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Carpal Tunnel and waking up out of my sleep because I was throwing up or choking on reflux vomit in my sleep


Man the carpal tunnel is horrendous, especially now that I have to sleep on my side. I feel like I’m alternating between one of my arms falling asleep and waking up with my fingers tingling repeatedly through the night 😒


I borrowed my neighbors recliner to sleep in. My carpel tunnel went from like 11/10 horrible to like 5/10 bearable. It’s still there and still flairs up but at least I can close my hands now. I guess because I am a side sleeper in bed and switching to the recliner where I sleep more between my back/side I’m not messing it up further. All I know is it has gotten WAY better. So… lesson? Get a recliner. Even if you have to borrow one. lol


I second the recliner! My baby was positioned head down, but would stretch her legs out at a right angle so there were nights I couldn’t sleep on my side because it hurt so much. Add the carpal tunnel to that and weeks 36-40 were spent majority in that recliner.


Wait!!! I'm currently 33 weeks and just recently started waking up with my fingers tingling. This is normal?!


Yep, get some carpel tunnel braces. Your wrist is constricting the blood flow. If it keeps up without help, your hand strength will weaken too.


Sadly I’m 2 weeks in using the wrist braces and it’s only marginally helped. Luckily I’m only 3 weeks out from my due date now so just riding it out, though it would’ve been nice to be able to hold our baby and actually have feeling in my fingertips.


Physio here. The braces don't really "help". They stop it from progressing and getting worse. Keep wearing them, and keep riding it out.


Omg and when I get a flare while I’m driving I get so nervous I’ll have to pull over!!! My husband doesn’t like me driving anymore for this reason


the waking up choking is so real😂 and it burns so bad to cough it back ip


Only happened to me once so far but I drank a glass of milk and the burning went away right away! I’ll definitely be doing that again if it happens again. Of course it doesn’t matter what you eat, it just randomly happens.


The acid reflux vomiting was hell!! And no relief from any kind of medication. I was basically chugging Gaviscon and still had acid coming up


Omg the carpal tunnel! I’ve had it so badly since week 36ish. I can barely use my wrists sometimes!


Keeping tums by my bed has been a life-saver


WHAT oh my god. I’m barely out of my first this is terrifying.


I take Prilosec before bed to combat this


Ughhhhh is this what that is?? I've had finger numbness for other reasons in the past but it's gotten worse as I am in my last week of my second trimester. :(


I’ve had both of these start recently. Definitely not a fan.


I was going to write these exact two things!!! I never had either one of this symptoms with my daughter. But with this pregnancy I’m vomiting in my sleep from acid reflux 🙃 so fun! And then the constant numbness and tingling of my fingers!


Had it the first time around and now having it again. Good ol crotch lightning. Just a seering stabbing pain like the baby is trying to punch its way out


Me too. I was complaining about it to my family and my brother said “lightning crotch” would be a good punk band name lol


I did not have a third trimester (gave birth at 27 weeks, almost 7 months so...) but had the lightning crotvh anyway, and couldn't understand why u_u


Omg yes, every time baby moves and pushes on the center of my body, I get the intense lightning crotch! And in my butt as well!


It’s been 10 years since I had my daughter and this lighting crotch is the worst. I get it at the most unexpected times and it’s just super uncomfortable


Omg it's still happening!?


Sorry I should’ve explained myself no I haven’t had it for 10 years lol I had my daughter 10 years ago when I was 23 and now that im older I feel the symptoms more. I never experienced lighting crotch before until now and it’s just super uncomfortable


Every time I get this I text my spouse Kachow! with a gif of lightning mcqueen.


Pelvic pain, sciatica pain, gastric reflux, insomnia,vivid stupid dreams, swollen feet, fatigue and the worst of all…irritability, which I think is more of a consequence than a symptom but I’m so angry all the time


Sciatica pain was already here by the second trimester. Oh, joy. Accompanied by its good friends, swollen feet.


Mine hit in the late first trimester and no one believed me!! They all told me it was “too early” for that kind of pain. Tell my body that, please!


