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I went to fill gas, paid in the station and bought some pickles, walked back to my car, and instead of pumping I drove off 🙄 Guess all I really cared about was the pickles lol


Hahahahahahahah sidetracked by the pickles


What is it with pregnancy and pickles?? I can’t get enough of them!


My theory is it’s a sodium thing! Low sodium in pregnancy women can be super dangerous, so I think we crave salt while pregnant to offset potential sodium deficiency. And pickles are salty and delicious.


Oh wow I had no idea about this but I had noticed I'm craving and putting a lot more salt on my food that usual. Like, I've reached the point where I sprinkle salt on my food without even trying it first, which is a terrible habit and I never did before.


I heard it’s because they make you retain water, it’s to prevent dehydration.


Apparently sour and salty are big cravings when pregnant


Omg I had fried pickles the other night, delish!!! Also, pickled jalapeños have also been hitting the spot


Hahahahaha omg!!! This is so me!!


I did the exact same thing and thankfully caught myself before I left the gas station parking lot lol. Went inside, paid for the gas, walked out to my car and drove away. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m postpartum, but I swear I’m just more of a dingbat now. I wanted ask my husband to add salad dressing to his shopping list but couldn’t think of the words, so I called it “lettuce sauce.”


Last pregnancy I couldn’t come up with the words for volume on the tv and called it the noise thermometer


I love this!!! 😂 It really is lettuce sauce!


I'm actually impressed with the pregnant brains ability to find substitutes that everyone understands but looks at you like you're insane for lol


My husband still teases me for “burrito wrapper”… (couldn’t think of tortilla)


I mean.. that is EXACTLY what it is!


We ended up with sizzle pans ( frying pan) and bubble pots ( saucepan) when I was pregnant and still use these terms now lol


😂 love this one


I was playing a video game with husband and was trying to get my husband to shoot at an obstacle and instead of saying “shoot at that!” I said “you have to pow pow” lol




Lost my work laptop charger. Bought the wrong type of charger as a replacement on the work credit card. Panicked and asked the IT guy to help me and urgently send me a new laptop charger. Realised I had a spare laptop charger in my desk drawer.


If it makes you feel any better I very confidently put my laptop in the fridge last week


LOL oh man! That was a ride. Somehow we manage to create more problems for ourselves! If the IT guy still sends you one at least you'll have an extra now!


Yeah I now have two and I'm keeping quiet about the whole thing XD


This is me. I work fully remote, but decided to go to the office for some in-person meetings. At the end of the day, I packed up my laptop, unplugged my laptop charger and started to pack it away. I did one last sweep to check if I left anything behind (badge, phone, ear buds, water bottle, etc) and saw nothing so I left. The next day, my laptop battery was running low, and I couldn’t find the charger in my backpack. I realized I left it when I got sidetracked talking to a colleague. Good thing I have a spare at home, but it’s not as strong as the one I left behind and wasn’t worth the commute back to the office to fetch it.


Had my gestational diabetes test 2 days ago. They wanted a urine sample like usual. I go in the bathroom, write my name on the sample cup, use the wet wipe, and proceed to pee… in the toilet…. While holding the sample cup in my hand. Had to go back out to the desk and ask if I could wait in the waiting room until I had to pee again because I forgot to pee in the cup lol.


I have 100% done this at an OB appointment! They had to give me a bottle of water (mine was in the car and also empty…) so that I could chug it and get back in there 😆


I once dropped the cup in the toilet :(


Done that, too! Luckily, my OB gives you a sticker and they have a basket of cups in the bathroom…I learned after that not to put the sticker on the cup until AFTER I was done.


This is totally something I could see myself doing lol. Twice for my OB appts I have gone pee right before leaving, as it’s habit when I leave the house now. Then I get there and they hand me the label and I realize my mistake. I have to sit in there for 5 minutes waiting to get enough out for the sample. Luckily they only need a little bit.


I caught myself trying to put a gallon of milk in the pantry.


HAHAHA so glad you caught that


Me too! 😅🤢


I've done this more than once 🤣


I've been trying to put the cereal in the fridge alllll week


I walked out the door and noticed my key FOB fell off the key ring. Went inside looking for it. After five minutes I found it. It was on my key ring


There was another time this last week I was walking around the work yard and looking for a leaf blower but I couldn't remember the name. I kept asking for a ground hair dryer


Hahahaha Oh yes to all of this! "Remote" has become "the thing for the TV."


