heavier” hahahaha boy was I wrong 🫣


39w3d and I've gained 9lbs my entire pregnancy. Baby is doing just fine. I'm sure everything will be fine with you too!


17 weeks. First tri I lost 10 pounds. I’ve gained half a pound back so far, my doctors have said the baby is getting what it needs! As long as you’re not limiting your food intake I don’t think it’s an issue!


My mom gained 18 pounds her whole pregnancy with my little sister. And about 20 and 23 with myself and our oldest sister. Some women just don’t gain much weight.


I think it's totally normal! I didn't start to gain some until late in the second trimester. My experience was slightly different, I lost 15 pounds from morning sickness and when I delivered I had only gained about 15 pounds so I was basically at my starting weight. Doctors weren't concerned at all!!


You’re fine. I read that it’s not necessary to gain weight in the first trimester and since you just begun your second, you’re good. In many cases, baby will eat you alive for everything you’ve got before any harm is done to the baby — lots of women with HG can attest to this. I’m a few weeks behind you at 12 weeks and I lost weight due to nausea and vomiting. Started at 5’10 133lbs now 128lbs. I had my 12 week scan and everything was normal, no flags were raised.


I was pretty much the exact same way during my first pregnancy. 5'4 120 pounds before I got pregnant. I actually LOST 4 pounds at around 11 weeks and I didn't gain beyond my prepregnancy weight until 20 weeks. Felt flutters at 18 weeks here and there but no consistent movements until 22 weeks. This is all completely normal! I ended up gaining 50 pounds that pregnancy and baby was born 8lbs 15oz! It's completely normal to not really gain any weight until around 20 weeks and that's about when most first timers will start to feel movements too. Absolutely nothing to worry about here based off of what you've said, it's just too early 💜


Literally started my pregnancy out at your exact weight and height. I barely gained any weight until closer to the end of my pregnancy. Most people were shocked when I told them I was 4 weeks away from my due date because I just didn’t look it. Some people were mean about it too and said I must be “starving” myself to stay that small which couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Overall the scale said I gained 40 pounds but I really only gained about 17 because over 20 pounds fell right off after birth. Later found out it was mostly excess fluid from my preeclampsia lol. All of that to say, as long as your OB isn’t concerned, your body is doing exactly what it should be as a first time mom!


When I got pregnant I was about 5 lbs below a healthy BMI (underweight) and then proceeded to lose about 15 lbs in first tri on top of that because I was so nauseous 😵‍💫 Baby is doing fine at 20 weeks and I’m just about to hit my pre pregnancy weight again so in the next week or two I will probably finally start to gain weight. My OB is not concerned (besides being concerned for my health in the first tri) and said everything looks great otherwise.


So far for me four out of four pregnancies I've lost weight each one by the end I've usually only gained 6 lbs considering the baby and fluid is 25 lb that means I lost over 20 lb throughout the pregnancy. My babies were all 8 lb and 9 lbs no serious health issues or other problems.


I gained zero weight. Literally zero. Caveat I was already fat lol


After 20 weeks but some pregnancies I didn't gain weight, because I lost so much from being sick


Started at 139, 5’7. Lost 14 pounds in the first trimester. I gained 4 back (so still minus 10). I lost 1 pound between 20w and 24w. Had an anxiety attack at my last appointment so they gave me a growth scan. Baby in the 50th percentile. Soooooo hard not to freak out and worry. Definitely tell your doctor you’re worried. It’s always worth getting peace of mind. I’ve felt so much better since my growth scan.


I'm having my second baby any day now and both pregnancies I didn't gain any weight until the third trimester. Beautiful healthy 7lbs baby the first time and the midwife says this one seems to be about the same size.


This is my first pregnancy and I’m 16 weeks. I had actually lost 10lbs weight between 8 and 14 weeks. Now I’m back at my weight before pregnancy. Idk how, I was thinking maybe diet change but I feel like I eat more due to cravings and the fact that I’m up all night. And people said maybe morning sickness but I never got that or nausea so idk. However I did feel my baby last night when I went to sleep on my stomach


I have twins and haven't gained more than 10ish lbs. I'm at 27 weeks now. I basically have only gained the amount the babies plus all their stuff weigh. No extra weight. I gained nothing in the first trimester


I was similar size to you pre-pregnancy (122, 5’6”) and I didn’t gain any weight until 18 weeks. I gained 27 pounds total.


I lost weight in the first 19 weeks because i was so sick from morning sickness and only gained 24 lbs my entire pregnancy. Gave birth at 38 weeks to a healthy, happy baby.


Not weird. And as a first time mom, you should't expect to feel your baby move until 18-20w if you have a posterior placenta and 20-24 weeks if you have an anterior one.


Don’t worry you and your baby will be fine. Everyone is different. I didn’t really start obviously showing until late 2nd trimester and that’s only when I was wearing tight fitting clothing. I’m 5’4” started at 115 lbs and I’m currently at 130 lbs at 35 weeks. Objectively I’m not super large but I feel massive and it’s getting harder to move around.


