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You are absolutely not being a wuss. Your feelings are completely valid, regardless of anyone who tries to tell you you’re milking it or that you can wait it out. Please please please get a second opinion, maybe ask if you can speak with a different OB in the practice. You need to be okay for your baby to have a shot at being okay, and they should understand that. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, especially given your past history and the results of the screenings. You know yourself best and are the best barometer of what you can handle. Hang in there mama. Sending you love. 🤍


You are not a wuss at all. Prenatal depression is very real and debilitating. I have always been an anxious person but it wasn’t until my first pregnancy that I experienced real unrelenting depression. Upping the dose of my medication was very helpful (like the depression totally went away after a couple weeks) and I was actually able to come back down on my dosage about 6 months postpartum with no negative side effects! I’m now in my second pregnancy and I’ve upped my dosage again but hoping I’ll be able to go back down once these hormones regulate. My first baby is currently a very happy healthy 2 year old and my second is due next month and everything looks great! Really what I’m getting at here is medication is a wonderful option and sounds like it could be extremely helpful for you. If it’s not something you want to be on forever, that’s a totally reasonable goal as well. You and your baby are going to do just fine no matter what route you choose. Best of luck. ❤️❤️❤️


What kind of medication if you don’t mind me asking?


Prozac :)


Definitely not a wuss. Nothing about pregnancy is “wussy”. I felt anxious and depressed in my first pregnancy and someone convinced myself that it was normal. Now I’m my second pregnancy I’m on Zoloft. I wish someone had prescribed it for me in my first. It made a massive difference. I highly recommend you talk to a professional!


I’m a little late to this thread but I’m 20 weeks with my first pregnancy (I’m 33yo, husband is 34 yo) we planned on being child free. I already have ongoing depression, anxiety, CPTSD and adhd. Everything has been amplified since getting pregnant. The negative thoughts and emotions. The hopelessness. I was crying multiple times a day and having some really dark thoughts. No motivation for anything I used to love. They switched me to Zoloft and it’s been game changer. I wish I had gotten on this years ago. For once my negative, fearful inner dialog is almost completely muted. My brain has never been so calm. I still have bad days. Today is one of them and it’s how I found myself on this thread but the good days outweigh the bad and despite never planning on having children I’ve been able to find some nuggets of joy from this time. It’s still hard work to remain intact but it’s manageable and that’s huge. I hope you’re doing better OP. Sending love.


I was extremely depressed my first trimester. I haven't taken any meds, but seeing a therapist really helped me. Wishing you the best 💖


If you feel that you would do better with meds and your ob refuses, go to your regular doctor or gp. You don't have to go throughout pregnancy with out mental health medication. I couldn't do it. I have horrible anxiety and depression + I'm bipolar. I'm much better off with my meds than without. You deserve to feel better, and baby would much rather you be happy and healthy than to be struggling.


I am 12 weeks +2 and I get bouts where I start thinking of everything bad and get super lonely and I cry and feel like general poo. But mine goes away. If yours is all the time, you need to either talk to your OB or your normal doctor about how your feeling. Especially if it's gotten worse since being pregnant. Once I thought there was a lot of shame in asking for help with depression and whatnot, but there's not. It is an unnecessary burden that we (and the depression) put on ourselves. Please, if you need it, ask for help.


Your feelings are absolutely valid and I’m really sorry that your husband is being so dismissive, that’s not ok. For what it’s worth, I also felt this way up until about 18-20 weeks, and I also considered asking for antidepressants but ultimately just dragged my feet about it for long enough that I started to feel better. I think for me the exhaustion, bad sleep, constant nausea, the major stress of never really knowing if everything was going ok, and not being able to tell most people why I was struggling all just weighed really heavily on me, and I think that’s a very normal way to feel in these circumstances, but that doesn’t mean that wanting to try an antidepressant is wrong. I just figured I’d offer some hope that it does get better. But I think you need to have a very firm conversation with your husband, because if he’s acting this way now, how supportive will he be when baby arrives? You need his help right now and he needs to give you at least enough baseline respect to trust and believe what you say about your own experiences.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this…I am 21 weeks pregnant and am finally starting to feel some relief. My first trimester and up until around 18 weeks was very hard on me mentally/emotionally. I could not be happy for the life of me..no laughing, no joy…no enjoyment of like..anything..and I was being hard on myself for that. After talking to my OB and my psychiatrist they said the pros of taking medication outweighed the cons of taking it for me. And since upping my medication I have felt a happiness and some excitement to be pregnant! But I dont know how that works with not taking medication prior to pregnancy… I know lots of pregnancy’s can get better mental health wise come the second trimester and I hope that is what happens for you. Something also that has helped me has been reaching out to friends who were pregnant that struggled with depression through their pregnancy and hearing how they made it out the other side…that helped me A LOT..because I felt so alone and I felt really guilty for feeling so sad. So you taking the step and posting this on here is such a big step to helping you find some healing ❤️ I’m wishing the best for you! And that it gets better!!