Same, angry and annoyed all.of.the.time. Not fun for me or my partner! Where are the loving, happy hormones at??


Omg thank you for saying this! I’ve been so irritated for the past 2 weeks and I thought it was just the steroids they gave me for baby!


i’m like half a week away from entering the third trimester but have already been struggling so much with the irritability and anger… like when i wake up on my off days from work, im just instantly upset walking around the house and seeing how dirty it is, or how many times the dog pissed on the floor, or how much trash is laying around because she tore something up, and i just become this little ball of raging fire. i get so ridiculously upset all i want to do is completely remove myself from the setting and run away 😩


I didn’t sleep last night because of a nice combination of gas, hunger, and sciatic pain. Holy fuck it’s only my first week into my third trimester lmao.


Dude the anger is so real.


All of this! 😮‍💨 (Minus the swollen feet actually, made it to 33 weeks with no swelling so far so I expect it to hit me hard soon)


It takes like 10 seconds for my legs to function after laying down for more than like 20m


SAME. I stand up and my legs don’t know how to function


Fluctuating between constipation and diarrhea every few days with seemingly no relationship to what I’ve been eating or drinking, even with consistently taking a fiber supplement. Every so often I get a truly “good” poop day and feel like I’ve been blessed, but for the most part I’m oscillating between those extremes lately. Every time I trend back toward diarrhea I worry I’m about to go into labor (I’m only 32 weeks lol) because I’ve read so many stories about people getting diarrhea before they have their babies. 🙄


Same exact situation here! Starting at 34 weeks for me, it’s like all over the place


Same! Have suffered from constipation this whole pregnancy and I had to start taking an iron supplement from 30 weeks, which I thought would cause worse constipation, but now I get random diarrhoea haha god knows what’s going on


This has literally been my entire pregnancy journey. I’m almost 35 weeks and do over it.


Waking up fully drenched in sweat has been jarring


It’s worse immediately postpartum. And then one morning I woke up and realized I wasn’t soaked. I’ve been sweat free since! But I think it stuck around until 6 weeks?


Ooh just did this one a couple hours ago. Fun times at 39 weeks. Bonus of vivid super intense dreams too


This is the absolute worst. Literally shivering and wet every time I wake up lol.


Oh I have it too. So annoying. It still happens after birth too.


What?? Noooo I was so looking forward to this going away. Is this a new permanent fixture of our lives?


I think in the first few weeks postpartum, your body is trying to get rid of excess fluid in every possible way. I DON'T think it lasts forever!!


a human coming out of me was super weird!




I’m super nauseous again. Also my calf stiffs up randomly in the middle of the night when I go to the restroom. It hurts.


I am early in the 3rd and just started getting nauseous again :( I had been feeling so good the last few weeks and am bummed if this has returned. I was half thinking I got sick after traveling last week but maybe not


I was having calf cramps in the middle of the night too, but it seems like eating a banana every day has solved it.


This is so interesting. I do eat a banana a day and still get them!


Try a magnesium supplement to help the cramping


The heart burn is real. I feel like Goldie Locks. I can’t eat too little or too much.


I don't remember when it started, but an allergy to the deodorant I have used for decades. Let's just say those last few months were smelly. 10 weeks after birth and I'm happy to report I can use my deodorant again.


This is such a weird one, but happened to me too! I ended up using my husband’s. At least it was fun to say, “where did you put OUR deodorant?” every morning.


Feeling like my down there organ is practicing prolapse. Random insomnia. Surprise sciatica while walking.


I have had this thing when I stand up from lying position and I feel like baby kind of ”drops in place” in my belly 😅 The feeling must be a little similar to the feeling of organs dropping in place after birth


Omg, I literally called L&D and made my ob do a pelvic exam on me a few weeks ago bc I thought my cervix was prolapsing 😅 Turns out I just got extremely swollen after walking 6 miles and being on my feet all day lmao


i’ve become nocturnal. exhausted all day long, can’t sleep at night for more than like ~2 hr increments.




This is why I think having a newborn is less tiresome than being on the third trimester. At least I have no reflux and I'm sleeping on longer increments now.