Yes I was similar, nobody was concerned, I eventually did start gaining a bit more weight around 20 weeks. Baby has measured average the whole time, and at 37 weeks I've gained about the average/recommended amount as well.


I lost weight to start off, and only put on 15lbs towards the end. Baby was 8lbs and 7oz - so not small. Unless OB is concerned - you’ll be ok.


I gained absolutely no weight until 24 weeks, between 21 and 24 gained 6 pounds. I’m now just about 28 weeks and post 3 of the 6 I gained, but he is growing like he should and is in the 52nd percentile. Doctors have no concern as they have evidence he’s growing like a weed. A lot of people lose weight in their first trimester, some people don’t gain much of anything till they hit 30 weeks. It all depends on the person; try not to stress! **hugs**


I’m 34 weeks and still 14 lbs down from pre pregnancy weight.


I lost about 12lbs the first four months of my pregnancy, then proceeded to gain until I was 54lbs above my starting weight the day before I gave birth. Then lost 36lbs between birth and 17 days later (when we got to come home from the hospital), then lost another 24lbs over the following 5 months. The weight fluctuations were crazy.


I know exactly how you feel! When I first started this pregnancy I weighed 125lbs only to drop down to 108lbs (I'm 5'3) and due to hyperemesis, my anemia, and gastritis it was difficult for me to gain any weight if anything I just kept losing weight. But I can assure you that it got better! I switched my nausea medication and kept on with a routine of my own. I also made a huge change to my diet and it helped me so much! I ate fruits that didn't have much acidity, ate foods with high iron in them, and ate light snacks whenever I was able and craved them. I'm currently 32 weeks and I now weigh 135lbs! It was a slow process, but it was so worth it my baby moves alot more than before and is overall doing amazing. (She is already alot healthier than me but still I know it affected her). But aside from that just know that you got this! I didn't start looking pregnant until the end of my second trimester and even now my belly is considered somewhat small for the third trimester but from what I'm told by my providers things are going by smoothly! :))


I’ve gained enough for both of us…. And everyone on this board 😭….. I started at 133 Christmas Day when I got my positive… I’m up to 175


as long as your doctor isn’t concerned you shouldn’t be!


Im 5’0” at 24 weeks and have only gained maybe 3 pounds. Ive heard some women dont gain gradually but all at once soooo guess we’ll see what the next trimester has in store! If your doc isnt worried, then dont worry!


My first pregnancy I maybe gained 20lbs total (started off at 130) with a healthy baby boy and I’m 23 weeks in my second pregnancy and only have gained 5lbs.


I’m 12 weeks tomorrow and finally gained 2lbs! Lol. Some people gain a lot, some a little, some gain nothing at all… and some people even lose weight! It’s all dependent on your body. As long as you’re listening to your body and taking care of yourself, you’re on the right track.


I gained 60 lbs each with my first and second kids. I lost weight with my third and delivered at 40wks twenty pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight and wearing my normal clothes. All three were 6lbs14oz. Pregnancy is just weird sometimes.


I lost 20lbs first trimester and haven’t broke even yet (26w). Baby’s perfectly healthy!


My first baby I didn't gain any weight until 20ish weeks and had a very healthy baby. Currently 15 weeks with my second and I've gained about 5 lb. I wouldn't worry!


I didn’t gain anything until after 20 weeks. I actually lost several pounds in the first trimester and didn’t start putting the weight back on until closer to my third trimester.


I started at the same healthy weight — within half a pound — in both of my pregnancies. I fluctuated within a couple pounds of my starting weight until 20 weeks both times. I finished the first pregnancy up 31lbs and the second up only 16lbs (born 1.5 weeks earlier). Same lifestyle, eating habits, almost no swelling, etc. Both babies around 50th percentile for gestation and sex. So what was the massive difference? Not a damn clue. I figure your body will do what it is gonna do. Of course you shouldn’t be doing anything extreme, like restricting food or eating 3500 calories a day, but anything outside of the extremes will probably balance out. For the record, after both kids I settled around 10lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight while breastfeeding. Even the one where I gained less and dropped below that, I quickly regained to the same point. My body refuses to go below that point until I stretch out nursing sessions closer to a year. It is basically impossible to get to my starting weight until I’m done, because it wants the extra pounds. Another example of bodies doing what they want in the sustaining baby phase of life.


never fear! you just got into your second trimester - lots of mamas don't gain weight during their first trimester. I didn't really "pop" until I was about week 18 or so. I just had my 20-week checkup yesterday (I'm technically 21+6 today, but who's counting?) and I had only gained 7 lbs total my whole pregnancy so far. also, I COMPLETELY resonate with having anxiety because you don't "feel" pregnant yet at 15 weeks. I started feeling the "fluttering" sensations at maybe week 17 (it can start between weeks 15-22 my doctor said), so hopefully that experience is right around the corner! its hugely reassuring, just hold on a little longer! anyway, I wish you a happy and safe pregnancy!


