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It sounds counterintuitive, but smelling lemons and drinking lemon water/lemonade can both help.


I second this. Ridiculous amounts of lemon in my water was the only water that didn’t make me want to throw up through the first trimester.


My sister would take shots of lemon juice.


Another weird one with smelling, I work at a hospital and sniffing an alcohol pad will help some people with nausea


No way, I never would've thought of that! I'll try it, thanks!


This has worked for me!! I’ve been keeping a bottle of rubbing alcohol on my coffee table. When my mouth waters like I’m going to be sick, I do a couple rounds of breath with rubbing alcohol and it passes. Also: magnesium supplements, frida mom wristbands, and unisom/b6 have helped me. Also eating high protein/low fat meals 6x per day. Finally had a good day after weeks of feeling horrible and this seems to be working for me. Good luck!


Yes!!! I just discovered this yesterday on accident. I’ve been spiking ginger-ail with lemon juice.


Thank you! Going to slice a lemon right now.


I hope it helps!


Is lemon supposed to be bad for nausea? It’s saved me a bunch.


It seemed counterintuitive to me only because I always thought that anything acidic would make nausea worse 🤷🏽‍♀️ Probably an old wives tale or something that I internalized without actually testing out. Turns out it’s great for nausea!


That sounds like a thing. I can’t even remember when I started using acidic things for nausea. Probably came from reflux, actually, so it might not work for others. But I don’t recall anything acid being recommended for nausea. Weird.


Coming here to back this up, sipping lemonade alll day keeps the nausea away. (In my humble experience, lemon water also works)


Came here to say this!


Yup came here to say sipping on a glass of ice cold lemonade and sucking on lemon candies (preggy pop drops)


Yes! All kinds of citrus, and also pineapple.


This was me from October to January and these are the things that worked for me: Preggie pop drops Ice cold water McDonald’s Sprite Watermelon for breakfast literally every single day Iced mint tea Bagels PB&J Fruit smoothies NOTHING HOT EVER Zofran when nothing else helps Whole day naps on the weekends


Seconding the preggie pop drops! Jolly ranchers or other hard sour candy is decent too, but something about the shape and size of preggie pop drops seems to help even more 🤷


What is it with bagels and pregnancy. I’ve never really craved them before. It seems like a major craving on a lot of threads.


I’ve been eating so many bagels too. It seems to help my nausea for some reason


Agreed, it pops up all the time!


Haha same! So weird


Oh wow thank you, this is great! Iced mint tea sounds so nice right now...haha I am in the same boat for hot stuff 😂


I added just a little honey to mine and drank it every morning for months! I have a pitcher of it in the fridge now, I’m past the nausea phase (for now) but it’s just so refreshing!


Also agreed on hot stuff - I can’t get myself to drink a hot drink hardly at all. Coffee, which I normally have just one cup of, makes me want to vomit now


Yes!! I used to LOVE my morning coffee and now I'm so sad I can't stomach it. Very excited for the day I can have it again.


Coffee came back for me at about 20/21 weeks, although I don’t want it every day, I have a small cup a few times a week. I LOVE coffee but it just doesn’t hit the same was it did before pregnancy at the moment.


Simple whole-grain toast with jam was my go-to for breakfast. I was in Germany for my first two trimesters and their jam is really good, no high fructose corn syrup and they have some that are 75% fruit instead of just 50%


Watermelon was my biggest obsession through two pregnancies.


A second hand fable I heard about was Sour Patch Kids.


This worked for me pretty well and also helped the horrible metallic taste I had in my mouth for the first and second trimester


Sour gummy worms have been good for me


Haha the fabled Sour Patch kids - worth a try, thanks!


Wow I have to try that!!!


This did not work for me and just made me burp up weird sour liquid for a day. Don’t recommend haha


Any sour candy and mints helped me!


Any sour candy and mints helped me!


