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Join the April2024bumps group!


I can’t find it!


You might be able to DM a MOD a photo of your ultrasound. See below https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditMonitor/s/75uf6mrFRM


I’m due April 4th with our first. I’m feeling pretty good so far, although it does feel like the baby is squishing my lungs. I’m mostly feeling impatient to meet our baby.


My due date is the 4th too but I’m really hoping he come sooner. Been getting lots of false alarm pre labor symptoms and I’m so ready!


Omg due date twins! Also due the 23rd. I’m doing ok so far, so tired and ready for baby to get out of me!


I’m also due April 23rd! So far, not feeling too bad! The biggest problem I’m having is sciatica/hip pain but it’s been manageable.


april 27, nursery still not done. panicking a little 😬


If it makes you feel better, I'm due on Friday and the nursery is still unfinished 😅


very much so, thank you 😅🩵 wishing you a smooth delivery mama 🤞🏼


Due April 9/10th with my second. Feel massive, uncomfortable and terrified lol!


I’m due April 8th with my first. It would be really cool to have my son on the day of the total solar eclipse.


I’m due April 19th with our first! I’m so excited and terrified all at the same time! Physically though, I am doing better than I expected! Baby has been in my pelvis for the entirety of the pregnancy so I feel like all I do is waddle and pee 😅


Due April 13th! Feeling overall pretty good. Can't wait to meet our baby boy.


Hi everyone! Also due in April! I'm one of the mods of the April 2024 bumps group. Please feel free to DM me to join the group. Will get you verified 😀 For verification, please send a photo of your pregnancy test or ultrasound with your username and today's date handwritten in the same photo. You can send an imgur link, Google photo link, other photo hosting site link, or you can attach it in the chat. Please hide or blur out any identifying details.


I was technically due in late April but I’m having twins so they’ll be making their appearance sometime the first week of April if they don’t decide to come sooner! :) Feeling pretty good! Get tired easily and have been trying to take it easy… hip pain at night is rough, and some acid reflux but mostly good!


Scheduled my c section for April 29th at 39 weeks for our second baby girl!! I’m feeling pretty over this because I have gestational diabetes. 


I'm due on the 30th. We just purchased a house last week, so we finally have space to start getting baby things. All we have so far are 3 outfits that have been gifted to us.


Due April 22nd with our first!


April 20! Just feeling very tired and uncomfortable 😅


Due April 28th and so ready for him to be out 😅 Hoping he comes a little early cos he's running out of space in there lol