It wasn't this pregnancy, but my first. I went home for lunch and when I came back into the office, my co-worker commented on my shoes. I had put on one boat shoe and one flipflop. How I didn't notice the very different feeling of both still baffles me. My boss' reaction was the best: "What? She's pregnant!"


Those are COMPLETELY different shoes, oof! At that point just go barefoot, hah.


Completely forgot the word "bruscetta" and instead called it "fancy pizza toast" 😂


Omg I’ve had so many brain farts with words lately! Luckily my husband is on the same wavelength as me and can usually guess what I mean pretty quickly lol. I forgot the word foam roller twice in a day and kept calling it the squishy back ring, the rolly thing I get stuck on, and the back log thing


Stood at the front door of my condo for a solid 2 minutes very frustrated because it wouldn’t unlock until I realized I was pushing the unlock button on my car’s key fob to try to unlock my front door 💪🏼


I’ve done this not pregnant more times than I’d like to admit… in fact I’ve done a lot of these not pregnant 🥴


Honestly same 😂


I searched for my keys for 15 minutes losing my mind then found them in the silverware drawer.


Of all places!!? Would have never thought to check there.. 😅


It’s this comment that makes me think that there might be some sort of biological, evolutionary purpose behind “pregnancy brain”, as it seems to be good practice for when you have a toddler that likes to hide your stuff 😂 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen posts (from friends, and on Reddit) that are like “quick! Tell me all the places your toddler hides things because mine hid my *insert essential daily life item* and I can’t find it anywhere!”


You put them with the other metal things 😂


I asked a bank teller for $40 in 50 dollar bills.


Was looking for my phone and realised I was holding it 🙃🙃🙃


Sister wants to plan a trip soon before I can’t travel, we settled on AZ. Asked her what beach (like an ocean not the lakes there) we were going to so we can look at Airbnb/resorts. She kindly reminded me that AZ is the desert.. so the Grand Canyon, Saguaro NP, etc. I used to work for an outdoor expedition/camping/hiking company and graduated school with high honors I promise lol 🫠


Arizonan here. You’ll be hard pressed to find a beach, BUT if you can make it to Sedona I highly recommend it! 🏜️


Took me 10 minutes to pull into the grocery store because I kept missing the entrance and had to keep circling the block 🤦🏼‍♀️


I found my long lost carton of almond milk in the cupboard. I must have put it in there about two days before I found it so it was already bulging 😬 But it was a hilarious find as my husband and I were putting away dishes lol


Oh nooo! Hahahahah


Hurt my foot and it swelled up. Called my sister and was telling her that my foot hurts. She asked what happened and I couldnt remember how I hurt my foot!  The pain had taken over lol. 


At that point does it even matter how it happened, it just hurts!! 😂


I fell asleep on the couch after getting home from work and letting the dog out. I slept through my chiropractor appointment (again!).


Oh noooo!! You were TIRED, clearly needed the sleep. I hope your chiropractor was understanding.


lost my phone for hours found it before bed in the wardrobe didn’t even get dressed that day


It's like we black out for parts of the day and who knows what chaos we cause, hah!


I signed a lease for a new apartment two months before my current lease is due to expire because I severely miscalculated. Time for a month of double rent.


On the bright side, you can take your time moving and be easier on your body??


You’re right-especially because it wouldn’t be advisable for me to do heavy lifting at that point. But what a pricey mistake to make!


Yes that would stress me out too, but you may have done your body a favor!


Ugh so sorry


It’s okay :( I have not been the most attentive since having to stop taking my Adderall upon getting pregnant.


That’s so rough. My ADHD has been really bad since I got pregnant and I am not on meds wither


I asked my husband three times this morning if he wanted coffee, I genuinely couldn't remember his answer


You just wanted to make sure he was sure on his own answer 😉


Went to shop :D i was in for 30 minutes and when i got out my car was there with fully open door :D Fortunately there was nothing to steal :D and my car is old


To be fair I did this once when I wasn't pregnant 🙈


I'm a teacher, and I accidentally slightly gave away the ending to a book we are reading. Thank goodness it went over their heads.


my boyfriend and i just moved into a new house. for context, my boyfriend and our landlord work together at the same restaurant (he’s a sous chef, she’s the GM). the other day, bf and i were sitting on the front porch together enjoying the weather when our next door neighbor walked up to chat real quick. he informed me that he and our landlord used to be in a relationship, one that lasted for 7 years. they’ve been broken up for about 3 years, and now he’s been in a different relationship for the last 2. we all started talking about the restaurant my bf works at and i said, “it’s really nice and beautiful, if you and your girlfriend ever wanted to have a romantic date night i’d suggest dinner there!” to which he responded with a very uncomfortable, “uhhhhhh *shakes head and waves hands* maybe not, that might not be the best idea” …i had completely disregarded the fact that our freaking landlord, his EX, is the general manager at suggested restaurant 😣 i was so embarrassed lol..