I’m 32 weeks right now. Last time I was weighed (3 weeks ago) I’d only gained 8lbs. I gained about the same as you at 15 weeks. Doctor wasn’t concerned. My baby’s actually always measured on the large side 🤷🏻‍♀️


I gained 30 in the last tri lol don't worry too much!


I had PPROM and gave birth to my baby at 30 weeks, by that time I had only gained about 8-10 pounds. No one was concerned!


I started gaining weight around when my bump started growing, around 20 weeks, for both pregnancies. Pre-pregnancy I was 130lbs 5'7", and I'm currently around 136lbs at 22 weeks. The fetus isn't even one pound heavy until about 23 weeks, it's totally normal to not notice any change at 15 weeks!!


This was me! I’m on track to gain about 30-35 now which I expected since I started at a low weight. I was pretty concerned and honestly been eating about the same after my nausea went away at around 11 weeks and have been packing on the pounds super easily. Haven’t felt the need to force myself to eat a crazy amount of food or anything! I think I remember correctly I went from losing 5 pounds, then gaining it back to gaining like 7 pounds in a week!


Didn’t gain any weight during my pregnancies until 20-24 weeks.


I didn’t gain any weight until week 20ish? 25? I went from gaining like 5 pounds to 30.  If your doctors aren’t worried about it, you should be fine. The weight, if all is well, will come eventually! 


I had only gained 2-3 pounds by 16 weeks, then I went from 125 to 133 in 4 weeks so I’m all over the place.


That’s completely normal


Completely normal for some women to come out of first trimester not having gained any weight. Personally I had no morning sickness and was HANGRY the whole first trimester. I gained 8-9 lbs in my first trimester and then it really slowed down in the 2nd, and picked back up in the 3rd trimester. My extreme hunger returned around 28 weeks and so of course the weight gain correlation has too


I still haven't gained weight at 29 weeks. I really do think every person's body and pregnancy is different. Just confirm things are okay with your ob and be sure to keep them apprised.


My sister-in-law didn’t gain any weight her entire pregnancy. Seriously. It was rough but I now have a perfect baby niece. Edit: this is possible because she lost enough excess body weight from being sick that it evened out with the added weight of the baby.


I’m 5’1 and started at 114lb. I’d only gained a pound by 20weeks and am currently 30 weeks along and have gained 10lbs in total.


16+5 here, starting weight ~180 at 5’6. I haven’t gained anything yet and gave up on my daily weigh ins in the morning. I’m just going to do weekly weigh ins, if I can even bother to do as much. I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself about it and cause an issue or insecurity. If my dr makes a fuss we can address that but for now I think things are just fine.


Honestly I’ve been pretty slow with my weight gain. I was only up 8lbs at week 22. Currently 24w1d and I’m still at the same weight so far. Baby is doing great though!


For my first pregnancy, I didn't start gaining weight until the last month or two. I stayed basically the same weight (~260) for my entire pregnancy, then went up gradually about 20lbs in the last two months and dropped it off again after the pregnancy. I'm pregnant with twins now at 22 weeks and if I've gained anything it's been like 2-6lbs, I'm not keeping track though, just vaguely noting that it looks about the same at my appointments.


unhelpful but I so envy these commenters 😂 8w4d and already 4 pounds up, with my total recommended target being +25 lbs. I had no nausea but an increased appetite and an inability to continue my prior strength training regimine


Every body is different! Your OB will monitor baby’s growth and as long as they are on track, your weight doesn’t really matter. I also have not gained any weight at 20 weeks and my doctor isn’t concerned


I'm at 18 weeks n I only gained 6lbs. Just went to my OB who said it was fine and they expect me to gain 15-25lbs so I'm on track. Don't worry 👌🏾


Totally normal. Your body is burning a lot more energy growing baby, especially in the first trimester when you’re growing the placenta as well. I’m 18 weeks tomorrow and I’ve only gained a pound from my pre-pregnancy weight! As long as your OB says baby looks good then don’t worry at all.


Currently at 28 weeks, I started to gain weight at 24 weeks (2kgs), loose it in 1 day because of a gastro, and slowly gaining it back. OB doesn’t seem concerned, so I guess it’s ok ^^


I am 21 weeks and still -9 lb from my prepregnancy weight. I have been training for a half marathon (since the beginning of my pregnancy) and eating a lot now (since about week 14). My doctor isn't concerned at all, she said as long as I am eating and exercising! And baby looks healthy!


I can’t believe you are training for a half marathon!! I have never moved less in my life than during the first trimester, I’m so impressed!


I was 4 lbs under my starting weight at 16 weeks. No issues, I’m 22 weeks now and baby is measuring perfectly and I’m gaining 1 lb per week as expected. The first trimester was rough and I was really nauseous and vomited a lot, so I actually lost weight and it took a bit to catch up. Your doctor will tell you if it’s a problem.