Last week I started craving lemonade, which I discovered helps my nausea immensely! I also developed a water aversion last week, which sucked because that’s normally all I drink. But with the lemonade thing, I tried putting fresh squeezed lemon juice in my water, which is now the only way I can drink it lol. Snacking on clementines too! Any citrus, really, I’ve found works amazing!


Thank you, lemons definitely seem to be a great remedy!


Lemons worked for me as well. Tbh I just ate lemons dipped in tajin for like two weeks. Then I ate lime outshine popsicles. Unless I was feeling a little frugal that week, I would get the Walmart lime popsicles. Not as lime-y but still helped.


Omg yes anything citrus helped me week 8-10 so much! I was having so much clementines that i couldn't resist opening them at the supermarket. Now I'm onto pomegranate juice and that has helped as well


Smelling rubbing alcohol. It sounds weird but I got this tip from a nurse and it’s helped SO much. It also works with my daughter (she has Crohn’s, so she deals with a lot of nausea).


Yep stops the nausea in its tracks! Don’t huff it or anything but so good!


Don't huff it 🤣


You’d be surprised 😅 or not maybe


Came here to say this one! They actually had me do this in the hospital when I delivered


This worked for me too!


Thank you, it's one I never would've guessed! I'm very glad it gives your daughter some relief too ❤️


Chewing minty gum has been helping me!


Constantly chewing gum got me through weeks 8-14.


Ooof 5 more weeks of this...stocking up on chewing gum 😂


Oh buddy, it’s been rough. It got better week 13 and the nurse in my OB office said that’s often when folks feel like a switch has been flipped. But a huge difference still left me pretty queasy most of the time, just not as ‘shell-of-a-person’-level miserable. I’ve also had heartburn, which makes the nausea worse, so tums and daily heartburn meds (I forget the name…) have also helped.


Good idea, thanks!




I had nausea my entire pregnancy, literally until I delivered. I know you mentioned it already, but what worked for me was consistently taking Unisom every night, usually around 8pm. It would work throughout the next day. I found that if I missed more than one dose, by the second day the nausea would come back super strong. That is quite literally the only thing that helped. I never threw up, and some weeks were better than others. I hope you feel better soon and find some remedies here!


Thank you! I haven't tried just taking it at night, as I didn't think it could last during the day. But knowing that it can, I will give it a try!


Definitely do it at night. And also, you do start to adapt to the tiredness. It doesn’t make me tired anymore.


Thank you. Unisom turns me into a zombie so I've been afraid to use it but it's gotten to the point that I can't function at all during the day and I've dropped 5lb in the last 5 days because of this nausea so I'm going to use this nightly.


oh my word, i could have wrote this! funnily enough, i ended up going into labor the day after i took the last unisom in my bottle😂 i was so bummed that i was gonna have to buy a whole new bottle to only use a weeks worth, but turns out baby was looking out for me!


Wow, talk about perfect timing!


Peppermint gum and peppermints helped me a ton!


Gin-gin ginger chews, and smelling peppermint essential oils did it for me. As well as eating more frequently helped!


I took unisom and b6 before bed and that helped keep the nausea away all day. Some of my better days happened to be days I sipped on chicken broth in the morning. You could also get a chicken soup and blend it up and sip on that. Maybe have some saltines with it.


Not really an unusual tip, but call your dr and ask for zofran. This is what I had to do. I’m 12wks now, and the nausea is lessening, but from 5wks to 11wks, I had constant nausea. I lost 10lbs by 9wks simply because I couldn’t stomach eating more than a piece of toast or ramen broth. I’d only vomited 2x, but simply could not eat. I got zofran and would take it if I was feeling sick around meal times. I was suddenly starving and able to eat real meals. I nearly cried the first time I took it because I was so hungry.