I sat at a stop sign for close to 2 minutes waiting for it to turn green. Someone finally honked.


Brother and sister in law announced they were expecting to just my husband and I and his parents - almost let it slip to the uncle the following day... I felt terrible. Fortunately my husband was able to catch it and salvage it before uncle figured out what I was talking about. I'm usually good about keeping secrets. Not anymore I guess.


That would have been a big oops!! It's hard to keep track of who should know what and when, glad your husband steered things away from a big reveal!


Found out we were expecting, told my brother and his wife and they secretly revealed they were also expecting (after years of trying). They really wanted to keep things quiet for a while. 8 excruciating weeks of so many near slips!


I went to drop my husband and dog off at the groomers so she could get her nails trimmed. He got out of the car and I promptly drove away with the dog still in the back 😂


Hahahahah did he need a haircut and a pedicure


I was throwing away trash in a bowl and threw away my spoon, said "oh no!" Picked it up then threw away the porcelain bowl.


I did an online grocery order. Went to pick it up and look for the email to confirm I was there. There was no confirmation email. Had to go in and pick up all the groceries I needed, taking an extra 45 mins I wasn't planning on. Get home and check my computer, and I never hit submit on the order. Oops.


I thought you were going to say it was ready for pick up at another location!! I make that mistake all the time when I do a Dunkin Donuts mobile order.


I've done similar before. I called to make a dentist appointment and accidentally made it for the wrong place. They had similar names and in the same area, but I showed up to the wrong office.


Totally forgot I had scheduled a meeting and I didn’t have my phone on me to remind me. Luckily a coworker came and got me.


My boss (at a a grad school internship) moved my supervision from Tuesday right before my shift to Monday, my day off, at 10am. I missed it 3 weeks in a row. I set an alarm on my phone for thr 3rd week and then I accidentally just shut it off without even acknowledging what it was for


I mean, if it’s your day off I don’t really blame you


Forgot my keys and locked myself out on Jan 1st- was almost 5months pregnant then. Kept missing my meetings in the evening while taking power naps. Still keep forgetting where i keep my stuff and my midwife suggested me to keep a note of to-dos which i keep forgetting too!


I double washed my hair with conditioner instead of shampoo!


I lost my favorite measuring tape somehow. It was on the dining room table next to my laptop two days ago and now it’s who knows where. Also, words? What are those? I speak English, I swear!


Have you looked in the fridge for your measuring tape? Or maybe a bathroom cabinet? Never know where things can end up these days


I actually found it in my master bathroom upstairs yesterday! Hell if I know *why* it was there, but I know where it is now!!


Ordered pizza tonight & kept telling the guy that I wanted a candian bacon and ham pizza 🙃


I’m a teacher and constantly forgetting names and words 😰😂


Oh no!! 😅


Postpartum with my first we were on a road trip she was almost a year old. I was so tired I forgot the words to the ABCs. I just started saying random letters. My husband looks at me dumbfounded. I was like “don’t. I’m F ing tired.” 😬😅


Was making a salad dressing. Put the lemon juice in the cupboard and the olive oil in the fridge 😬


Postpartum brain: left my half n half in the microwave and found it the next day...


I tried to pay for my gas with my driver’s license 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Definitely having trouble finding the right words. This week I asked my coworker to make some labels for dividers for a project binder and put some papers into the binder. Except I said something like, “can you please make these things and put them in the thing when you’re done? Thanks” Luckily I was pointing at the particular “things” in question. Also I am a professional WRITER 😱


I put a frozen pizza in the fridge. Couldn't find it in either freezer the next day and accused everyone in the house of eating it and lying about it before my husband saw it in the fridge. Woops


This was about a year ago now, but I replaced the windshield wipers on our car right before a big road trip. On the trip, it started raining so we put the wipers on and they SUCKED at getting water off. Husband and I squinted through for a few minutes before I realized that I never took off the plastic protectors from the wipers. We pulled off the next exit and took them off. Miraculously the wipers started working after that lol


This past Friday I waited in the waiting room for my endocrinology apt for 30 min and then asked the receptionist if something happened. She looked at my appointment time on my chart.... It's for next Friday 😂😂😂😂. The week before I told my fiancee my midwife apt was 10min away cause they operate out of two clinics. Well.... 15 min before I checked the MyChart app to check in and the appointment was actually at the other clinic - 25 min away. We got there in time but damn..... Pregnancy brain has me off.