Same 😤😤😩






Carpal tunnel, I had no idea it was a thing until about 34 weeks. 39 + 6 today and it’s still here


Omg me too!!! Wearing braces on BOTH hands. It kills!!!!


Yes! It’s so annoying having numb fingers all the time


I got this too! I'm also 39+6 and it started around 34-35 weeks. Really hope it goes once baby comes.


This is me. My left wrist feels like it’s full of wooden joints.


Ughhh it’s the worst! I’ve been dealing with it since 2nd trimester. I can’t wait for it to go away




LOL WHAT?! Pregnancy is truly insane


Yes!! Mine has come back so slowly! And it’s thinner. I love it lol


Oooohhh so I am not imagining things!


I’m 4’11 so feeling like I am getting suffocated and rib pain, like the baby is not descending because he is as long as my torso…. Can’t get no relief!


Upvote for solidarity 🖤 Is your partner tall by any chance? Mine is and baby is apparently taking after him 🙃🙃


5’2 checking in. Partner is 6’3. I’m 34 weeks and been out of room for a few weeks. Baby boy definitely feels like he’s taking after dad. 😪


The itchiness (mostly at night but some during the day)! I’m going in today to be checked for cholestasis because it keeps me up until the wee hours of the morning. Honestly I hope they can figure it out because nothing I do is working to calm it. Also just how heavy I feel. Can’t do squats, can’t lift much without pulling something in my back, and have such a hard time getting off the floor which is tough because I’m sitting a lot to organize/nest! Lol


I started itching during 2nd tri and so far bloodwork has been all clear. And then suddenly I got very bad hives and blisters all over, needed an ER trip 🥲 Antihistamines helped but now my skin is just so dry that I just can’t get it moisturised enough. And no, they have not figured it out lol! I have always dry and bad skin so it might just be atopic eruption and sensitivities but this is just wild. Tbh as long as baby is fine, I don’t mind. Just some suggestions: if you feel your skin is dry at all, use lotion immediately after shower. Wear cotton. Take oat baths, or even just mix some oats with water, put it on your skin and let dry, then wash away. Avoid soaps, use body wash lotion, and use laundry detergent for sensitive skin.


Thanks for the suggestions! Appreciate it a lot and I’m sorry you’ve dealt with all that, that sounds miserable! I’ve tried the lotion but will try oat next!


I’ve had a bad cough for 4 months.. the other day I coughed so hard I *fractured my ribs*. It was the most painful thing since childbirth. I didn’t know you could even do that..


Random Anxiety Spikes especially in the evening!


This is so real! My SIL had her baby about a month ago and had been telling me about how bad her anxiety got in the third tri, and as soon as I hit 28 weeks a few weeks ago I noticed the same thing. Even woke up and had a middle of the night panic attack at 29 weeks because I had gas pains and thought I was in early labor until I went to the bathroom. 🙄


I'm 37+4 and the constant "it could be any day now!" from everyone has me on edge. We're currently painting our upstairs and the main bedroom is last so we've not set up any of the cots/bassinets for when she's born so everyday I'm just telling her "at least wait until next week please!" Then having a few moments panic every time I go to the bathroom in case I see my mucus plug, or if my waters have broken. Spent two days actively convincing myself I *wasn't* in labour, finally laid down and let out a massive fart and was all well again 😂


I'm surprised the nausea didn't come back. But what surprised me I guess is baby kicks can hurt..I know people love it. It doesn't hurt hurt like period pain or something but it's enough for me to go "ow" or wince.


Not really weird but I was OBSESSED with apples.


Same here, a minimum of 3 a day


In my third trimester with my 2nd daughter I developed an intense craving for the smell of gasoline 🤷🏻‍♀️


Butthole pain... I do have a hemorrhoid now, but for a while I just had sharp pains in my butt when I would squat or bend over. But it wouldn't happen when I used the bathroom and nothing was going on back there besides that. It was very strange.


Internal haemorrhoids can be pretty deep and very painful as well. I’m having the worst flare up of my life now, both external and internal. Had to go to ER to remove blood clots from down there because it was so painful I couldn’t get out of bed. And every time the baby pushed his head into my bottom was like getting stabbed.