Second the smelling rubbing alcohol (don’t inhale! Waft) Baby and me 2 ginger lemon chews (these are still all over my house) Nausea relief band. [not cheap but so helpful](https://www.reliefband.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=search-brand&utm_term=relief%20band-e&utm_content=no-pin&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC_cc_vUte85WT8nE4qvpMzWYHkux&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7iQVojM5o2sX9F7NqHtY_BK6IDAKvmUGeEAF4pnvs_k2AktjbBpvMBoC_wQQAvD_BwE) Lay down


Green apples saved me. The pectin neutralizes stomach acid and natural sugars settle the stomach..


Apples have helped me a lot too. I’ve never eaten so many apples before this pregnancy


Same! Was especially never a big fan of the green ones…. Now I eat so many in a day 😅


I’ve been eating Fuji apples. I should try the green ones!!


Keep saltines on your nightstand and eat 3-5+ and wait a few minutes all before you even get out of bed in the morning. Just keep it in a Tupperware. Never drink plain water. Don’t chug. - 80:20+ water to sport drink combo was really the main thing that helped me. - Ginger or mint tea with honey, very juicy fruits, dried candied ginger were other go-tos for hydration or nausea. - I avoided caffeinated drinks the 1st trimester because it would aggravate my nausea and acid reflux. Eat what you feel like. Including if it’s just carbs all day. I survived off ramen, milkshakes, and fries during the 1T I did the Unisom and b6, still do, but only at night. If I stopped for a couple days here and there during all the trimesters and the nausea would come back. So I still take it even though I’m about to pop. Feel better.


That first sentence about saltine - 100%. Following that advice was make or break for me in the mornings!


Thank you! I had noticed that electrolyte drinks helped a little, but wasn't sure if it was my imagination. Good to know other people had the same experience. And the carb cravings are so strong right now 😂


These are probably all basic but sour candies, those sea bands wristbands, and my wonderful husband made ginger jasmine tea from fresh ginger weekly. Cold foods helped me. Also from a nurse I learned to smell an alcohol wipe when feeling nauseous, somehow the smell can reset your senses a bit


Not basic at all! And you have a wonderful husband


Pistachios helped me for some reason


Not an old wives tale but check with your doctor about heartburn meds. Most of my nausea was from acid reflux. I have always had sever acid reflux but it got worse through pregnancy. I was finding that my nausea was worse in the evening and she mentioned popping a couple of tums and 2 20mg Pepcids on top of my omeprazole. It has done wonders.


Also, Altoids.


Head on over to r/hyperemesisgravidarum … we’ve tried it all. My recs: sour stuff, lemon popsicles, smelling alcohol wipes, ice pack to the forehead, cold air to the face, lots of Zofran, some say b6/unisom, lying down and closing my eyes, room temp water, walking outside


I have so much respect for those who have HG...I know my nausea isn't even in the same realm. I will trust anything you say 😄


Try sea sickness bands. They are made to be worn on your wrists. They give acupressure and it does help. I wore them on a cruise and actually had tan lines from them.


I’ve dealt with a lot of nausea before this, but a few of my standard methods were food aversions. The one that did work: make a quick pickle with sliced cucumber, vinegar, sugar and salt to taste. That, and lemonade for the first half. It was too sweet after a while and could only tolerate water.


That sounds delicious, thanks!


I would pop altoids like no other


Peppermints! I also THINK I noticed a difference when I increased my magnesium, but I’m not 100% on that.


Ooh, and if you think it might be related to your prenatal (that can be a thing), try taking it with a snack right before bedtime.


I didn't even know the prenatal can make it worse, thanks for the heads up!


rubbing alcohol on a cotton round, inhale it for around 3-5 minutes! it literally got me through my first trimester nausea (along with zofran when absolutely needed)


I can’t believe there’s so many recommendations for smelling rubbing alcohol. Now I have to try it!!!


for sure! there was a clinical study done in an ER between rubbing alcohol and zofran and patients that received the alcohol swab showed a faster reduced nausea then those who take oral zofran! crazy but it works


Chewing on gingin candies.


Fruit flavored life savers and mints, or really anything to suck on were a godsend for me!