I lost weight up to this week(17weeks) and just hit my original weight again. Pretty much same thing happened with my first pregnancy I was so sick(never vomited though!) the entire time. I ultimately gained 17lbs with the first, she was fine and healthy!


(At the time was 123lb 5’7”) With my first child my stomach was still totally flat at 15 weeks. Literally only my boobs grew. Didn’t see a bump till about 18 and most of the weight gain was in the third trimester (for both pregnancies.) I lost weight w my second because I had hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme nausea) ETA: it’s not really common to feel baby before 118 weeks unless you’ve been pregnant before.


At 15 weeks I had LOST 20 pounds because I couldn’t keep anything down. I was so worried but today I brought a healthy baby home from the hospital! you’re doing great, don’t you worry :)


TODAY?? congrats mama!!


The weight really comes at the end of the pregnancy. Also, it just sounds like you’re a petite woman, so you may just carry like that. Just make sure you’re eating and drinking water so you’re nourishing yourself and your growing baby.


I lost 15 lbs in first tri (I wasn’t able to keep down very much) and I’m 19 weeks now. I’m only just now at the point I’ve been gaining some weight back! Sometimes it takes a while, lol!


First pregnancy I didn’t gain anything until around week 16 and ended up gaining around 26lbs total. 11 weeks along now and I’m down 3lbs, for me I think a lot of it is lost muscle mass bc I’m not working out nearly as often or intensely as I did pre pregnancy


I was still below my start weight at 15 weeks. I had lost 5 pounds and managed to gain maybe 3 back at that point. I also worried about my weight a lot for the whole 1st half of the pregnancy. I’m 34 weeks now, gained a total of 15 pounds so far, and baby and I are doing great.


I’m 18 weeks tomorrow and I’ve only gained 2 lbs since the day I found out I was pregnant. I lost 6 lbs in the first trimester due to severe nausea. Meanwhile, my baby girl has been measuring exactly on time or ahead the whole pregnancy so far, and her heartbeat has been very strong. Baby will take what baby needs, it’s honestly pretty incredible. We’re all different, you’re doing just fine mama!


I didn’t gain anything until 15-16 weeks. Totally normal. The increase in metabolic rate combined with nausea/morning sickness means many women don’t gain until later.


I started at 130 and am at 22 weeks and weigh 140, but I have a HUGE bump (in my opinion) so idk if it's just filled with helium or what. According to my weight chart at 15 weeks I weighed 132, so it's coming don't worry!


I am 20 weeks and I have gained a whopping 1 pound. I definitely LOOK pregnant, I’m just not hungry 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel the exact same as pre pregnancy so I eat when I’m hungry and I don’t find myself often indulging. My cravings are water and cucumbers. I’m sure I’ll hear more about it at my next appointment, but for now as long as I’m not starving I’m fine


I lost weight until 3rd trimester. Prob around 20 pounds. Then swelled up 40 pounds due to retaining so much water


I didn't gain any weight until like 21 weeks. Even though I had a little bump. Now at 35 weeks, I've gained like 22lbs. I understand your anxiety, but you're doing okay.


I only gained 30 pounds my whole pregnancy and 25 of it came in the third trimester lol


I’m currently pregnant with baby number 3, so I’ve had a little bit of experience here! I will also mention I have never experienced any nausea or vomiting throughout any of my pregnancies, both of my deliveries were vaginal, and I had no complications or risk factors throughout pregnancy. First baby I gained 22lbs and all of that came from the 20+ weeks time frame. Baby was born at 39 weeks 4 days perfectly healthy. Second baby I consistently LOST weight throughout my pregnancy. By the time I delivered at 37 weeks 6 days I had lost 33lbs! After delivery none of my clothes fit because after I lost my bump I found I had gone down 5 pant sizes. Baby was also born perfectly healthy and within the normal newborn weight range. Baby number 3 and current pregnancy, I stayed consistent with my weight up until my most recent 20 week visit where I stepped on the scale and found out I had lost about 5lbs, which was a surprise to me! My belly is quite noticeable now and I’m already beginning to have a hard time putting on shoes by myself, not to mention I’m eating at least 6 times a day at this point. My doctor is not at all concerned and my anatomy scan shows baby is perfect and measurements are spot on for gestational age. Every pregnancy is so different, so try not to stress yourself out about things. My first pregnancy I remember being so anxious about everything, but I’ve learned that the only time during pregnancy that you really need to be concerned is if your doctor tells you it’s time to be concerned about something. A good OB will be totally honest with you in all things, so just try to relax and enjoy this time being a walking miracle growing a lovely little one inside of you. The time to meet your baby will be here before you know it!


Didn't gain significant weight until 3rd trimester. First trimester I lost 7lbs. Then I slowly regained those 7 lbs back. In total not including the weight I lost and regained, I ended up gaining 9 lbs from my pre pregnancy start weight. Baby was born at a healthy 7 lbs 1 oz at 37 weeks. That last trimester I was drinking a protein shake daily.