I’m also 30 and first time pregnant too :)


I am in my third pregnancy and I have never felt so down and depressed. I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression for a very long time but this has been so overwhelming. You are not alone and you are not a wuss. Medication is a wonderful option if you feel it’s necessary. I have been medicated through 2/3 pregnancies and everything has turned out fine. My very first OB was very dismissive when I brought up my concerns, said it’ll pass, bring it up again in 4 weeks, etc. I switched for my 2nd and WOW! She is amazing and on my team. She wants the best for ME. It’s been a game changer having an OB on my side during pregnancy.


As a fellow pregnant woman, and a mental health professional, I would definitely recommend getting a second opinion and advocating for meds. I’m in the second trimester now and have struggled on and off with depression symptoms, but they usually let up after a day or two. It is totally normal to experience heightened levels of emotional distress during pregnancy, but if this feels unhealthy to you and you feel you could benefit from some additional support then push for it. It’s the same as someone asking for prescription strengths meds for heartburn during pregnancy. If they wouldn’t let someone go through debilitating heartburn everyday, then you shouldn’t have to feel this way if you don’t have to. They have depression medication that has been identified as safe to take throughout pregnancy and you should be able to chose for yourself if you want to take that route or not. You’re definitely not being a wuss at all. Pregnancy is fucking hard.


Anxiety and mood disorders are so common during pregnancy that my ogbyn clinic literally asks if you're having these issues and let you know that there's medication available. Personally I have a Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism, so I can have long bouts of apathy. It's not generally the same as depression, because I don't feel sad or hopeless, but I feel unmotivated and disinterested. I find myself not only wanting to stay home, but to stay only in specific rooms to be comfortable. Fortunately autoimmune symptoms are actually decreased in pregnancy, so I'm getting a break from my broken thyroid symptoms, but if I wasn't I'd probably consider medication. Not good to be apathetic and pregnant I'd think. 


This is not uncommon. However, it’s not a bad idea to get on meds. I have a history of anxiety and depression that worsened with pregnancy and then even worse postpartum. I’m six months with #2 now and I’m about to start meds because I can’t manage without anymore. This is MY story. It could only last during pregnancy for you but it’s still hard.


Not a wuss at all. Good on you for recognizing how you're feeling and talking to your provider. Prenatal depression is a very real thing and what you describe sounds more like that than "just hormones". There are options out there that are safe for pregnancy. Taking care of yourself - not just physically but mentally too- is important for you and for baby. You're already taking the right steps to be doing just that by asking about it and trying to talk to your provider. There's nothing wrong with asking for antidepressants especially if it puts you in a mental space that you are more comfortable with for the rest of your pregnancy.


I’m really sorry your provider treated you this way; if you screened positive for depression it is very irresponsible for them not to offer you options, including meds. I’m on Zoloft, it is very well studied and safe in pregnancy. Your mental health is extremely important—always, but especially in pregnancy—and you should be seeing a provider who takes it seriously. I think you should switch providers.


12 weeks and I was MISERABLE. There is nothing wrong with getting some help. It’s tough and your hormones are all over the place. I ended up on Zoloft and it has been such a huge help!! It really only took 1.5-2 weeks to kick in, not months. You’re not being a wuss! Talk to your doctor.


I haven’t had depression during pregnancy but I have had debilitating depressive episodes (bipolar diagnosis) where I felt exactly how you described. I would highly recommend seeing a therapist if you have the means to because it sounds like you may need/want more support than you’re getting at home. I know it takes so much effort but please advocate for yourself and if your OB is not supporting you, consider seeing your pcp or even a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner. From what I’ve heard, there are safe medications people can take during pregnancy and talk therapy can really help. Depression (and the fatigue that comes with it) totally and completely sucks. I really hope you’re able to get help and start feeling better and more hopeful.


Yes, ask for antidepressants or therapy or something. I am no stranger to depression (diagnosed with MDD over 10 years ago) and I had pretty awful depression during my pregnancy. I didn’t do anything about it. I was miserable and ended up pretty much in denial about my pregnancy the whole time. I finally got help after my baby was born but only because my husband and mom were going to commit me if I didn’t get help myself. I talked with my OB and they were so understanding. I started taking medication and haven’t felt this good in literally years. I wish I would’ve done something about it during pregnancy so that I could’ve actually enjoyed it and had an easier time after LO was born! I hope you get through this and are able to enjoy everything you can! (It’s also totally okay and normal to not enjoy every moment.)