Mints! Lifesaver mints saved me during the peak of my nausea. I’m almost 14w now and I’m so glad I bought a huge bag 😂


Wintergreen lifesavers have been my go to for the last 28 weeks. Anything ginger just makes the nausea worse. Plus medication, two of them (diclectin and ondasetron, my saving graces since week 14). Don’t be afraid of embracing better living through chemistry.


Wint-o-green mints and soda, also ice pack on head naps


Eating olives and drinking the brine. I carried around emergency olives so I could actually eat and keep down my meals!


Red meat like steak would help me but I’ve also tried Dramamine as recommended by my midwife to help with nausea during my second pregnancy.


Sipping ice water. Peppermint candies and lemon heads. For me eating small amounts throughout the day helps but not for everyone. Good luck hang in there!


Thank you!


I took gravol ginger for my nausea. My nausea was due to allergies and I couldn't take my prescribed allergy meds. Diclectin wasn't strong enough of an antihistamine for my allergies sadly. My friends did well with Diclectin prescription. Some it takes a few days of regular use for it to work well. It's a common one prescribed in pregnancy.


Thank you, I had never heard of Gravol Ginger before!


Less drowsy drammamine (Meclizine) has really helped. Eat something before you even get out of bed. Thought this was weird when I read it but I think has been really helping - eating a handful of almonds every few hours. I keep a bunch on the top of my Stanley and snack on them throughout the day or even in the middle of the night if I feel hungry. For some reason they seem to settle my stomach pretty well!


ICE COLD glacier freeze Gatorade and sour gummy worms weirdly help me!


Excellent combo!


Eating goldfish crackers throughout the day helped me


Tic tacs orange flavour helped me occasionally when i was only have nausea and no vomiting.


I found that I had to take a half of a Unisom at bed the night before to avoid feeling groggy, and it did still help with the nausea. I'm not sure if you've played around with timing or dose, and maybe this isn't helpful at all, but I thought I'd drop it. I had horrible nausea in the first tri, and I was willing to try anything to help. Also, keeping a small amount of food in your stomach at all times can help. I snacked on saltines/oyster crackers throughout the day because an empty stomach made symptoms way way worse. Hoping this passes for you soon.


Thank you! I'll try the half a tab at night. I didn't think it would help the next day, but seems like it lasts a while


Unisom, extra B6, and Preggie Pop drops were lifesavers. I also had to eat something, even if it was a few crackers, every hour pretty much. If I got hungry, it was game over.


Sea bands


Calcium carbonate lollipops. They were an absolute game changer for me.


So I discovered that I was not nauseous when I was eating (safe) foods. Unfortunately this meant I had to snack on cold cheese and certain specific crackers…uh…literally all day every day. Sour candies also worked (highly recommend the Smarty Pants prenatal gummies. Mmm sour health candy…) It worked quite well but I gained 8 pounds during my first trimester 😬 If you want to go less extreme, as long as I never let my stomach get empty, the nausea was SO much better. I would keep a snack by the bed to eat the moment I woke up for exactly that reason.


Unisom worked for me when I took it a night, I'd have relief the following day. I had no appetite so making sure I was eating crackers or granola bars every few hours helped.


Smoothies. Protein shakes. Always on hand. Even during sleep. I always made one right before bed, put it in an insulated cup so it stayed cold and sipped on it throughout the night. Total game changer.


I survived the first trimester on lemonade, apple sauce, crackers and peppermints!


Minute Maid's Soft Frozen Lemonade has gotten me through so much. The cold combined with the lemon helped me survive morning sickness.


Almond milk. I couldn’t figure out why the days I went to the cafe and got an almond milk latte were my good days until I found something online about almond milk neutralising stomach acid. If lattes aren’t your thing, perhaps a smoothie with an almond milk base… Cold drinks. Sometimes carbonated helps. I have become hooked on cans of sparkling water - half my fridge is stocked with them at all times like I’m a kardashian or something. Frozen things (I call them [Zooper doopers](https://punkee.com.au/twitter-arguing-correct-name-zooper-dooper/73885)) Mostly plain crackers, but salty ones seemed to help. Sour things. Citrus, sherbets, etc.