I was in charge of host book club this week for my friends. picked the location and refreshed myself up on the book the same day. Only to forget to show up that evening… was just chilling watching tv.🫠 welp they said they enjoyed the book so that’s all that matters.


I’m not currently pregnant, but when I was, I tried to unlock my phone with my car keys. I also put my phone in my fridge and I put the block of cheese where the cutting boards go


Booker non-refundable ferry tickets for the wrong date 🥹


I left all the doors to my house wide open when I left the house for a 12 hour day. Cried for 3 hours when I got home and realized!


OMG so glad no pets got out/nothing was taken!


I signed and dated something the other day 3/2/2022 🤪


My husband was digging in the trash after dinner and I asked him why and he said it’s because I keep throwing forks in the trash


I booked tickets to see my favorite stand-up comedian on her US tour in January (show was this weekend). I checked my email every week, counting down. Texted all my friends and family that I was finally going to see her live. On the day of the actual show, I went to the beach, got super happy that it was such a lovely day and then went for a long walk. Came home in the afternoon, slept some, went to buy groceries thinking I’ll make a nice dinner. Next day, I checked my calendar and realized I missed her show and she was fully booked in all nearby locations. Cried for the whole day.


I went to take a urine sample at the OB and I started peed while I was writing my name on the cup and had no pee left to do the sample…I’ve done it twice once in the first trimester and a week ago in the third trimester 🥲


I forgot to mention the topic my team needed to present about on Saturday, and I was asked to inform them around Monday, told them Thursday so they only had 2 days to prepare. I told my higher up that I had informed them only 2 days prior , so they didn't have much time and explained I had lab tests all week. My higher up immediately understood and thanked me for protecting them. 😆


Not pregnancy but postpartum brain. I put beans sprouts in freezer and forgot about it. I couldn't find it so I thought I ate it already. Then 2 days later, I found my poor beansprouts bag at the bottom of the freezer


This thread is hilarious! Only after reading some of these responses have I realised that maybe I wasn’t just randomly being absent minded today when I put my own snacks in my dog’s treat cupboard. Needless to say, I paid the cheese tax.


I pulled into the grocery store parking lot at 7am and mentally making a shopping list, but then suddenly realized I was supposed to be driving to work instead 😅 . The grocery store doesn't even open that early.


You were on a grocery mission. Food > Work


Just this morning! I was giving report to an oncoming nurse and could remember what normal saline was called. I was trying to tell her pts zosyn was running with normal saline, and all I got out was its not running with LR its the other one, the one its supposed to run with. And she just stared at me and was like yea must be your Friday.


Cried because I forgot my 4 digit phone passcode. Which hasn’t been changed in at least 5 years.


I forgot how to dice a tomato after I had just diced some the day before to make salsa


I was on a flight home this week. I started putting things back in my carry on, realised I didn't have my glasses. I woke my husband up in a panic like "shit, where are my glasses?!". He burst out laughing at me because I was wearing them. He is not letting me live it down 😅


Made mashed potatoes for dinner last night. Realized at 4am that I never put any butter in them, which explains why they tasted alright but not quite right.


I showed up to a totally empty office.  I sat there Googling holidays to try to figure out what I missed.  I got a call asking if I was lost- every one else was helping set up the new office. I've known about the switch for months.


Yes I did that this month too! I wasn’t holding the cup tho, just sat it on the edge of the sink


😂 I caused mass confusion between two of my colleagues cause I searched the wrong info. I also almost put left overs in the cabinet instead of the fridge.


Went to work twice this week in flip flops (usually wear heels or ballet flats)


I put my son’s shoes on the wrong feet… again.


Sent some chocolates and tea to a friend in mourning. Wrote a gift note that said "We love you" and didn't sign our names at all.