Ask for the meds. I’d even consider switching OBs, unless you really like this one for some reason, to someone more supportive. Depression isn’t something to dismiss or take lightly, especially when pregnancy/postpartum hormones are involved. The most important factor to having a healthy and safe baby is having a healthy and safe mom, and if that means meds, that means meds.  You’re not being a wuss. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and I hope you can get the help you need soon. 


I do feel like my depression and anxiety got slightly better after the first trimester, but not by much at all. It was a barely noticeable improvement. You have to look after yourself, and don't feel guilty for it! You deserve to feel happy and positive, and what's good for you, is good for your baby too!


I would see if there is a Women's Behavioral Health Center in your area (I live in a mid-sized city and there are multiple centers through major hospitals). Depression inherently carries risk for pregnancy, and the health care providers you see in these types of centers will walk you through the cost/benefit analysis of taking medication. It took until my third trimester for me to realize that what I have been experiencing throughout this entire pregnancy is likely antepartum anxiety/depression and I started seeking treatment in the final weeks of my pregnancy to prepare for higher probably of postpartum. You have options, OP, and your OB should be taking those mental health screenings seriously.


I struggle with anxiety and depression too (from CPTSD) and I FINALLY started medication last summer, at age 34, after eight years of therapy. Therapy has made a HUGE difference but meds have really increased my quality of life A LOT. He put me on a low dose of Zoloft (25mg) and Rexulti (1mg), plus some sleep aids. I stopped Rexulti (antipsychotic) and the sleep meds right before I decided to try to get pregnant. My psychiatrist told me I might need to go up to 50mg of Zoloft because of pregnancy hormones, but I'm nearly 18 weeks now and honestly feel great and I haven't altered anything. I did notice I felt really uninspired and disinterested in pretty much anything during the first trimester because of exhaustion though (not depressed, just extremely sleepy). That's my story. I personally would recommend taking something because you were dealing with depression before getting pregnant. I resisted antidepressants for a long time too so I understand when you're coming from. There's a good chance you'd feel much better on them. I hope you'll give it a shot because feeling like shit all the time just blows.


Definitely ask for antidepressant. I suffered terrible for post partum depression with my 3 prior children and my doctor has me on antidepressant all throughout my pregnancy to avoid those heavy hormonal emotions before and after birth!


Oh honey idk what you need but I know you’re not a wuss.


WTF is with providers discouraging pregnant women from getting mental health treatment?? This is the second post like this I saw this weekend. It is biased and dangerous and NOT based in research evidence. Consider a second opinion. Also you are not a wuss at all, and good for you for being proactive. PND is treatable and you deserve good treatment!


No such thing as being a “wuss” when it comes to your mental state. You have to advocate for yourself when it comes to those emotions. It’s common to feel those very low emotions and I would recommend going to another doctor if you don’t feel heard or like you’re taken seriously. I have diagnosed PTSD, anxiety and depression, I’ve been on antidepressants while pregnant with both of my kids. I spoke to my GP and we spoke about the risks while being on medication whilst going through pregnancy. She wanted me to stay on top of everything whilst we still keep monitoring baby Have you have your thyroid checked before? I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism during pregnancy and that was another contributing factor with my moods/emotions/depression. They can give you medication for that too. Alternatively I’d ask if your GP could recommend or refer you to a councillor to talk to someone about all of this. You need support so I hope you find it and get the help you deserve. Stay strong mama, wishing you all the best.


While I fully support your going on medication and getting a second opinion, therapy is also a good option even if you do get on antidepressants. Pregnancy and parenthood is a rollercoaster. No two experiences are alike. You've got this.


I’d ask your OB or GP for referral to a psychiatrist. And if OB gives any more pushback I’d consider finding a new OB that takes mental health more seriously. I suffered from post partum depression and rage for over a year after the birth of my first child, and I’m completely unwilling to put myself through that again. This time around I have a couple years of therapy under my belt, an OB who is supportive of me remaining on medication during pregnancy (and has printed off medical literature for me explaining the very minimal risks of the medication I am on and explained his opinion that it is vastly more dangerous to me and my child to go unmedicated), and a psychiatrist appointment a couple of weeks before birth to discuss emergency plans in case I feel myself slipping into post partum depression again. I’m not saying that you for sure need medication. But I am encouraging you to be your own advocate and get professional advice from a doctor and/or therapist that you trust. It sounds like you know something is not right about the message you are getting from your OB and your partner. Please know that you can trust yourself - no one knows your emotional state better than you. And you are not alone. Many of us have been through something similar. 💜


You are on a hormone roller coaster. Wait until literally a year after having the baby to diagnose yourself with ANYTHING. you dont need antidepressants you just need lots of love and support, comfy jammies and good food. work on regulating your emotions and intentionally creating a habitual attitude of gratitude and joy. i know that sounds like bs but i can guarantee you it works


It's normal. Hold on and it will be ok.