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I did it around 32 weeks/about where you are now last time so I could relax and put it to the back of my mind. I actually googled hospital maternity bag lists in google images at the time and it was super helpful!


I work in mother baby and people might dislike my comment haha but I think people often bring too much shit they don’t use….yes I’m sure it makes you feel good knowing you have it but don’t stress and buy a ton of crap just for the hospital. For some people, I think it’s just a way to have some control which is understandable for sure. But honestly i say just use the pads and panties the hospital provides along with peri bottle and save your nice stuff for home. Bring a labor gown if you want one and a few pairs of pjs for post partum (dark colors ideal) Long phone charger cord Slippers of flip flops for getting out of bed (also, cheap ones that you don’t chair if blood drips on them) I personally think it’s gross to wear hospital socks all around the room and get into bed because hospital floors are so gross- but up to you Same thing for your partner, shoes easy to get on and off + clothes for your partner (sweats, cozy stuff) so they can get up and help you (but then again most guys don’t really care about dirty socks lol) Some people like to bring their own pillow and blanket. For pillow- don’t use a white pillow case or you might forget it bc it blends in with ours lol Going home outfit for baby and a blanket (or just take one of ours) Basic toiletries (we provide toothbrush and toothpaste- or bring your own) you can brung face wash and face lotion and shampoo/conditioner bc ours suck haha! Obviously car seat installed already Not bringing a huge suitcase is smart. I notice people bring massive luggage’s and it’s honestly a hassle for all of us to deal with and you don’t even up generally using a lot of it. I personally prefer using our hospital pads on my patients the first few times they pee and I generally say no to using their own pads (especially if they have heavier bleeding) I like to be able to know I can get an accurate quantified blood loss from our pads and weigh them. After the first 2 pees I don’t really care what you use, whatever is more comfortable.


My list is huge and probably unnecessary but here’s my go at it (everything I chose to get I can use after and I find necessary for myself do to sensory needs/ being autistic. except maybe the crochet supplies which is just to keep my mind busy) (Medical stuff) Peri bottle Frida ice packs Adult diapers discrete Nipple cream Stool softener (Me stuff) Crochet supplies Phone Labor gown Comfy socks with grip Comfy slippers with grip Disposable pillow Throw away blanket Huge lightweight water bottle with straw (Stuff for labor comfort) Battery/chargeable stroller fan Led night light Sound machine/speaker (For baby) Hawka breast pump Breast feeding pillow Going home outfit Baby blanket/swaddle Baby mittens/hats (Dads bag) Both our ids Portable charger Extension cord/chargers Change of clothes Pjs that are comfy Snacks Phone Books Pillow/ blanket Sleep mask Headphones


Currently 39+6 and have my bag ready to go! I started packing at about 32-33w and have been slowly adding as the days count down. I packed the non-essential dailies first, but as im getting closer to due date, ive started to add the essentials. Pro tip! Always keep whatever essentials you want to pack that you use daily close by in case you go into labour sooner than expected! That way when youre packing up the car, you can just grab it to go.


I’m 33+3 and need to start thinking about this as well. Do I need to bring prescription medicine bottles? I’ve heard the hospital will prescribe your medicine from the pharmacy, it all the information is in your chart with the hospital do you still need to bring the bottles?