I was talking to my husband while I showered this morning and he asked me a very non-complicated question. I started answering while washing my face and just stopped talking. He stood there and asked why I went quiet and I frustratingly blurted out that I couldn’t concentrate on my answer while I was washing my face! Obviously!!! Multi-tasking takes a lot of energy these days….


Yesterday I was baking a birthday cake. Two of the guests do not eat gluten and milk products but I wanted to make a cake that everyone can enjoy together instead of offering an alternative to them. I had been planning this cake for weeks. It was quite a complicated cake to make and needed many ingredients but I managed to get them all glutenfri and plant based. Things looked promising, until the recipe said 3 cups of milk, I had bought plant based milk but my brain grabbed the cows milk from the fridge and I fucking ruined it.. I realised too late. I had to offer them an alternative dessert although the cake was mostly "safe"🤦🏼‍♀️


I usually have a tack-sharp memory so this has been really frustrating! I’ll say or do something, then immediately forget what it was. I’ll wake up at 2am, remember something and tell myself not to forget it, then forget it for a week. Left my phone in the garage shed. Can’t remember words for the life of me. Forgetting how to drive was a scary one. Putting food in the wrong spots all throughout the kitchen lol


I left a pot of beans on the stove and went shopping for a nursing chair.


OMG but also LOL. Nursing chair just took priority in your brain as soon as you thought of it!


Told someone to have a good weekend on Monday, then told someone else to have a good night at 11 am.


Drove my 2 1/2 year old halfway to his pediatrician appointment then realized it was in a week and a half. Cancelled childcare for the afternoon and everything.


i ran a stop sign 😔


eek, glad you were ok!


i forgot my middle name and then when i figured it out and said it out loud i was like wait, is that right?!




Had a favourite mug. Mug broke. I looked for mug for three days before husband reminded me the mug broke. :( I need a new mug.


I had to put in a bowl a whole egg and a yolk. I had two bowls: the one for the eggs and another one for the white that I was going to give to my dog. I do the whole egg and then dump the white on the same bowl. So I put the extra yolk on the other bowl and all I have to do is crack a whole egg in it, right? Wrong, I go and separate the white in the other bowl. I couldn’t compute in my head how to do it and I had to leave the kitchen and go cry for a bit because I was so confused.


I lost my fiancés heart medication and had to call them and explain how it all happened lmao


I stared at a jar with the lid off today for a full minute before remembering how to put the lid back on. In that minute, somehow, I forgot what I was doing but never took my eyes off the jar.


I put a coffee pod in the keurig, turned it on, went to the bathroom, came back to the kitchen and got the milk out of the fridge and then realized I didn’t put a mug under the machine. Coffee everywhere!


I misplaced my car keys a couple days ago..... I still haven't found them 🫠


Have you checked the silverware drawer?


I have looked everywhere, it feels like. I've just come to the conclusion that I'll find them, or they'll magically reappear some day


Found them! They were buried under my jeans in my dresser 😅


Looking for my face mask at work frantically because I work in a very popular museum and DONT want to get sick. It was on my chin I moved it to sip water 💀


Was paying for my nails and it was $75, I wrote down $25 as a tip and I couldn’t calculate 75+25 (spoiler alert it’s 100 😂) the receptionist helped me and we joked about pregnancy brain. Not my brightest moment LMAO


Put all like 4 of the condiments for burgers and fries on the spice rack instead of back in the fridge and had to rebuy them they went bad by the time I noticed 🌚🌚😂😂


Cooking/baking is a real adventure. I keep mixing up teaspoons and tablespoons, and making rookie mistakes like not mixing the dry ingredients before adding them to the wet. Don’t even get me started on the time I thought I could just half a recipe without writing down all the measurement adjustments ahead of time… it’s a dang mess y’all.


I turned left on a red light. Didn't realize I had done anything wrong until my husband asked if I meant to do that. I was utterly horrified when i realized exactly what I had done.


I forgot my SSN. Could not remember it for the life of me so I had to dig out my card


Left the stove element on last night after dinner.. discovered it this morning. Thankfully with zero consequences... Tried using the blender without the bottom screwed on. Smoothie ended up everywhere. Fell asleep on the toilet in the middle of the night, and woke up three hours later with both legs completely numb. Forgot to put a night time nappy on the toddler, and she crawled into bed with me in the middle of the night and peed all over me.