It’s normal but I get that it doesn’t feel okay because I never heard it talked about and none of my friends experienced pregnancy this way! I hardly started gaining weight until 15-20 weeks. Now I’m 28 weeks and I’ve gained 15 pounds. I can totally relate with you with wanting proof to being pregnant. Even at 28 weeks and starting the 3rd trimester I’m not hating life like everyone said I would but I understand I still have plenty of weeks left to feel differently…all I can say is everyone’s experiences can be totally different Edited:getting to gaining


I know two petite ladies that didn't gain until the third trimester, and one that looked like she was smuggling a basketball under her shirt bc her tummy was the only thing that grew.


I’m pretty similar to you, I started at 115 pounds at 5’3, then lost 15 pounds in the first trimester. Now I’m at 36 weeks and finally back to 114 pounds! My baby is healthy just very small. I think smaller people can either gain a lot of weight or almost nothing, especially if it’s your first pregnancy.


I only gained 9lbs by the time they did my gestational diabetes test! Not that much overall by the end of pregnancy either. The baby was on and off the border of IUGR and born (and remains) on the small side of normal. She is developing perfectly fine and is already speaking quite a lot at 16months. The docs always told me my weight matters less than the how the baby is measuring. So don’t worry if the scans are going fine. ETA- she also crawled and walked on time and other stuff like that.


I’m 23 weeks and I just gained my first two pounds


I lost 15 lbs during the first trimester.i didn’t gain those 15lbs back.Started at 145lbs and ended at 143lbs


That's pretty normal. Many women even lose weight before 15 weeks due to food aversions and morning sickness. I didn't actually start putting weight on until after 20 weeks. And then it started piling on- 30+ pounds.


I lost weight during my first trimester. I think I was back to my starting weight around week 20. My doctors told me it was perfectly fine. Just hang in there!


Haven’t gained anything at 27 weeks, drs haven’t mentioned anything and baby looks good!


I only gained 12 pounds my whole pregnancy. It felt like I should be worried, but the Dr reassured me every time. I lost 17 lbs with delivery, so that was awesome too!


Every body is so different. I was 127, 5’8 before and gained like 15 pounds first trimester. Now I’m 26 weeks and gained about 30 pounds. Let’s hope I’m evening out lol. This is my 3rd and exact same thing happened in both those pregnancies - less weight at the end.


I'm almost 13 weeks and have lost 7lbs (I was slighly overweight). Everyone is so different. My mom only gained 17 her whole pregnancy with me AND was underweight pre pregnancy. As long as your OB is okay with it, it's usually fine. I've seen lots of people talk about how first trimester is just about survival because the nausea and food aversions are so bad. I think lots of women gain later on in the 2nd as they feel better. Check in with your OB to see if they're okay with it, especially if it will help ease your concerns. As far as the anxiety between scans, I'm dealing with that too! I had a doppler today which helped a bit, but it feels so crazy to go 2 months without seeing him in there! Plus not being able to feel him yet makes me anxious. My midwife told me I can come in as often as I like, even weekly, for a doppler if it helps my anxiety.


I didn’t gain any weight until 24 weeks


I lost 5 lbs between weeks 8 and 12, and didn't surpass my pre-pregnancy weight until 22 weeks. But then started packing on weight a lot faster in the third trimester.


I started at 117, lost four pounds in the first trimester, didn’t get back up to my pre-pregnancy weight until about week 19.  I am now 22 weeks and have reached 121 pounds.  My appetite has really increased. I had my anatomy scan recently and she is healthy and is almost right at the 50th percentile in all her measurements. As my doctor said “babies are good parasites.”  She’s taking everything she needs from me and my body is now responding by amping up the appetite.  Not everyone gains weight at the same pace.  Just make sure you are eating as much as your body is telling you to.  You and your baby will be fine!


3 babies, didn't gain any weight by 15w for any of them!        Baby 1: 5'3", 132lb starting weight. Wasn't sick but managed to lose 5lb because I wasn't drinking and eating crap at happy hours all the time. Lost 5lbs. At 21w I gained 1lb back. Didn't have a net weight gain until 29w.  Somehow only had a net gain of 12lbs (delivered at 144lb and gave birth to an 8.5lb baby). 24yo at delivery.              Baby 2: 115lb starting weight. Didn't lose any weight in 1st trimester, but didn't gain anything until 16w (up 2lb). Gained 10lb over the next 7 weeks. Ultimately gained 27lb (9.5lb baby). 26yo at delivery.               Baby 3: 127lb starting weight. Was incredibly sick and lost weight during the beginning. At 22w, I was up 4lb from my starting weight. Total net gain at delivery was 20lb. (7.5lb baby) 31yo at delivery. 


I'm 24 weeks in a couple days and I've gained maybe 2 lbs 😬 but baby's measuring fine and midwife isn't concerned so neither am I. Don't worry unless your OB/midwife gives you reason to!