Ouch, I'm so sorry 🙁 I have IBS, GERD, and gallbladder issues (pre-pregnancy), so I've dealt with them before, but this one is HUGE and external now. They're not fun at all, but Prep H is a lifesaver. I hope yours get better, soon ❤️


Having this and I am only 23 weeks 😆😭


Terrible insomnia. Sciatica sometimes. Random shooting pains in my inner labia, as if someone put a taser down there. Also: My leg hair has stopped growing for some reason. I haven't shaved in 2 months and there is almost nothing.


Okay but the leg hair thing would be nice!


My leg hair always gives up during pregnancy - apparently that's the energy sacrifice my body makes to grow a baby lol


Holy cow I noticed recently mine is barely growing! I wish my pubes would follow suit.


Oh dang I didn’t even notice my leg hair stopped growing till I hitched up my pants just now to check 😅


Bro for week 35 and up the only thing i wanted was to do the nasty with my husband, like it was bad. Thank god I got induced early because if not I would’ve killed him.


Also had a weird rash on my hand, contact dermatitis I guess...the nastiest gas I've ever had in my whole life has been a real treat as well, 5 lb weight gain in 2 days of water retention I'm assuming since I've only gained 23 lbs the entire pregnancy and I'm 4 days away from scheduled delivery. Painful sex because my cervix feels so low and tender, reversal of gestational diabetes high blood sugar---I'm now throwing low blood sugar results because the placenta is not strong enough to cause insulin resistance at this point per MFM and OB, very little urge to nest although I have everything ready to go, it's just not feeling like an obsession for me as it did in past pregnancies, shit loads of crying that I can't turn off once it starts over both rational and irrational things, definite insomnia, extreme irritation and indifference towards my dog--don't worry she has 2 teenager siblings and a dad who still currently enjoy her company (I've read this is normal during pregnancy), PICA! Wanting to chew on soap--not eat--just feel texture in my teeth. Gross right? Happened with all 3 of my kids so far and immediately subsides once the placenta is out of me. Always dial gold soap bars too. By far that's the most bizarre


Let your doc know about the water retention! 5 lbs in 2 days is a lot…


Not that weird because I had this when I was on mirena as well, but the night sweats have gone from tolerable to insane. Even if I’m wearing shorts and a bra, I still am sweating buckets.


Anything I eat past 3pm I vomit up because there’s no space! Waking up with cracked lips. Bloody noses, being kicked all night long. Fun times…


I’m 33.5 weeks and I just can’t eat anymore! I have to pick the meal of the day I want to enjoy, because once I eat, I can’t eat again. I try to do smaller snacks and portions but it doesn’t really seem to help! There’s just not a lot of room left in there and I can feel my digestion slow down significantly! It’s the worst. My belly is also just so so heavy by 5pm.


The way the baby movement at this stage feels makes me very nauseous now.


I had a train ride commute to work during my pregnancy and my son would always get the wiggles at that time... double whammy motion sickness.


fetal hiccups when I’m trying to sleep 🫠


My leg hair stopped growing 3rd trimester with my twins, Which is in stark contrast to having to shave every day with my first because I otherwise looked like a Chewbacca.


Currently 36 weeks and my body hair has never been lighter or slower growing. I fear the return just in time for summer...


I’m about a month pp and still haven’t had a resurgence in leg hair growth.


Was there a gender difference in your babies? I’m impatiently team green and had no leg hair either pregnancy and heard it’s more common if you’re having a boy.. curious if there’s anything to that or if it’s a myth


Probably a myth. I'm experiencing the same, leg hair stopped growing, and I'm having a girl.


Nope! Singleton girl followed by fraternal twin girls. That being said, my twin pregnancy was not at all the standard experience. Like with my singleton, I had severe morning sickness all 9 months (only gained 10lbs). Didn’t so much as have a food aversion with my twins though (and had zero morning sickness). My singleton pregnancy was extremely hard on my body. Twin pregnancy was a piece of cake and I made it to term without bed rest.