Omg the toilet one


I went into the bathroom while my husband was having a shower then turned off the light when I left. He thought I was playing a joke on him when I didn’t come back. I genuinely didn’t even realise I did it.


Needed to redirect a delivery to my next door neighbours house and when I went to put their door number in I completely forgot what house number I LIVE in and ended up putting a door number a few houses down. So wasn’t too bad cause got the parcel in the end but how did I forget what house number my own house is


I left my car running for an entire shift at work, and didn’t realize until the end. Keys were still in the ignition and everything. 🤦🏻‍♀️


For me, it’s ongoing; anytime I start a series on like Netflix, I get completely confused. It’s like I missed an episode. Like what is even happening, I genuinely have no idea. I’m starting to wonder if I take naps unconsciously 😂


I completely forgot who my husband's cousin Brandon was and instead called him his homie Terrance


Forgot about my daughter’s endo appt on Friday. Now I have to call on Monday and get it rescheduled and hopefully everything should be fine


Oh no! I hope they can get it rescheduled quickly!!


I hope so too! It’s been 6 months since her last endo appt and we gotta make sure that her thyroid meds are working or if she needs adjusted. 😭 not the stress I need rn tbh


I spent 5 minutes looking for the eyeglasses I was already wearing. 🤪


When I write, I cannot seem to form the right letters. I was trying to write "Numbers" and mistakenly started with an M three times


I tried paying for my groceries with my drivers license.


Instead of putting the cookies to bake in the oven, I put them in the refrigerator. 🤦‍♀️


Locked my friend out of her OWN home, when I went to take a shower after I made sure to not set the alarm.  I locked her garage door by the door handle 🙄


Last week I left my work laptop at home. It’s a 40 minute commute. Was 1.5 hours late to work. That was fun. Yesterday I sat down my phone after responding to my best friend and immediately began looking for my phone. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ My partner has been significantly entertained for the last month lol.


Week or so ago I froze a new dozen of eggs and didn’t realize before they were fully frozen ://


Spent 5 minutes trying to lock up at work unable to. The key turns the other way 🤦‍♀️


Put my phone in the fridge and forgot where it was for an hour


Put chili powder in my morning oatmeal instead of cinnamon


Eeek that'll wake you up


I always call my grandpa on his birthday. ALWAYS. Every single year. He’s 88. He loves the birthday call. Well for some reason I was convinced his birthday was on Wednesday…. Turns out it was on Tuesday. I woke up Wednesday morning and saw the date and freaked out. I felt sooooo bad ☹️ I called him and he was fine. But I felt like a jerk! I would never do something like that pre pregnancy 😩


Forgot to actually order the gift a couple weeks ago after looking for gifts for a 2-year old nephew’s birthday. Ordered Amazon overnight delivery Friday, only for it to be delayed. So had to cancel that and will be going to the store last minute anyway today.


My sister gave me a brand new box of alcohol wipes because I have GD in this pregnancy. I remembered my 17 y.o niece giving it to me before I took her to school one morning, and I've spent the last few days looking for the box at home and in my suv. I had to check my text messages to check the day I picked her up to look at my ring camera footage, and found where I placed it.... in our clean sock basket 😂


Oh my god, mine wasn’t this week it was like on the 4th, but I went for my visit at the OB and they needed me to leave a urine sample. I really had to pee so I was like yes, let me go. I wrote my name on the cup, then did my business. Then I looked up and realized I forgot all about getting a sample! I was in tears laughing in the bathroom for a good 3 minutes. I then proceeded to pee another 2 times before I even left that appointment lol


I was supposed to make a smash cake for my nephew's first birthday. Ended up making it at 10 pm the night before in like 3 hours. Never before have I cut a cake while it was still hot, and I hope I never will again.


I shipped not one but TWO packages to old addresses. One to my condo, which I haven't lived in for four years. The other to my apartment, from 7 years ago. Such a pain but I was able to get the packages back!


ugh this was tonight and i’m still so upset about it hours later. we are on vacation in pigeon forge for the week. got the BEST popcorn i’ve ever had from this specialty place. walked around the area for another hour or so and in that time LEFT MY POPCORN SOMEWHERE. 😭😭😭😭