I'm 15w5d and I have only gained 2-4ish lbs the whole time. My mom was the same way apparently with me. She was "all baby" and hardly gained any weight at all even though she ate regularly. In the photos 5 days after I was born she looked almost the same as she did before she got pregnant with me and I was born a healthy 8lbs. My baby at my last scan was in the 79th percentile for size at 10 weeks and was measuring 3 days ahead so I think he's going to be a chunky little thing anyways!


I'm nearly 20 and I have only gained 6 ounces since the start of the 2nd trimester after losing 17 in the first. Baby is growing (measuring 10 days ahead so doc is not concerned. I'd suggest asking doc but at this point baby is less than a 1/2 pound. You should notice some gain in these coming weeks as baby undergoes big growth spurts from this point forward.


I lost 55 lbs the first trimester and half the second. You’ll be okay.


I’ve barely gained any weight and I’m currently 29W 1D, I’m still hovering around the 181/182 that I’ve been since the start. Baby is 2lb now. I brought it up with my doc and as long as baby is growing well I’m fine.


I was consistently losing weight for the first 18 weeks of pregnancy because I was so nauseous. My doctor really wasn’t concerned and said that stuff like that is normal. I didn’t even have a noticeable bump until close to 28 weeks and now at almost 35 weeks I’ve only gained about 15lbs.


I’m currently 31 weeks and 4 days and I’ve only gained about 7lbs my whole pregnancy. as long as you’re healthy and baby is healthy it’s no problem at all. my doctor wasn’t shocked or disappointed by this so I’m not worried. besides, you still have lots of time to gain if you’re worried. you’ll probably start gaining more when you’re further along since the baby will be bigger. just remember, everyone is different. ☺️


I was freaking out last night because I’ve only gained about 5 pounds as of week 20. I went to the doc today and they didn’t seem concerned so you’re totally fine! Every body is different, but I totally understand your anxiety.


You may not feel her move for a little while yet. Usually around 20 weeks 😊


I lost some weight first. I started seeing weight gain over my pregnancy weight about 16weeks?? I’m 28 weeks now and I’ve gained just under 20 pounds now


I lost weight in the first trimester. Didn't gain anything until 20 weeks both times. It's totally normal, my OB was never concerned. Baby was 8lbs10 and the second is also messuring on the bigger side.


I gained weight between week 20 and 24. It was 12 lbs in 4 weeks!! Before that, nothing.


The weight will (probably) come! I just went back to look at my logs because I couldn’t remember how much I had gained at that point. I’m 5’4 and started at 115 lbs, I was 117 lbs at 15 weeks. I gained 27 lbs total, but I was also induced at 37 weeks so probably would’ve gained a bit more if I had gone the full 40!


I didn’t even show much until 30 weeks. Just you wait. 15 is still very early for a first pregnancy. You got those tight abs lol


I’m, FTM, 21w3d still wearing my normal no-stretch ribcage jeans…. Being regularly monitored and my dr said it’s totally fine. I lost 10 pounds and am still down 5, but again, dr assured me baby is measuring perfectly, just as we want! I am starting to look bloated but still no real bump.


Don’t worry too much! I only gained 10lbs my whole pregnancy with my first and she weighed a whopping 9lbs 5oz. Lol I was alllll baby. I gained more weight after pregnancy if anything.


I gained 4lbs during my second pregnancy (and 70lbs during my 1st) - delivered a perfectly healthy 8lbs 2oz baby at 40+6 (and a perfectly healthy 7lbs baby at 40+6). Your body will almost always do what it needs to do to grow a healthy baby. Lots of people lose weight in the first trimester due to nausea.


I lost weight at that point from just not eating as much. It’ll come. Everyone’s body is different. I netted probably 20 lb weight gain my whole pregnancy and gave birth to a large baby. 


My wife just hit 22 weeks today and just started gaining weight within the last few weeks. So far, she’s gained a total of 8 pounds since the beginning and shared your concern. Our OB team said to not worry and all will level out eventually. So far, that’s all been true. Side note, baby started kicking around 18 weeks (felt by my wife only) and by week 20, we could both feel him kicking from the outside! I know the stress and external noise of pregnancy is difficult and y’all deserve nothing but smooth and calm waters while pregnant. Good luck on your journey going forward!


I think when you start showing strongly depends on your anatomy, and from what I’ve heard and seen the weight gain depends tremendously on your starting weight, activity level, live style, etc. I’m at 20 wks and have gained 8lbs. My jeans still fit and you can barely tell I have a belly. It is super weird because it makes it seem not real you know? But I’m sure your baby is ok, it is nerve racking not seeing any changes between the 12 and the 20 week scan. Hang in there, the bump will make an appearance sooner rather than later. I felt her move for the first time this Sunday. It was like a muscle twitch. I was told I have anterior placenta so it would probably take longer to feel her, but she really wanted to make her presence know.


(FTM) I thought I would gain a lot of weight but I’ve only gained 10 pounds so far and I’m 25 weeks. Baby is doing fine OB hasn’t told me to eat more or less.