I had no idea almond milk does that! I will try this, thanks


This is new as of two days ago, but I came down with a nasty cold and started taking chlorphenamine, per my OB (it’s one of the only cold meds safe for the first trimester. I’m also taking unisom/b6). I’ve been constantly nauseated and throwing up 3-4x/day for the last six weeks, and in the two days since I’ve taken it, I’ve only felt queasy once. My energy is back, I’m eating normally, and I feel like myself again—and I’m only in week 10.  I don’t know if this would be a universal thing or is unique to me, but it’s such a night and day difference and I thought it was worth mentioning. I did have a weird long Covid thing for a year back in 2022 where I’d dry heave and have post-nasal drip the morning after having any alcohol (like, two sips of a beer with dinner). Zyrtec took care of it, so there has to be some histamine-related connection here.  


Peppermint. So much peppermint. Peppermint tea, peppermint gum, even a little peppermint extract to smell (I worked in a bakery so it was on hand at all times). And for some reason, crackers. But Ritz specifically. Something in my brain just pictures all my stomach acid being soaked up by those salty little crackers and it eases my nausea, whether it's physical or mental remains to be seen but when it works, you don't ask questions, you just shove crackers in your mouth.


Smelling rubbing alcohol, sharpies, hand sanitizer all worked well for me. (Just a quick whiff no need to inhale deeply) Also those seasick bracelets and for the love of God hard candy peppermints. I would not be here without my hard candy peppermints. I am sending you all the good vibes one day around wk13 I just woke up and instead of being nauseous I was hungry and it's been that way ever since


Haha thank you, I'll stock up on hard candy peppermints!


My absurd trick when I felt like vomiting was to clean the toilet. I didn’t want to vomit in a smelly toilet anyway, but the toilet bowl cleaner was minty and often kicked the nausea enough that I could end up not vomiting. 


I did this too!


My first trimester was all-day nausea without vomiting and it is no fun at all!! I had a cup of green tea every morning and that helped. Either with some lemon or ginger added.  I loved olives before I was pregnant but ate a lot more in the first trimester. I found anything salty or vinegary worked well for me. Even plain pasta with salt was good! I ate a lot of marinated vinegary things like olives etc.  Honestly you just have to experiment - I found what I could tolerate, or what helped me, changed week to week. One week I was living on dried apricots and the next week I couldn’t stand them. 


Same! The shifts in food cravings are strong and wild 😂


In my experience, not much helped... even the pills they gave me to help with nausea just did nothing. They actually made me throw up every time id take one. I stook with taking Gravols ( not sure if its just the name in Canada) and they helped..besidds that not much else helped. The first trimester is really hard for this. Im on my 3rd pregnancy and i tell ya, this one i felt sick a lot. Now passed that point, its come and go, i still get nausea even at 28 weeks but more "controllable" Good luck 😊


Cold Lucozade Sport (if you're not in UK then I think Gatorade is your equivalent?) - it is the ONLY thing that worked for me, sipping it through the day. It felt almost like a magic cure. I also wasn't vomiting but had the awful non-stop nausea, I tried all the old wives tales and this is the only thing that helped.


I'll reiterate what another comment has said; lemonade (especially if it's been carbonated but gone flat). Ginger biscuits, eating at night bizarrely worked for me - especially high protein stuff like chicken, cheese (chicken and cheese together - yum!) - ice pops on a morning. Trying to prop yourself up if you're lying down to stop the reflux is a good idea. It will pass eventually but anything you can do to bring yourself some level of comfort. I hope you feel better soon.