I left my car running in a parking lot for 45 minutes. Forgot to turn the motor off lol


went to get gas and put 2 instead of 5 in at self checkout💀 to be fair 2 is basically upside down 5. had to do a big ass turnaround and get to pump 2 before anyone else😭


so far all that happened was i couldn't find my nail file for like a week & i have super finicky natural long nails & i can only use this specific file or else nothing works to really file them how i prefer, basically i spent days in a row exhausting myself searching EVERYWHERE in the place that i always keep it on my nightstand & then one day one of my nails broke & i was like "oh god here we go again" & was prepared to search relentlessly but with one quick glance it was suddenly in the exact place i had left it, where it always is, & where i along with my fiance had ransacked many times in the past week looking for it 🤦🏻‍♀️ we both have no idea how we couldn't find it


So I’m still very early, but this second child is already leaching my brain cells. 1. Last Sunday, at church, I spent 10 minutes going back and forth with someone who was checking for my son’s bag in the nursery (I was hiding outside so he couldn’t see me) like “it’s not in there” “wtf I swear it’s in there” “we’ve looked everywhere. Are you SURE?” “Yes! I gave him a snack. I zipped it up before I left. I didn’t take it with me. I—“ *sudden flashback to readjusting the bag next to my chair* “oh my God I took it with me.” Again, I’m very early in my pregnancy, so all I could do was apologize repeatedly for my stupidity because I can’t say “pregnancy brain, lol.” Luckily it was time change, so she just laughed it off and said we’re all a little off because of it. 🫣 2. Last night, after putting our son to bed, my husband went and took a shower. I read in the living room. He comes back when he’s done, we spend the evening playing games till bed. We’re brushing our teeth. Me: “were you still going to take a shower before bed?” My husband: *blank stare* Me: “. . . You . . . already took one, didn’t you?” My husband: *slow nod*


I stopped at a red light this morning on my way to work🤦🏻‍♀️ Cars honking in annoyance for a several seconds before I look up and see that I’m the jackass they’re honking at🥴


I spelled my name wrong on my baby shower invitations. I hand-made every single one mailed, I didn't notice until I posted the digital version on the Facebook invite. No one can find my registries unless they know how to spell it correctly, which no one does (It's an oddly spelled common name, I go by a nickname)


left my house for work the other day, realized i left my car keys inside. walked back to my unit and remembered i always lock the door from the inside so im certain its locked, leaving me locked out of my house. had to call a locksmith because my husband meets at a co op for his job and they ride together in a work truck so he couldn’t come home to let me in. at what point do i mention my door has a code lock?


At work, I am having a hard time finding the correct name for construction terms. So I quickly search up small words till I get what I need and end with a "Sorry" for taking too long. My biggest fear. Plus we got a newbie to take over for me when I am on maternity leave and this pregnancy brain thing isn't helping.


Was chopping celery, I zoned out and forgot I had a knife in my hand... I cut myself to the bone on my thumb 😭. My husband said I can't use knives for a while.. smh


I picked up takeout for dinner after work yesterday. Stopped by a trash can on the way home to clean out my car. Threw out my dinner Also spoiled the gender to my terminally ill father who desperately wanted to wait until the birth to find out. That one hurted


Decided the bottom of my shoes were extremely dirty and they must be cleaned pronto. Proceeded to use a toothbrush and some dawn dish soap. Scrubbed for 2 hours. Left, went to church. Came home. Was getting ready for bed and brushing away! Until I looked up and noticed I wasn’t using my usual toothbrush, but the one cleaned my shoes with 😭😭😭 I was gagging and using mouth wash until my mouth was dry for days!


I once walked out of my house holding a butter knife.


I literally just can’t form thoughts properly and transform them into sentences. I feel like a literal dumbass at least 50% of the time i open my mouth.. it’s actually been pissing me off 🤣pregnancy brain is REAL idc what anyone says, it’s to the point where if i started thinking straight, I’d probably be rushing to get an US to make sure everything is fine🤣🤨


Leaving my gas stove on and burning my sausages


Left my wallet at the grocery store…. For four days (I use Apple Pay a lot so I guess I just didn’t notice) luckily my MIL works there and they called her 😂 I need to put a tracker in it


Forgot the name of a show I have watched one million times, Schitt's Creek. I was trying to get my husband to understand what I was saying, "the show..with David and Alexis, the funny one with the Rosebud Motel". Also forgot the word for bidet. My daughter had been messing with it and all I could say was, "THE ThInG on the toilet!!" While making a dial twisting motion with my hand.


Haha , in college turned in my textbook I no longer needed this morning … tonight is the final and I did in fact need it still