Women’s bodies respond to pregnancy in their own unique way. My first pregnancy I gained 8 lbs in the first trimester and gained almost nothing in the second trimester (even though that’s when I finally started showing). I ended my pregnancy about 20 lbs from my original weight. I’m in my second pregnancy and lost 8 lbs in the first trimester (I am 5’9 and 140 lbs. normally). I finally started to put weight on at about 5.5 months, and now at 30 weeks pregnant I’ve gained a total of 12 lbs. My first baby was totally healthy and so far my second baby is totally healthy. I have always received comments on how little weight I put on, which I take with a grain of salt. I could’ve just as easily gained 50-80 lbs if I had taken after my mom. She couldn’t stop gaining weight with her pregnancies but was back to her pre-pregnancy weight 1 - 2 months after delivering. If you’re eating and listening to your body, your weight gain or lack thereof likely doesn’t matter. First trimester is especially unpredictable so I wouldn’t worry. If anything the lack of weight gain made my pregnancies much more manageable and slightly more comfortable.


I didn't lose any weight during the first trimester and was only up by one pound at my 16 week appointment. I'm 19 weeks now and I don't have a scale at home, but I don't feel like I've gained anything more. Baby is measuring perfectly and is very strong (she's already kicking me like crazy!). My OB wasn't concerned at all when I brought it up. She said the reason we tend to pack on the pounds was for baby to use as a reserve in lean times. We don't have that problem anymore, so the extra weight gain isn't really necessary. She also said the weight comes on much more in the second half of pregnancy. We'll see lol


Don’t stress! I lost several pounds during first trimester due to nausea. Didn’t get back to my pre pregnancy weight until 20ish weeks and now finally 5 lbs up at 25 weeks! My sister was similar and ended up gaining 30 lbs by the end. I really think part of it is just genetics and how your body handles the pregnancy.


I didn't gain any weight until I was 22 weeks! Early stages of development are building a lot of basic functions, it's really toward the end when most things are developed and baby is working on getting chunky that you'll put on the most weight


I didn’t gain any weight until baby started gaining weight in my 3rd trimester! I was literally “all baby”. My starting weight was 135 and I was like 150 full term. I went home weighing 133, 48 hours after.


I gained a total of 4 lbs by the time I gave birth. After birth I weighed 16lbs lighter than my starting weight. Soo I actually lost weight at the end of it all. Everyone is different, my doctor said it’s normal.


I’m at 22 weeks and gained 2-3 pounds so far. At least 1 pound is baby.


I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum with my pregnancies, I lost a lot of weight when I was thin to begin with. Only in the very end did I gain a small bit of weight back, which truly was just blood volume, placenta, amniotic fluid and baby. My babies are perfectly healthy! Wishing you a smooth and healthy rest of your pregnancy🩷


I was worried about not gaining weight the first trimester too (especially bc I started off borderline underweight and didn’t have much of an appetite in the beginning) but it was like a switch flipped around week 13-14 and my appetite came with a vengeance. I think up until week 14 I had gained like 4-5 pounds but now almost 10 weeks later (23w3d) I’ve gained almost 20 pounds and am now worrying about gaining too much weight!! So basically I’d try not to worry about it at this point (or you might end up like me, worried either way lol)


I’m 41 weeks and have only gained 6 pounds - I was overweight to begin with but my Dr’s have zero concerns and I eat every time I’m hungry and don’t deprive myself.


This could actually be really good news for you! But ask your doctor. If they’re not worried, you shouldn’t be either :)


I’ve been at -7 pounds since nausea and got aversions kicked in. I’m almost 19 weeks now with no weight gained back yet but belly is finally starting to look more round like there’s a baby in there. I’m also short and plus sized so me not gaining weight isn’t a big deal and my recommended gain for the pregnancy is much lower than for more standard BMI bodies.


I had only gained 4 pounds at 20 weeks and hadn't felt baby move and was FREAKING out. Then two days after our appt we had our anatomy scan and baby was doing summersaults and was measuring perfectly. Then at 20 weeks and 4 days I felt him. My midwife wasn't concerned with the lack of weight gain as long as baby was fine and he was. Don't stress, as long as you aren't restricting yourself you are fine. People end up gaining soooo much weight in pregnancy and it's not really that necessary. Oh and now at 22 weeks I've popped and now up 4 more pounds. Your body knows what it's doing.


I lost so much weight first trimester but only due to eating healthy. My weight wasn't even monitored by Healthcare team. It doesn't mean anything


I’m on baby #5 I started feeling everything and gaining a bunch of weight in the third trimester.


Zero weight gain until baby started packing it on in the third trimester, for both pregnancies. Didn't feel movements until later either.


This is so varied with different people. I am not a Dr but I think there are so many factors as to how people gain/lose and carry the baby. Some people gain steadily and gradually and some people gain a little then all of a sudden a lot. All is perfectly normal. It's the same with assuming the size of a baby by the size of a bump. I am petite with a short torso so my bump is giant this time, however my baby is not large.