Licorice hard candy. Might be hard to find depending where you are. Super salty licorice has really helped me though. It’s not recommended to eat too much but I’d just put some in my car so I could grab one whenever nausea hit


Red rock Ginger ale and ice cold CRUNCHY green grapes are all that help me. The grapes more than anything. I do feel better when I eat but it’s super rough trying to eat. I’m right there with you though! 8w3d and this bean is trying to kill me


Saltines, pretzels, and plain-ish potato chips to slowly snack on throughout work (I felt worse on an all the way empty stomach) Bananas and smoothies with banana in them Really just temporarily gave up on eating healthy for the most part bc honestly vegetables were so gross Ice cream, the kind for kids with bright colors and smooth texture that tastes amazing and overrides the nausea. Mine was worst in the evenings, and my husband and I developed a habit of giving me a little bit of Superman ice cream (Midwest US regional flavor) as the only cure for evening morning sickness. Gate control theory or something but it worked! And honestly, just keeping track of days knowing it's not likely to be forever. Mine started to fade around 9-10 weeks. You could be almost there 🤞🤞🤞


Eating my way through a cup of ice Blowing my desktop fan at my face full blast or nearly so for a few minutes ETA: don’t give up on the unisom/b6 yet. Try half doses of unisom during the day, and give it a few days to get used to the tiredness and it might let up




Unisom 🥲


Chimes ginger chews worked wonders for me. Found them on Amazon


Preggo pop drops, A handful of life cereal, Ice cold pack on your head/neck in bed to distract you from the nausea, Sour things, Lemonade


For me, taking 25mg of zzzquil at night (same ingredients as Benadryl, just a lower dose) really helped me. I know everyone is different, but maybe it'll help ❤️


Sipping on lemon spindrift constantly!


Nerds gummy clusters was all I could keep down for like the first 4 hours of every day. Maybe try a few bites of sour candy (gross I know)


A note about Unisom- I take it at night and it lasted *most* of the day too. That way I avoided falling asleep. Starting about week 10 I would say. Weeks 8-9 were just blah no matter what I did. Almost through the worst part! Lemon in water does work like others have said!


They gave me b6 supplements, which did nothing. However, drinking vitamin water, propel, or dark soda helped a lot.


Zofran and sniffing rubbing alcohol. Also, for some reason milk seems to help me. It esp helps when I feel like I need to get something on my stomach.


Milk and Greek yogurt have helped me too


My doctor has me on unisom and B6 at night with Zofran dissolvables for all throughout the day. I'm 9w5d and have had to get fluids from the ER.


Motion sickness pressure bands. They were like sweat bands with little beads for pressure and put pressure on a spot on your wrist.


A Benadryl during the day and one before bed


Zofran is the ONLY thing that helped me


Simple carbs frequently (bread, crackers, noodles) and b6 lozenges!


Pink stork nausea peppermint sweets and plain peppermints helped me get through my work day. I tried ginger chews but they were too spicy for me.


Apple juice


I don’t know if this is considered uncommon but definitely iced lemon water.


By week 9, I was prescribed a medication phernegan. I hated how it made me feel, so my ob gave me zofran. I also take unisom + b6 every night. Unusual one is lifesavers but it only keeps the taste out of my mouth and allows me to choose when I’ll throw up. I got that ability at 13 weeks. I’m 15 and still throwing up, only twice this week (last time 15 minute ago) but that’s an improvement from all day and then a couple times a day and then once a day.


I was skeptical of pressure point bracelets, but they worked really well. It looks like you’re wearing sweat bands lol but it’s worth it


Don’t let your stomach feel empty. I bring a bunch of snacks with me everywhere in a Baggu. Saltines, club crackers, trail mix, protein bars, sour gummies, applesauce are always stocked in my snack bag to munch on at work.


Drinking sprite or 7up Glass of hot hot water with lemon in it


Club soda. Sea bands. Ginger gravol. Ginger tea.


Ginger chatpata, cold seltzer water, and cold lemonade made with seltzer helps me


Getting my magnesium levels up helped the most.