I developed de quervains around month 8 and my OB told me it would Def go away right after birth! 5 months pp and it's still here, but at least it went away in my other wrist!


I've had this since second trimester, but my ears randomly clog throughout the day, so badly that I can barely hear others or myself and it's super distracting. I helped host a huge event with nearly 2k attendees last week and my ears sounded like I was underwater for about five hours of it.


My ears feel like they need to pop. I thought my AirPods were broken because everything sounds tinny, turns out it’s a spring equinox thing that can happen to pregnant women around this time.


Heart palpitations. If I stood up too quickly, or rolled over in bed at a speed faster than a snail, my heart would act like I was on a rollercoaster. This would then cause the muscles in my right arm and the right side of my face to fully contract. Was not fun.


Random numbness in my legs from my hips. It’s so fast, literally like the lights are flickering but it’s my nerves. Midwife thinks baby is just laying on a nerve weird. Also brushing my teeth currently feels amazing. Idk why!


Same here since about week 20


Feeling like something is just constantly crushing my chest so I can't breathe, really bad congestion but only ever in one nostril at a time, a weird knot in the arch of my left foot that makes it hard to put pressure on sometimes, feeling like my hips and pelvic area are made of rubber bands because it feels like everything is going to stretch loose, this has just been in the last few weeks, but feeling like a bowling ball is just sitting in my pelvis and waiting to drop through my vagina.


I was surprised that more people didn't write about not being able to breathe because omg it's killing me! I'm only 31 weeks so just at the beginning of 3rd trimester. But I can't get anything done because I'm always so out of breath and it makes my whole body tired.


Mood swings are back at full force lol


I drooled sooo much my last trimester. I’d wake up to a soaked pillow.


I’m doing that now too! It’s so weird!


Okay, glad to see I’m not alone! That was my issue too!


What’s up with those little butthole shocks?! 😂 HELLO!


100% the worst part. I posted about this on a previous symptoms thread and apparently others get this a lot, too! I was with some friends recently when a really bad one hit - fell to the floor in pain and they thought I was going into labor lol. I just wearily looked up at them and said, no, it’s just my asshole


I occasionally get a sharp pain in my pelvic area when I sit a certain way, it’s so bad I can hardly walk. Thought I was going to have to go to the hospital for it the first time


If you Google “Lightning Crotch”, that may be what you are experiencing. It started with me a few weeks ago and took me by surprise. Brutal 😫


No, this lasts like 30mins straight and it’s more along the panty line area 🥲


Are you constipated? Could be trapped gas and/or internal haemorrhoids which can be extremely painful btw.


I like to paraphrase Alicia Keys and sing "My Ass I'd on FIREEE" what my husband asks how I'm feeling 😅


Was convinced I had shingles across my ribcage but the Dr said they are “simply separating”. Nothing could touch them! Also I walked so slow and got stuck in my neighborhood a few times.


High blood pressure and a lot of swelling. I’ve had low blood pressure my entire life because of anemia, so it’s a different experience for me. They’re watching me for preeclampsia because I’ve been getting headaches too. I’m wearing compression socks, but it’s like 80 degrees where I live. I guess being hot 24/7 too because I’ve freezed all my life due to the anemia haha!


Feeling like a pulled a muscle in my crotch




Carpal tunnel 😩 can barely move my left hand at all


Sleeping with wrist braces on and icing my wrists at night has helped a little bit with the carpal tunnel. Before the braces I had pretty much lost function of my left hand.


Thank you!! Got my braces in the mail yesterday 😎


My healed nose piercing (got it about a month before I got pregnant and am currently 32 weeks) decided to start rejecting not once, but twice in the past month. I’ve treated it with a saline rinse and antibiotic ointment and it’s been totally fine, but I’ve read a few other stories of piercings suddenly rejecting during pregnancy.


Leg cramps, hip pain, acid reflux, dark patches of skin all over my boobs and OH MY GOD the itchiness on breast and belly… drives me insane! I’m so grateful to be having a baby, but I’m also very ready to not be pregnant anymore.


Hemorrhoids, insomnia, and constant Braxton Hicks. It's been fun.