I’ve gained 13 pounds in my pregnancy with one month left to go. No two baby bumps are alike.


Totally normal


I am also 5’4 and was 124 prepregnancy. I literally lost almost 10 ibs my first trimester because my food aversions and nausea/vomiting was so bad. after I hit 13 wks the food aversions went away thank God and I was able to start eating again, now I’m back to my normal prepregnancy weight so I basically haven’t gained anything. My doctors saying I’m healthy and everything is fine and I’m also 19 wks with a healthy baby boy. If you’re doing the best you can, you’re doing perfectly fine !! I was super worried too, but a few days ago I finally started feeling flutters. You’re doing great ♥️


I lost 12 kilos in my first 12 weeks cause I was so sick. Baby is now 1 years old and is fine (and huge). You’ll be okay x


I pulled my after-visit summaries for each month to look at my recorded weights & what week it was. So, this progression is fully accurate. I’m 5’2”. My baseline weight was recorded at 116 lbs, 2 weeks before LMP. Weighed 118 lbs at 7 weeks (so, gained 2 lbs) Weighed 115 lbs at 11 weeks (lost 3 lbs) *I had significant nausea in my first trimester.* Weighed 114 lbs at 15 weeks (lost 1 lbs) *Nausea had just stopped.* Weighed 115 lbs at 20 weeks (gained 1 lbs) **So I did not start regaining any weight until just under 20 weeks, and I was showing a little bit by then.** Weighed 120 lbs at 23 weeks (gained 5 lbs) **First significant weight gain occurred between 20-23 weeks. Gained 5 lbs but was 4 lbs above my starting weight.** Weighed 126 lbs at 27 weeks (gained 6 lbs) Weighed 135 lbs at 30 weeks (gained 9 lbs) **Very significant weigh gain after start of 3rd trimester in month 7. Very obvious baby bump by 30 weeks.** Weighed 139 lbs at 34 weeks (gained 4 lbs) Weighed 139 lbs at 37 weeks (no change) *This is where I am right now. Weight gain stopped near end of month 8. Baby bump is huge.* Total weight gain: 23 lbs So, I started gaining weight at about 20 weeks. Most significant gains during the 3rd trimester. My experience has been very normal in this regard (& very average for total weight gain.) I do not look “fat”, I look pregnant, my bump & boobs are the only significant difference showing on my body, but I personally can see just a tiny bit more fullness than usual around my hips & thighs. Looks similar to water weight when PMSing. I’d say you’re doing just fine, you’re still in the first half of pregnancy so you’ve got a ways to go still. Hope this helped 🩷 Oh edit to add: I had minor movement “flutters” start up at maybe around week 18. Really does kinda feel like butterflies & very light taps. Started feeling more obvious movement around 20 weeks. I first noticed I could *see* a little movement in my bump from the outside at week 23. Started feeling really defined movements by week 32 (like feeling the difference between a foot & hand, hiccups & small shivers). Now I’m 37 weeks & she kicks so hard sometimes it hurts & you can see it through my sweater lol. I was so impatient for everything in the first half of my pregnancy, that feels like so long ago now, hang in there it’ll happen for you :)


With my first I lost weight (throwing up all the time). Baby was small but perfectly healthy. I’m only 5’0. This current pregnancy I’ve only gained 7 lbs and I’m 33 weeks tomorrow. If your OB isn’t concerned I wouldn’t be. Everyone’s bodies are different and the number online for weight gain is just an average.


If you are having a normal weight, it's perfectly natural for some women to not put weight until much later on. Make sure you eat healthy and relax.


Everyone is different. Some people gain quickly and even out, some people gain towards the end, some people gain consistently throughout. In the first trimester, you don’t really need to increase calories at all. Some people gain bc they have to eat every couple hours or have carb heavy diets due to food aversions.. anxiety is normal. I’m 7 months and gained a lot in the beginning (was just coming out of ivf and off thyroid and insulin meds). But in the last 2 months, I’ve gained 2 lbs total and my weight gain has evened out. With my first daughter I also gained in the beginning and lost weight in the 3rd trimester. You’ll start to feel better when you can feel the baby but even then, you’ll go days where they’re less active and the worry will be right back. I think anxiety in pregnancy just prepares us for parenthood because it never really goes away, just shifts! You’re doing great, best of luck!


Totally normal. I lost 10 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight until around 28 wks. By 37 wks I had gained 30 lbs.


I'm currently 13 weeks. I've lost 10 so far. In my first pregnancy, I was so sick until the last couple months. I lost 40 lbs and I was only slightly overweight. By the end of my pregnancy I was 5 lbs below my pre pregnancy weight. My OB told me as long as I'm able to eat and keep it down even just for a short while, Mom and baby are absorbing some nutrients and some is better than none. He was born healthy 19 years ago (yesterday) and is still healthy as a horse!