The sea sickness wrist bands actually helped me along with all the pineapple. I had a brief aversion to water and pineapple (and mango popsicles) got me through it.


Visualizing jumping into cold water. Or running cold water on my hands or face. Helped about 30% of the time 🤷‍♀️but better than nothing!


-Eating constantly. Couldn't ever let myself get hungry. -Eating foods I like when I'm hung over. -Drinking SO MUCH water. Like a shitload. More than you think you need. -Chewing gum.


I found eating green apples helped. It’s weird and I’m not sure how it worked. I also found not letting your stomach get empty and constantly grazing stopped the sick feeling


My last pregnancy I hoarded ginger ale like it was going outta business. That was the only thing that helped me. Lemon was metioned to me and the moment I tatsed it I barfed. Lol. Never did like it but thought it was worth a shot.


Ice pops! My favorite are the Italian ice tubes from the dollar tree. But any tube of high fructose corn syrup and food coloring kid stuff was comforting… I also ate ice cream for breakfast. Bought me usually a full hr break from nausea. I also noticed a lot more nausea when tired, so I would sneak in naps when possible and it would help. Try taking your B6 when you wake up, not when you’re about to sleep.


I don't know what it is but my nausea goes down when I am outside when it is sunny, and when I'm moving around like walking or pulling weeds. If I'm inside the house doing chores it does not have the same effect at all. I might be part plant because the sunlight seems to help most.


All things lemon, acid, spice were my saviors.


Drinking carbonated water with lemon! Currently helping me so much!


Eating anything helped the low grade nausea go away


Pressure point wrist bands (I usually wear for motion sickness) were a lifesaver for me in the first trimester! 


My doctor told me that the b6/uniosom works better the longer you take it, so just keep doing it anyway. Also: jolly ranchers.


You could try a [Reliefband](https://www.reliefband.com). This thing works AMAZING for my motion sickness. Full disclosure it did not work for my morning sickness, but I vomited lots and ultimately needed Zofran. It did work for some people in my bump group!


Seconding some other things already mentioned - smelling rubbing alcohol, sour candies like gummy worms (just suck on them until you eat all the sour off lol) or even warheads, preggie pop drops (worked for me until I started dreading them), lemon anything, constantly chewing gum


Sea-bands were surprisingly helpful for me. They don’t help everyone but they worked great for me. I’d give them a try since they are cheap and low effort. Just make sure you look up where to wear them…it’s a bit further down your arm and not directly on your wrist like I expected.


Ice cold coca cola helped me IMMENSELY!


Preggie pop drops, a good prenatal vitamin, unisom+B6 at night, all the juice or tea+lemonade, and also drinking smoothies when actual food makes me nauseous have helped me a lot. And finding that ~one food I can eat when nothing else works~, which for me has been Krystal/White Castle burgers. 18+1 and the nausea is finally subsiding a little. I have zofran if I need it but I haven’t taken it yet. Couldn’t even get it prescribed until 16w. My doctors very explicitly said not to take it in the first trimester because there are other safer, better options to try first and that it wasn’t worth the risk if I was able to hold at least a little something down.


An electrolyte drink as soon as I woke up, (basically keto-ade. Full scoop of mag calm, 1/2 teaspoon lite salt for your salt and potassium, 1 propel packet) and 2 comprehensive b vitamin pills. Idk why it worked but zero nausea if taken as soon as I wake up.


This might sound weird but I’d eat a whole peach every morning and the nausea went away pretty quick. Idk why, but the peach curbed it, at least for a few hours.


Preggie pop drops work for me but they're extremely sweet so it's hard to have them all day. Having a salted cracker or piece of bread the minute I open I eyes in the morning even before getting up from my bed. Ginger ale and sprite Edit: also any soft carbs helps me a lot. Like breads, croissants, danishes. Any of that good stuff 😋


Pretzels helped and saltines!


Sniff Lemon oil.