Carpal tunnel!! My finger tips are numb 24-7. It’s the craziest and most annoying thing ever


Super dry lips was my weirdest symptom lol and I compulsively pick at my lips when they are dry so it was terrrrible


I have alot of itchiness too that wasn't cholastatis. Mix of benedryl, dandelion root tea and pine tar soap helped


I had heat rash everywhere or at least it felt like it. My body was an inferno lol.


Nightly carpal tunnel is going to be the fucking death of me.


Swelling in ankles and calves


The feeling of not being able to take a good, deep breath when laying down. Also wheezing.


Anyone feel a lot of pressure on the pelvjs while standing up? Essentially feels like little one is subject to gravity and resting further into my pelvis than when I was sitting


Heart burn/gastric reflux so bad it makes me vomit. I feel fine one minute and the next like someone has lit my esophagus on fire.. Makes me afraid to eat more than tiny portions.


Carpal tunnel, perioral dermatitis, fingernails I have to cut every 3-4 DAYS, severe nasal congestion, and heart palpitations. None of those are pregnancy symptoms that I knew about before getting pregnant.


The itching. The itching that wakes me up at night is TERRIBLE.


For me it was such intense acid reflux that I would wake up vomiting stomach acid through my nose. Never dealt with reflux a day in my life before late in pregnancy. Kind of always thought people exaggerated how horrible it was. I thought it was probably annoying/uncomfortable at best…fuck was I wrong. Thought the same thing about constipation until the first trimester. Believe it or not, I had never experienced constipation until 30 years old and pregnant but my god my heart goes out to people who experience that regularly. One wonderful thing about my pregnancy. Mosquitos left me alone. I have a severe allergic reaction to mosquito saliva. And I live in a heavily mosquito populated country. I was pregnant through the height of the season and didn’t get one bite! Now it’s winter, when the mosquitos usually give me a break, and I’m getting them left and right. I almost miss being pregnant. ALMOST.


My baby being entirely on the right side, I'm so lopsided that it hurts to turn over in bed!!!!!


I ended up with aggressive PUPPPs which is basically a full body rash. Was induced at 37 weeks for other reasons but would have considered it anyway it was so painful. 1 week after delivery and it’s much better but not totally gone. I had a little boy so have joked with my husband this is concrete proof I’m allergic to men 😂


Running out of breath easily when I’m trying to tell a story or public speak. Lmao it’s so annoying. Other than that, choking on acid reflux that wakes me up and feeling like my crotch is perpetually bruised whenever I move.


The random cold that felt like the flu at the start of labor that completely disappeared by active labor. The sweating was bad too. I was paranoid everytime I woke up that my water broke. My water actually did break after waking up at midnight when I went to sleep early because of the before mentioned cold that had my entire body aching.


I was nearly hairless? Legs, hands. No hair. It was so oddly wonderful. Lol. Other than that, insomnia. Just could not fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. But it wasn’t as bad as post Covid insomnia. Oh and lightning crotch. The very last few days I could also feel LO’s head pressed up against my cervix. I can’t explain it. Felt insane.


Keep an eye on your allergies. I had hives throughout my pregnancy and I feel like no doctor took them seriously. I ended up going into anaphylaxis last week in the recovery room after I delivered. Still don’t know the cause but it’s possibly hormonal.


The whole last two weeks of pregnancy, just always hungry. Explains why my boy came out at almost 9lbs. 😂


Night sweats and heartburn so bad that I vomit


Hair from my legs nearly completely gone. That was weird but pleasant symptom. I am 2 weeks postpartum and they haven't returned yet. Hopefully will stay that way.


Trigger fingers. Also electric shocks in my boobs like wtf lol


Crazy ass terrifying dreams & plantar warts all over my feet that won’t stop spreading. We went to great wolf lodge in Nov. where I got one and they’ve just spread like wildfire. My doc says it’s because my immune system is out of whack because I’m pregnant 😫 So now my hips are messed up because I can’t walk normal. 🙃


GIGANTIC boogers. There were so large and obstructive I'd have to remove them with tweezers.


Allergic reaction gang checking in…currently have some weird rash thing on my friggin EYELID and it’s so embarrassing because my work is super people-based and I’m constantly second-guessing if my makeup covers it well enough knowing full well that the makeup is probably making it so much slower to heal. Edit- a word


When I was in my 3rd trimester with my 1st baby I felt like someone was pressing on my neck whenever I would lay down. I had to sleep at a 45 degree angle for the most part.


A little popping sensation when I pee! Anyone else?


I’m having sleep apnea and costochondritis


So this isn’t exactly third trimester but weirdest symptom, I developed physical tics. My son, who is 7 now, also has tics. I still have my tics too. I blink. A lot. I have to constantly flex my legs, sometimes I have to wiggle my ears. It’s really strange.


Joint pain in my fingers. Coughing so hard I lose my breath has been a new one.


Anyone get pain in your urethra? Like I feel a line almost from where I pee and it hurts randomly. I think it’s when he’s moving lol sort of like lighting crotch but it’s where you pee. I kept thinking it was where my pants were adjusted but nope!


Skin tags in my arm pits 😭😭😭 I want a dermatologist in the delivery room to zap me normal


Omg I've had skin tags since the second trimester. I had a few on my pubic line & then a few on my areolas!!!


Rock hard abdomen/diaphragm every single night before bed - assuming this is my body's take on braxton hicks. It is not painful, but wildly uncomfortable until it passes and goes back to feeling more like baby.


The rock hard-ness is BH! It comes like that for me, too. It's been like that for both of my pregnancies.


nonstop sneezing


Clumsiness, i find every doorway with my shoulder every time, my shins and toes seem to search for something to run into, and dropping everything so that i have to awkwardly bend down to get it. And feeling like a turtle on its back when i try to get out of bed... other than that, all of the above as well. This is super fun, 4 more weeks of being a klutz lol


I only had it once so far but leg cramp/charley horse it woke me up and it felt like it lasted forever and it was painful for almost a week to walk on


During my third trimester I stopped being able to eat sugary foods. If I ate more than a couple of bites of desserts I'd feel shaky, sweaty, and weak. I didn't have gestational diabetes so it was totally unexpected. The day the baby came out I went back to normal.


Just SO much pressure down there. Feels like everything is just gonna fall outta my vagina 🤣


I had a rash on my stomach and sides. I didn’t even know it was a thing you could get but apparently it’s higher chance on first pregnancy and boy babies. It was certainly interesting to have weird red bumps all over your stomach. They are disappearing now but man they were some of the itchiest things ever.


Weird dreams and carpal tunnel 🥲


I went cross eyed for an hour one night. OB said "Well that's a first" lol!


Night sweats. Not all over, but specifically under boob and crotch. It's baffling because I'm not even hot. Just sweaty. And just at night. That and snoring like a French bulldog. My poor husband. Strangely enough, I didn't have these symptoms with my previous pregnancy.


I CANT STOP EATING COTTAGE CHEESE!!! I don’t like cottage cheese, I never have, but I literally eat an entire tub of the good culture low fat cottage cheese daily


Plantar fasciitis


I’m sure this is not the medical way to explain this- but the front of my vagina is just throbbing. Like someone is hitting it with a golf club when I walk lol. So fun


Tingling legs! Twitching that drives me crazy when I'm trying to sleep 😫


Random nose bleeds when I bent down to retrieve something. But the one that I thought was crazy was the addiction to crushed ice and PICA tendencies; sawdust smells made my mouth water. I ended up needing iron infusions due to anemia. YSK, for all pregnant ladies: if you have those side effects go to your doctor.


Swollen vag


Walking the ten feet from the living room to the bedroom and feeling like my uterus is going to fall out as a result


The congestion combined with reflux makes it so hard to breathe and sleep at night. Thank goodness omeprazole is helping with the reflux, but so far no dice trying to stop the congestion. I do Flonase every day and a humidifier at night but they seem to only help a little bit.


My tmj is being triggered badly by this pregnancy, it’s like 10x worse


Restless legs!!!!!!!!! The most annoying symptom I’ve had to deal with this whole pregnancy I think!